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I now have $175 USD to spend. What desktop PC should I get if I just want to play Minecraft Java Edition? Preferably at least 8th gen Intel.
you're poor
Duh! I graduated high school less than 3 months ago and I've never had a job. Of course I'm poor! I'll buy something better once I'm making money.
eeww, digits and you die!
Raphi sexo
Post more Raphael.
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N97 mini PCs should handle Minecraft.
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As you wish, but only one more. I like that she's got some meat on her bones. Will go to bed after this.
Do those have soldered SSDs? If not, which brands are the best? Really don't want some no-name shit.
They're like 3x3 inches, nothing in it is replaceable or reusable.
The RAM is soldered but the SSDs are not.
I'd get one with LPDDR5 RAM, it's soldered but at least it's fast. The included SSDs are usually M2 SATA but I believe you can replace them with an NVME.
I believe the most popular one now is the GMKtec Nucbox G5, just make sure the BIOS is up-to-date for this model to get full performance. Another option is the Blackview MP80, but make sure it's the N97 model, not the N95. And lastly I see there's an AOC branded one that doesn't have many reviews but on paper looks pretty good to me.
I know about these options because I've been considering picking up one myself. Even if you upgrade to something better these seem like they'd be really handy to keep around as a power efficient home server, HTPC, backup PC, etc.
Wrong, the SSD is usually replaceable.
If he can get a desktop pc for $175 he's rich
shit I remember even in like 2010 when you could build a decent athlon II PC for like 215 dollars it was still more than you can afford
I'll add that an alternative to the mini PCs would be looking into used laptops. You can always connect an external monitor and mouse/keyboard to use them like a desktop. In your price range I think you'll get better integrated graphics than you would looking at desktops. Options with dedicated GPUs will probably go over your budget. If going Intel, I'd look for 11th gen or newer, that will get you AV1 hardware decoding.
That game is mathematically impossible to run decently if you use texture packs or mods, the memory leak from constant poor programming practices will always cause garbage collection stutter.
The only thing you can do is use absurd amount of RAM so you get stutters that are longer but occur less often.
Get the CPU with the best gaming performance you can afford.
used hp z220 with maxed out specs fits into the price
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Raphi smells
get a stinkpad t480, pcs are more expensive since you need a kb, mouse, and monitor aside from the pc itself
>texture packs or mods
>adding more bloat to an already incredibly bloated game
you graduated high school 3 months ago and you still dont have a job?
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I own your melon pans.
As other anons said, expect to use mods (sodium lithium phosphor are decent)
Just get an old office pc for like 50$ and slap a low profile gpu, 1050ti is an easy solution. You might even find a 1650 for 100$

You're welcome
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Don't play videogames.

They consume your time, and right now, you have the best time of your life. You have the best health you will ever have. The most energy. The most ability to apply yourself for long hours to study and master something.

That all fades with age, and you will never get this time back. Put on a maid outfit and use your computer to do advanced Mathematics and Computer Science research. Study your favorite research topics until you are so good you can advance them.

Go to college, take it slow so you absorb everything related to your interest, and just discard the rest mentally when classes stop. Look for research opportunities with your school. Keep going. Get a PhD in your favorite research topic and make research.

Play Minecraft when you get too old to do research. By then you can relax with family and play Minecraft on a private server that has all your grandchildren and you can show them cool stuff like redstone computer.
I graduated high school 8 years ago, college 3, and I still don't have a job. Haha. Kill me...
this board only uses crts found in dumpsters and thinkpads stolen from their grandparents basements. i suggest going over to /biz/ and asking them for advice instead
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Did someone say kevin nash thread?
>tfw you find out you dont have any kevin nash photos
fuck it close enough

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