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>they actually removed headphone jack and expect us to use this thing
>they don't even work and the sound cuts out if you jiggle it a little
no, they expect you to buy expensive wireless headphones that you will lose in a month or two, then buy them again.
jewish money making scam
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they actually expect you to use this
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No Mr poorfag. Use full sized Bluetooth headphones like a man.
I specifically said full sized not tws
Why do we even have other connectors? Almost everything should be UART over audio jacks.
isn't USB3.0 parallel communication now? the fuck do they need all those wires for. imagine going from parallel to serial for memes
When you say full size, you mean the big ones that cover your ears? Or is there a headphone category I'm not aware of?
>quality loss
>power consumption
i didn't really mind this and then i bought a pair of sony xm4 wireless buds and i have basically never used the usb port unless i was manually updating my phone or copying files over. i don't even technically have to do that either, i just do it because it's convenient.
i use this on my pc as a DAC
these are great if you have a USB-C phone with a busted headphone jack, since there's a DAC/amp in it that works with pretty much Android phone (and computers too)
>He doesn’t want to offboard his DAC
Absolutely Plebeian
>i need to make the cord on my corded headphones slightly longer!! the world is ending
if you don't like it don't buy an iphone. it is LITERALLY that simple
>use a device that does one thing and does it well
USB dongles are UNIX philosophy
If you stick to jacks you are a hypocrite
>does it well
>wireless headphones
>wireless charging
>wireless file transfer
I could buy a phone with no ports at all and it wouldn't affect me in the slightest
eh i still like having it there just in case, but yeah, the way things are going it's hardly needed. I do think someone should be updating bluetooth protocol to be a bit less lossy though or come up with something better altogether.
I only buy phones with headphone jacks.
The Unix philosophy shouldn't be treated as a religion.
>still have half a decade old airpods
skill issue
i never used them. i don't even own an iphone.
ok good for you anon, want a medal?
At first everyone laughed at people wearing these, and then all of a sudden it became quite normal. They still look ridiculous.
The apple jews want you to use goypods instead since they're bluetooth
no i'm already a heterosexual, i don't need a medal for not being a faggot.
what a yapping faggot
TRS is the way
you know what? i'm gonna say it
i don't miss clotheslining myself with my headphones while cleaning the kitchen
why would you gimp a phone's jack by preventing mic attachment? it's a phone, one of its core functionalities is having a mic
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>You're NOT ALLOWED to have replaceable batteries because uhhmm its bad for the environment or something, you VILL pay 300$ and wait weeks for a battery replacement chud
>We can't just have headphone jacks like that! Think about all the heckin dust that could go there, thats very problematic sweetie, buy this shitty retarded looking dongle instead :)
>Experts agree SD card slots are bad because uhhmm they're slow compared to the super fast internal memory which you won't store anything other than images and vids on it. Want more storage? That would be extra 200$ per 100GiB :DD
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got this to record stereo.
>>Experts agree SD card slots are bad because uhhmm they're slow compared to the super fast internal memory

what internal memory? pay us for cloud storage you ugly incel
>measures great
The state of the snartphone market is depressing.
>out after 2021
is only found on chinkphones which are an ass to unlock. If also consider
> <6' display
there is 0 choice.
the shitty chinese one I've been using just broke. Thanks big tech
But if you were using a DAC inside your phone and it broke, you'd have to replace the phone. Thank the chinks for mad savings.
>allow retards to replace batteries
>they do stupid shit
>housefires everywhere
>rrreeeeeeeee it is not me, it is stupid manufacturer sending me a shitty battery!!!
In case you haven't noticed it's absence is a premium feature on Android now. Only the cheapest models come with a jack.
LMAO now flagship reviewers put the presence of a jack as a positive
Nobody wanted this change
I was talking about the manufacturers. They'll jam it down your throat and you'll like it.
>Just in case
Of what?
Just get a pixel or a OnePlus
That's what I did, bought a refurbed pixel 4a to replace my old broken one. 180EUR was a good deal for a "like-new" with 3y warranty. Feels like it's the last good phone (5a is 4a 5G).
>6Gb RAM
But what next? Nobody makes good phones anymore, and I will have the same problem a few years from now.
solid state components are a lot less likely to break than shitty chinese USB cables
Fuck both. The only reason to use a dongle is to get better sound out of an old computer/laptop without needing a desktop dac/amp and the only reason to use true wireless shit is at the gym/house chores.
an official apple one is $9 and lasts along longer and sounds alot better
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That thing just werks though
Never happened to me in years of heavy use. I have the Lightning -> 3.5mm though, not USB-C so maybe that works better

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