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What does this even mean?
Are luddites mental?
ai is a meme and will be part of the global depression coming.
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more like this
it takes more effort to advance a project with ai?
>Introvert with AI
>"I'm sorry, I cannot be pulled due to ... However, it's important to note that..."
One (competent) man leveraging AI tools can do a lot more work without needing to rely on other people.
Literally me in the bottom panel.

Btw AI is gonna blow up entrepreneurship a lot because you can get your project to a much later phase before you ever have to worry about paying people.
>Btw AI is gonna blow up entrepreneurship a lot because you can get your project to a much later phase before you ever have to worry about paying people.
I sure hope so.
>t. nocoder
>Btw AI is gonna blow up entrepreneurship
Nope. The big corpo are going to weaponize it against entrepreneur and small businesses.
Competition bad; Monopoly good.
Always has been; Always will be.
Donald Trump almost got killed.
Is there a list of these one man projects that used AI to finish work that would have taken 15 men to finish?
Only if he's using it to post on /pol/
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The introvert should be brown for no reason, too.
>Are luddites mental?
They're looking for ANY excuse to shit on AI. Don't engage with them.
They're probably right that the current state of AI is dogshit, but for the wrong reasons sicne they don't know shit about programming
>What does this even mean?
An introvert with AI is 3x more productive than the over groups.
Are you niggers even trying?
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Locally generated on mah phone, just entered "Introvert with AI"
>twitter thread
i dont recall you faggots taking screenshots of facebook, reddit, instagram or literally any other social meda
Because Twitter is the most discussion worthy platform? It's the same reason Reddit and Twitter also have "Greentext"/*chan posts.
Boomer platform to keep in touch with family, nothing meaningful ever posted that could be interested to people offplatform
Either family based or EWhores, EWhores get better discoverability on Twitter so they usually crosspost on both
Refers to itself as "the internets comment section", self explanatory, very little content on reddit is original and instead it relies on posting content and articles from other places such as.. Twitter/News Articles/Youtube etc.
Most original content these days is shared on Twitter, Twitter has done massive damage to websites like Pixiv and Deviantart effectively replacing them but it's not just content creators, politicians and companies themselves often post comments or news here first, which is why you see twitter threads on other websites, Twitter is frequently the "source"
Facebook is irrelevant, it's like the aol of today, they're all just contained there and you can't view it anyway without giving up all your ID to them.
They'll just let you build the business and buy you out, that's usually how it works.
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>shitter screencap thread
>Durga Oral
Get a clue lol
everything resolves about your shitty country lol
fuck donald jew trump, along with jew biden and all ai company founders
Yes, the USA is the main character country you Europoor
>shitter catfag posting cat
>durr anal
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more like
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topkek, what the fuck is a 'LLM' bro?
The future is 'AI', didn't you hear about it?
Except remove the wheels.
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It cute
> LLMs are as good as normies
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What did the introvert do to three other people?
Ligma Lick My
No one codes on /g/ee
how is this anti AI? is it because le incels should be kept down or sonething? i genuinely don't get it.
I had it refuse writing a libseccomp program like that.
i think the author is insinuating AI drags you down with its rat tail of hidden costs
A shame the shooter couldn't aim for shit.
Lardoid mutt needs to feel important
let us see you shoot the top of a president's ear
Why the ear? Shoot the torso, it's not like you're surviving that anyway.
more people survived being shot in the torso than in the head
I foresee the next collapse will be due to the fragility of the global economic ecosystem.

There are several nations that fully depend on food imports. Of the nations they import from, they no doubt depend on some other import that enables their industrialised agriculture, take fertiliser for example.
That is just one supply chain - there are millions of supply chains. It is a fucking miracle that Ukraine collapsing didn't do more damage to the global infrastructure.

How many companies have to go under for a key industry to collapse? How many people, machines, or servers are essential to their continued functioning?

The global collapse will start with something mundane, like a rubber plantation in bumfuck nowhere being destroyed by a mudslide.
>dogan ural
even their names are repulsive.
it's hilarious how so many retards have been tricked into thinking that self sufficient economies are a bad thing.

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