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Never settle

>What phone has X and Y feature?
Don't ask, use these!

Good Resources:

>Frequency Checkers

>Visual Phone Size Comparison

>Everything rooting and custom ROM related
>Beware carrier variants with locked bootloaders

>Debloat your stock ROM

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>Anyone aggressively promoting iPhone is an underage micropenis shill who should be ignored
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>Tell us how many shekels you spent on a good/bad phone

Previous thread: >>101419920
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Sorry, Firefly. The one I truly love is Xueyi.
Smart Phone General
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> Before the thread gets going I just want to say fuck you guys for popularizing big ass phones
Big phones are more universal. People using them because they are convenient.
In midrange and below big phones are just economically conditioned. People cant afford $2000 laptop, $800 tablet and $1000 phone at the same time, they only have $500-600. So they buy biggest phone possible
I have a desktop PC with a normal-sized PC monitor so I have no need for a large phone, because I'm never gonna use that for media consumption at home.
Galaxy S23 (and S24) is the one of the only normal-sized phones on the market right now and it's still a bit too big if I wanted to use it one handed while walking or in public transport. Despite that it's still the best option so it's the one I bought, but I don't doubt Samsung will just kill the Plus model in a year or two and make the standard S26 or S27 or something be 6.36 inch like the Xiaomi 14.
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Here's your cheap compact, retard
> I have
Okay Boomer
Users of Xiaomi gadgets have not been able to access the Mi Home technology and application for several days, which connects all the manufacturer's devices (CCTV cameras, kettles, vacuum cleaners, phones etc.).
> Burgerland issue.
> You have to understand that Americans live in their own separate world, far away from everyone else



How mutts even live? I mean they are using SMS..
The Nord 4 would have been perfect for me if it had USB 3.2.
Why the fuck did they stick with 2.0?
> Somebody will fill the niche
There's no niche. "Retards thats very picky" is not a niche. Especially considering that all those whining retards aren't consooooom phone every year
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How can I record all my phone conversations.

It is legal where I live.

FOSS is a plus, but this frankly just needs to happen.

It's not in my One UI phone default app settings.

Scamscum s24 Ultra
> How can I record all my phone conversations.
With built in recorder. Most phones have it except Samsung, Sony, Pixel and Motorola.
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>top bezel and a punch hole notch

All Samsungs have call recorder built-in.
Should I get an Xperia 1 VI to replace my 15 Pro Max? Seems like the perfect phone, except for the ridiculous pricetag
> I want compact
> Here's your compact
that's why it will fail in sales.
> All Samsungs have call recorder built-in.
Only in China
Yeah because it's always niche ass companies. Why won't Samsung make an A-series phone with the standard Samsung design language, software, and features, and midrange specs like SD 7 Gen 3 or equivalent Exynos, but a 5.4 inch 19.5:9 screen? I'd buy that for $400 with a promise of 4+ years of updoots.
But no, it's companies nobody has heard about that make these experimental small phones. I don't want to risk it, and the design is ugly and outdated front and back.
>Why won't Samsung make an A-series phone with the standard Samsung design language, software, and features, and midrange specs like SD 7 Gen 3 or equivalent Exynos, but a 5.4 inch 19.5:9 screen

Because it won't sell
I'd buy it if I was in the market for a new phone the year it drops.
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My A53 is still going strong
Any way to disable "Enable Google Play Services" notifications through ADB? I don't want to root, at least not yet. Android 13 running on Wingtech Leopard.
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Samsung would only be interested if you intend to buy 10+ million of them. You have to understand how incredibly niche your desires are - they are statistically abnormal. Even if you round up all of the smallphone contrarians and somehow convince them all to commit to a group buy how many people do you think that will actually be? A thousand? Ten thousand? Samsung's A series includes some of the best selling phones of all time and total sales across all devices are cresting hundreds of millions. To Samsung, you saying
>I will buy this
Is statistically synonymous with
>No one will buy this
Nope, they all have it. You just need to enable it.
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My 6y/o redmi is falling apart so I need a new phone, but I do not want to spend jack shit unless it's something really interesting (like picrel). What are good used options? Budget depends on how cool the phone is, up to 200€.
Would prefer something with good rom support (unlike picrel) so I can keep it for a long time.
>interesting phone
>Active custom ROM community
Pick two.
That's the thing, I don't know which two to pick as I've been out of the smartphone scene since the kitkat days. Spoonfeed me options!!
>used phone up to 200 euro
Galaxy S20 FE or S21 FE are your best options. For the same price as a brand new A35 or something you get an actually good phone. No idea how the custom rom support is on them thoughbeit
Modern Samsung phones + cfw = break things
> Yeah because it's always niche ass companies.
Because of this >>101439239
No one would make device for screaming children.
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May I present: the of the most shilled phone on /spg/, the Sony Xperia 5 IV!
Now with 5% more cleaner because snoyboys kept mistaking dust with cracks.
>retard breaks his phone
>waah, phone bad
fucking retard
To be honest no one shills it even here.
Lmao. If I hadn't bought a chinkphone last month AND Unihertz( who cater to niche phonefags) had proper after sales support, I would've been head over heals for the Jelly Max. But it was not meant to be.
Keep posting your broken phone and maybe you'll learn not to break it next time
The IV was a terrible series though
Realme Neo GT6 Chinese version from Aliexpress <$200>Pocox6>Pocof3-f4> Any other used old flagship smartphones >>101440366
If you have real tech skill the Chinese version of Realms Neo series has always been best bang for the buck phone specs wise in the past 4 years even more than the poco x6 pro I bought from Aliexpress
Xperias are rarely shilled here, idiot. And 5 ii was the king of green lines. Thanks to Samsung displays lmao.
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I need a new samshit fast. What's the difference between A35 and A55? Seems like the same phone. Is the 5 model still best bang for buck like 3 years ago?
So I've bought myself a OnePlus 12 and this piece of shit heats up even when scrolling system settings. I've ran a benchmark to see just how hot can it get and it became so hot it was impossible to pick it up and the lenses all fogged up.
It was supposed to be one of the best phones on the market, basically every review mentions great thermals.
What the fuck, is this really how smartphone market is right now? Are the users all just copium-addicted retards telling themselves that's how it's supposed to be?
I'm returning mine, but holy shit, there's literally no good phone to buy right now.
you just happen to get a faulty one. no big deal you crying faggot. get a replacement and that is that.
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Did notebookcheck also got a faulty one for review of is 45 degrees celsius the new normal temperature for a phone in 2024?
why did you buy it then? you could have researched it well in advance.
a software update didn´t solve the problem? if not then just return it.
It's only one guy
No. That's was because Sony didn't aby qc
> I need a new samshit fast
> . What's the difference between A35 and A55?
A55 is better. Slightly.
I haven't seen such a problem. I think you should check for warranty

Enough said.

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