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can safely say I am a new fag. browsed briefly in 2018 saw something fucked up on /b/ and decided my mother was right and internet people are crazy.
Been browsing and posting consistently since 2023 now and can safely say this is better. I wish, nay I pray that the internet becomes decentralised again, it just makes sense.Lets break it down
>you get exactly what you want when you want it
>like minded people. ie if you want an echo chamber or whatever other faggy shit you can have it
>community, old 4chan seemed to be much more interconnected than it is now but my point is still the same. if you have a forum for idk pooper scoopers then everyone there's gonna know each other.
>outta sight outta mind. wanna know why there are so many random fetishists out in public. CUS THE HAVE NOWHERE TO GO. so the violate the masses with there doodoo eating or idk foot licking?
(yk I never understood the feet thing any foot people who wanna explain please do so)

Look I'm not asking for mid 90s purple on yellow sneed forum but everyone going to specific places for specific things yes please. Many people like to attribute this decline to tha mass Tumblr migration but I don't think that's it. At least it's not the whole truth.

anyways feel free to discuss and for more information keep an eye out for my own internet hole theagarthianhub.net.com
gov.uk :]
This is a giant echo chamber, don't be fooled by the Potemkin village.
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>InB4 phone posting just laugh at the coincidence

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not all of it. r9k is the closest I've seen to an echo chamber, and people still disagree over there too
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Arr9K and their twinks have been a disaster for the website.
social media happened
>I pray that the internet becomes decentralised again
to make that happen you'd have to either outlaw ads or abolish capitalism alltogether
lol go back to your pedo cabal basedteen

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