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Why are computers and technology such a male-dominated hobby?
lust provoked
Women obsess over people, men obsess over complex inanimate objects with rigid rules.
Lain is also male-dominated
computers are technical things and most things in tech are not really self explanatory
women don't want to put in the effort to understand the fundamentals
t. undergrad who have seen many of his female classmates who exhibit this behavior
There are also more male electricians, and computing was seen as an extension of that for a while
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Practically, there's no reason why it should be.
There are no "old boys clubs" here, all the documentation is out there, tons of courses, resources, etc. Online participation doesn't necessitate going anywhere outside one's comfort zone and you can be anyone you'd like online.

I just think it's the perception of what it means to be interested in computers and technology. I.e. you're a geek. And with many women, that doesn't jive well.
women naturally are more interested in social dynamics while men are interested in things.

So even the few women that are into technology got started into it by being interested in the "nerds" social dynamics and finding an opening to assert their power in those groups because they couldnt do it in the traditional groups (sports etc...).

This is all subconscious and many people dont want to admit it.
I first watched Lain in 04 and since then I've only met one woman who knew what it was. Are womens tastes in media really this boring?
>Why are computers and technology such a male-dominated hobby?
It's not. Check your fact first. And only then, try asking question.
cultural gender norms
we tell boys to "study hard & become something"
we tell girls to "look pretty & merry well"
everything else stems from that
literally the opposite of whats happening right now
>women are told you can be anything
>you are better then men
they study till 25 yo, go into male spaces:
>get preferential treament cos of DEI initiatives (yes i've seen women clearly not capable of doing the job pass over extremely qualified and skilled candidates)
>they engage in office dynamics and do less work then men (because that was their real interest all along : social dynamics)
>realize they are burned out at 30
>find a beta to marry so they can afford to work less or stop altogether
>if they cant find a beta they go all in powertrip managerial position where they still dont do any work and are a net negative to society.

I swear if every women stopped working tomorrow society would flourish.
there are a lot of factors
first the pool is smaller, because of >>101438614 and >>101438655
but then even the girls that are interested in it often leave the field because of how badly they are treated; just look at how /g/ talks about any woman in tech.

>STEMS from
Only malebrained women would ever think a career where you sit at a computer quietly and churn away code is a rewarding career path, and these get rapidly pipelined into becoming trans men in 2024.
more like incel dominated
socially awkard people prefer tech/engineering, and it so happens socially awkard people are mostly men
Lain is boring, yes
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She's fucking 14.
then why do you have that image?
this. Women are naturally more social. The only people who aren't are bottom tier men (Chads are into sports and business) so they cope by staring at a screen editing text files. It also gives them a sense of control and amicability that they won't get from real life.
Because women aren't interested in anything beyond how it can hook them up with men who have resources. They have no passion or love for anything. They are the true NPCs
she's fucking anyone she wants, chud!
>irrelevant thread
every. time.
>but meh anime websi-
kill yourself
Normally you prefer hags over 30.
idk about that but I know for certain you will never be a woman tho
The term "male-dominated" has an unnecessarily negative connotation
that's the point nigger
out of 10
We are more prone to ADD and autism?
I think more women are ok with being geeks now. But some are only doing it ironically to be attention whores.
>I swear if every women stopped working tomorrow society would flourish.
oy vey that is antisemitic
trips of truth
Because women don't like it. Shocker, I know, but men and women aren't equal and don't like the same things.
Lack of testosterone means lack of logic.

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