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Stop being tracked and policed by corporate social media! Just set up a GNU/Linux server and install this big web application and run it forever!
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>Leftoids hate twitter
>Most of them migrate to mastadon
>Mastadon is now full of child pornagraphy posters

Baraag is the only good thing to coume out of that shit
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You clearly never visited the Forbidden Zone
I'm good.
You know you don't have to run your own server if you don't want, right? Sign up on any open one that has rules you can follow, or roll your own.
>GnuSocial (?)
Know that at least the first 3 are still in development and all microblogging stuff is interoperable thankfully - one thing Fediverse stuff got right

One major issue that is frustrating about the fediverse is the amount of "defederation" that happens that affects users. Frankly, there should be NO technical 'defederation'/ban/block tier higher than
>Content from banned servers never shows up on your server in any of its public feeds, universe etc. However, your users can personally seek out or interact with users or content from those servers privately if they so choose (ie T3 block/defederation on Mastodon and other projects).
instead of the option for
>As above, but also users cannot interact with any users or content from "bad" servers as defined by the admin of their server (T4 block/defederation)
There's no real use case for the above and it fucks with interoperability, treats users like children, and otherwise is shitty. This is made even worse with the sort of preemptive blocklist and guilt by association garbage that some admins got into - one look at Fediblock and its successors proved that the rationale for many of those servers was completely asinine. I remember a couple offhand including
>One of the largest Japanese Mastodon servers and at the time, top 5-10 in general, either mstdn dot jp or pawoo dot net , was put on the meany bad nazi list because some random user posted some historical nazi era pic of a rally or building or something with no text, trannyadmin writes to JP server admin in english to demand they take it down, it was still up 3 weeks later (and had no replies, discussion, retweet etc), so they got added to the EVIL FASCIST BLOCKLIST ALSO PROBABLY LOLI BECAUSE JAPAN HURRR
Don't own a then phone retard.
I should mention that you can get around this shit with relative ease by simply having accounts on multiple servers, but you shouldn't HAVE to do that. Replacing major profiteering centralized, engagement driven proprietary social media with decentralized FOSS projects is a major form of harm reduction; the genie isn't going back in the bottle and all the newfags and phonefags and zoomers who grew up with social media aren't likely to give it up en masse and go back to forums, messengers, chat, RSS etc. So we need less shit alternatives and it seemed like a lot of Fediverse types saw the potential, especially as Twitter began to repeatedly shit the bed even before the Musk transition. However projects that had this kind of shit meant not an interoperable network, but various walled communities, completely compromising a core benefit of the project. . It CAN be beaten by having enough admins of communities that don't censor get large enough that the ones who do basically get squeezed out by the adults in the room, but we're a long way from that . Fuck any admins who engage in ideological preemptive blocking of instances on tenuous grounds, affecting all the users on both instances.
I made that FSE logo. I'm more on Nostr now though. The tech is just better.
The community seems like cryptobros though. At least they seem like the based hype-rejecting kind, but I don't really care too much about crypto since i'm fucking poor. At least fediverse has different kinds of people, and allows for different niches to form like in >>101439244
so /g/, for once, finally made the logo...
will stick with private phpBB, private altchans, private irc with reddis web front-ends, private umurmur voice chat, private ssh-chat, private chroot sftp-only file txfr. thx.
Bloat clone is still Bloat.
Forum is 1000x better.
sorry, don't feel like talking to retards on a twitter copy

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