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>although the common opinion among programmers seems to be that it's a sin to block archive.org, I believe it's fine to do that if you don't want old versions of your site floating around
people that allow archive dot org, archive dot moe, search engines etc. to scrape and index their sites are fucking retards.
> seems to be that it's a sin to block archive.org
never happened.
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I will scrap your site and steal your shit and there is nothing you can do.
this is why people should auto save websites with mostly static content
save it locally to your hard drive. i don't want my sites archived by faggots.

> there is nothing you can do.
plenty i can do, seething real life wojack.
i don't trust any website that excludes itself from archival services
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I'm just going to ignore your robots.txt LOL
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I'm scraping a porn site right now! I have been doing it for the last 6 years, every week. The owner doesn't like, he already mention about "people stealing" content, but he's powerless. Cuck.
if I own the data I have a right to not have it posted elsewhere simple as
This is only happening in that troubled head of yours.
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There WILL be old versions of your website floating around.
>plenty i can do
0 things you can do, as is the reason why you couldn't list 1
- Google 2024

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