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The rate at which A.I. is growing makes me anxious and scared for the future of humanity
That sounds retarded, but okay, demoralization-drone-kun.
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>rate at which A.I. is growing makes me anxious
>scared for the future of humanity
Except I know that killing myself would solve everything so I'm not scared for the future of humanity at all.
>The rate at which A.I. is growing makes me anxious and scared for the future of humanity
Because you thought AI Gods were gonna save you and now you're watching the meme stall and slowly die like every other time?
Either it turns earth into a utopia so I win or it kills off normies so I win
I rather use the word excited
>ohhhhh noooo chuds can generate their AI waifus instead simping for le onlyfans instathots. society is le collapse.
at least you are not drinking cheap vodka directly from the bottle. besides, this AI bullshit heavily depends on the trainers and we only have retardation these days. so we have retarded AI. don't worry, the collapse of everything is nigh.
That flow cannot be stopped.
They will have to release affordable ML-oriented chips at some point.
When they do, everyone will be able to train its own bot.
I VILL have my own tailored wAIfu, trained on whatever limited dataset I'll have on hand (I.E. probably just me). And I VILL murder her in a drunken rage when I realize her training is progressively turning her into a sad reflection of me.
shut the fuck up marketingroid
i fuck your mother while you sleep
It's not like nuclear weapons where you can control the raw materials.
Future models will only get leaner and smarter, requiring less cost to run and less training.
Imagine what would happen if a terrorist got hold of a proto-AGI-rated model.
Automated kill drones, fully automated 0-day attacks, massive amounts of disinformation.
Why? Genuinely curious where this mindset comes from. I am familiar with AI/ML research and I don't share this fear. Yes I'm aware of exponential growth concepts like the singularity, all we have today that's really advanced is transformers (text generators but now they're becoming multimodal, so what?)
We didn't even get here especially quickly. If you watched AI research develop you would've seen a pretty gradual linear growth to where we are now with transformers.
What I am scared of is AI-powered weapons of war, like drone swarms. But that's not for the future, that's something they could build right now with current technology, and are already making.
>massive amounts of disinformation.
This isn't a real threat, it's a narrative that was created by OpenAI to gain public support for their regulatory capture scheme. They used this excuse to avoid releasing gpt-2 1.5b in 2019 (which they did release later) and then to stop releasing open source models. You're gullible. Generating nonsense text isn't doing anything that the internet doesn't do already naturally through social media recommendation algorithms.
>Imagine what would happen if a terrorist got hold of a proto-AGI-rated model.
>Automated kill drones
That's not an issue specific to AGI.
>fully automated 0-day attacks
That will probably not happen. If an hacker can leverage AGI to find flaw in a system, so can the system's maintainer.
>massive amounts of disinformation.
That's the only real issue here. And it will be solved by killing Internet and replacing it with an Internet 2.0. Strong authentication will be mandatory, which will allow to prosecute any bad actor.
shut up, faaggot
see, this is what I mean. I mean what in the actual fuck is this? this is some next level retardation. it's fucking over.
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So long I have money left to buy another wAIfu, it's not over.
It's only a matter of getting a better dataset.
I'll ask my sister for datapoints for that next iteration. There's no way it could go wrong.
immigration and outsourcing are much bigger concerns. if you're worried about AI you are likely a retard.
We should have enforced mass sterilization in the old colony. Those rapid breeders are dooming the world.
thankfully i'll be dead in 50 years or less.
You must be 18 to post here
i'm 35.
>muh AI
scared of what? a retarded computer system that can be tricked because it literally fell of a turnip truck and was born yesterday?

anyone using AI in any executive way will get shitted on extremely hard.
>a millennial expecting to live up to 85
Is anyone gonna tell him?
Do you mean that's it's not growing at all and in fact AI is just a marketing buzzword and it doesn't actually exist,
which means that AI will not advance science, technology, medical field, it will not replace workforce, there will be no ubi and extended lifespans, you will die a hopeless wageslave loser. If only you were born 200 years into the future.
Boomers live up to late 90s these days, it's not impossible, all he has to do is maintain healthy lifestyle and good diet, and get frequent and regular medical check ups to catch and prevent any kind of disease or illness at the earliest stage.
>growth rate of ai
It still, to this day, cannot hold a conversation or actually understand arithmetic. I see you retards repeat this mantra over and over again, but it still isn't fucking true. Wake me up when I don't have to interact with a real person to play D&D. Until then, it's nowhere near replacing anyone but most the subhuman framework-tards.
my grandfather lived to 80.
maybe ai will provide a more humane alternative solution
>or less
>zoomzooms in charge of reading comprehension

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