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So the source of the Intel bug has been found by me and picrel is the fix. Doesn't matter what the brand is, get whatever is cheap before yours bends! The bug happens when good contact isn't made between the pins and the chip. I got the dreaded out of vram crash and took my 14900k out and sure enough it was bent! I delidded it and bent the metal part back and I noticed that the silicon was CRACKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My CPU might be permanently damaged!


Yeah, no. Considering there are no to little reports on 12th gen. Stop coping.
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>watches a video on youtube suggesting reeplament of the intel mounting frame
fuck off retard
only happens on cpus that boost past 5.5 kid
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Like the CPU boots but games keep crashing! Take it out of the socket NOW, RIGHT THIS INSTANT, DONT LET YOUR EXPENSIVE CPU BEND AND BREAK LIKE MINE!!!
intel users can get bent for all i care
That's because there's no cache chips on the die in 12th gen, the 13 and 14 have cache chips and one of mine has a tiny hairline crack right on the corner!
You'll see soon enough if you have one if you don't listen to my warning.
wow intel makes cache chips now?
If you look the 12th is slightly smaller and right in the corner of mine is where the crack is. Trying to get a good picture of it.
kek, I use both intlel and ayymd, but this made me smile. Thanks anon.
Thanks for the bump though but the bug is unfixable and preventative measures are the fix for everyone on 13 and 14.
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10900k doesn't have this problem
Same, IDK why it has to turn into a shit flinging contest, I am trying to warn people and thought of /g/ first before posting this anywhere else. I might even keep it local here and let the normies seethe as the struggle to figure out why their shit keeps breaking.
That's because it's small enough to not matter.
Underclock to 5.3ghz @ 1.35v while your at it and enjoy a far more efficient cpu that wont die in 6 months
No, I found it on my own thank you very much and decided to put you faggots first. Kill yourself.
this may come as a surprise but reddit comes here
'people' with reddit accounts
Intel did well with Alder Lake, how did they fumble this badly with 13/14th?
I will, thanks, but I'm just going to buy another 14900k and use the bracket. I'm able to but, not everyone can afford to just plop $600 on a new CPU and I wanted to save some people the headache.
>So the source of the Intel bug has been found by me and picrel is the fix.
Hmm, why don't I trust you?
>just buy a dongle for your CPU
do intelkeks really?
It's the CPU mount like it should have had 2 more points of holding on the top and bottom of the CPU. The fix is prevention. It's more just a simple oversight. When you're a genius, something simple like losing one's wallet or keys all the time happens. This is similar in that it was an easy to miss thing because it's so simple. They're probably looking at everything but the mount.
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Well if you have an asus motherboard, you will be able to see the vf curve like picrel and find the frequency that you can run at 1.35v to set manually
cool but I don't use intelaviv.
chastity brace*
Do or don't, no sweat off my sack. If you don't want to spend $4 to save your $600 CPU, that's on you. I did my best to warn you. I wish I had a better camera. Why the fuck can't iPhones take closeup pictures without them turning into a blurry fucking mess???
If mounting is the issue why aren't i5s having issues?
Good looking out. I'll end up doing this to the new CPU as well as using the mounting bracket. Thanks anon. It's nice to have an answer and it's pretty cool to be the first to discover the cause.
It's a voltage problem, not a temps or watts
Smaller CPU so it doesn't come under the same stress as the i7 and i9. Same reason 12th gen doesn't break, see>>101439704
If it were a voltage problem, it would happen right out of the box. Not work for 6 months then die. This is it physically bending over time due to the forces of the brace.
So the question is, do I tell Intel or do I let them seethe and run around searching for a fix?
that's exactly how excessive voltage manifests itself. You can do the same thing with i7-920 by overvolting it. It works fine at first but starts degrading.
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This seems somewhat plausible.
>Some unstable cpus become stable when changing boards
>Intel's spec for the integrated loading mechanism (ILM) has a wide tolerance range where min ilm pressure is half of max ilm pressure
>chips increasingly get bent over the hours/days/months its installed (i.e. degradation of the physical structure of the package)

But then its a mystery why 12th gen is unaffected which makes this seem less likely.
It's physically smaller. Not by much but probably enough that it's not an issue. Same reason the i5s don't break, there's less silicon in there.

I understand this and it's still plausible this was the cause. Might even be the cause of the crack itself on the die maybe? It's such a small crack and I almost missed it. It's so small that my camera can't pick it up.
A good control for this hypotheses would be cpus like the 13980hx, 13900hx which are literally 13900K's that are installed onto a different package (pga) and aren't bent their entire lives
Are there any reports of them having the bug from customers?
Not that I'm aware of
Well it needs to be tested. We need to find laptop owners and have them run that program for 15 minutes to see. I'm glad I posted this here though and not on other social media. I haven't logged in in over a year and I don't even know the passwords to them anymore. But if you feel so inclined to be social and helpful, you're welcome to use these findings. I don't want the noteriaty. My aspberger brain can't handle that kind of pressure man.
Cool story retard. You're about 3 weeks behind everyone though.
Whatever you say. If you can even afford these CPUs, is a $4 hunk of metal that much money?
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>a video made 2 years ago
>CPU breaks
>get a replacement thats further in the production cycle and likely clocks better at lower volts
>now do the thing
May as well get the replacement honestly.
and by replacement I mean warranty replacement obviously.
Sorry never saw it faggot. The information is valid whether it's 2 years or 2 hours old. Have you tried not being insufferable?
And what happens when it happens again when it's no longer under warranty?
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>tfw i5 gen 12
sutekina kimochi
The Warframe dataset lists absolutely zero laptop SKU processors, and Warframe absolutely is the kind of game that is played by people on gayman laptops. Maybe the sample size of people with Raptor Lake i9 gayman laptops is too low to register, but I doubt it -- I think you might be onto something.
thats what she sit
Been a life-long intel user, but if my 13600k fails. Ima just switch to amd's whatever x3d is relevant at that point. Fuck intel desu
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It's plausible that op is right. Intel decided to copy Apple's biggest mistake. They should have used stronger aluminum. Intel fags BTFO!
I kinda doubt it since the ratio of failed cpus in warframe is skewed towards i9 cpus followed by i7 indicating a bias towards higher voltage, higher clocked parts
If the only factor is the physical bending of chips, a significant amount of i5's should be crashing in warframe
My 13900k crashes every day on use and I already use this. If the pc idles for a few days it will stop responding by 4 days at the latest. Intel is such a garbage company now like Boeing.
Intoddlers BTFO!
How long did you wait before using one?
see >>101439919
i5s use the same C0 die as the 13900k & 14900k doofus
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>Have you tried not being insufferable?
i don't think so no.
Isn't it an issue in how the microcode fills the TLB? It's going to need a microcode update.
2500k doesn't have this problem
990x doesnt have this problem
>Smaller CPU so it doesn't come under the same stress as the i7 and i9.
It's the same die, retard.
kek. I remember one of my first jobs was literally fitting brackets over nvidia laptop GPUs to prevent them from detaching.
Guess it is time for a new socket.

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