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Google, Bing, Duckduckgo, the list goes on... ALL MUCH WORSE THAN THEY WERE 8 YEARS AGO. All with far more innacurate, worse results, far less exact and helpful results, and PAGES of artifically boosted garbage websites (look up anything political or conspiracy related and see all the nytimes, nypost tier websites that make up 90% of results if you don't believe me). The issue runs much deeper than SEO, and is very much the fault of the engines themselves, rather than the greater internet. All popular engines will maliciously manipulate results, and most competitors simply suck (see brave search).

This thread is about them, and about other options or solutions.
>what is your experience with google (or other search engines), what problems have you had, have you also seen results get worse?
>what else have you tried?
>what do you want to see in your ideal search engine? What do (you) think could help solve their current issues?

>I've used yacy (not trying to shill), a p2p open source engine, some search results better although much fewer and requires a process to run in the background. I currently rely on google and brave search for most simple searches.
>I think you should have more control over your search than just a few-worded query: website black/whitelists to keep low quality websites out (lazy news outlets, articles written by AI and filled with SEO, etc.), and to boost good forums and wikis you know and like yourself. Google has long had a similar function, but only allowing you to query one specified site. If adblockers like ublock origin can keep ads away 99.99% of the time with their community-compiled blocklists, surely something similar could be applied to searching.
Give me an example of an exact search query that worked 8 years ago but now it gives no useful results.
not sure how to get the results of a query 8 years ago, but something like https://www.google.com/search?q=pizzagate gives 100% results from well known yet very biased and unhelpful websites. Do you think there would be nearly as much of a controversy over something like this if it was this hard to find anything that wasn't from a mainstream-narrative website 8 years ago?

The google search code leak from a few months ago showed how heavily manipulated some search topics are, see picrel (from https://mashable.com/article/google-search-content-api-warehouse-seo-leak)
>gives 100% results from well known yet very biased and unhelpful websites.
And what were the results 8 years ago?
use kagi
Jesus Christ... Just hire a facilitator, or ask a friend, like all normal people.
I just use goygle, incognito window if I don't want a search tied to my google account
duckduckgo is pozzed (lowering search results for le heccin' russian misinformation (who cares about ukrainian misinformation, they're valid transwomen))
and brave is slow
everything else is some indie shit
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To no ones surprise, they were all ruined by Indian Hindu invaders. Hindu savages are like kryptonite to all forms of civilization. Yahoo was destroyed by Indian Hindu infestation, and of course the same Indian rats who ruined yahoo got hired to Google once the rapejeet became manager. The jeets intentionally ruined google search so that they could serve more ads by forcing people to search more pages on Google.

Import Indian Hindu savages and everything becomes scammy and rapey. Not even once!
>Why not just stick with Google?
Search engines are a biased window into the web. We want to filter out SEO and discover actual interesting webpages.
>SHIT tier alternatives

>Deep tier (best first)
ultra.gondola.pics (near fulltext 4chan archive)

>"Specialized" tier
search.pullpush.io (reddit fulltext)


>Proxies to Google or DDG, if you must

>Privacy and security comparison of some search engines
The search engines are not the problem
the humans are
this is true
especially if you want to search something obscure
like linux garbage
i even had google refuse to give me a github result for systemd code
>gives 100% results from well known yet very biased
Yea, that's right, paranoia porn or nothing!
>And what were the results 8 years ago?
infowars.com was the first result and then some /pol/ 4plebs links
>most of the 1000 employees are blood relatives
>worse than 8 years ago
Try 25 years ago, google has not even reached the same level what Altavista was when it comes to search engines, only thing they are good at is to assimilate smaller industries.
better yet "search" (for lack of better word) white couple with a child and hit images for some fun results.
>Google, Bing, Duckduckgo, the list goes on... ALL MUCH WORSE THAN THEY WERE 8 YEARS AGO
tragedy of the nigger cattle commons.
>What do (you) think could help solve their current issues?

You could give a man a thousand years and he would have managed to run it all by themselves, then you could summarize these thousand years into many manuals, tutorials, guides, and no matter how much time you gave everyone else they'd still never manage to achieve the same degree of functionality as the one man

If people at large can't see the rationality in something and commit to it, also at large, then there's nothing that will help them
what do you think about brave search?
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Another thing I noticed was the "we found a billion results for you" became a total lie, if you clicked to page 40 or so they wouldn't show you more.
Now they've removed it all together and made an even shorter list of results with infinite scrolling. It's all an illusion.
I'm always trying to leave the internet behind, corpos trying to brainwash you, hateful people trying to affect you, literal discord troon channels planning how to make the susceptible self-harm, I did a psychedelic and tried opening sites like youtube and reddit many months ago and every single front page link gave off a demonic aura, it was horrible, the psychedelic just wanted me to turn the internet off. In fact i'll do that right now, I just do that as much as I can. Evil dark sorcery shit, leave it, just use an offline computer, give your disconnected computer its soul because when it is connected, the internet gives it its soul instead and it is an evil soul. You don't need search engines. Really, just sit with your thoughts and search the aether yourself, seriously, it works.
Lmao. No. 4chan threads about hot topics never get indexed. It always has been news websites.
(Not him)
I use it regularly. It is also biased.
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DDG is just a Mossad front-end to Bing so if Bing gets worse so do they. Search engines have been gamed and manipulated by everyone for so long the only possible outcome is a poisoned well. The same will occur with big-data chat bots also knows as "AI" but probably faster. Same happened with the wiki's. There is no turning back. All of the wells are poisoned.

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