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File: s.jpg (55 KB, 735x659)
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Should I stick to XML or switch to Compose?
Compose sucks
/g/ is mostly webshitters, doe. So don't expect too much of a good answer here.
Compose is a meme
what is compose?
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New screens in compose
Only ever migrate old screens to compose if you got nothing more important to do, and easier custom views or having less code appeal to you
If your screen contains a scrollbar or reorderable items, stick with XML because this doesn't exist without dirty hacks on compose.
Google already launched the psyop and even removed some View tutorials from their site iirc
I must say that I'm a compose fanboy, though
>Should I stick to XML
you already know the answer, white man
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Switch to Compose because it's comfy
Compose my balls

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