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Not if you need to ask.
you better know what your doing or you will end up with a unbootable kernel and have to do a really fancy rescue mission or reinstall the OS
it depends
do you want to enable stuff your distro kernel doesn't have enabled?
are you setting up something with little space such that minimising the size of the kernel image is important?
do you want to boot without an initramfs?
do you want to look cool by having a custom kernel name in *fetch?
Does learning the english language actually worth it?
>installing linux on bare metal
good morning saar
I used to do this back in the 4.x days and if you manage to select exactly what you need and cut out the bloat the system does indeed feel visibly snappier.

But I looked at the tree last year and there's so much shit I wouldn't know where to start nowadays.
only way to disable ebpf, bug-door access to ring -4
If you have a modern computer, no.
If you are building for some weird hardware, yes.
sorry english is my 20th language
I always build kernels without module support.
Right, that's probs one of the reasons custom kernels tend to be most common in distros you set up manually, like Gentoo or Arch. Cause there, the users already know the steps to make the system bootable.
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If you hate bloat yes it's worth it, there is so much bullshit you will never need included in distribution kernels, you can also do things like completely disable ipv6 at the kernel level.
Another cool thing you could try is making your own initramfs.
>or you will end up with a unbootable kernel
So what? Just boot again with the LiveCD and recompile it, I've done it a thousand times.
Archbabbies are too retarded to build a kernel.

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