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Windows laptop vs chromebook, which is better?
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Not shilling crap on /g/ would have been better.
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This is now a macbook thread. Not because I wanted it to be, but because it generates copious amounts of seethe with bring me joy.

So /g/, which colour did you pick? Midnight blue?
Laptops are a waste of money. If its portable it will never perform.
I forgot about macs. So let's include those. But I think they're too expensive so they're not an option for me. Perhaps there are some other options I have also forgotten?
This is my third fucking laptop now which gets bricked. Happened today. My macbook, my windows laptop, and today my chromebook, all bricked. I swear it's programmed. It's planned obsolescence. It's a feature, not a bug.
I prefer good old Space Gray.
Like I fucking said its a waste of money. Do yourself a favor and throw all of your laptops into an industrial shredder at your local waste facility.
Chromebooks are objectively worse
You should PAY me to use a chromebook
I thought my chromebook was bricked but it just booted. I guess I'll use this for a while longer, even though I'm tired of it, it has episodes of a week or two every few months where it is almost unusable.
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ENTER the Panasonic Let's Note. It's a Japanese born and raised breed of laptops that has been folded over a thousand times. It maintains the classic ThinkPad philosophy, unlike your /g/oyslop.
by design laptops have a much shorter lifespan than desktop computers because they have moving parts and everything is compact.
I always tell people gaming laptops are a retarded investment because you pay a lot more money for something with inferior performance that will likely die in a few years. still doesn't stop idiots from investing thousands in them.
Make an argument against it. I fuarken dare you.
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It's not in western stores

schizo post
thanks but I prefer Linux laptops

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