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File: twp.jpg (76 KB, 1024x754)
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how long did it take for the taste of jeff bezos' tiny cock to leave your mouth? or is it permanent?
how big of a goycattle do you need to be, to be scared into complying with an NDA? i've anonymously divulged confidential information regarding every employer i've ever worked at.
are you chinese?
>NDAs dont work for shit
ok, duly noted.
you will sign away your privacy then.
>lefty trannoid companies
>NDA expired
no such thing, goy
it's permanent I made a good chunk of money and all my friends either worked there or at amazon or at a subcontractor of amazon

I don't have any confidential information really I'm just bored

>it's permanent
>good chunk of money
>all my friends either worked there or at amazon or at a subcontractor of amazon
back to sad. money is nice and all but amazon are utter cock suckers.
it is hard to appreciate how much influence and scope amazon has until you work in DMV for a while
they are enormous. after all the data leaks (some of the largest ever) caused by their shitty default security for bitbuckets, i do wonder why people keep trusting these faggots.
every institution in Washington is a revolving door. the Washington post is no exception. nobody who was at high levels in the company really cares about journalism it's just a stepping stone in their careers at think tanks or lobbying or whatever.

the Washington post posts articles about how the regime is in danger and needs to allocate big contracts immediately. the contracts go to amazon because it's already one of the largest contractors and nobody ever loses their job for picking the safe option. all the USG employees and congress are invested in the stock market which always goes up. then they go get jobs in the media to talk about how we need more contracts, etc etc etc
no i'm not a chink. i have white skin and blond hair.
i'm not signing away my privacy if i don't comply with an NDA.
>don't have interest in divulging
>get paid more for 0 drawbacks

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