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Thinkpad users start seething almost instantaneously when they see me using this thing in 2024.
DT users mog you both mercilessly
theres two possible pro uses of a laptop:
googling shit if youre working offline
ssh'ing into servers.
>Thinkpad users start seething almost instantaneously
You could've just ended your post there.
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if that was an allusion to the previous post heres what i usually post from.
DT mercilessly mogs both of you
for mobility, you dont need anything more powerful than a raspberry pi if youre not a retard
Post disregarded.
>running on a macbook

its only bc it just werks, you know...
>unix system
>long system lifespan
>can just install linux on em easily
>can get a used one for cheap because applefans are addict consumers

who hates macbooks besides louis rossman
Eyebags man just hates the jewish practices, I don't think he seethes at the concept of the product itself.
>can just install linux on em easily
For what purpose, when OSX just werks.
OSX 10.5 Doesn't work neither the hardware do
Poorfags after getting their hands on MacBooks and trying to flex for 5 seconds challenge (impossible)

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