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Soon, programmers will spend their days debugging AI generated code.
>employer lets AI generate huge swaths of code according to a spec
>code will do some things right, some things wrong
>hire real human to fix it
At least AI code will only fail on edge cases, pajeet code fails from the design stage with their AbstractLooFactoryObserver
rent free
Nope. That's a chinese shill. They do it because it's on their daily to-do list.
So like what they already do with Indians?
Hello saar
>>hire real human to fix it
>takes even more man hours than code w/o ai
Of course, but they will tell themselves that every advancement has its costs, and the manager will get a fat bonus anyway.
If it means I can talk to people less often I'm all for it.
youre not wrong
corporate is disappointingly bad at managing things.
thats why agile is a thing, after all
You codemonkey retards will be replaced.
>n-no not me! I'm super speshul!
>t. bought the hype and/or seething webshitter
>t. nocoder
nta but can confirm, have a pajeet in my team. When we have to modify something he wrote, we have to refactor the whole thing from scratch first.

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