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>Free beginner resources to get started with HTML, CSS and JS
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn - MDN is your friend for web dev fundamentals (go to the "See also" section for other Mozilla approved tutorials, like The Odin Project)
https://web.dev/learn/ - Guides by Google, you can also learn concepts like Accessibility, Responsive Design etc.
https://eloquentjavascript.net/Eloquent_JavaScript.pdf - A modern introduction to JavaScript
https://javascript.info/ - Quite a good JS tutorial
https://flexboxfroggy.com/ and https://cssgridgarden.com/ - Learn flex and grid in CSS

>Resources for backend languages
https://www.phptutorial.net - A PHP tutorial
https://dev.java/learn/ - A Java tutorial
https://rentry.org/htbby - Links for Python and Go

>Resources for miscellaneous areas
https://github.com/bradtraversy/design-resources-for-developers - List of design resources
https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials - Usually the best guides for everything server related

>Staying up to date
https://cooperpress.com/publications/ - Several weekly newsletters for different subjects you can subscribe to

>Need help? Create an example and post the link
https://jsfiddle.net - if you need help with HTML/CSS/JS
https://3v4l.org - if you need help with PHP/HackLang
https://codesandbox.io - if you need help with React/Angular/Vue

/wdg/ may or may not welcome app development discussion in this thread. You can post and see what the response is. Some app technologies of course have overlap with web dev, like React Native, Electron, and Flutter.

We have our own website: https://wdg-one.github.io

Submit your project progress updates using this format in your posts, the scraper will pick it up:

:: my-project-title ::
dev:: anon
tools:: PHP, MySQL, etc.
link:: https://my.website.com
repo:: https://github.com/user/repo
progress:: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

Previous: >>101404671
Why do you want to kill this thread?
I'm new so I can't tell if these memes are serious in any way, so they scare me
I fear learning a meme framework that is soon made obsolete
>across numerous proxies
absolutely unnecessary, this thread is slow as shit, that's why I call LARP
if you learn flutter you'll never be made obsolete
my spidey sense tells me flutter is a meme
Always work on your fundamentals that’s what makes you irreplaceable, you think it’s actually hard to switch from framework to framework? They’re just tools
Flutter is one of those things that I wouldn't mind learning for a job, but otherwise I probably won't learn it. I mean, Dart isn't very popular for anything besides Flutter as far as I know
dart is sadly underutilized in the world outside of flutter, i'll say it's comfy levels beat bash for scripting things outside of moving files around the computer.

but yeah if you wat, you can also use clojure and flutter! next up they gonna port haskell into flutter too
Yes, they are. And stuff is unpredictable. See react. Of course its the biggest not-a-framework-meme framework, but every 4 years they basically force you to embrace the newest hype they created. See its inception vs functional components vs server side react. This used to be a meme, but now people accept the fullstack reactshitter.

And the worst part of it all: people always forget why something was at some point an actual solution to a problem, so they keep reinventing shit until they are back right at the start
for those wondering, this nigger:
said he is le killen le thred, one of the slowest generals in one of the slowest boards, based retard

if he hates react he has to be at least somewhat correct
What is the worst FE framework and why is React?

>inb4 retards saying "it's a library"

>The library for web and native user interfaces
React isn't a framework, retard.
>has to be compiled
>most libraries don't work if they don't have a proper bridge or version
It's a framework.
It's a framework so bad that even its developer suggest to use "metaframework" to do something useful with it, both React and React Native
>It's a framework so bad that even its developer suggest to use "metaframework"
or you could say it's a library that you could use to build a framework
>post the "react is not a framework, but a lib" meme
If I told you, that I am not an incel, but a gift to all women seeking for orgasms, then I'd still be nothing but an incel
so you're telling me they're afraid of the word framework marketingly speaking? Not sure if I follow
cant believe mio killed the last thread...
node.js server example/template for anyone starting out and wanting to get a headstart on server development: https://pastebin.com/PZbuV4fc
>https static file serving
>https + websockets
>custom websocket handler for client and server
why would that be the case? fear of being linked to angular?
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Currently trying to cram ton of material because i have a huge job opportunity (Junior Full Stack).
Basically a friend works for a company and they are looking for a new guy. He recommended me so they will push my resume past first step of recruitment. I will get a task (tomorrow) and a week to do it. Then about a week after that task will come the interview, so i have around +2 weeks to learn ton of shit. Friends will help me a bit with that.

However, i have to learn these stuff that i either completely forgot about (it's been almost a year since i tried them) or have no idea how to work with them:
>Vue 2 and 3 (and Nuxt.js for both) - i had a simple crash course with a senior dev dude who taught me some stuff but i forgot most of it, i already did some YT crash course that brought some memory back
>Express.js and Next.js (not a lot)

Other than that i haven't heavily coded JS itself in a long time, only minor scripts. Honestly seems like a fucking lot to learn, but again, i just need to know these on very basic/junior level and they will have to pick me up in the job anyway. I just cannot embarass myself and that's it. Any help or ideas? Can i min-max this shit?
Pretty much, they pretended to be small, fast, reactive, lite and retrocompatible.
It is like that since the beginning and it was a meme since day 1.
That's craaaazy man.
Graphql is relative simple to use on basic level, just try to do some query and some request to a backend that support it.

Why Next if they use vue?
Have you got any experience with react?

Pick Maximilian course of Vue, or just documentation and build something easy, even with disgusting style.
They didn't ask for some css tool/framework, ignore Tailwind and such for the moment, just use the <style> tag of vue.

Go with vue 2 for a basic stuff (render, conditional, vite configuration, NO routing -you will use nuxt routing).
That's on day1-day2.
Day3 replicate on vue3. Go with options API.
Day4: refactor vue3 project with composable API.


Day 5-6 Do a dumb CRUD with express. Very very dumb.

Day 7: implement service on vue3 app, put a form, send some data to your express app.

Day 8: implement TS. TS is JS, just with something more, don't be scared, just add types here and there, do not worry about decorator
have chatgpt generate a list of topics or interview questions about each of these and learn them enough to answer those questions

express is super easy. just go to their website and look through the "guide" tab. there's very little to learn
Day 9-10: rewatch everything you have built, try to remember sintax and definition of everything.
Build eventually another CRUD.
Write down your weak points.
Day 11-12
Study what you lack.
Memorize syntax and review orally your code.
Day 13-14
Read Nuxt 3 documentation and build a easy CRUD, maybe some sort of Blog or stuff like that.
Learn why Nuxt may be better than a simple SPA made with Vue only.

Good luck
tell your buddy to give you a hand, you'll gain bigly from it, he knows the best practices the company follows, how they structure their codebase, etc.
do NOT use ChatGpt.
Ignore this advise: >>101444940
you have to understand what you are doing, you will work with this stuff, you have to show that you have a grasp of those techs and that you can improve because you can reason.
It easy to spot who cannot reason and memorize only what they read on chatgpt.
good advise
how can i hide anime tits in a website
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how do i fix this?
i said use it to generate a list of interview questions, not make it give you all the information you need. the advice is fine if you dont take it too far and actually start *learning* from chatgpt
Posting in here because I made a few cool things for my website that others might find useful. Ask away for any advice.

>Old internet style music player, select from list of songs, very customizeable
>Custom individual audio players that all work on the same page
>Switch site themes with detail beyond just light and dark, actual themes, saves selection to local storage for each user, code allows images to be swapped too

I spent a bit of frustration working the kinks out of the code after having an idea what I wanted and failing to find any resources. No backend involved, just html, css, and js
>No backend involved, just html, css, and js
wait, how do you load the music then?
I upload the files and call them with the url in the code. I made all my site pages and have them on my server.
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>be me
>get job a year ago
>it's a legacy in-house bullshit kind of deal
>working through virtual machines
>no proper version control
>have to update changes manually
>whole development process is just pure pain
>I unlearn half the shit I knew
>say fuck it, back to the roots
>start studying a modern stack again
>feel like fucking Superman it all goes so smoothly
>start sending applications
>got a couple responses already

we're so fucking back
console.log`Hello WDG!`
why are you using your website as an audio player? i dont understand the purpose of this
how does this know whether or not something is nsfw? does it have some gargantuan database of porn that it looks through every time you load a web page?
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>Look at job offerings in my area
>lots of java related positions
just learn java. it's just a standard C-style OOP language
>web dev
Not a thing, just compile to web assembly. Useless use of a thread
>ermmmm you use a "language"?
The most useless post I've seen all day
HTM4 is like the Latin of web. all browsers know it. Works everywhere, never becomes obsolete.
Better than php
do all people know latin?
do all people speak latin?
still using clojurescript
still paid more than you
dilate trannyscript lusers
>have problem with a simple web app i'm developing, mainly because i suck when it comes to structure databases using ORMs
>decide to ask my friend for help (he's a professional java dev)
>we've spent the last 4 hours rewriting the app from scratch using chatgpt for some reason
>tried to convince him against using it but he refuses to do so because "it explains better java than you"
>hopelessly try to make sense of the garbage code he insists "it works out of the box" (it didn't work out of the box and had to make it work the best i could)
>eventually give up at some point and type everything he says without arguing further
>he refuses to hear anything i say on favor of chatgpt
>he doesn't understand basic technical concepts or design flow
>mfw he's an actual senior developer working for the government
>mfw this is the competition I have on the local IT field
>mfw this is my friend
i'm so fucking done, to think people like this can actually function as a developer IRL without any actual skill or awareness of the field still baffles me
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>Oh look, a package that suits my needs!
>Its an ESM
Is Ruby (a Rails web app specifically) a long running process like a Node.js/Golang server? Or is "each request runs in a seperate process, shared-nothing" like PHP? I'm having a wierdly hard time finding a straight answer to this question.
Basically have to run it as an app server, best through tools like puma / passenger / unicorn. Some of them have nginx/apache integrations, but yeah no fpm option like PHP has as far as I'm aware of. It'd be super slow anyways cause Ruby doesn't have an opcache feature afaik
HTML 4 is like the Latin of the web

It's a dead language
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I like it because sublime is more responsive than vscode, but i stayed with vscode because the extensions selection is just better. And i can use it for remote the server, dunno about sublime though.
To be fair when you working with the government you'll not always get the best as long as you can deliver the result.
How do I use mixin when the classes I want to mix have their own constructors? All the examples I found use a mixin helper function with an output class as first argument and an array of classes as the second argument but when I try to instantiate the new mixed class, I am not asked to input the required arguments to satisfy each of the constructors from the "lesser classes". What gives?
Don't use mixins. Find a different solution.
>figure I should try node after using js in the browser for years
>have to install an npm package to do something available in the standard library of any other programming language
>package installs other packages
>project goes from 2kb to 25mb
do you seriously use this shit?
Welcome to the opensores model, it's disgusting.
What were you missing?
I use it for editing config files and taking quick notes, but for development VSCode or an Jetbrains IDE is better (in my current stack)
>want to learn a framework tech
>find a third party tutorial from 1 week ago
>look at the docs
>tutorial uses deprecated syntax

every. fucking. time.

fuck this industry
So what is the standard thing you're missing? Because I'll call bullshit otherwise.
Unironically: Do not use a framework.
I invested time in learning JS, the DOM and HTML properly - and now all those frameworks, even vue which I know quite well, slow me done significantly.
I'm not sure about that.
I worked at a company that maintained their own CMS. It's ancient code, written by people who did not study CS. It did not support reactivit and was a nightmare to work with. Everything was hacked.

We couldve saved so much time properly using a reactive framework, but the senior devs were too proud to learn and adapt.

glad I'm not there anymore
I mean, I don't want to but I attended a dev class and it was among the topics of the day. What's the best approach? Implementing multiple interfaces?
Mixins are okay, but some issues to keep in mind:

- they introduce implicit dependencies which is hard to check & refactor if you're using a dynamic lang, i.e., if you want to move the mixin out of your current class it means you'll also need to remove all the usages of the mixin in your class
- it can cause name clashes with methods & properties in your current class (or other mixins!)
- they start out simple, but as requirements change become more complex and tightly coupled
Why are you bringing that up? Are u suggesting that only people with cs degrees use frameworks and _therefore_ the code will be better? Because U guarantee you: that is not going to be the case. Or what is your point?
>dude just use this electron app instead which runs an entire instance of chromium, which is way too heavy and way too bloated
Use Composition rather than mutant classes
i dont believe you lol
>not writing it yourself
dev issue
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nta but fastify by itself weighs almost 9MB, lately it's 100% possible to get 25MB of packages just like that
picrel is a project who only has express, sequelize, mysql2 and nodemon
>get to the Flask portion of CS50
>i feel like I'm learning some alien language

Jesus christ , GET , POST, none of this shit makes sense
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Do it.
embrace the CRUD

Create = POST
Read = GET
Update = PUT
Delete = DELETE
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Thank you anon I plan to start learning this oNCE I CAN PUT DOWN 3JS IT IS SO MUCH FUN
wish web dev was half as amusing as what you're doing there
Do you do it for work? Im just a hobby guy with an interest in game design. My dad and all my friends were IT people when I was a kid an instinctively avoided computer work because they were so miserable. Seems not much has changed
I'm not miserable, but I view 3d and 2d creation as way more exciting and attractive. The thing is, I actually enjoy programing, but sometimes I wish I had landed that 2D animation job, or that I had grinded 3D more autistically. Idk.
Dont feel bad bro, Im 36 and spent most of my adult life on the street. When i was younger I grew up around computers and loved to do things like learn 3D and game design. Unfortunately I didnt have access to a computer for over a decade and could only dream about that stuff. Fastforward to 2 years ago, I finally make it off the street and buy an old dell laptop. I get curious about programming and somehow it jus clicks and I love it. I may have missed out on 15 or so years of pratice, but Im grateful that I can play with it now. My point is its never really too late to get into things, we may not be experts, but that's ok. Someone could enjoy out product and thats wha matters. T. president of Nintendo Iceland
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Lawful good alignment, please.
>T. president of Nintendo Iceland
I hate that I'm so gullible that I believe this
the thing is that I don't have the time now to do anything, my free time is spent with friends, and cooming and obviously 5/7 working
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vaguely same anon, wasted my entire 20s destroying my life instead, spending my 30s trying to fix it. Programming has changed literally everything for me. Still searching to land that first job though feels impossible, but in the meantime I'm hobby devving anyways because I like it so much.
internship/graduate/junior + employment agencies, use everything you got, don't burn yourself but keep pinging, big-ish companies hire right before january and around july, be on the look out for those as well
right and uWS.js alone is 123 MB but it's a very fast server written in C++ which wouldnt be standard in any other language (without also adding notable size)
I have experience with flutter and with react but the jobs I keep getting hired for are react jobs even though I prefer flutter
Why is learning this shit so hard?
Is it though? Write the simplest counter component in vanilla js, you should have the basics down, do ya?
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I wish you tons of luck anon, just never stop applying yourself and you will be fine. I recently paid to get my CDL so I can save up money for a while, then take time off to work on projects. You just need to be a little bit more clever than the next guy.
it shouldnt be. what are you finding hard about it?
it's a lot of information to absorb, but most of it is straightforward
>>10145961 One thing at a time anon. Your first assignment is make a 1:3 clone of zombo.com - When you are done come back to this thread for your next lesson.
good to write readme
it's sublime
i have this strong desire to become better that's drowning me every night
how can i get it off
become better
Anyone here use Elixir with Phoenix? I’m thinking of learning it and I was curious if any anons had any thoughts on it
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attention: do not think shovel is dead. in fact it is growing slowly but surely. new updates are coming soon based on user feedback.

If you're in need of a cool hip minimalistic private or online productivity workspace, check out shovel and JOIN THE SHOVELUTION NOW!!!

what exactly is the point of this app
what's the point in using this over vanilla js? looks like it does exactly the same thing but with a different syntax. what am i missing?
journal, task management, and hour tracker all in one place means you can free up basically all mental load in order to focus on getting work that requires concentration done. I hate having to click around in order to get my thoughts down bc I lose my train of thought in the process, so this solves that issue
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dont laugh!!!!!! i'll have you know the author of the easy peasy way to quit porn addiction personally recommends shovel to people in his book
Um is there a simple way to do what I want here?

I have a page with images.
They are different sizes and shapes so it's a bit cluttered and disorganized. I want them to display looking the same size, not actually changing size but showing the same size part of the image, and when clicked they become full size. If I actually change the sizes the images won't be as great. I made them as close as I could.

I was thinking that I use div classes for this, style them accordingly, and use js to cause clickable change. But I am confused how to not just make images shrink too small.
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This took me far too long to get working
>reading a book about how to stop watching porn
.image-container {
width: /* your div's width */;
height: /* your div's height */;
background-image: url(/* your image's path */);
background-position: center;
background-size: /* whatever the dimensions of the image are-- set it in javascript */;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
overflow: hidden;

setting the background-size to the image's dimensions will keep it from being distorted in any way
Ah cool. I'm gonna work with it and see how it goes, thanks.
it's a popular book, don't hate the player hate the game
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>he uses tailwind
I hate web development so much. No I don't want to use xml or json or have to use ajax. I want to just game and goon but instead I'm forced to work on this horrible shit. Fml.
json is the easiest shit ever dude. you literally cannot make it simpler to use
I know but I can't be bothered to write in the data for so many rows. I have to do a tone of this shit.
I use ant.design
still better than writing your own css
poor excuse for not being able to write css in the first place, imagine making a button that's 8 lines of code, kek
>bothered to write in the data
anon i really hope you're not manually writing data into jsons...
Is react hook forms the best form library for react? Everything else just looks worse.
everything is worse than a vanilla js form. it's really not that hard to use
Work says we have to use react!
how much did you pay fraser to shill it
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nothing, he cold reached out to me after I shilled here a few months ago
How do I compare two different objects of objects in json and find their differences? For example how do I compare the data of two different cars and show the user the car with the better fuel consumption and by how much less it consumes?
Are you fucking retarded? Stocking shelves is in your future.
MS have fucked up big time somehow. Shit is falling over everywhere.
Is remote desktop sharting (slow startup showing a black screen) a coincidence?
youre both cringe and not based

how are you still asking these questions as youre making your website...? sincerely, no offense: do you have any clue about what you're doing? cause im pretty sure ive seen you several times in these threads (based off of the car metrics that keep getting brought up) and youre always asking about how to write base-level javascript

i'm not going to answer your question. if you dont know how to access values in a json (javascript objects and jsons are the same thing) then you need to just do a javascript tutorial and get your basics down. otherwise: >>101465226
assuming both have more or less the same amount of properties
let firstObject = { value1: 1, value2: 2 };
let secondObject = { value1: 1, value2: 3 };

for(let a = 0, b = 0; a < Object.keys(firstObject).length; a++, b++) {
if(firstObject[Object.keys(firstObject)[a]] !== secondObject[Object.keys(secondObject)[b]]) {
console.log(Object.keys(firstObject)[a] + " is not the same between objects");

from there it shouldn't be too hard to adapt for nested stuff if you want to idk
i'm half asleep for thinking stuff too hard
be hones u got the UI colors out of the animu hormones u take, don't u? lels, jk, I like that theme a lot
he didnt seem like he would lurk here
you overthought it and assumed he was asking about something that might in some way be challenging. he was asking about doing
if (car1["fuelconsumption"] === car2["fuelconsumption"]) { ... }

dont indulge him
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Why should I not use firebase
FCM and their cloud storage is alright, but for database i find it easier to use SQL instead of noSQL especially for complex query, so i rather use supabase.
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>author of the easy peasy way to quit porn addiction
do you recommend this book? does it work
i'll take tailwind anytime instead of anything else, it's just better in every way desu
try it in one of your side projects for a bit and you will soon understand what i mean by that
just don't open any porn tabs, seek alternative sources for entretainment. And last but not least, don't let the lewd pics posted on 4chins lead you to open a pr0n tab.
Getting filtered by a POST request being succesful but the data not showing up in the API
wat da fuck do I do, I have checked the routes, there is no error, the data reaches mongo sighishgauarhgauehfsaoencf
>react native job
>we need react native experience
>we will not consider candidates with only react experience
I looked at the docs and I'm pretty sure any react developer could pick up react native on the job. Am I retarded or are they retarded?
>the data reaches mongo
If the data ends up in the DB as you expect then the problem isn't with the POST route, it's with the route that's querying the DB.
Try RN if you can do it, then apply for the job. Provided it's only entry level job.
>Am I retarded or are they retarded?
you both seem to be somewhat in favour of react so chances are...
you're both retarded
Correct. I was being a fool, and I had my GET request checking for user ID and etc, when it should of been simpler, just get all the quizzes for me. The sad thing is I spent around 3 days on this just tunnel visioned on the post request. A true wet brain move
>tfw ChatGPT + Tailwind is amazing at styling your stuff
It is working really well to style some basic stuff. ChatGPT truly is my go-to for stuff stack overflow used to be the main help.
meanwhile in the real world jQuery, php and java each v more jobs listed than react has jobs in total.
I tried it. I make real solutions for real companies. It's garbage. If you come back 6 months later you have to sift through lines and lines of pseudo css classes. I fell for the meme years ago and abandoned it back to the basics. I recommend you learn actual css and do something like https://vanilla-extract.style/

Tailwind is pure garbage in real world production systems, but if you're just doing side projects that don't make you any money sure go ahead.
funnily enough i picked up tailwind due to my job requirements, i wouldn't have otherwise
i'm not going back bro
Why the fuck was the OP pic deleted? It's a meme about Node.js, featuring Linus from LTT

What is against the rules about that?

See the OP here: https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/101442736
it's pretty good. not a long read or anything so its worth a shot
which query is faster/nicer
>select title, url from streams join playlist_stream_join on streams.uid == stream_id where playlist_id == 8
>select title, url from streams, playlist_stream_join where streams.uid == stream_id and playlist_id == 8
and why does the first one not work without the "on" clause despite this constraint
>FOREIGN KEY(`stream_id`) REFERENCES `streams`(`uid`)
in the definition of playlist_stream_join?
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Please just look at the execution plan
You dont need a book to quit, just shame. If you have no principals you will always fail no matter what gimmick you try. You have anime girls saved on your device so I think youre ngmi anyway. Also ty firebase anon.
it's very expensive
if you can use the free/cheap tier for personal use it mite be fine
>which query is faster/nicer
for faster you can check
I don't remember, kek, but there's an SQL command for that somewhere
the first is a join, the second one I don't even know what it is.
the on specifies which PK FK pairs to use, which is standard in joins
Maybe someone more SQL'd can give you further insight
Tailwind evangelists BTFO
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eat shit cs50
but anon ull enjoy learning programming and it will aid you infinite time in ure career
I did everything except the final project and tideman. Tideman I'm going to go back to, I know its supposed to be a recursive function of some kind but I can't figure out how to do it properly. I didn't know pointers before I attempted it the first time so it might be easier with pointers

Final project I will eventually do but not to submit to the class, I want to make my own simple ios app for fun

I think I'm going to do the CS50 machine learning one next
sounds good, have fun
why the op pic is gone?
>"does this book work"
yes you can read the words and even flip the pages you fucking retard

books dont "do" anything. it will say the exact same thing as every other shitty self-help book: train yourself to stop doing the bad thing and train yourself to start doing the good thing. you can figure that out on your own
embed cp and bomb recipe
why do I need xslt if I can use html tables?
a specific group of people, probably called w3c, decided styling and interaction should be separated from html, that is js, and css. The reasons I don't know or remember. But if you find them, post em so we can have some keks.
idk man have you ever extensively used any of these languages? it's pretty obvious why it's good to have separate files once you actually do any web development
Maybe janny doesn't like pictures of Linus from LTT? Which is weird because I don't think there are any rules against "e-celebs" or whatever
it's owned by google and you have no real guarantee for your data to not be used by google
aside from that, it's quite convenient if you plan ahead your usage, like, way ahead
it's easy to see the need for it within the current mindset, but go back in time and you'll see that we didn't need any of that
Learn React
remember that I boadted that my company was doing web components? Well, apparently do to clown world higher ups that most likely have never even written a hello world in their lives, decided to migrate back to react.
so the timeline is like this, react, vue, wc (writing a massive super complex and modern custom framework with it), and now it's going to be react again, apex kek
but to be fair, one actual tech literate lead might have had a say in this, I should ask him how the whole circus show played out
what's the usecase when there are nicer frameworks to work with
like vue
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Help a fren out. I use this short code in Greasemonkey for redirection, but I've discovered that if a website is banned by my ISP, I won't be able to get the hostname. What do I do? (yeah I know there are extensions for this)
// ==UserScript==
// @name redirector
// @version 1
// @include https://*boo.foo/*
// @grant none
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==

switch(location.hostname) {

case "boo.foo":
location.hostname = "doo.goo"


tor or a proxy, idk, maybe a vpn, those should be options
I'd say tor 100%, the rest idk
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How do I fix this?
Wasn't 90% of the flutter dev team fired? I was about to learn it but stopped after that.
yeah I know I can use a vpn smart guy. the thing is this particular website's mirrors are not blocked soooo
maybe use DNS over HTTPS?
I can't afford https.
you're not me
jesus can you guys give me a local work around?
isn't "let's encrypt" free
the obvious logical solution when your ISP is controlling your traffic and disrupting in some way whatever you're trying to do, is to either use a VPN, or not using your ISPs DNS servers (which can be achieved by either setting it up manually on your router/computer or by using DoH in your browser)
of course there might be some other bullshit solution to your problem out there, but this was overlooked enough many times and the solution is just that, or begging your ISP to unlock your sites.
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Thanks mr chat gpt but what if I want to use the mirror that is more privacy focused?(for example invidious instead of youtube)
retarded nigger
oh so you are a racist, no more help for you
maybe, just maybe, just use tor browser
It's banned in my country, not everyone is from america for god's sake.
>It's banned in my country
teh fuk,w hat country is that, china?
>wow ermmm i cant believe ur a racist yikes buddy
shut the fuck up nigger. im not even racist, im just saying it to spite you because youre an annoying nigger
why are you being an asshole to everyone who's trying to help you?
because I don't need your help if you are a snowflake
youre being an asshole in all of these replies too. nobody is obligated to help you fix your shit. if you want people to keep being helpful then maybe be a little grateful that theyre trying at all
>be grateful that I called you a racist
you got lost on your way to reddit /r/niggertroons?
Just ignore him, it’s probably the same person in the past few threads that gets hostile when you don’t pinpoint the solution that he wants. Probably for le reverse psychology
do you think everyone in opposition to you is the same person? im this guy >>101483666 you fucking dumbass
so you're the guy that asks for help and also refuses to help some other guy and call him racist? Nice 2bh
nah my bad, I brain-farted
alt-f4 in console
gonna need way more information if you actually want help

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