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>/g/ makes a 13th album
Theme: Music for your god. (divine music, your interpretation)
Deadline: Midnight between August 31st and September 1st (UTC)
Please post title suggestions

Upload the file somewhere and post the link here. If you want to update your track, make a new post.
If possible use a lossless format and upload to a file-sharing service, not to a music site like Vocaroo or SoundCloud.
Include the title of the song in the post. Don't rely on us reading it from the filename or tags.
When you post the submission make sure that the song is clearly a submission for the album, otherwise it might get skipped.
Songs that contain anything against YouTube's policies won't be uploaded on YT (but will still be added to the album).
If your track's volume goes above 0 dB it will be clipped for the release.

>Where can I hear the previous albums?


A board dedicated to all aspects of music making and audio would be great for many reasons. Here's why:
If you like the idea, let 4chan know at https://4channel.org/feedback (under Board Suggestion)


Previous: >>101364215
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fucking around with lufs and compression trying to get my drum bus to fucking behave itself
I sold all my gear and only use PC, monitor, mouse and (computer) keyboard. Give me one reason why an amateur electronic musician would need more.
While I can understand the argument of going purely digital for something like drums, which require a decent time investment when you can master them in 2 minutes, being able to actually play music instead of just copy and pasting sequencer loops is the whole point of music.
>being able to actually play music [...] is the whole point of music.
I bought an omnichord
Omnichords were cool when you could get one for 5 bucks from goodwill. At the kind of prices they command these days, they're retarded, it's a toy instrument for children.
I want to record my guitar in multiple ways at the same time:
- dry guitar signal
- wet signal from pedal board
- 2 mics on cab

What's the best way to go about that?
I was thinking of getting a reamp box and plugging my guitar into my audio interface, routing it from the interface into the pedalboard, and then using a DI box to get the wet signal after my pedalboard. Although I don't know what the output impedance of the pedal board is, so that might not work.
I also have a boss tuner with an extra output, so maybe I can put that last in the chain and use it as a ghetto splitter?
the end result that the listener can hear is what matters. any competent DAW allows for humanization so it won't just be some fruity loops.
>being able to actually play music [...] is the whole point of music
nta but I don't care how the sound was produced. The point of music for me is in the emotional response. All my favorite tracks happen to have intricate patching and modulation, none of which you could do live.
Humanization can only go so far.

I don't care how a sound is produced either. But expression is the heart of art.

It's why a drawing or a painting looks better than a 3D model. One is more technically competent, one can be far more visually impressive than the other, and yet there is no heart in it. A 5 year old's doodle holds more appeal, warts and all.

There is a point at which technological improvement stops assisting and starts replacing the artist. It's easier and cheaper to offset more and more to the computer. I'm not asking you to learn the oboe, I'm just saying you should really get a better feel.
*tips fedora* most people don't care about drawings or paintings just deviantart or otaku type people
nvm you are retarded
Do other trackerchads feel a bit sick when they see the sort of shit h*rizontaloids get up to or is it just me?
Playing live.
The point is that if you play it the end result is almost certainly going to sound better than if you programmed it with a piano roll or a tracker and used some type of software humanization.
Bona fide mental illness even if you're joking
musicians might favor playing instruments because that's what they're familiar with, not living and breathing software, but having fancy instruments and recording equipment. but many successful artists in electronic music have used piano rolls/trackers or samples. the element of playing is far from the main thing that many people listen to, there's sound design, harmony, vocals etc, it's only really shit-tier rock music where the complaint of robotic drumming and such comes in.
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how are you metering lufs in live?
>but many successful artists in electronic music have used piano rolls/trackers or samples
Only because they can get away with it. Not because it isn't worse (which it is).

>the element of playing is far from the main thing that many people listen to
It's not the most important thing but it is one of the factors that contribute to the quality of the song.
You could say the same thing about anything except the top 3 attention-grabbing qualities in a song, but we both know that these things add up, and improving these small things is how you get a great production instead of just stopping at "good".

Obviously it depends on the genre and there are exceptions, but generally-speaking, playing something by hand will not only result in a better performance, but it's also almost universally a more effective way to compose, since you're actually expressing yourself rather than trying to think things through with (facts and) logic.
If your goal is to try and make a living, you'll be far better served learning to code instead of learning how to set up synths and DAWs. Arguments from popularity are worthless. All popular movies have CG now, doesn't make it better than 40 year old practical effects, or in any way preferable to anyone with a brain cell.

Low effort sampled mumble rap is all the rage these days, and none of it is compositionally interesting in the slightest. Can you make music without playing an instrument? Absolutely, it's easier now than ever. Hell, you can just load up some AI tool, feed it some lyrics, and it'll compose you a bland tune in a vague style in 20 seconds. Why waste your time with samples? Lowering the barrier to entry is a good thing, right?
>Low effort sampled mumble rap is all the rage these days,
i actually don't enjoy drake, kendrick lamar, eminem, but most proper music experts would probably think they're musically talented
tracker chad here. if it's not a tracker it's shit.

>but most proper music experts would probably think they're musically talented
talented lyricists but musically shit. all three are known for absolute trash beats.
one of the new reissues with midi? either way, that's a fun purchase, congrats
Different anon, but Youlean Loudness Meter has a free version you could throw on your master track. Does Live still not have a native LUFs meter?
>mumble rap is all the rage these days
>Kendrick is known for trash beats
Opinion discarded, you live in the trough of Dunning-Kruger.
isn't there software that lets you play your keyboard as a midi controller and record "live"? doesn't that shit come built-in with every daw?
it's not as uncomfortable as it sounds after like 2 days of playing this way, unless your keyboard sucks
there are a bunch of routing options that depend on your interface. you could also use the effects send on your amp in part of the equation (some people do this for getting the tone shaping of the amp but entirely depends on where the fx is in relation to the pre/power sections).
di boxes i'm familiar with tend to have a link/thru output that could act as your splitter. one possible config is guitar through di box xlr, link to pedalboard, tu2 or amp fx send to interface, then 2 mics on cab. then reamping through the interface to reamp box

i would prioritize the "in" section first and worry about reamping after, you can get a lot done with plugins and sims to the point reamping through cabs might be rare. reamping is likely to be a very small percentage of time spent in the entire process.
i was looking into this a few years back but just do everything in the box now. i've replaced a lot of effects with a guitar vst. i rarely plug in my pedalboard or more than one or two pedals that i don't have good emulations for (they're sorta meme pedals anyway). little labs redeye seemed good as a di and reamp combination but was a bit pricey. radial makes good di and reamp stuff, countryman is recommended a lot for di

dpmeter is good/free
>>Kendrick is known for trash beats
yes. that's exactly right.
wow Chris was *really* not kidding about kCathedral3 completely btfo'inig the first two
Can you guess the artist? https://voca.ro/1evPhmbOzCBk
absolute state of ableton
definitely but creamcoat (and derez3 in general) go crazy

Lately (months)? Unease, dread, etc.
I want a hardware fm synth. Which has the best interface? I'm thinking of keeping things cheap with a yamaha reface dx and getting the dtronics controller for it.
Volca FM
I underestimated the volca, I didn't know it had 6 operators. That's legitimately surprising, since yamaha only gave us 4 in the dx. The interface leaves something to be desired, but I'm now considering it. It's cheap enough that if I really can't get along with it, it's not a big deal.
Korg OpSix has a slick interface for FM, but it's definitely more expensive than the Volca FM (which is also good and fun).
opsix is a future classic, that's why they will probably discontinue it
it's definitely a cool synth but unfortunately has dogshit build quality for the price, lack of features on the backpanel, bad screen, and bad keyboard. needless to say, an fm hardware synth at that price with no aftertouch didn't sell well. there were a lot of defective units and not enough replacement parts so big backorders on some support cases. also i think the firmware had issues and also gave people trouble trying to update it. the module isn't even cheaper most of the time i've looked
how many times am i supposed to granulararlie to be like tim hecker?

i have to crack the code cuz i've been raving too hard (poorly)
how's 2011 going
tfw no iphone fml my life :(((
Does the ABL3 VST ever go on sale?
I'll wait until Black Friday if I have to.

would manually/magially edit some stuff maybe if...

i can't remember if i got mine on sale or said fuck it and bought it around then anyway. they offer you a coupon for the drum machine bundle after/during the transaction
>303 emulations in current decade
get with the times and use massive you dork acid into scream filter goes off

there's even a shitty little step modulator if you just NEED to put yourself through pain for some reason
I think the problem with the guitar going directly into a DI box (at least a passive one) is that it takes off a significant bit of high end because of the impedance change, which reduces the usefulness as a dry reference signal (and would sound dull when reamped). Hence plugging directly into the interface to capture the best dry signal possible.

Then again, it's a behringer interface which while alright doesn't have the greatest instrument inputs, so it might not even matter.

Perhaps it's time to switch to working in the box with a good amp/cab sim. Probably a lot easier for songwriting when I just want to quickly record ideas without hassle. I just like the physicality of real pedals and amps though. Much more fun to dick around with than clicking shit on a screen.

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