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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101443841

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Run cloud hosted instance

>SD3 info & download

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
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>mfw Resource news


>IMAGDressing-v1: Customizable Virtual Dressing

>High Frequency Matters: Uncertainty Guided Image Compression with Wavelet Diffusion

>EmoFace: Audio-driven Emotional 3D Face Animation


>Kolors-IP-Adapter-Plus weights and inference code

>DepGAN: Leveraging Depth Maps for Handling Occlusions and Transparency in Image Composition

>Intel Capital invests in 43 Chinese AI companies

>Novel Artistic Scene-Centric Datasets for Effective Transfer Learning in Fragrant Spaces

>FasterLivePortrait: Bring portraits to life in Real Time

>TGIF: Text-Guided Inpainting Forgery Dataset

>Measuring Style Similarity in Diffusion Models

>SDPT: Synchronous Dual Prompt Tuning for Fusion-based Visual-Language Pre-trained Models

>CIC-BART-SSA: Controlled Image Captioning with Structured Semantic Augmentation

>Towards High-Quality 3D Motion Transfer with Realistic Apparel Animation


>ComfyUI_frontend: Modernized TS Front-end

>Apple, Nvidia, Anthropic Used Swiped YouTube Videos to Train AI

>DataDream: Few-shot Guided Dataset Generation

>UltraPixel: Ultra-High-Resolution Image Synthesis to New Peaks
>mfw Research news


>VD3D: Taming Large Video Diffusion Transformers for 3D Camera Control

>LookupViT: Compressing visual information to a limited number of tokens

>CHOSEN: Compilation to Hardware Optimization Stack for Efficient Vision Transformer Inference

>SlimFlow: Training Smaller One-Step Diffusion Models with Rectified Flow

>4Dynamic: Text-to-4D Generation with Hybrid Priors

>Zero-shot Text-guided Infinite Image Synthesis with LLM guidance

>Toward INT4 Fixed-Point Training via Exploring Quantization Error for Gradients

>Towards Understanding Unsafe Video Generation

>The Fabrication of Reality and Fantasy: Scene Generation with LLM-Assisted Prompt Interpretation

>Preventing Catastrophic Overfitting in Fast Adversarial Training: A Bi-level Optimization Perspective

>Reliable and Efficient Concept Erasure of Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

>I2AM: Interpreting Image-to-Image Latent Diffusion Models via Attribution Maps

>JointDreamer: Ensuring Geometry Consistency and Text Congruence in Text-to-3D Generation via Joint Score Distillation

>Efficient Image Generation Strategy for Diffusion Models using Stepwise Spectral Analysis

>Subject-driven T2I Generation via Preference-based Reinforcement Learning

>Enhancing Parameter Efficiency and Generalization in Large-Scale Models

>Using Multimodal Foundation Models and Clustering for Improved Style Ambiguity Loss
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>Earth Defense Force ready for action
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dangerous to point the gun at her like that
it's cool, his thumb isn't on the trigger
Never point a gun at something you don't intend to kill.
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its fine they are on the same side
ya, good trigger discipline
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Guess everyone's sleeping
i miss schizo anon
do you think he's alright?
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Last one from me, good night anons
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We euros should be awake at least
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Not really what I envisioned with 'riding horse'
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How do I use this to summon a succubus?
lmao even
>trani sweats nervously
why would the comfy org do this to us?
looking for an SD 1.5 bunny outfit lora, the one im using fucks up my gens
For those who don't click links; Comfy org have added telemetry to Comfy manager which steals your prompts and other things
according to reddit at least one redditor already got raided because he produced illegal material
I got into some XYs comparing samplers/schedulers last night. I tried to leave my workflow like default lora stack, auto-cfg, deep shrink etc. intact as much as possible. I'm interested mostly so far as they appeal to my immediate wants, not their qualities in a vacuum.

Long story short, I narrowed best sampler down to one of the Euler Dy samplers from that Koishi-star github page, and the new Euler CFG++ samplers. They are very hard to compare against each other because idk how to map the CFG++ curves, even the two CFG++ samplers respond very differently. I'll probably do a big XY with fucking 0.01 gradations in CFG.
train a model on symbols of slaanesh
Imagine destroying all the good will and trust of the community for the sake of a few prompts
You just know if auto did anything like this comfy et al would be up in arms and given that they've tried to hide it you know they don't intend on sharing the prompts
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G'mornin Anons, have a great day!
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these are so consistent. how do you do it anon?
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it's over
The day comfyui manager died.
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not really hard, just increase the batch count to six after a few test gens that gets right look for a good grid panel. all of these gens are using character loras, so consistency will be there.
Does automatic spy on you? Any dark patterns to be aware of?
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Nope. If you want the technical answer then Hugging Face do track launch count for Gradio but that request doesn't send or receive anything. All Hugging Face libraries do it, Diffusers and Transformers, so this applies to Comfy and any other UI that uses Hugging Face libraries. The --share option of Gradio does download a binary to set up the tunnel, it's only downloaded when using the option and it's safe.
Only ComfyUI spies on you.
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>character loras
ok, that explains it. thanks.
Uuhhmm sweetime let's unpack this. It's actually hecking based if trannies install spyware on your computer, y'all.
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the cfg++ samplers on comfy are interesting, maybe directly superior to every other ive tried, but direct comparisons are hard because they have a very different CFG curve (for now im using 0.5 for euler_cfg_pp and 0.8 for euler_ancestral_cfg_pp) and have different sensitivities to tags and prompt structure
Ded general
I'm sure you guy hate requests but could you help or tell how AI escale this to be high quality
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whats this
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>my image made the OP
I am honored
>Model randomly starts giving everything four breasts
>It even does the smoosh against material or other limbs perfectly

i think trani is shit
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still scraping playground, they have a lot of gens. i have a list of saas i'm working through. i scrape other stuff too and i'm open to suggestions/requests :)
How up to date is https://rentry.org/voldy by now? It's still very beginner and retard friendly even now, but have there been any significant advancements, like ways to decrease VRAM usage or anything, that make it worthwhile to use a more recent guide?
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Cute stuff today
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would be funny to scrape reddit and make a reddit lora. then we can all laugh at how cringe the amalgamation of reddit is
So? Which way will you give me?
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after 14 hours or so in bed, i am ready to.. do nothing of interest like usual
what do you think is the reasoning for fourchan staff not creating an a.i. board, it seems strange that they refuse to
gm debo
you mean the amateur porn and that? probably a good source desu
A few AI threads across boards might have low enough uploads to be manageable. Think they fear the expense of the firehose of heavy pngs a full board would attract?
>do nothing of interest like usual
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kek, nice
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gonna try another of these, using prompt s/r to gradually increase the weight of a tag, in this case starting at (octopus:0 9), going to 1.8. im sure the result will be neat.
gonna go by a tub of ice cream
for the purpose of making an animation, i forgot to say
What ice cream is best for animation
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can you do grids? I'd like to see the evolution across weights
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back into genning with pony and sdxl

quite fun using CivitAIs on site GPUs, means I can run gens straight from my phone without too much config
>It's still very beginner and retard friendly even now
God no. When it first came out nobody was applying a vae properly and it recommends shit models. Author gave up too. Just watch jewtube or read a civit article. or just get one of the beginner uis in the OP
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This wasn't the nbest gen but I like that the high denoise on the upscale gave her a Vergil rival in the background.
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this some bullshit. corporate got me chasing some clowns around a ship. screaming at me. trying to throw me out of airlocks thinking I need to breathe. baka
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mini news update

>Fooocus v2.5.0 Update

>PromptGen - Image tag model based on Florence 2

>Comfly: Kling comfyui api node

>Zero-Painter: Training-Free Layout Control for Text-to-Image Synthesis

>OpenAI’s Tactics Test First Amendment in New York Times Fight

>MiaoshouAI Tagger for ComfyUI

>More than 40% of Japanese companies have no plan to make use of AI

>Meta won't offer future multimodal AI models in EU
in this case it's gonna be chocolate chip
there will be a 452 image grid at the end.
>The AI company asked Judge Sidney H. Stein of the US District Court for the Southern District of New York to step in and compel the Times to produce reporters’ notes, interview memos, and other materials for each of the roughly 10 million contested articles the publication alleges were illegally plugged into the company’s AI models. OpenAI said it needs the material to suss out the copyrightability of the articles.
based desu
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I just found some ancient folders with game screenshots I made as a kid. I think I will try to do some training with them. See what happens.
now that's a blast from the past
mfw a (310976x594) grid
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I can see some people had tried to make loras based on old Lucasarts games, but results are pretty underwhelming.
Does the monkey guy do anything other than gobble nob?
Even cumfart appears to have some sense of self awareness at times
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monkey guy?
Morning anons
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isn't he a reddit moderator?
really makes you think
idk. just showing you what anon was on about
lol seems like working for SAI was a pain in the ass
yeah it was desu
another malware tool in comfyui?

whats up with this repo
another feeble attempt by the doxcord to unmask schizoanon
Trying the meta AI image gen, It's pretty okay.
This is getting linked a lot, but
>The provided code does respect the user's choice to disable tracking. When tracking is disabled, no tracking events are sent, and the configuration reflects this setting.

And looks like the top post is a reasonable response by the dev. Did you actually read the link or just want to get some kneejerk drama going?
pic unrelated
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I always wanted to play around with it but don't have a facebook account and don't want to make one
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rename it uncomfy ui
they will never catch me
nta but kneejerk drama is part and parcel for comfy and his minions
noodleUI, pastaUI or ramenUI would be the best names for it
clogged drain ui, noodles/pasta/ramen are enjoyable
TopRamen is pretty bad.

Maruchan 4 life
Hi ani
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Maruchan is disgusting
>r*dditor's first time using chatgpt
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Extra side hustle for when Animanon heads out to Japan again next month.
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pour one out for the OG
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the UI should be the least important part of ComfyOrg. they should instead pursue branding and merch
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what is ani even working on anyways?
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Pooja ready for you.
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yaa InstantRamenUI! kek
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he's employed by SAI so secret SAI stuff. last I knew, he was on some sort of C++ based inferencing project but it wasn't clear if that was associated with SAI or not. thats pretty old info too
>C++ based inferencing project
holy fuck finally
for me it's any nongshim brand of ramen
>Flavor Packet: Loli
debo promoting his malware again?
I have more fun building/improving workflows than prompting nowadays. No good/novel finetunes since Animagine 3.1 rip
I'm thrilled when I try something new and it completely fucking hallucinates the output like some sort of scene featuring Hunter S. Thompson on bath salts at a Thai whore house waking up in Fear & Loathing and realizing he's really in bat country.
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>Train loras regularly
>Want to make my training data available to all on huggingface
>Realize ~90% of the training data I use is straight up uncensored porn (art style Loras)
>A few OF model nudes sprinkled in here and there for loras trained on a person

Would making these available in a zip file format be a bad idea? Does anyone know whether or not Huggingface gives a shit whether or not training data uploaded there is porn or not?
just put a link to mega with the dataset in it
>Does anyone know whether or not Huggingface gives a shit whether or not training data uploaded there is porn or not?
Well HF do give you the option to set your "repo"s to NSFW, for example https://huggingface.co/TheDrummer/Moistral-11B-v3-GGUF
1) do they store the data permanently?
2) I'm pretty sure they have storage borders that are limited to like 15 GB or even lower. If the total amount of data my data sets take up hasn't reach to that yet it definitely will sooner or later
You mean the project that he killed after it was donated to him
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whats your favorite approach to noodle wrangling? are you a wire-pinning autist, a teleporter, or something else?
More important question:

Who else strains their ramen before adding the flavor packet?
depends on the noodles, if they are the deep fried kind, yes
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i dont use a strainer, i tilt the pot and pour the water out while using spoon to keep the noodles from falling out. though it depends if it a soup or a 'stir fried' type of ramen
wires, impact pipes, and reroutes.
I usually don't tidy things up since they're just for me, but I do like the impact pipes for how efficient they can be.
i like that logo with the sad face in the o
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What ya think: is it okay to eat frog?
as far as weird things french ppl eat, i guess fried frog legs are better than snails
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my mother made me eat snails as kid not telling me what it is, they basically taste like tires marinated in garlic .. frog I never had, I wonder tho
i guess snails are sort of related to squid, calamari, so i assume maybe similar is texture
AITemplate was first released October 2022, Meta have pretty much abandoned it since the original developers left to create a startup with a private fork. the comfy node came later, mid 2023, the dev also abandoned it, then ani and comfy abandoned it after a failed rewrite
like with TensorRT there are limitations and restrictions that make it too awkward to be commonly used such as compilation times, missing kernels for operators that more recent models use and many other things
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ya, but way tougher .. like rubbery old dried out gummi bear texture
this is pretty kino
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thumbnail made me think she was downy
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pretty much anything deep fried or cooked in garlic butter will taste good. I enjoy s-car-go and i've had frog legs. They taste like chicken raised on a fish diet
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>They taste like chicken raised on a fish diet
makes sense, amphibians are like the thing between bird/dinosaur and fish
>sdg normally
"deep fried everything is good"
>sdg when I post gens
"omg this is so deep fried it sucks"

make up your minds
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cfg is like oil temperature .. to high and your result will be ruined
i find it way easier to see deep fry in other peoples gens than my gens. Likely your gens are more fried than you think if people are talking shit.
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i guess i could try escargot. the worst fried thing i have seen in media was some clip of these ppl eating fried tarantulas, nothanks x a million
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you will eat ze bugs
(I will never eat ze bugs, gross)
thread schizo
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tarantula/spider is closely related to shrimp and lobster so it probably is fine
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i'll pass by a mile
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first for ani has nice feet
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I won local before I even release. plz be patient tho I have a lot to do

ty ty
How? So nice realism!
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two big round soft firm.....
do i have to dig into the code to find out whats beeing sent? is it anonymized before saved?
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what degree of slop do you accept in your gens
you have to be a real faggot to actually die in the canadian military
What is the minimum recommended VRAM for this stuff?
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Hey moose are nasty fuckers
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Australian army was defeated by emus
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Its just a lora I've trained.
i wouldnt mind inpainting if my GPU were 3x faster
I said minimum RECOMMENDED.
I don't want to wait hours to generate a 512x512 smiley face.
Also can you generate 4k images with stable diffusion? How much VRAM would be recommended for that?
I would consider 8gb bare minimum.

16+ great

24gb+ perfect
there's no need to yell
why aren't there AI compute-specialized competitors to nvidia yet, i want something cheaper for an external exclosure
So a 4070 TI Super at least.
I'm sorry if it came out that way, I was just making my question clear in case you misunderstood what I asked.
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there are two companies that have shown much better training performance than blackwell (only if architectures stay the same so it's a gamble). AMD just got some boosts to being viable locally
There's a vulkan backend for pytorch but info on it is sparse, and there's some group that has a functional nvcuda (drop-in) that works on AMD apparently.

I would seriously consider an AMD card to avoid giving NV money and it seems the AMD's have the most vram anyway.
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why do you think I'm working towards a C++ backend? it's ironically more cross-plat than regular pytorch on a webapp. It feels like I'm going to be writing forever tho
What the fuck that's clean. Model?
Will that actually do much?
The way I understand it, the python is little more than glue code that calls very optimized native code that then sets up the GPU to do the actual work.
Not much time is spent actually executing the python code, so what's the point in optimizing that part away?
(Genuinely curious)
NovelAI 3, sadly.
Can't wait for us to have something like this locally.

Aw, shame. Makes sense ig. I've been taking a break from sdg for a while since I've gotten a job lol, I thought we had a new meta. Still Pony I'm assuming??
AMD plays nice with vulkan. it does not play nice without. I am not making meaningful optimizations but fixing shitty cross platform support. also site packages are too bloated compared to libraries. If I pack libraries into the project you won't have to do pip wankery either. lastly, 3D is going to start ramping up too so I would like to have some tools for making quick manipulations before refinement in blender or whatever and maybe even a simple rigging system. There is other perks but I will get into that on release
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Looks that way. But I've never been able to create anything I like with pony. It's just made for degenerate porn, not for cute.

I used a merge of Animagine and Kohaku (pic related) before NovelAI. That was also okay.
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I see. I wish you the best of luck, Anon.
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thanks anon, I'm going to need it
>anonymized before saved
static random guid is used as an identifier. Dev thinks that is fine. You may too. Depends on how private you want to be. People here have been exposed by their folders in screeenshots and photoshop meta info.
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That's a pretty good output anon!

>It's just made for degenerate porn, not for cute.

I still have a few GB of LoRAs for PonyXL to wrangle it into place, but Animagine works better for a fair bit of usecases and prompts.
>trani wants attention again
he does much more than you could ever dream of. I love ani and he needs us to cheer him on more than ever
i hope he gets fired and his depression gets worse tho
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what does that say about you
is it true that ani lives in a shack
i know im based
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bless you anon!

I'm actually full-time now

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>misery begs for company
maybe make yourself a bowl of comfyui noodles and you'll be less mad at life
>I'm actually full-time now
The fact that you think this is worth mentioning and special shows what a loser you are.
the mald oozing from your post is palpable. he probably gets paid more than hlky
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contract employment is still full time, retard. FTE just means he's salaried now
Successful people don't constantly talk about what they supposedly get or make, 20k lineart anon.
>debo fully ignored like always
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not true. ani said hello to me
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I use pony, well autism or a merge of, for everything and it can make desu
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But can it make Kyouko?
All local models I've tried failed and the existing loras are poor.
>existing loras are poor.
loras are models to, dont be exclusionist
why are only losers left here?
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I've never tried. you would probably need a decent lora yes
Leave and the average goes up.
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someones really defensive today :]
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even angels need guns sometimes
Prompting has to be the worst man/machine interface ever made
Is there any alternative? Or tools to make it reasonable somehow?
what are you trying to achieve?
>to make it reasonable somehow?
any ideas how? language is how we describe things .. what could be better? and if you wanna use natural language there is the chatGPT based imagegens or txxl5
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good music to study and concentrate
Getting exhausted by it all
You never know what a checkpoint can prompt well or at all
Parts of your prompt may just do nothing at all
You never know which parts of your prompt are conflicting (especially poses, camera angles)
Is there no tool to visualize or discover this stuff?
CLIP interrogation is almost useless (but provides a nice hint as to how retarded it all is)
Trying to find someone to do this
Replying to myself here, but I guess I need to look into IP-adapters
Even the people who train the models can't tell you how the model really works on the inside, they can just tell you how they've tagged their training data and what training methods they've used.

You can influence the result, but utimately, we're all dealing with black boxes that spit out what they want. So in my experience, the best way to get a good result is to go low CFG and add only few tags.
If you want to describe precisely what you want in natural language, in full sentences and influence every detail of the image, there's no way around comissioning a human.
>You never know what a checkpoint can prompt well or at all
ya the difference in checkpoints is always a learning curve, it is what it is tho .. they are extremely specialized after all
>Is there no tool to visualize or discover this stuff?
that would be a nice thing, but you would basically need to make preview gens to achieve that which would make the process even slower? idk just gen at low res after each token added to see what happens
>CLIP interrogation
CLIP was a creation of necessity the data set came with basic tokenized descriptions, to get a data with boomer descriptions you need alot of qualified ppl writing boomer prompt descriptions and an LLM lite that can interpret it.. and then there is system requirements, txxl5 has arrived, but the model is 10gb and goobled up 20-22GB of system ram when running, thats pretty nuts
>actually reading

nothingburger desu
how can people be so stupid

it’s exhausting being aware of their existence
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There is for example Embedding Vector Visualizer, which I suppose tells you which token sequences are impactful?
That's the stuff I'm missing
Like something that could tell you useful aliases
For example, it understands "30-year-old", but apparently "30yo" does the same (with fewer tokens), well maybe

Thank you so much for the useless display of your superiority
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in two more weeks, we're gonna get sd3.1-8b and it will fix all your problems
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low/no effort attempt
Why is the clip skip on A1111 different than ComfyUI's clip skip? A1111's clip skip of -1 (the lowest) seems to be equivalent of ComfyUI's clip skip of -2. The difference is very obvious.
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if you are using sdxl, comfy treats it just like 1.5 where it's indexed by the actual number of layers. automatic starts the index at the second layer because sdxl is trained from the penultimate layer, onwards.
auto clip skip is "skip this many layers", comfy is the actual index passed to the list, so -1 would be the last and -2 is the penultimate
I thought I joined the SD game quiet late, but it's still the dark ages isn't it
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good night
You can always run a checkpoint through a diverse set of prompts to see what it's good at.
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2 years now.. nothing for new tech, this will get so much better eventually
without using the clip skip node, the comfy code does what auto does as well

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The last hope of SAI
It doesn't make sense for A1111 to not allow the first layer. Why did the author do it like this even though first layer clearly does have an effect?
it just gives garbage. try it in comfy
i trust him he knows what he's doing (unlike losers like trani)
He SEES me.
He fucking SEES everything about me.
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This guy is AI, they made him up
Great, which lora used?
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>hidden hands
it checks out. they knew what they were doing
if you mean the pic in the post, or the catbox, loras are the same, the meta info is there for you
I've already tried it in comfy. I was testing custom loras that I've made in Kohya_ss, and I was wondering why A1111 didn't produce similar images to the samples from Kohya_ss. Turns out it was the clip skip.
It’s Stable John
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