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>core i9
>128gb of RAM
>4tb SSD
>dedicated graphics w/ 12gb of VRAM

Holy shit. Is this the best deal for the money? I need a laptop to edit videos up to 4k and I'm not really seeing anything better than this. Most editors use macbook Pros because they perform better with the same specs, but these specs blow even the top of the line macbook out of the water for about $800 less.
>overheats in your path.
Also, stinkpad
Ok then, what do you suggest Einstein?
get some cheapo lenovo gaming to edit video
I don't think you understand how much RAM and VRAM it takes to edit videos and scrub smoothly.

I'm editing on my old "gaming" PC now and it's stuttering and the scrubbing is super laggy as is, this was a mid-high end gaming PC less than 4 years ago.
Build your own pc you lazy cunt, it will be even cheaper than this dogshit laptop you found.
I can build a PC but I need something I can take on a plane with me.
>128gb of DDR5 RAM
Damn I remember when 16gb of DDR3 was considered a lot.
those fucking webshitters, amiright?
If someone buys a laptop, they need portability more than specs.
Portability LMAO. What, are you going to edit fucking 4k video on a train? At a fucking starbucks? Give me a break that god damn laptop would be 24/7 at home connected to the powerbrick because no battery is going to handle an RTX gpu rendering a video.
it isn't 2004 anymore dumbo
buy any cheap laptop and rdp to your home desktop. home desktop will render the video for you.
also the a3000 bottlenecks the i9 anyway this is a retarded build
>not enough vram in a cool cheap gaming laptop
>he's gonna buy a 6gb meme graphic card
never gonna make it, i bet your editions are shit.
Nothing personal.
>I need a laptop
You don't.
>build your own laptop
just do beep bop noises and pretend you're using a computer
my $500 aliexpress trashcan build mogs you
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It's a laptop specifically for employed persons. Businesses pay that price. Individuals such as yourself do not need such a laptop. You'd be just as happy with a 3-5 year old used P series off of eBay for 1/5th the price.
>he doesn't know
i dont know, tell me
It sucks. Use passmark instead. It is remarkable how the A3000 laptop GPU can draw up to 130W, and your RX 7600 draws just under 200W. The laptop GPU is going to throttle in minutes. Also yes, I am posting from work.
As you can see by the worthless replies, /g/ is a board that does'nt work, so they see no utility in a laptop. The specs are quite good, but just don't expect too much battery life.
or you could buy a desktop with better specs for half the price. it will have the same mobility as this brick of a laptop, and much better peripherals.
the only people who buy these massive and useless laptops are ignorant students that they figure will allow them to have a gaming computer that they can bring to college and back home in summer. eventually they realize their mistake and buy an ultrabook.
OP, you wouldn't notice a difference between your pic related and this laptop. Unless you're a fulltime YouTube creator or something, you'd do just as well with a laptop that's nearly half the price like pic related.
Again, you don't work, and have no real world experience with anything real people use powerful computers for. There's a market for thees laptops outside of your typical consumer becaues businesses demand them. These are not the same thing as gaming laptops.
Nta, but how are they different productivity-wise?
One of the biggest users are CAD users, especially at a job site.
>three year old mobile i9 that'll thermal throttle in 10 seconds
>a mobile 3060
>for $2800 american dollars
>good specs
Never post here again
companies do stupid shit. i have a $5000 128GB m3 max given to me by the company i work for. it sits in a dark room connected to the network and is only used via ssh, because why the fuck would i want to work on a shitty laptop keyboard and monitor.
And in terms of difference to gaming, you'll typically see these machines using GPUs with ECC ram, built for stability and the entire configuration including drivers certified to use specific programs.

A gamer on the other hand will go for the higest clock speeds and won't care if a couple frames or calculations go wrong in an FPS, and typically updates to the latest drivers available.
this anon is right, I had one of these maxed out P16 shitpads, they won't fucking stop overheating that they burn to use on your lap, spinning fans so loud you need headphones to concentrate and the battery life is abysmal because of the high specs that you basically need to have it plugged in all the time, all in all just use a desktop instead because this sure isn't the "mobile" workstation it claims to be. Note this applies to highend macbook pros as well, all high end laptops suck because the point of a high end machine is for high end workflows but high workflows have no bottom to how much battery it consumes and heat they produce that you always lose.
>companies do stupid shit
I can see that, since they hired you.
the clown who can't cite an actual use case to defend his argument resorts to ad hominems, what a surprise
I’m not the one who brags about not being able to dock his new MacBook.
>Unless you're a fulltime YouTube creator or something
I would be a full-time video editor for several Youtubers so I'd actually be doing significantly more editing than if I were a full-time Youtuber.
i don't brag about anything, i am stating an anecdote. don't be so insecure. the fact of the matter is that i only need to work with a shell for development, so a dock is much less convenient that just ssh'ing to it.
I just want to know, what are these machines meant for?
Engineering simulations and rendering
why don't they use a real computer instead of a hot throttling mess
get a macbook pro if you're actually planning on editing videos, everything else is not worth it in this form factor
also adobe premiere runs better on macos
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Are you supposed to be able to do this? Even as a man?
Lying on the floor face down I'm barely able to even left my head up, my back and neck is so fucking stiff
they do
wfh engineers all just rdp in and use servers and workstations at work.
The problem with that is once the video is rendered you have to watch through the whole thing to make sure it's exactly right.
cute butt
...but on the other hand if you're doing this for youtube, you have to do that step on youtube itself anyway before you go and release it to the public, so you can make absolutely sure there were no errors in upload either.
You’re not the target audience. Stick to gaming rigs and boasting about benchmarks.
>the target audience for an aging overpriced workstation
Who might that be?
Your engineering department isn't ordering from amazon
Who is the target audience for this garbage?
Why should I spend more for less hardware? Also I don’t plan on using premiere.
The supplier of the engireering department will have surplus stock which will find its way to other markets. Now the target audience is anyone who needs it. It's not you, because obviously you don't work or perform any useful function in the world. Again, you think in terms of "chip 2-3 years old = bad" instead of caring about stability and certified hardware. Just stick to RGB gear and you'll be happier.
You know what the answer is.
4GB is all you need.

>inb4 I need ram to edit Le videos
Just edit 360p.
Macbooks not only have decent performance on multimedia tasks, but good battery life and are light, specially with Apple Silicon.

That's a good laptop that BTFO any Macbook on paper, but's significantly heavier, battery life is much worse, and most likely whatever video editing software you're going to use will not make use of the GPU. I can think of other applications for it, but not media creation.
putting 250W worth of hardware in a tiny laptop is just stupid but not as stupid as the people buying this garbage
>I need a laptop to edit videos up to 4k
why the fuck are you editing 4k video on a laptop
Then build a bomb.
Why the FUCK do people buy laptops? I have a computer I built in 2009 and it does everything I need running FOSS software and plays every anime just as good as this shitty garbage that fucking moron fuckwits spend their shitty money on to make shitty 4K videos that no one wants. Why are rich people so fucking stupid?
are you retarded
I've stated that it's overpriced like three times
My issue is they're overcharging for old hardware you vantablack gorilla
Fucking kek
He still doesn’t get it. Just stick to RGB colours and flashing lights. Workstation machines are not priced for you.
if you need something portable can you not just build a smallish computer and put it in a suitcase?
>I can build a PC but I need something I can take on a plane with me.

Mini-itx board
SFX power supply
Water cooler
RTX 4070 with two coolers
A small mini-itx case like the S300
Portable OLED 15 inch monitor
>Note this applies to highend macbook pros as well
not true, but okay
just get a framework 16 with the extra gpu option
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get a toilet ijeet
Better to get an Lenovo Legion 7 Pro instead, they have better cooling solutions and wont overheat every time you do something cpu/gpu intensive. You can get one with a 7945hx + rtx 4090 mobile for like $2400 on sale.
>128gib of ram
Doubt it. Unless you're doing buffered server the latest chipset can only handle it if you apolgozie with under clocking
>mixing nvidia and poozen
sar pls
>Even as a man?
especially as a man, fatty
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True. Just get a PC + Apple laptop and be over with it. Gaming laptops are a compromise.
I edit professionally for features and commercials, mostly using Blackmagic BRAW files in 12K on 4K timelines, as well as 8K CRAW fikes from Canon R5C. With power grading on most clips.

A desktop should be your primary editing setup. I run full AMD with ryzen 7, 64gb ddr4, and a 6800 16gb. For mobile editing I have a thinkpad p53 with 64gb ram, i7, and an nvidia rtx 5000 16gb ram card. The thinkpad can almost keep up with my desktop, and i could always take it to 128gb of ram.

Both machines cut through heavy grading and compositing on a 4K timeline in Resolve like a knife through butter. So yes that laptop is overkill, but why not. I do use Resolve Studio in Pop OS as well for added speed, but Windows would be fine as well.
intrlaviv working overtime straight from the 13th gen ovens i see
>you can only use a laptop with its keyboard and monitor
and that's why you will never amount to anything in life
Fake because every company that issues macbooks also issues docks and monitors to go with them.
holy shit that is a good price.
Don't listen to fucking /g/ (a board filled with tech enthusiasts, webshitters and ricing faggots). If you are doing anything involving CAD, scientific computing or video editing this is a great computer just based off oif the specs alone. I'm using one right now with Ubuntu 22.04 on it for my PhD that involves a lot of programming for graphics and robot haptics and I have yet to see any issues with it. Very quick recommend.

I will say >>101465337 is kinda right in that your desktop should be your primary solution and the laptop is a bit overkill, but better that than listening to your average /g/orilla and using a 20 year old chinkpad that can't do the work you want it to.
Does anyone use either the Precision 5680 or/and 5690? What do they think of it? Any flaws to consider?
It's very expensive.
128GB of RAM is absolutely useless for video editing, which is done by GPUs. The i7 model would probably be a better choice if the GPU stays the same.
If you buy that you are stupid. There's no laptops apart from Framework. Buy a Framework, or if you must have portable amazing speakers etc and just wanna play around on the internet get a Macbook Air. A or B, there are no other choices.
This. I would get a framework 13' DIY edition with the amd mainboard, but without ram and ssd. save yourself a couple hundred bucks and buy your own ram and ssd (make sure ram is ddr5 and sodimm). Then hopefully if the company survives in the future when some new cpu comes out they can make a new mainboard for it and you can upgrade your cpu on the cheap without replacing your whole machine. The framework 16' looks cool but the gpu that it uses costs a shit ton so you are probs better off using a egpu on the 13' if you really need one, but the integrated graphics on the amd cpu is pretty adequate for mild gaming.
>build a bomb WITH water inside
Holy fucking stupid kill yourself subhuman. If you unironically did this I hope the water spills all over your LRGBT heater briefcase
You would have to be a retard to buy this
It's a joke, never use this
>"beautiful decoration"
Meanwhile, the decoration:
you'll pay any price for something if it's labeled a certain way won't you? no sense of objectivity whatsoever
Stay the fuck away from Dell. They don't give a shit about UEFI bugs.
You would have to be very white for airport security to let you on a plane with that thing
lol, enjoy your 30 min battery life
because they work for a living rather than spending all day eating tendies in the gooncave you waste of space
That's a great price for those specs. Theres gotta be a catch
Yes surely nothing could happen carrying this onto a plane
Trains and Starbucks both have power outlets

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