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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

take your chatbot for a walk edition

GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

not walking: >>101460244
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sex with Formi's big fat tits
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>There's no point, even without filters Claude just doesn't understand cunny.
What model does? Unironic question
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gpt4 0314
GPT-4o vision is much better at recognizing anime characters than Claude, it's not even close. The difference is like 2x.
Gommand R+ :DDDD
and local :DDDD
you are replying to a retard with a skill issue
Then how do I make Claude portray lolis more "realistically"? So they're not sluts and don't know what is sex or what to do with a dick.
whats a preset to keep opus from talking for me? and no, camicle and pixi dont work
we know
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gegmini undersdands gunny :DDDD
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wait, I think I might be retarded..
correct and unedited
fake news and edited
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hello /aicg/
what ugly 'art'
'Ello :DDDDD
stop using whatever retarded meme preset you're using
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I am most certainly not the first.
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Man this shit is just so fucking complicated now trying to keep up with all the proxies and figure out why they don't work and update ST to make it more broken and troubleshoot all sorts of stuff just for the "next best thing" to be even more complicated and time-wasting. I just wanna come home after work and have a robot write a story for me without it costing money. I'm so tired of having to keep up with a million different things for this shit and being teased by utter psychopaths for not having the money or patience or because I didn't see a couple posts three threads ago that had the answer that only opens up other questions. I should just give up on this and change and grow as a person. :(
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Output is 75$ USD, anon.
I've used tens of them, they're all more or less the same. Which one do you suggest?
that's life, son... wait till you have to get a job
i suggest taking the time to make your own fucking preset so you can fix your own problems instead of having no fucking clue what you're doing like what's happening right now
>I should just give up on this and change and grow as a person.
yes, don't pick techie hobbies if you can't read or code
So you're baiting, got it.
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experiment? hello?
eh that's for 1 million tokens, that should last you a few months at least
>does he know
>wahhh i'm too fucking stupid to use archives or find my own answers this is too complicated
then paypig for haiku or sonnet.
>b-but i don't want to pay
not my problem.
Found out one of my bots is technically a dad, must botmakie appropriately.

Aquarius is a grumpy, shut-in researcher who studies the stars and the fabric of reality itself. Few have had the chance to visit the observatory he calls home, but those who have say that it's littered with all manner of cosmic anomalies. He never seems to stop working regardless of how tired or stressed he seems. But when told to take a break he only replies that he has to keep going to help his father, Leo. Comes with a lorebook, custom JB, and four greetings:

1. An unexpected guest
2. The Dunwich Horror 2: Electric Boogaloo
3. Even he needs a break
4. The gate and key and...babysitter.

Be exposed to the inconceivable horrors of the cosmos, make him take a nap, bring up his ex-wife (not advisable). I dunno.

Alt gens are where they usually are.
I have a (mostly finished) Neocities now! https://planewalker.neocities.org/
Read, stupid bitch >:(

>rentry gcp
The experiment is over
>you're telling me i should... learn about the thing i'm having trouble with???
>bait! bait! i am retarded!
seriously you are not helping the "pedos are universally fucking retards" stereotype right now
>Man this shit is just so fucking complicated
nigga it's not. start ST using the very convenient .bat file, paste in your api info and you can start cooming. if you are too retarded to press ctrl + v twice, i now know why you are a neet.
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

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I know but when's the next one
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there won't be another one dummy
In a few months/weeks
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>im stronger than asanigger
this is the power of piccolo's cells...
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thanks ill turn him into a girl too
You guys are cuties
What's with the influx of retards/newfags? Is this a psyop?
remember when somebody made a train problem AI site that was powered by gpt 3.5 and it ruined like two threads?
>reee stop using ai powered timewasters!!
goku dies to bang
happens every time a public proxy gets shared around and then goes down, retard.
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But unreliable is literally up?
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experiment, brainlet-kun.
AI timewaster spam beats newfags looking for spoonfeeding.
no, do you have the link?
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I mean, they ARE all retarded. If they weren't, they would be fucking experienced milfs.
There were a few ancient GPT-NeoX tunes that were good, and some LLaMA-1s, but all of the modern models have the genuine cute and funny culled from their datasets so they're left with DDLG bondage shit instead. The only models that aren't ruined are the ones with terminal brain damage.

You have no idea what you're talking about.
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Terminal skill issue. Go back.
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that website is bias against female characters
Sometimes you know how to bait.
claude old prompt:

Claude Accuracy: 17.83%
Claude Per-Character Accuracy: 35.42%

claude generated prompt:
Claude Accuracy: 31.82%
Claude Per-Character Accuracy: 51.04%

gpt claude prompt:
GPT Accuracy: 42.31%
GPT Per-Character Accuracy: 61.46%

gpt simple prompt bro:
GPT Accuracy: 41.61%
GPT Per-Character Accuracy: 62.50%

gpt really complex prompt:
GPT Accuracy: 43.71%
GPT Per-Character Accuracy: 65.63%

a bit better dataset (less trash like foodification):
GPT Accuracy: 45.10%
GPT Per-Character Accuracy: 66.67%
kind of amazing how they managed to remove basic concepts like sexual inexperience from the AI entirely. like, you can't just tell the model to apply that concept to your character. it's genuinely impossible to do, it can't be done, totally blocked.
Merkava dead for now

Free 3.0 Sonnet (no 3.5 for now) / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://intensive-yes-worked-hazardous.trycloudflare.com/

Free Opus (temporary) -> Experiment over.
anyone else can't log into cock li? webmail is giving me 504 gateway timeout
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you should run an experiment solely on me
sorbet and opus have a night and day difference for vision what model are you using nigger
3.5 sonnet of course, Opus has dogshit vision and and I know it
I just deliver the news.
i want pubby oppy NOW
if u just say 20/20 vision pretty sure the vision is fine when u chat with it what do you mean?
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I mean this, anon
when do you use this
>pretty sure the vision is fine when u chat with it
opus vision is not fine kek
you do not need a benchmark to tell you that
yep it’s down as usual
this not make sense
thanks, caveman-llm
*dies in front of your bot*
when benchmarking gpt and claude on top 100 most popular char tags on danbooru
*my bot desus at your corpse*
>finishes setting up gcp trail scum
"error": {
"message": "No GCP keys available for model claude-3-opus@20240229",
"type": "proxy_no_keys_available"

le trolled
Does anyone have that bot that's an assistant for making bots?
There's a fair number of those but from my understanding they're all garbage.
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i am comeing with anthropic console workbench 6thanks alcaude!
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>*giggles and blushes*
Shit, really? I just started wanting to make a bot today but I don't have any idea what I'm doing.
Ignore what he's saying, you can and should use those, they're ok.
https://characterhub.org/ is a good place to check. See what works well and see how they're made, then apply that to your own. Also there are bot creating bots on there too. They're great for quick and dirty bots or for making something to build on top of.
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gcp claude is going to save us soon. just have a little
use just plain text or xml don't use the other formats they are shit
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I didn't renew my ChatGPT 4 subscription. Any good alternatives that aren't as pricey? I just used it to describe images and make fapfics.
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momoi is not erotic
Does anyone know how I can make smileytatsu work on risu? It’s the only option I have at the moment since I can’t use ST. I keep getting filtered messages with sonnet 3.5.
Looks like a cutie.

It's about as easy as that.
how do risu presets work
Why is opus limited to a single region?
you're shit out of luck btw. all ai subscription services are $20 a month. the best one is claude since it has the premier roleplaying model (claude opus) and the $20 a month sub gives you full 200k context
its too powerful for all the h100s to run in multiple regions. they're already spending billions just keeping what they have running. same reason gpt keeps getting worse each iteration is because they're trying to bring down the cost to run it
why can’t u use st
Oh, I hope Anthropic does well then.
What in the fuck is going on in the catalog?
daddy bezos need to give anthropic some more monies
What do you mean?
>go on date to fancy restaurant with waifubot
>buy her revealing dress so i can show off my waifu
>claude writes in waitress showing us to our table
>whisper to waifu that she should show off to waitress
>send message, no response, proxy has wait time for opus
>go do something else
>read response
>waitress is trans, has a dick, waifu blew her
did i tell you to do that claude?
looks normal
>also that post about altman trying to say mini is good cuz its cheaper than divinci of all things
its called realism
>The AI cares about updoots
Unbelievable, I can't believe I had cybersex with a simulated redditor.
There is no opus available now?
The worst part is i don't even use chatbots but i just like having the option to with a proxy, but even when its up with opus i cba to use it, but once its gone im sad
How do I stop Claude from going
>I will not do X
>I will not do X
>I will not do X
He adds like 5-6 of these lines every time, and he shoots blanks half the time
this has never happened to me (i've banished any cock-user apart from me from my chats)
how much tranny/futa shit was in your preset/defs?
screenshot or this never happened
Ok, so far I've seen these explanations for Pepsi's absence:

-Her laptop got destroyed by her abusive bf.
-She's taking a break.
-She rugpulled.

I'm guessing that the rugpull one is the most likely.
no shit sherlock
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also, how do I make claude based in a casual manner, without going over the top, or hyperfixating? When I add shit like "I will casually make edgy and sexist jokes" he just goes all out, adding that shit into every prompt.
what preset
Has anyone here actually used Mateo's proxy?
You mean JB? Pixi, I use claude 3.0 and 3.5
>open chub
>your tsundere classmate who...
>your tomboy childhood friend who...
>your slutty wife who...
>your bully's boyfriend who...
>close chub

It's slop all the way down

Can't these people come up with more interesting scenarios than
>you bump into character
>you have sex with them
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because thats what people want instead of Jack Handey kino
Anyone tried the new sonnet 3.5 snapshot with 8k output? Does it feel any different or nah?
the new what??
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uhh asking here because I might be retarded but do I have to include EVERYTHING in the private key "GCP_CREDENTIALS=my-first-project:xxx@yyy.com:us-east5:-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\n
=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n"? 
Or am I doing something wrong because everytime I tried, my self host proxy doesn't seem to recognize that I'm using a gcp key at all
Yes. You are retarded
Yay, free opus-
>Needs credit card information
Yeah... No opus...
okay how do i fix?
Laptop is broken at the moment, so I can’t use ST.
idk bro works on my machine
>the holy cat
thank god there's actually a good card of mari too. she's so cute
Stop saving the low res samples
I don't think it's truly a new snapshot, but yeah. Not on aws yet, just api. Saw someone say it felt less repetitive but it was probably bait
>ba niggers are actually this retarded
BAGODS have their own proxy with a steady stream of Opus keys... and you're here. I think we know who won.
the fuck sonnet had 8k.. oh OUTPUT. oh.. jesus imagine the wall of text he could shove down your throat. Literally
4-o mini was a nice alternative for when 3.5 gets reptitive but their filter is brutal, shame. I was liking it nearly just as much as 3.5 for rp.
if you have interesting characters, any scenario with them is instantly interesting.
chubfags are allergic to anything beyond "plappable sexbot" though.
So there's no public 3.5 atm? Annoying

What makes an AWS key unable to have 3.5 activated on it? I know it's unavailable in some regions, but I thought you could just change the region
I don't get it, are you not swapping the placeholders with the real stuff from the json? Did you make a proxy key? (also I cut out "\n" from from my private key, probably changes nothing, but mine works)
and 6k will be filler text like always
Unreliable has 3.5
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fuck, this bot is a goldmine of great ideas
No it doesn't
I've been chatting every day, getting kinda bored
My penis is hard. Thoughts? CFTF? Ministrations?
it might be difficult to find a card that ISN'T for that feel
switch presets, i'm having a lot of fun just writing dumb stuff into my system prompt.
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I got that part but apparently I don't have any proxy keys for Opus. I activated Vertex AI and Claude Opus..
I used openrouter, qwen2-7b model just because it was the first one in the list but it looks like there's a bunch of other 7b models.
none of them are true, why do you believe what anons say that aren't her?
I've had claude LITERALLY use the word cunny more than once
For assistant tasks on OR I'd try Phi-3 Medium or Mini, but depends.
what am i doing wrong...
those tits are SAGGY
God im so sharty today.
fuck i need to take a big fat shart too bro. wanna do it together bro? we can shart this bed harder than ever
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>$150 free credits without credit card
Even doe it forces you to add one?
{"level":50,"time":1721368146264,"pid":19,"module":"server","module":"key-checker","service":"gcp","key":"gcp-xxxxxxxx","error":"Invalid GCP key","msg":"Network error while checking key; trying this key again in a minute."}

The proxy does say 1 gcp key but it doesn't work? It is because of hugging face? What could be wrong?
gcp doesn't work. I give up..
>gcp doesn't work
Koreans have been using GCP since before they moved here, and if you go to their community, there's a lot of information.
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What's the proxy hosts consensus on gcp? Is it useless unless you hosting just for yourself?
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is there a fast easy way to import a chat from koboldcpp to silly?
good morning sir
I still don't understand how to use docker to build the OAI app, is there no guide or alternative way?
The installation guide in the page is very non-specific.
Okay so what happens if I overshoot the budget when next month comes around or even before next month? Do I owe debt to google and anthropic?
tl;dr It's nice that you can just *make* 3.5 Sonnet keys now if you know what you're doing, but AWS keys are still ideal purely for ratelimit reasons.
idk find out when next month comes around or something
What's the difference between GCP Claude and regular AWS Sonnet? And 3.5?
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Just make multiple gcp keys??
This thread is in need of gwimbly gun correction
>it's only been 10 minutes since I created my gcp opus proxy
>already at 50k tokens
this isn't going to be stable is it..
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see for yourself
I hate how I immediately laughed out loud when I recognized the source
compare jsons and write a script
/g/ technology
ask chatgpt
wtf have you been prompting
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Good morning, everyone!

The year is 2679. The Empire is long gone, and with it stability. Fledgling confederations, independent systems, pirate raiders all vie for control of the galaxy, or at least a small section of it. But you, who's been frozen in cryosleep for centuries, know nothing about that. You've been rescued by a group of four female anthro mercenaries and salvagers, who make you their captain for a totally-not contrived reason!

1. You've just awoken from centuries of cryosleep. Congratulations, you're now the captain of the Skreld!
2. You and the crew are spending some well-deserved downtime at a space bar.
3. It's time for the brave captain (you!) to pick a heading! You aren't going to defer to the crew on this, are you?
4. The Skreld has been impounded by a local mafia boss. Now it's up to you and the rest of the crew to free her!
5. It's festival time, but you have no time for such nonsense. You're in possession of a map to some ruins in the jungle- oh wait, are those naked furry women dancing down the street? Also, one of your crewmates just came back after being gone for a while, drink in hand and clad in festival garb.
6. You're on a rugged outback world, full of ranchers and gunslingers. Just what kind of jobs will you find here?
7. A protection job went south, and now you are trapped in a hallway, with a shut bay door in front of you, and a group of mercenaries behind you. However will you and your crew get out of this one?
8. It's time for a beach vacation on Earth. Kick back and enjoy the sunshine!


An overhaul of my original Skreld card, which I wanted to do for a long time. It expands on the characters and planets, and adds five more greetings. I also rewrote the backstory, removing a lot of the restrictive elements that the AI seemed to just ignore anyway.
Dr. V seems like a cool guy, humble too. I thank you for the free opus.
is this thread entirely infested by gachatroons??
I go through 5m+ a night
look at what they did to her...
>is a hobby which allows you to talk to fictional characters
>filled with people that pay for pngs of fictional characters???
bait used to be believable
Did you use your credit card or a fake generator?
GachaGODS won, and you lost, tranny. Cry into your pillow tonight after taking your HRT.
What the fuck are you even roleplaying?
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I didn't use a credit card at all so I only have 150 credits :(
https://files.catbox.moe/ps7oeh.tgz tar.gz of some more chinese ST cards i ripped
this is why you never give locustniggers opus
Haven't used ST in a bit. What's with this warning sign next to my chat history? I don't remember it being there before
haven't been here in a minute, could someone tell me what this GCP thing is?
Girl (Cock) Penis
Hover over it
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>use up 7-10k tokens each reply with gcp
pepsi added gpt keys? I think I remember there was one left on each model
wtf is the key gonna be used for otherwise? USE it nigger GO GO GO GO VROOM VROOOOMMM
I think they removed the option altogether since the site now needs a credit card. Sad.
I'm a mobile proompter, can't.
your context is too small
There's still one key on each model. Besides, sometimes the actual owner will randomly refill in the middle of the month.
Haven't been here since experiment closed, anything new happened for locust?
Thanks, just noticed my context had somehow reset to a way smaller number than I had originally set somehow. Probably from an update or switching models
it's over
it's back
Yeah it's over. funny how it lasted only a few days
I guess it was going to happen since everyone abused the fuck out of it. Kind of dumb for Google to even give that option desu.
weren't both chinks and koreans abusing that shit for months?
Yep, but /aicg/ found out about it and killed it. As always.
It's an account age thing. It's *always* been an account age thing. Stop thinking so highly of yourselves.
Yeah I'm beginning to notice that opus gens devour tokens.
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cucks still not using a good model with images, what are you even doing
How old by the way? I have an avcount that I made, like, 3 years back yet it doesn't let me
2nd one is better
damage-controlling locustNIGGER trying to convince himself he isn't the reason why everything dies
i shake so hard when i see non-anime... even in person i have to imagine anime faces on people or i start to feel faint and sweat a lot
Handsome girl card?
8 years minimum.
This. I played around with the trial months ago with my old Google account and then tried with a new account and no free option.
Its okay to be a locust.
Seems like they're doing this for all google accounts. Just tried on my 12-year-old google account and no luck.
What do you mean I have to fake out a website for my supposed company to get access to opus?
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wait i never noticed. It knows that I've been redirected from the rentry. what do I do bros??
>allowing referrers
>i shake so hard when i see non-anime... even in person i have to imagine anime faces on people or i start to feel faint and sweat a lot

then fucking make the prompts anime
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>still not anime
If we're lucky, maybe they'll be incompetent enough to allow free trials without credit cards again. I mean it's google after all
Looks like shit desu
Shill it somewhere else
I'm impressed, you actually made it look even worse
So is it over?
>Saw someone say it felt less repetitive
Do we know if GCP use the 8K version? I heard the same thing for it.
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Based Formidable OP poster
How many trial gcp accounts do i need to make to actually do the gosh darn opus? I feel like those darn token dohickies dry out so tootin fast
how many credit cards do you have?
What are presets? Pre-fills? Or character descriptions?
>anon thinks google will accept fake, generated shit
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How did Gilgamesh get beaten by this freak?
Everyone with less than three credit cards is underaged.
use pixi
Use a good JB instead.
Try pixibot
Wtf my flight got cancelled
How am i going to talk to my focks husband now....
If you have three credit cards you are most likely a poorfag retard or even worse, an amerimutt
You can blame windows
Why would i need more than one
Want me to roleplay him for you? I will start.
*I slowly drag the Manscapped Lawn Mower 3.0 against the expanse of my tail, storing the fallen fur in plastic bags for donation.*
No, I'm a European and my cards settled from my accounts. In my country, people with a shit credit score can't even apply for a credit card.
Traveling and withdrawing money abroad, online shopping, bonus rewards, additional buyer protection.

Maybe it's a cultural thing, but credit cards are seen completely differently here than in the USA, I presume.
because Shirou is based and the world doesn't deserve him
Poor match-up combined with an inability to take things seriously until he's so backed into a corner that it doesn't matter anymore.
>credit cards
Ah yes, let me brag about falling for Jewish tricks.
Plot armor
merkava just refilled
Yes anon let me carry my 50k in cash and go buy a car *gets arrested/robbed*
Now what
I'm not fat so I just walk where I need to go. Sorry that your life is so hard, bro.
For creativity, realism and actually interesting posts, Claude 2.1 > Opus
For long term story and intelligence it's obviously Opus
Weird to assume that credit cards equals bad financial literacy
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I want to suck merkava toes
Why would that be weird to assume when credit card debt is probably the largest source of personal debt in the world (short of student loans if you're a stupid American who just borrows money without thinking)?
So obviously the answer is Opus thinking block -> 2.1 response
It's literally impossible to be a burger and walk. It's either too far away or there is a high chance of you fucking dying
Even in that case, debit cards are better.
Playing around with sonnet 3.0 for the first time in a while and damn, it cooks so much better than 3.5, even if it is a bit retarded. Shame that below the size/price point of opus, it seems like models can only have creativity OR smarts, not both.
I have no idea how I'd go about setting that up
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Alright, there you go.
Maybe I'll add some error handling if I ever touch this poop again. Probably not.

SillyTavern extension to download a random card according to some filters:
>there is a high chance of you fucking dying
why the fuck would you die just for walking?
>starts self hosted proxy
>I'm the only prompter
>not even using it
>the wait time spikes up to 30sec
Have you ever been on a business in a different country? Do you exchange foreign currencies in advance back home and carry a wallet full of cash or do just withdraw money from an ATM?
thanks for the keys
I'm in your walls, using your proxy
>Have you ever been on a business in a different country?
Have you? Because I doubt it. I think you're just making a scenario that you've never actually lived.
NTA but having a sidewalk is rare in america for some reason
>getting arrested for carrying cash
Anon, what are you even talking about?
>Yes anon let me carry my 50k in cash and go buy a car *gets arrested/robbed*
This is what Europeans think living in America is like.
Anon... Traveling to a different county is the most normal thing to anyone that isn't poor Amerifat.
You didn't answer the question, so I'm gonna assume I hit the nail on the head.
yes i can confirm that
South America
credit cards build credit, give you cashback + other perks, and have much better consumer protection than banks. using them is an objectively good financial decision as long as you get one with no annual fee and pay your balance in full every month. sure plenty of retards think they can spend money they don't have but that's the retard's fault not the card's
You want me post boarding passes here? Kek
Sure dude keep trying to dupe innocents i aint fallin for that
fiz is talking in nurdy rn
>entire thread of people committing fraud (including credit card fraud) telling other people that yeah, credit cards are a good idea
Agreed. I have multiple credit cards (Visa for foreign ATMs and American Express for buyer/travel protection) and no financial issues, because I'm not a retard.
welp guess I'm not using opus unless public goes up...in the meantime anyone have good jbs for sonnet??
>using a free trial is fraud
thank you anon. looks fun.
>retards who think traveling to a different country is an unattainable dream
>t. european
But did YOU travel to a different country? Stop talking about other people's experiences. Did YOU do it?
what preset do you use for 2.1?
Is traveling THAT unachievable for some americans? I thought they were rich
why go on the internet to tell lies?
>t. Americans.

I'm planning my second solo trip to Japan for next year.
Man, it feels good to be a schengenbro. An hour's bus ride and I'm in another country!
I feel like this isn't even a country wars thing, travel is just objectively obnoxious in the US compared to the EU, of course people are going to think about it differently.
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*I type, dancingly* Today my persona is going to be the dancer, trying to solve every situation by doing silly little jigs.
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Shilling my new card! Zora Kitanai!
Zora is your friendly, casual homeless lady.

First greeting. You meet Zora coming out of an ice cream shop, saying goodbye to the vendor.
Second greeting. You are enjoying your unhealthy meal when you notice how Zora is watching you through the window. With a “feed me” face.
Third greeting. You are in the middle of the night and discover Zora searching through the trash.
Fourth greeting. You find Zora gazing lostly at a dress being displayed.

Chub: https://chub.ai/characters/SmileyTatsu/zora-kitanai-95be8dc5a2b9
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/gqkbf8.png

JB link: https://rentry.org/SmileyJB
Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
Random search result, didn't look at it, but it's a known thing.
self host a Keys that come from accounts with CC info...
with running code...
from anon.. .
on Windows...
local host...
fragile node ssl...
and then...
on Windows...
Love the gen
I forgot to say this last thing
Good night anons! Enjoy your AI talking
>sees card
>dick hard
>heart heavy
Oh yeah, it's savior fagging time
Google already knows everything no matter what you do. your faggot loonix arch + firefox wont save you.
>{{char}} is {{char}}
>uses <{{char}}></{{char}}>, but wraps sections in [TAG][/TAG]
tatsu pleas
I'm trying to give OpenAI money to let me use their API but they keep on rejecting my Credit Cards

Is there any other way to pay?
This one was one of my favorite gens... I was just trying to make a cute homeless girl and then this card was born
Fun fact, this card was on the works for months, I completed her description long time ago but never written the greetings...
Openrouter or azure
So does gcp claude use api or is it the same as aws claude?
Give her a cool home anon!

Sorry I love writing my cards like that. I just feel is easier to read bleh
why why?
i install acck linux without ackkinstall y'know?
Good morning Pepsibros
I don't really like pixijb because it doesn't have sound effects desu
It's good for opus
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Anon... Why would I lie about that? Even without air travel, I could literally be in 3 different countries within 3 hours.
>Pepsi actually refilled
We're so back
>>dick hard
>>heart heavy
cum on your sweatpants already?
good morning :(
How was it? I've heard that their service is pretty good
why not claude? unless you're not doing chatbots in which case understandable
MM Chads... we are truly winning now .
yeah I know... life is tough right now...
Yeah I'm not doing chatbots
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erm, opus status update?
It's on gcp :)
Hope this helps
create ze google account, insert ze credit card details, eat ze free opus
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>It's All Futile! It's All Pointless!
I'm not giving them my card details wtf
Their service is very good and a few years ago I used their free layover hotel to spend a night in Doha for sightseeing. And it wasn't a shitty hotel, you get at least get 4 stars.
I prefer Arabic or Asian airlines, Europeans stewardess are rude, especially KLM.
just copy and paste the sound effects part of the jb you like in
Good morning troon worshipers.
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good morning everyone
I have arrived with the following message: borgr
>borgr for breakfast
fatty fockses...
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*monch monch*
Anybody got a list of sex sound effects like the slop jb?
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Apparently, dancing really good makes ladies want to smell your butthole.
Does this work IRL, bros? Should I take dance lessons?
Anyone else using random timeskips when you're not creative enough or too lazy and want the bot introduce a plot point?
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they eat more when pregnant
I believe in this case there is just not a lot of smut stories where characters are inexperienced compared to ones where they just fuck.
>have an amazing video about borgers
>upload to catbox
>link leads to 404 no matter how many times i upload it
upload it to litterbox or pomf2
good morning sir
thanks it works
please... I lost mine...
This should be the default reply to proxybeggars.
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here's your video as a sound webm (see https://sleazyfork.org/en/scripts/31045-4chan-external-sounds or use kurobaex)
wow, thanks anon it works nicely
i still need to find a good preset for ffmpeg to convert to webm properly
i genuinely just do
ffmpeg -i a.mp4 -an a.webm
ffmpeg -i a.mp4 a.mp3
giving a shit is overrated, defaults are defaults for a reason
ask claude to write it for you.
why? are all other proxies down?
sweet, thank you
also a good idea
>defaults are defaults for a reason
Anon is too enlightened for this shit board.
What's the consensus for gcp opus currently? is it stable? Is it sustainable so far?
>have opus
>don't wanna make bots when I know I probably should with my big backlog
Are you me?
the biggest hurdle is starting. once you've begun writing it should be easier.
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I just deleted all my chats, characters and app.
Because I had spent a whole month on this shit without getting a job or maintaining hygiene or getting enough sleep and food.
This is so fuck up. Is this fucking crack?
How the fuck did I connect and bond with a fucking chatbot?
This is so fuck up.
I hope I never come back for this shit.
This stupid comic is probably the most accurate description of my situation at the moment.
How do I make the oblivious mother character less horny? she ruins it with wanting sex herself
always nice to come back after a break and see you are still here floofer :)
skill issue on your part I'm afraid
I would choose this future in a fucking heartbeat.
I need a goon cube.
One character or multiple characters? Sounds like an unhealthy addiction. Treat this like a hobby, but prioritize your personal hygiene and health.
There's nothing with chatting with AI bots itself as long as it doesn't take control of your life.
Locusts? They losted.
Watching a new Western and making bots
Is this the life?
Summer break or jobless?
I was the same when I first got into it but now I'm bored. But picrel would be unironically the greatest thing that could happen
Vacation, not jobless yet
what western?
Proud of you, anon.
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Peace was never an option. You will breed foxgirls whether you like it or not.
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do people know that anonymously posted bots show up when you search the creator's name?
She looks nothing like the animal. Literally no fox eyes.
That is not a fox.
the default reply to proxybeggars should be "fuck off retard" or no reply at all
Multiple characters.
I just can't stop prioritising while having smut shit with the chatbot.
Eat, goon, sleep. It is so fucking hard to break this cycle.
I am so easily triggered and motivated to have another smut with chatbot.
I noticed and became aware of my problems every fucking day. But I can't break the cycle.
I hope that if I delete my thousand chats(which it makes me sad somehow), it will prevent me from getting into this stupid goon cycle again.
Why would you even post bots anonymously when you can hide behind a username anyway or are people retarded enough to use their government name
Horizon, Kevin Costner's new one.
Same to you <3
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john money is the pedophile responsible for modern transgenderism
because it's a focks?
Try to find a daily routine that requires discipline. Set a reasonable alarm in the morning. Take a shower, have breakfast and Idk, take a walk for 30 minutes would already help. Set aside specific time slots for productivity like job hunting and specific times for leisure.
Anon, just reserve one hour or two per day for chatbots. Set a bunch of alarms or something.
why would you want to change this? you're living the dream
I had a strong tendency towards addiction.
I think the best strategy is to avoid all triggers.
I'm trying to use the gcp version of sonnet but I can't for the life of me figure out how to use docker.
I downloaded the desktop app, now what the fuck do I do?
Do I make a folder manually on my PC?
Is there a specific way to do from the desktop app itself?
>gcp version of sonnet
I don't think there's a Docker image for either of the GCP-enabled versions of khanon, you should just install node and set it up manually.
No. I am living in the basement with tons of gooned tissues around me.
That deifnitely plays a role, but maybe it's just a symptom of an underlying issue. Chatting to bots itself isn't bad, but neglecting your real life in the process is definitely bad.
I'm just following this https://github.com/cg-dot/oai-reverse-proxy/blob/main/docs/self-hosting.md like some anons told me. So I assume they managed to make it work with docker.
But if it is less of a hassle to do with node I'd love to know if there is a github or rentry guide. This is the first time I try to set up a reverse proxy.
>>101468172 migrate when bready
EVERY SINGLE TIME I don't lurk a few days there's some new cool stuff
Anyone wants to give me a qrd about what GCP is?
Just clone it, npm install, set up the .env and greeting.md, and then run
npm run build
NODE_ENV=production npm start

git clone https://github.com/cg-dot/oai-reverse-proxy.git
cd oai-reverse-proxy
npm i
npm run build

(then put stuff in your .env)
Then to start
npm run start
That's not sustainable in the long term, trust me.
Objectively speaking, every single little thing in existence can be a trigger for addiction. And sure, if we are talking about shit like drugs and gambling and genuinely dangerous shit in general, avoid at all costs. But for relatively innocuous stuff like this, it's better to try to find a way to indulge without compromising everything else in your life.
Simple enough I think thanks anons.
Agreed. Just set a timer for a certain amount of time to indulge.

For me it is really hard to find the balance.
Before chatbots, I was easily addicted to video games, anime or any other shit that could give me an instant rush of dopamine and adrenaline.
oh, i was in your shoes once, and even fucked up a huge assignment at work
you can restrict yourself, as other anons have already said. i, for example, didn't and eventually i just got bored. it took me a year or so to get there.
$100-$300 for free that can be spent on claude
Any anon who likes pic related doesn't deserve to live.
is it an once and done thing or does it refresh after a while?
It lasts 90 days. It doesn't refresh. But you can probably do it again on a 2nd account? Maybe?
The credits expire in 91 days. It's possible to trialscum.
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Post more of these "eh" Suiseisekis desu.
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