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get them out of the country if they can't actually fucking code actual code and not fucking dogshit tbqhwy
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Wonder if this is related to why I couldn't fucking buy me alcohol at the bottle store lmao
Can confirm
At work and we use windows tablets to monitor CNC machines
Every one of them (~50) popped a BSOD about 2 hours ago
>windows tablets to monitor CNC machines
That's going to get someone killed.
ok but why?? i looked at xiter and it's true, but what's the source of this fuckery, is it azure or some botched update that had to be applied immediately?
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I'm a security guard and all of the cameras shut down. Hope nobody steals anything because I'm blind lol.
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An operating system being rendered unusable because of network issues is fucking astounding
They're only for tracking uptime/downtime so they can't hurt anyone, but the actual controllers run windows too so it's already joever.
I couldn't even hazard a guess.
I was lucky and bought mine about 4 hours ago.
Even our landline phones are down. I had to use a cell phone to call my supervisor.
Who designed this shit?
Why would network problems basically shut your entire OS down? Is this the future they envision?
>ok but why??
Kek I hightailed it home from the supermarket after being told shit's down so I can avoid the screaming outraged boomers in both the store and on the roads
>meme cloud antivirus service
Served them right.

t. Uses kaspersky
Probably cloud related by the looks of it. Is it affecting Windows 11 machines specifically?
This is cyber war we must strike back at Russia anons

This is big all hands on deck , we need to hack Russia
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It's actually "Iran".
>air control
>security guards
What other fun fields are having BSOD?

Azure and M365 support here (no, not a sir, sir) and all the building is down and half the city is offline.

Olympics are going to be very fun.
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wtf this cannot be real
false flag confirmed
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> whole networks and systems down worldwide
> 4chan keeps chugging along
Who even use Windows as front end?
I was thought most servers are Ubuntu
Going by the comments it looks like the kind of machines that failed are the kind of machines where you'd install LTSC IoT. It would be funny if they pushed an intentionally botched update to annoy desktop users who are using LTSC instead of retail, but they're so incompetent that they ended up affecting legitimate customers.
Troonix are liars
So what do you do if you're stuck in a boot loop and use Bitlocker? Are those people just fucking dead?
4chan runs on mac minis so obviously we're not affected
>Ze assassin missed?
>Activate protocol cyber pandemique
god i wish
Find BitLocker key to enable safe mode and rename the offending folder, if you can't do that then...
It's so fucked lmao
Doesn't matter if every other computer on the network is running windows. Effectively, you have crippled the network and people can get anything done.
so....is there an actual reason to use bitlocker, ever?
Thankfully I don't have crowdstrike on my PC
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Is this why I couldn't order my goyslop?
Assuming it's never cracked (lol) it's a good tool to stop data from leaking out of stolen company laptops.
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What the fuck
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So it's not a windows issue but a botched CrowdStrike update
Man I dread the day I'm capable as a developer to make global headlines because of my stupid ass breaking something
When it's back up can you get me a 1.25L of Kirk's Pasito and honey baked ham Kettle chips?
Freddy's gonna get you now
>chad crowdstrike just deploying globally
>beta fagman using canaries like a sissy
i'm glad these "people" are kept in their microshaft pen instead of shitting up loonix with their mumbai#1 kernel driver task force
So are Windows admins able to delete/rename the offending file remotely?
Have you tried entering safemode remotely without some form of out of band management? lol
Nope, I've never even used Active Directory. Not a sysadmin
Workaround seems to be to boot into safe mode and rename the CrowdStrike driver file to anything else so that it wouldn't load on boot.

But that's still major considering every affected machine needs this done manually
kek, so this is why our m-banking system were getting fucked.
Lets just say for those machines that are stuck in a boot loop you are either going to have a very annoying call with a end user who has no idea how to use a computer beyond word processing and facebook or have the machine returned to you.
our m-banking and bank-vision system are currently offline and theres like 400 tickets on queue
not my problem though kek
Salle with the schedule displays of my city's public transport system. All crashed.
so that's it? this is the real Y2K? no recovering and no functioning for days and weeks?
>"massive technical disruption"
>how BER wants to reduce waiting times with [typical German] "high tech"
Funny to me.
Reminder that Germany does the right thing for wrong reasons in trying to jail tranny security researchers.
I mean... it CAN be fixed. Just going to take a lot of man hours. Can't really be automated.
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>Inb4 some anon post the number of vulnerabilities in Debian vs Windows 11
>Family comes to me to back up all of their documents "just in case" because I use Linux
lmao, it was kinda funny. Still, what the fuck is happening?
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already fixed. get to work wagies
Sounds easy enough to avoid that, Just don't work for glowing global rootkit corporations
>crowdstrike threads pop up left and right on /g/ for the past week out of nowhere
>suddenly global outage caused by crowdstrike
this can't be a coincidence
I refuse to believe it
nope, still down here 500tickets on q and counting
I work for a major government agency in my country, the crowdstrike mistake has actively caused millions of damage to our system indirectly as this happened right as we were doing something extremely delicate and with out any exaggeration, i can say people have been killed because of this mistake due to the nature of my agency.

There is talk of a class action right now to sue the shit out of microsoft and crowdstrike as other government agencies have also been hit hard. Even regardless of the deaths this has caused, this has already caused damaged that will take months to clean up and without giving too much away about my job, hundreds of criminals will walk away scott free because of this due to a back up gone wrong.

My agency is out for blood and i hope they get it because the amount of over time i personally will have to do in the coming weeks now will be insane.
do the sneedful sars
that's why i said get to work saar.
not my problem
I hope this isn't a larp, let's go.
But does a Windows box have to boot cleanly to pickup InTine policy updates? That is so fucked if you manually have to do each one
What country?
it got fixed almost immediately
the issue is that it requires manual intervention of every system that was affected
its going to take days
>it no longer exists...
not a larp, but also no idea how serious the higher ups are taking this as it is a friday afternoon, but there are talks of completely boycotting windows all together. our largest program is still run with msDOS for some retarded reason.
So you guys think the crowdstrike bug IS the payload or are they trying to get into a system after everyone boots with it off?
>work systems down
>osrs still works
I sincerely hope that this hasn't destroyed where I work. I doubt anyone knows where we keep our emergency paperwork anymore.

From what I understand the following things at work run modern enough versions of windows to be potentially affected.

> Machine vision QA scanners
> X ray machines
> Some of our forklifts are testing a Windows-based control system that forces people to use periodic biometric authentication to operate.
> The inventory system itself
> Producton tracking
> A subset of RF guns
> Intercom system

I am willing to bet that the best case scenario where I work is we will have lost a week of production. Worst case I walk in tomorrow and we will either be shut down, have lost millions of dollars in product, and/or have people fucking dead due to machine/forklift incidents or radiation exposure.
>using Currysoft Windia in the year of our Lord 2024
you specifically asked for this
lmao you're saying you have no instant innawoods plan??
I believe it.
>but there are talks of completely boycotting windows all together. our largest program is still run with msDOS for some retarded reason.
Oh lord this will be a good day.
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companies use windows for mission critical systems?

is microsoft at least contractually liable for downtime since the companies obviously have to pay to use their services?
>Situation has fucked banks and governments
It's ogre.
If you're going past the milk bar can you pick me up an iced coffee and a pack of darts?
How is it a Windows issue if it's because Crowdstrike is fucking up? Serious question
Back in Uni, some friends would go donate blood. The doctors who collected blood would give them a doctors notice, suggesting a day of medical leave.
Take of that story what you will.
Honestly, knowing from ex-MS employees what the windows backend looks like... I would not be surprised that something like that spread through the MS ecosystem for some fucking reason.
>install malware
>wtf why is my computer not working?
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>do self checkout out at woolies supermarket today
>was about to pay
>walked out with my groceries
People that don't know better just blame windows. Even if Anon knows Crowdstrike is to blame, that doesn't mean their coworkers know.

When you BSOD and it's every machine all at once, anyone without IT training for that organization will immediately assume Microsoft is to blame. Hell you could even be trained in the IT there and still jump to microsoft until you have time to sit and think and not be in a code red esque situation.
why didn’t Copilot fix this?
It's not really microsoft's fault. It's a Crowdstrike bug that happens to be Windows only.
In fact, everybody that's affected can blame Crowdstrike, but they should really be blaming themselves for installing some auto-updating glowie kernel level rootkit on LITERALLY ALL their machines.
>someone redeemed the card
Windows signs off on every driver. It's their responsibility to make sure the distributed drivers are working as intended.
This is always been brought up when a driver-hijacking virus showed up, but Windows has a fair counter-point of "Well, we can't see every possible virus but we do our best".
This outage, however, is unacceptable.
Jesus...have fun I guess.
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>need to get groceries on the way home from work
>zero chance this will be fixed in the next 2 hours
What's crowdstrike and why does it break windows? Do I need to worry?
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It's like an anti-virus or something, only companies use it.
Some glownigger kernel mode antivirus.
If you don't know what it is, you've never installed it, so you're fine
Do you see cyber skeleton sheep anywhere? Means they're doing their job
thanks anon, i'm stealing this gif
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how are you getting BSODs by the swarms? first time i've seen something like this. Just how connected are these machines to BSOD on a whim
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>theres even complaints on our telegram channel
should i just pretend that i got malaria or something?
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oof, yikes, zoinks, badoink
>What it takes for Microsoft to give up their hegemony is microsoft themselves
remember that when the next cloudflare hate thread pops up
AI and Indians are going to kill us all
it is "fixed" from their side, faggot. But, the affected machines are still in ruins
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>gaymer-tier marketing for a "professional" product
That's just fucking sad.
Finally you're learning the hard way that you should use LTSC
can i just go to any redcross and said that i want to donate blood? i think i rather sent my blood to jews at this point
Has nothing to do with windows retard, its an anti-virus software that a lot of companies use.
LTSC machines are the most affected since it is third party software that caused this problem.
>non-coder suits pretending to be gamers to look more technically apt
>they do that to sell their product to non-coder middle aged women
I call it divine intervention, they were appropriating our culture and God is a gamer.
>its an anti-virus software that a lot of companies use
Half of Forbes 100 uses it.
>Just come home from work after dealing with a system issue
>Start to shitpost on 4chan
>Find this out
> Using windows for critical infrastructure
> Using Crowdstrike on top
Lmao. That's what you get when retards run your ship
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so do you think somebody at crowdstrike is losing their job over this
Yes. Everypony has had many years at this point to install Troonix, so anyone affected by this has no one to blame but themselves
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>anon, me nigger mcfuckface are getting complaints from our vip users! Can you fix dem computer already??
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What issues?
>Allowing auto-updooting
With how in sync it was AND how many MAJOR shit got affected, this is going to be a fucking bloodbath.
Penguin bros... we might see the year come sooner than expected. Imagine, Debian cash registers.
Is this actually a metric? I'd be interested to see the comparison. It's also probably not an amazing metric, given that you basically just have to take Microsoft at their word, right?
The CEO has to resign after this.
lmao even
get fucked faggot!
imagine working for DEI compliance company
everyone is about to
crowdstrike isnt gonna be around after the end of the year lel
Some junior they forced to release is gonna get fired, that's about it.
Considering there is currently nothing but shitty leet gamer PR over on their website (seriously go have a look), and not a single statement concerning affected systems, I think crowdstrike itself could be losing its job over this.
Yawn, this is only a problem for IT professionals and no one else. Nothing is fucking happening, there is already a workaround, and shit will be fixed before America wakes up.
Rajesh is getting fired and then it's back to business. CEO salary will be raised to help him recover.
we need to retvrn to tradition... i'm sick and tired of this faggy condescending millennial frowny face bullshit :(
His name sounds like a jew he'll be fine
And the rest of the company after it goes into bankruptcy, anon. The company is over. These kinds of platforms are built on trust, and if you can't trust the company you can't use their software.
So what the fuck is going on? How is this crowdstrikes fault? Did they push some update worldwide at the same time that fucked it all? Isn't that why you roll updates out a bit slower?
I've seen pajeets use really out of date openoffice spreadsheets front end for their point of sales system at a fruit shop, the shop is also open 24/7 and the produce is dirt cheap so I have no idea how the fuck they're turning a profit. Pajeets will just work every waking hour for no gain or reason
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You can't be hacked if your systems are down
>nigger using gmail at work
3 days ago
t. neet that used cock.li for daily use
Today was supposed to be my last day before vacation, I am a sysadmin. I want to piss, shit and vomit.
Crowdstrike probably has timed updates and as soon as the update hit it caused a bsod
>one company killing every Windows on Earth
Nice one microshit kek
>aiming to stop breaches with rapid and precise interventions across the entire enterprise attack surface
I guess you can't have breaches if nothing works.
Just call in sick
Just go man. Fuck 'em.
Biggest IT outage in the history of the universe.
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So they roll out features to every fucking computer worldwide at the same time? What the fuck.
This, but supposedly. We can only estimate the outages on the antediluvian era.
do the needful and redeem the update saar
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without testing, and on non-white hours.
It's a security update anon! Not updating would leave their customers without critical security updates.
I wonder if they follow the move fast and break things motto.
Oh fuck off the both of you
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reminder almost exclusively affects: the fully vaccinated, wagies, NPCs, city slickers, non-whites and brainlets

not my problem
AI wouldn’t have had this problem
How bad is this shit going to be
This is an attack orchestrated by Red Hat to sell more RHEL licences, I just know it.
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This can't be real.
guess how the updated code was written
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>on non-white hours.
Can confirm that Kmart, Woolworths and Big W are having issues, to the point of some stores closing down operations for customers.

Insane, absolutely insane. Hopefully it gets the head offices to consider switching all the checkouts form Windows 7 enterprise/POS
>Single botched pajeetware update causes entire OS to be stuck in BSOD bootloop
Not a windows issue, suuuure.
You're retarded.
the entire US tech industry is a fucking scam at this point
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Crowdstrike is banned from being used in China. So they're basically not being affected by this at all
If a botched Windows update fucks all your dumb terminals it doesn't matter what you put on the server.
Yeah. You install cloudstrike software and it bricks your system.
If you didn't install cloudstrike then your system is fine. I don't know what kind of room temperature IQ you need to not comprehend this but I'm thinking arctic circle.
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Holy fuckerino batman.

Everything is fine here...
Isn't all of China on their own chinkshit linux distro at this point?
I kneel
I dunno why the fuck POS/self checkout shit is still Windows, absolute insanity. Even most pokies switched to Linux years ago, they know whats up.
this comment makes absolutely zero sense.
It's a kernel driver, so yes, even the most mundane memory error can do that.
People have been saying this for years, and it even made mainstream news lately because of gaymers installing those retarded anti-cheat kernel drivers.
But you know how normalfags are. They just don't listen.
Not a problem on our Windows 7 machines.
Updooters BTFO
this comment makes zero sense.
t. Winjeet wageing for a Winjeet company
I always wished I was born a year earlier so I could have been alive during y2k but now I don't have to anymore. I'm actually living through it and I'm old enough to actually be affected by it!
Serves anyone right for connecting their systems to the internet mindlessly.
So many affected computers should just be on a local network.
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>im gona
Never heard of it and just few months ago I was talking with a marketing guy about enterprise antivirus solutions. Is this some US exclusive product?
you must be new here
> The shareholders DEMAND they get a bajillion dollars a year in dividends
Yes and the fact it can even do that just proves how much of a joke windblows is for running your infrastructure on.
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>advanced AI capabilities
Did they make it depressed?
AppleCHADS won
Nothing-ever-happens bros... our response?
They are probably using IoT LTSC, retrad.
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fuck I have to take on monday.
I'm finished
>can say people have been killed because of this mistake due to the nature of my agency.
>tfw you just bought a 24 pack of toilet paper this morning
You don't know how an operating system works do you? Any root level software that starts fucking around with kernel drivers can crash the system. It's why operating systems moved away from 'kernel everything' in the fucking mid 90s. This situation is why you don't run kernel drivers from third parties.
Lmao. Linuxniggers keep on winning.

This is embarrassing.

One company doing a fucky wucky resulted in all of this. Just one company fucked up their update. This is beyond grim.
Russia is using Kaspersky instead of this shovelware. Coincidentally, not so long ago Kaspersky was banned in the US.
Imagine trusting some dumb ass texan company because some stupid avian logo
>Finally you're learning the hard way that you should use Linux, and literally just not install kernel level spyware

Guess who put our company on SentinelOne ;-))))) ShartStrike is done lel.
>pushing an update out on a Friday
top tier trolling
Tim Cook would be ordering a new Mclaren if any service was actually up right now.
>This situation is why you don't run kernel drivers from third parties.
Might as well not bother using computers at all at that point
>unable to boot xray machine
>xray machine now operates at full blast
why would it sir, this is not possibly a race condition
Ten fat mexicans are fixing this as we speak
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Just pretend you get BSoD bro...
Question : How do planes in transit RIGHT NOW can land every airport is non functional ?
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wouldn't happen with protegent
On my gnu slash loonix machine, I don't use any drivers other than the ones that come packaged in the distro's repos. I don't know what you're talking about.
anyone got the patch notes?
They fly to the airport, and when there is a space on the runway they get radio'd that they're cleared to land.
It's the admin stuff that runs windows, ATC can be done with walkie talkies and pen and paper if they needed.
Think its more of a ATC / Airport problem. Im pretty sure any planes can land but they might be without the lights/RF guidance. I find it hard to believe any planes would have this type of shit on it.
Can I open my veins instead?
>haha you're paranoid bro Windows updates never killed anyone haha just allow every one to just execute arbitrary code to your machine haha
that's not a fix, it's a workaround
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Everyone was busy with replacing uint32 to uint64 to prevent the 2038 problem. Snap back to reality, everyone was connected to a single shovelware company responsible for the security of everything worldwide. A company that employs street shitters, who roll out a global update. On Friday. With no canary release, no QA team or any other kind of testing. This is beyond fucking stupid, but every single smarty pants out there thought it was the hottest shit.
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How come a single third party program update breaks important infrastructure? Where's testing, redundancy, backups? Seems incredibly negligent for every involved party, both Crowdstrike and their users.
>commit message: did the needful
>signed off by: RAJEESH POOMALOO
works on my machine
has it affected personal computers?
>workaround is renaming/deleting stuff from the sys32 folder

Oh, this gonna be funny as fuck. I can see self nuking already.
>using physical windows machines in the year of our Lord 2024
Just finished my shift at the A&E clinic and what would normally be a quiet shift was mental. Some of the doctors were freaking out as our healthcare PMS was down and now they can't get Boomer Steve's contact details to let him know his INR levels are dangerously high and he might bleed out. I imagine hospitals are hell right now.
Yes. Yes it is incredibly negligent and incompetent.
This nigga's goin bananas!
yep, every infrastructure is required to use it and soon it will be the same for the hardware side (big companies and gvt companies are required to use their chinese cpu).
Both companies I work with are just completely offline. I am on leave so I don’t care but shit is insane.
I was not aware that so much stuff runs on windows.
Local redundancy is expensive and a thing of the past. Now that we can securely store your data in the cloud for a small monthly fee.
you can't install or use troonix without internet. windows is just playing catch up.
Yes, everyone should just downgrade their systems into neofetch shitposting machines, because that's what you use and because everything you don't use is "le bad". Fucking autist.
so, medically speaking, what do you do when you're at near breaking point, what's the metaphorical balm and ointment used
serious question
i start an intense but short job next week (unrelated to this shitshow kek)
It's horrendous, and not even new windows.
People think uhooh windows is dying but it's on fucking everything. Microsoft does not give a shit about home PCs, they make up such a small % of their sales.
Have you ever gone anywhere or worked any job in the past 25 years?
Some hospitals are also kill, patients who had appointments for things like cancer treatments told to go home
lol. lmao
most people don't work here.
Ever heard of ransomware? They make the news every month.
But yea same, I thought windows success was because of home PC, not because of biz services.
In my company there's only one windows server, the rest is linux and bsd. So it's very surprising to hear large firms were so dependent on it.
Local (or remote) redundancy wouldve saved you here thats the cherry on top

Both redundant servers would have gotten the update and bsod at the same time
This is how it begins. LINUX supremacy.
Chuds are unemployed, it doesn't affect them.
Retard here: Why are these software needed and why do they need to be allowed to mess with window's kernel at such a deep lvl access?
Now I believe that anon saying people are being killed because of this
you take a vacation
>they can't get Boomer Steve's contact details to let him know his INR levels are dangerously high and he might bleed out

based, thank you crowdstrike

Total Boomer Death
Security for POS, enterprise and embedded systems
* would not have saved you
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>non-white hours
Top lel
>my machine is unaffected
Same in the chemical plant I work in. PCS is still working but every other pc crashed.
I got x-rayed by windows xp once, 3 years ago. Bankshit is even older.
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>hire jeets
>everything breaks
competency crisis is getting worse. is this will common occurrences going forward
My boss wants to sue Crowdstrike lmfao.
same reason why gaymer anticheats need to dig so deep into the system
its a security suite afterall
Yes, all the white men.
How long will this realistically take to be fixed? If it's not fixed by tomorrow I suspect I will be called in and I don't want to work on a Saturday
Well, you might have to act like a man and understand that when an emergecy arises, you have to do your bit.
Might just be time to grow up.
I'd say they have the right to
I will NOT redeem the overtime shift sar
how long does it take to manually reinstall winjeet in every single one of your wage cage's system?
It's a security solution used to monitor machines across an entire network. In order to detect malware at a deep level, the Crowdstrike agent also needs the same or deeper levels of access.
>How long will this realistically take to be fixed?
He needs to hurry up if he wants a settlement before they go bankrupt
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>randomly lay off engineers
>keep DEI scum
>get surprised
>How long will this realistically take to be fixed
So your company has 10 servers. Each one has to be booted in safe mode. Manually. This cannot be automated, unless it is a thin terminal where you can detach the volume and fix it remotely. So most of this shit is NOT a thin terminal. So it has to be booted manually. Then you need to manually remove the offending file. 10 servers, it's not that hard and will not take you much time to fix it. But some companies have hundreds of servers. Thousands of them, in fact. Every single affected device has to be booted and fixed, by hand. There is no way around it, because the kernel is stuck in a bootloop, so it does not even come to the state where you can fetch the update remotely.

Unless there is a way to automate it which I don't know about, you guys are all fucked.
Then don't sign a contract that allows you to be called in.
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Come on now, he's not a Chad Linux user. He's a weak pathetic M$ cuck who's whole life lives in the cloud...that's where his wife gets creampied by smelly Indian men too i bet, KEK!
can't this be automated with winpe? literally a script that mounts the hard drive and deletes the file
If you believe Australian ABC, then hours or days
Most companies use vms so it's not that big of a deal. You have orchestration. Way to out yourself for never having a job.
Which I said, if it's a thin terminal. Way to out your braindead reading comprehension you insecure faggot.
It could. Problem is BitLocker.
>installing 3rd party anti virus other than kaspersky
I have a Windows 10 computer at home, no problem
A Windows 11 computer also, no problem
And my corporate personal laptop with Windows 10? Also no problem

Why am I not having any problems? Fake and gay!
Because you don't have a job
You're retarded. The issue is with a Enterprise security driver for POS and embdedded devices. Are you running an POS machine or an embedded device? I'd say yes, only because your brain is as capable as an STM32
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>If you believe Australian ABC, then hours or days
Believe these clowns at your peril
Not that anon but I work at a medical center which relies on Indici (a cloud based electronic health records system). Does this mean our center has to wait until they're done rebooting all their server's computers?
Because you don't have Crowdstrike installed.
You mean VM retard, NO ONE calls them that. You don't know what you're talking about. You're going to piss all over your keyboard for your next post.
cuz you don't use brownstrike retardbwo
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Shouldn't have installed CrowdStrike on your ground harness systems
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>be sysadmin
>Infrastructure you manage is 99% linux or bsd
>zero major outages in all the years you've been doing your job because the people making the decisions aren't clueless boomers that got coaxed into running windows for their infrastructure
most employees use dedicated laptops too, genius
lawyer up and get rich after suing them for breaching contract
Imagine throwing a tantrum because you are so insecure you have to prove someone online that you are a certified wagie. First, try to have more than one job experience, then grow up and we may talk like grown adults without your meme projections. Until then, you are just a manchild.
>step 1: take down the cctv
we're in
>You mean there is a free software that's more secure and not run by jewish demon worshipers?
>That's correct sir, it's run by some severely autistic transsexuals who mostly survive of government disability hand outs.
>Oh I see....but it's free right.
>Oh yes sir, free updates for life too.
These major incidents always make it blatantly obvious how clueless /g/ is about computers.
You also have 300 confirmed kills right?
They prefer the term
>House Nigger
what line of business is that? uranium factory?
I don't get it
So windows servers and windows machines are affected
Aren't all companies running VM's anyway and what's the big deal of restarting them or remotely booting into safe mode?!
Can't this be easily automated
are you working at black mesa or something
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wow gee, just restart it remotely, thanks retard, why didn't we think of that? let me get on the phone, problem's solved
For VMs it's fine. So long as you know; they weren't running bitlocker. And the bitlocker server is fine. Or the jump server you use to access the ESXi or iLO or whatever is fine. Which they won't be if they were running CS.

For machines like sales terminals and embedded systems, there's nothing you can do but physically go the machine and boot it into safe mode.
911 is down because of this shit and hospitals are affected as well
guaranteed this has lead to deaths
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Hold up everyone, step aside. The genius just walked in with the solution!
You said you were in Australia.
Theres no 911 in Australia
It's almost like linking all the world's computers to a single point of failure, then turning that failure nexus over to a greedy corporation run by street shitters was a bad idea.....shocking I know, but it's true.
Im not that anon
>hrm, uh yes, is this techwagie?
>hrm, yeah, looks like we’re gonna need you to go ahead and cancel that vacation of yours, looks like some kinda internet problem or something
>hrm, what’s that? Flight’s already booked? Oh no need to worry about that, they’ve all been grounded and delayed a few weeks out. They’re even offering partial refunds to businesses affected by the outage.
>hrm, yes, very unfortunate. I’m hurting from this too, y’know. I’m trying to enjoy my vacation in the bahamas and here I am having to call you to hurry up and do your job already. And now my flight out’s been canceled and I’ll have to take another week of paid leave at least before another flight can be scheduled.
Well, why didnt you say so?
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I'm not that NTA but I'm a frogposter
Crowdstrike.is not just embedded or POS retard, its also on clients and servers. Entirely depends on how the company deployed it
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Planes themselves don't run on Windows, thankfully. Otherwise every other passenger jet would be a 737 MAX waiting to happen.
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saars bls
Imagine a world where the third world never got internet access
We'd have colonies on the moon by now
Cope. Cloudshit is a product of Western greed, largely perpetrated by white men (not that it matters).
imagine a world where americans had more than 97% literacy
we might teach them some math, too
>So long as you know; they weren't running bitlocker.
AFAIK bit locker is related to the tpm chip, like a safety encryption measure
What does that have to do with this outage?
So sales terminal and embedded systems are the most affected?
revealed yourself as an ozfailian!
>Some of our forklifts are testing a Windows-based control system that forces people to use periodic biometric authentication to operate.
based black mesa early wagecage prototype
>companies use windows for mission critical systems?
not really but they do use windows for lots of other systems
doesn't really matter if your mission critical systems are fine if nothing else works
KEK, DNA encoded wage cages. Black Mirror present is cray. What happens to the waggie in the cage when it get's an update? Does he get fried too or just trapped in the cage with no food or water until someone rescues xim/xer? But all the other waggies are likely stuck in their cages too. TOP KEK.
how did you get a security guard job while blind
>doesn't really matter if your mission critical systems are fine if nothing else works
Wouldn't that be the most basic definition of the word mean that those systems are ALSO MISSION CRITICAL seeing as how the lack of said systems CRITICALLY IMPACTS THE MISSION'S ABILITY TO FUNCTION.

Christ help you retards, do people pay you real money to be this fucking stupid?
look at the founders, then look at their DEI policies
Clear as day that scenario popped in my head and now my sides are in orbit
do it over a microsoft server, maybe spawning satan himself will fix everything
I believe you because I saw a fuck ton of cops driving around where I normally don't.
>people fucking dead
At least a thousand people are gonna die, probably way more
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>someone fucks it badly
>I am the one that has to fix everything at the speed of light
no, fuck off, I'm still waiting for my coffee
you think their guidance systems run on windows? windows is only for customer facing operations
>Most companies use vms so it's not that big of a deal. You have orchestration. Way to out yourself for never having a job.
authentication servers are not on VMs, retarded faggot. You arent even high level enough to continue this discussion, codemonkey.
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>and on non-white hours.
>Imagine, Debian cash registers.
This is more common than you think, there's plenty of machines running Debian, Mint, and Ubuntu, there's even large organizations running RHEL and SUSE based PoS systems
Planes and ATC systems aren't online running Windows with Cloudstrike
Ticketing, customer service, and sometimes flight dispatch planning is
Not always though, plenty of IBM and Linux on ticketing
>only 2 hours
I hope you are fat
they aren't on anything backend/server nowadays aside legacy stuff, but they're omnipresent on non-IT wagie machines
Mint is a fucking DORK
3 minutes per machine if you have everything at hand, including bitlocker keys and the machines themselves
well, you can't travel either way
>So it's very surprising to hear large firms were so dependent on it.

Many people don't realize but windows is significantly older than linux, specifically usable production ready linux. Big older companies were already balls deep in the windows ecosystem when the very first linux distro was released in late 1997. Changing all this legacy data takes time and money that the kiked executives aren't willing to spend.
it doesn't impact the system critically, for airports you can do ticketing with pen and paper and announcements on whiteboards and megaphones, at delhi airport they're operating like that, it's just wildly inefficient
same as most hospitals hit by this, you can pull up paper records, same with most pos systems, you can record on paper and do inventory later, like in pre-computer times
gonna be hellish days for those wagies and their managers to capture paper records in the next few days

yeah it's retarded and could easily be considered as critically impacting the mission, but most run by the definition of things not working at all instead of things not quite working
my niga
you need to attach the vm disk to linux vm and manually delete the crowdstrike folder. How many pajeets do you think are capable of it?
>you can pull up paper records
Fucking retard hsopitals don't have paper records
give this man the based cunt of the year awards
>It was supposed to be my day off
>Then the pajeets crashed the internet

>t. waggie stuck in the cage
>work for sp500 company
>data breach last week
>everyone must update to w11 cloud and also encrypt c: with this shit
>everyone must update by the weekend btw
>also this is a complete format, so back that shit up
>w11 upgrade introduced this shit
Lmao so glad I'm not IT
>China unaffected
what OS do they use for everything?
is there an official CCP-GNU/Linux?
CrowdStrike is just banned there.

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