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>mass IT outages reported worldwide
>planes grounded in airports across the world
>TV networks off the air
>Microsoft taking 'mitigation action'
>911 outage in Alaska
>Gail's bakery in England unable to take payments
>>Gail's bakery in England unable to take payments
Heh, that's what you get for getting rid of cash
>catastrophic failure that will cost billions of dollars even if it's fixed right now
>MS stock is only down 2.5%
Too big to fail
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Things are gonna get worse. (((They)))'re planning something extremely evil.
Yeah, they're planning to try and run systems even cheaper with even less oversight, by getting rid of all the passionate individuals who spent years trying to warn about serious issues with these mandated compliance systems at their respective organizations.

Doesn't take an evil conspiracy, just greed and incompetence among those responsible for otherwise unrelated systems.
Y2K came 24 years late
Imagine not have a bcp that made you already up and running again. Lets hope this cause Total Pajit Death.
It isn’t Microsoft’s fault.
Anons, lets use this opportunity to defame pajeets and h1bs in the eyes of normies!
Commander Adama was right
now fags only using only electronic payments understand that cash should not be abolished?
Making it bigger than it is. I wouldn't even know there are some problems if I didn't saw this thread.
anon you're 19 and never-employed
with forced updates, everything crashes at the same time. thanks microsoft
>Doesn't take an evil conspiracy, just greed
Where do you think evil conspiracies start? For giggles? Always someone gaslighting about conspiracies. They are a thing anon, welcome to reality.
Who the fuck is this hacker known as CrowdStrike?
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Linux and MacOS does not have this problem.
We know.
We havd had several threads about it here for hours now
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oh no lewisbros?
>phone poster who only goes to 4chan and doesn't even use a computer
Yep everything's fine. Oh look at that my phone just lost service for the first time in 10 years.

We are witnessing history today.
wait until amateur astronomers pick on oumuamua just beyond mars
I'm gonna hang out in these smaller threads for now. More comfy.
Our internet slowed to a crawl. Usually is at 30-50 mb/s, dropped down to barely 1, sometimes 3. Brother thought we were getting ddos'd, only for us to learn that theres a fucking global outage. I just wanted to watch youtube, man
Markets are closed
Still can't use cash if point of sales systems are down faggot
too bad it didnt nuke the internet backbone
123 movie piracy sites working great
its kino time!
nothing is happening
>b-b-buh the computah dont work
nothing is happening
all flights in the US are cancelled
>3rd party fucks up an update
>blames someone else
what did they mean by this?
>Airplanes are lockdown
>Windblows need a booster
What a timeline
>911 outage
I'm a retarded Winblows user myself but even I know that you don't use Winshit for anything as critical as this. Holy shit that's painful.
>it was fucking nothing
The world runs without you, it can fail and destroy itself without you as well.
Yeah im sure the guy posting a fuckin magic wizard alongside his /x/ larp nonsense is more connected to reality than i am LOL
Go cast a spell bitch and see if I care
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What if these passionate individuals came together and founded companies that prioritized safety, security and reliability over profits and shareholder satisfaction?
the POS tills won't work. nothing to do with card payments in this situation.
if the tills did work there is no way the staff would be writing down a list of sales and the amounts and working out cash figures.
It makes sense when you realize it's Alaska, they don't know what penguins are there
Greggs still holding strong, no?
They deployed the shitty CrowdStrike update through their channel without proper testing.
This ''I'm not responsible for anything because you clicked EULA'' shit has to stop.
If I drive my car to my mechanic because it needs new brakes, and he installs new brakes that straight up do not work, then it's definitely his fault for not looking at them first. He could have at least driven my car around the block once to see if they work.
The poo touch aka reverse Midas touch
It was bound to happen of course
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>Pajeets at Boeing when a shitton of planes get grounded but it wasn't their fault this time
Microsoft shouldn't allow a piece of software to latch onto the kernel and drag it (further) down into the depths of hell in the first place.
Boeing may be shit enough to have a plane crash while it's grounded.
>stock goes down because someone else caused a problem
>lintard seethes that it didn't go down enough
The stock market is a meme. Everything is fake and gay.
we need to install windows in main avionics computers, how can planes be secure without the latest online updates?
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I agree.
Linuxfags are planning something very evil, we must stop them!
are flaps usually fully deployed before taxi? am i missing a meme
Why do you need the tills?
In a high trust society like the UK, you just collect the cash and count it up later.
They might have landed. But it's not usual to have your engines at 80% thrust at the gate.
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>high trust society like the UK
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You know you're on analogy proves his point right? If my shitty Kia car needs a new spark plug, and the mechanic puts in a faulty spark plug that blows up my engine, that specific fuck up is not Kia's fault.
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Price will increased again right?
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