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>Lisp is a family of programming languages with a long history and a distinctive parenthesized prefix notation. There are many dialects of Lisp, including Common Lisp, Scheme, Clojure and Elisp.

>Emacs is an extensible, customizable, self-documenting free/libre text editor and computing environment, with a Lisp interpreter at its core.

>Emacs Resources

>Learning Emacs
C-h t (Interactive Tutorial)

>Emacs Distros

Docs: C-h f [function] C-h v [variable] C-h k [keybinding] C-h m [mode] M-x ielm [REPL]

>Common Lisp





>More Lisp Resources

(set! prev-thread (quote >>101337439))
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C, Lisp and Prolog.
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Check out Interlisp
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Reminder that using Lisp for functional programming is forbidden. IRC said so.
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fastlisp spec 2.3
1 jul 2024
john morris beck
this is a comment. here we use lambda as let to spawn an environment
where an object named id is applied to itself twice, then applied to
a string.)
(comment these are my names)
((lambda id

(comment this is the pain program)
(id id id))

(comment these are my definitions)
(lambda x x)
(comment the return value of the latter program is applied to this string)
(text this is a string containing a \). the behavior of \\ is undefined.) text is sugar for pairs of booleans in the lambda calculus. if fastlisp halts it returns a lambda that can guide macro expansion in the outer system extending the syntax.))
Why do you call the threads "Lisp general", while discussing emacs most of the time?
because it is the emacs general but some retard keeps making threads with the lambda.
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I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Emacs, is in fact, Emacs+Lisp, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Emacs plus Lisp.
Emac lispsps
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Wrong. This is a Lem General, faakhead.
Correct thread:
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Lisp is the original functional programming language.
she is kawaii
Oh noooo the irc. We better implement mandatory abstract bean factory in all CL implementations because of some OOP sar.
where is this from
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Is Haskell the peak midwit lang? No dependent types, no macros, no nothing
Sexps with Fern & Frieren & Serie
Land of lisp. In the comic author considers haskellers lisp northern neibhors that are autistic about pure functions without consequences to the point it is sometimes debilitating.
Functional languages are irrelevant, grow up.
OP you flaming homosexual, bring back the correct OP text >>101183044
Which language would Fern be?
No midwits like redundant features and complexity trough lack of consistency and ad hock random quirks that are learned trough pure experience. Cpp, Rust along with Javascript + frameworks are things midwits would like.
A midwit will try to convince you you "cant grasp pointers" and try to make big deal out of some stupid shit like that that a 6 year old can grasp.
So more convoluted a clusterfucked and full of redundant features language is more midwit friendly it becomes.
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>redundant features and complexity trough lack of consistency and ad hock random quirks that are learned trough pure experience
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>t. filtered nigger
Your language will always be dysfunctional. Sneed.
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Alonzo Church retroactively refuted Turing and his toy machine.
So, do you want to Clojure be removed from the list?
Frieren is Scheme and Fern is Clojure.

Fern eats too much (memory) and is actually a different species from Frieren, but still very much alike in many ways.
frieren and fern are both schemers, frieren teaches fern the ways of simplicity and sticking to the basics

serie is common lisp, she has a spell for anything
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R8 my emacs rice. Do you think the spacing between lines is a bit too much?
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Any Lispanons using acme? I tried it (not specifically for lisp) and I don't think I'm going back to anything else.
Why can't computers be based on this. Prolog written in Lisp written in C.
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Because it's simple and fun to write in while still possessing extensibility, it's quite similar to emacs in some ways.
Just discovered windmove. This changes everything
>Do you think the spacing between lines is a bit too much?
Looks fine to me.
anyone itt happen to be using guix/emacs/jabber.el? i installed the emacs-jabber guix package and it doesn't seem to actually include the actual jabber.el file? anyone know if this is just me or if i'm doing anything wrong?
other emacs packages installed with guix work fine.
maybe you're missing something
hmm. i was hoping manually installing the required libraries would somehow do it but no dice.
emacs knows the package is there but can't find jabber.el and looking at the files in the store it seems like a number of them are missing maybe.
sounds like an issue with the guix package. i'll just have to ask in the irc tomorrow.
Ok boys, i have very little knowledge in common lisp. I want to use it for general scripting and maybe some more complex projects as I improve. I see that scheme can produce smaller binaries, should i be using scheme for the simple scripts or what?
Just use python.
Yeah, use chicken scheme, gerbil, or babashka (Clojure) for scripting.

Or just write emacs lisp scripts and run them through emacs like most people do.
Nooo /g/ said I shouldn't like python
Ok I'll look into some schemes alongside cl. I do actually use a few elisp scripts that gpt wrote for me already
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Hy faakhead
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today I tried to turn Clojure into Scratch by feeding rewrite-clj nodes into Dali.

I quickly came to the conclusion that this approach is a dead-end because of how hard it is to work with text in svg and get it to render layouts consistently.

I might try again using just CSS and HTML for the graphics, but it looks to me like I'm gonna have to use a more low-level graphics library, perhaps quil/processing.
>general scripting
#!/usr/bin/env -S sbcl --script
(require :uiop)
(format t "hello ~a!~&" (uiop:getenv "USER"))
>no emg in OP again
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λ-calculus über alles
wait someone else was doing something like that in the last threads. But with scheme
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if you mean the person who posted this mockup, that was me
no ratchet has something that does this, the dude did in his own graphical scheme thing. Jesus the name of the racket package is on the tip on my tongue.

It was called fructure.
>Copy text from web browser
>Delete the text that I already had in Emacs
>The text I deleted just got pasted
Why is this a good default? How am I using it wrong?
>Why is this a good default?
it's not, and keeping Emacs away from my x11 clipboard is one of the reasons why I use emacs -nw, another one being Emacs' terrible handling of fonts.

I actually compiled my emacs installation without X support.
emacs will never have 'modern' defaults because it was created in the 80s and changing anything now would break too many people's configs

if you delete text with backspace, it won't go to the kill ring. just select everything you want to delete and press backspace
That's why I'm specifically asking if it's a good default. Is it?
it doesn't bother me but I wouldn't call it good
Why does the binary size matters for scripting? Just put #!/usr/mypenis/cum-scheme at the top and let it rip
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the styling of the individual elements works out ok with CSS, but getting the code vertically aligned in a way that makes sense while preserving correct background coloring etc. is not trivial
Never did get in to NetHack. I have a version from the 80's installed but I think I only got 5 floors in.
How do I tell Emacs that I want to mass replace what I've highlighted? I know how to do it for C-s.
Yeah. I want to highlight something and run query-replace with what I've highlighted as my search term.
I have a function in my config that does this:
(defun samedi/query-replace-symbol-at-point (&optional arg)
"Calls query-replace on the symbol at point.
If the region is active, calls query-replace on the region."
(let ((sym (if (use-region-p)
(buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning) (region-end))
(symbol-name (symbol-at-point)))))
(if (not sym) (message "Symbol not found.")
(let ((replacement (read-string (format "Replace \'%s\' with: " sym))))
(query-replace sym replacement nil (if arg (point) (point-min)) (point-max))))))
Christ, it's not built in?
Good morning sirs, how to use tramp to ssh with root access, without going through the "root" account. The root password has no been redeemed to me, but my account has redeemed sudoer group membership, tahk you kindly sirs
I... I still haven't figured it out. There are two examples on the manpage, both give "unbound symbol" on "sysctl-service-type", and if I add sysctl to use-modules or whatever up top in my system.scm, reconfigure complains about it being loaded twice. Looking at the service file itself (forgot how I even managed to do that), I see " define sysctl-service-type" in there.

I've been stuck ever since, and that's just ipv4 forwarding. Why is it impossible to configure Guix?
this means sysctl is already in a service that's being used. you'll want to look at modifying services if im reading your issue correctly:
can't wait for the garbage collector free rust version.
can we all agree defun and car are stupid function names.
defun isn't a function.
is exwm worth using in 2024? i'm tempted but maybe i should stick with using sway as an emacs bootloader
I don't even use Emacs' internal window managing stuff, I just open up a second or third emacsclient window in i3 if I need it.
>I just open up a second or third emacsclient window in i3 if I need it.
that's what i've been doing with sway. i've been messing with exwm though and it's really comfy. but getting everything configured seems like it will be a pain.
idk if it's worth trading wayland (and multithreading) for such tight emacs integration.
defun is a fun name
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My other CAR is a CDR
The cnile fears the CADADR function
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What if acme, but instead of text it's s-expressions?
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beautiful, minimal, this is how computers work
>(cadadr list)
unreadable paren soup
why are there so many schemes? why not focus on GNU guile for example? like for GCC and others
my answer would be that writing a scheme is so simple that anyone can do it, otherwise we would have dozens of (good) c compilers as well
lispers have all defun
it's the same reason why there are too many linux distros and not a single one where everyone collaborates. people like making new stuff, trying new ideas

that said, I think there are three clearly 'dominant' schemes: guile, chez and racket. and, slightly below but still above the others, chicken and gambit.

guile is probably the biggest one, and the best one to rally around for community projects. chez is very fast and 'professional', it seems to be the most viable for user-facing projects. and racket is a small world in itself
>verb, transitive
>de·fun dē-ˈfən
>to take the fun out of something
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im giving xah 5 more years before he turns into another terry davis
fun main() {
println("CL is more fun than Kotlin, thoughever.")
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Good morning sirs
  (define (sexp->string expr)
(let loop ([expr expr]
[id "root"])
(if (list? expr)
(let* ([op (car expr)]
[args (cdr expr)]
[args-id (map (lambda (child-id) (string-append id "_" child-id))
(map number->string (iota (length args))))])
(for-each (lambda (arg arg-id)
(if (list? arg)
(format #t "~a [label=\"~a\"];~%" arg-id op )
(format #t "~a -> ~a;~%" id arg-id)
(loop arg arg-id))
(format #t "~a [label=\"~a\"];~%" arg-id arg)
(format #t "~a -> ~a;~%" id arg-id)))) args args-id)
(format #t "~a [label=\"~a\"];~%" id op)))))

(sexp->string '(expt (+ 1 (sin x)) x))
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quine sirs
The main issue is "unbound variable sysctl-service-type". Here's my system config file:
wouldn't it more important to develop libraries and an ecosystem if you want to spread scheme?
what are these critical changes that people make that they need to create a whole new programming language
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Add the
(gnu services sysctl)
module to your configuration.scm faakhead
>The (gnu services sysctl) provides a service to configure kernel parameters at boot.
unsimplified symbolic derivative of x1/(x2 * x3) in relation to x3.
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manual derivative
racket is a couple order of magnitudes larger than guile.
But then reconfigure complains about it being loaded twice as I explained...

Don't tell me this should be working, but for whatever reason there's some esoteric problem preventing it from working as it should.
Try this
Sadly the same result. Copied and replaced the services section.
Did you add the
(gnu services sysctl)
module as well? Strange, it worked here.
Whoops, added the services module. Now it's... Stuck? Still thinking after inputting the password... Oh, nvm. Seems to be going now.

Much thanks, anon!
Next step will be /etc/network/interfaces... I don't suppose you can cheat and just add the lines you want to be in there? Not sure how to even do something as simple as "auto wanbr" in there.
great feeling once you finally write something that works with LOOP
Actually, not even sure Guix has this file from what I can tell... Trying to follow this guide:
scheme isn't really a language, it's a standard (or several standards) that some languages follow to varying degrees. guile, chez and racket are different languages in the sense that code written for one will probably not work with the others. they aren't just different implementations of the same thing like, say, gcc and clang.

>racket is a couple order of magnitudes larger than guile.
you mean in terms of community? I don't know man. even if it is true, racket seems... isolated from the scheme world
In terms of packages and community. For starters Racket actively uses and works on Chez scheme (they've merged their chez fork recently to the main one)
How are people using AI tools with emacs?
I spent the last couple days trying Zed and the AI fella in there is nice. I'd like to bring something like that to my emacs. Ideally as simply as possible and without frigging around with my init for every language I want to use it with.
show me your acme set up, how have you extended it?
yeah no doubt it's much bigger than chez, but guile is pretty big too (community wise)
The kill ring is fantastic and sending more to it is always good. IIRC there's an option to save system clipboard to kill ring before overwriting it which should be on by default.
He would need to be able to program first to be like Terry Davis
I have no idea how zed uses GAI but have a look at https://github.com/emacs-openai and maybe the "chatgpt" package in particular. Making something that uses the OpenAI API is so easy that there are lot's of packages floating around that do very similar things, so you're bound to find something that fits your use-case.
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moving away from "mockup" and inching towards "proof of concept" since picrelated is now auto-generated instead of handwritten html
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Is dat ClojureScript?
just plain Clojure for now. Not sure about the architecture yet, I may create a Clojure server which does all the structural editing operations and file i/o and then lets you connect with clients written in ClojureScript, Flutter, whatever.

I'll have to check if rewrite-clj runs in ClojureDart, that would be great.
I love emacs and lisp, but I'm so productive and comfortable with vscode, that trying to work with emacs feels like intentionally tying one hand to my back. And yes, I tried it for about 5 months, so it's not like I need time to get used to it, and I used to use vim for years before vscode was a thing.
good morning sir what do you use it for
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nonfree glownigger proprietary botnet nigga
use emac or vscopium at least faakhead
designated webshit work perfect for gorgeous looks sir
How do you make Emacs more secure?
I know that for gambit scheme the guys that made it Marc Feeley. Had some ideas as to how compilers should work. Gambit also compiles to C that he claims runs just as fast or sometimes faster than the native C code. It also has an infix system that I think is incompatible with any other implementation, so it kind of required it's own language.
evil mode users how do you bind your control and escape keys?
just started using org-noter. it's nice, but a minor annoyance is that notes are sometimes related to multiple pages in that a passage starts on one page and finishes on the next page.
as a result, skipping through to the next page closes the note in the second window.

for those who use org-noter, what's a good workaround for this, aside from just making two entries
>Code injection
>What would be your advice to young people today who want to get into the field of designing programming languages?
>Dr. Fahlman: Don't!
>the best languages very rarely take over, if ever
>I still use Common Lisp for developing my AI implementations, but if there is commercial interest I can translate the code into Python or whatever, or hire someone to do this.
(btfo (lisp keks))
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I like that he invented :-) and :-( .
So when do you make any software that people want to use?
When do you produce something useful that isn’t somehow related to the tooling itself?
why would I ever want to do that?
Maybe so you could get a job and stop being a poseur
I have a job, it has nothing to do with programming nor would I want it to.
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Are you reading an epub or pdf? (I feel like pdfs are better behaved in org-noter.)
nice bullets by the way. i gotta change mine to something like that
>programming is when you go to work
Never heard of it. I just checked the package repo and read the github readme.
Is the pdf rendering better than the standard pdf mode rendering in emacs? I can't read pdfs in emacs because they render so poorly.
This looks very interesting though. I'd love to have notes attached to the pdf books I read. Very nice solution if it works well
is emacs a full time job or can you set it up once and use it
haven't touched my config in weeks
haven't touched my config in hours
should i be looking into doom/spacemacs as an emacs newbie of am i better off learning vanilla first
It's both. You can set it up once and just stick with that. But you won't.
>sar I must listen to my employer and redeem.
anyone ever made a blog or a webshop in lisp?
reddit sir
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can't decide if I like it better with or without bright borders
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We're all doomed lambdanon
I personally use Doom, but I would say that spacemacs is more beginner friendly

Using vanilla emacs is only feasible if you either like most of Emacs' weird defaults or you don't mind spending hundreds of houra configuring stuff
my worry is over complicating things for myself early on. and defaults being changed on me that might invalidate documentation i’m reading.
i’m going to play around with both today anyways tho
I used vim for extended periods of time before emacs
If I want vim keybindings, I'll simply use vim
Vim is still superior for scrolling output,
letting command mode seamlessly write to stdout
It's a thing I haven't been able to make emacs do
Scroll live buffers. Can it be done?
Did a quick search and found this
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guix bros how do you separate your home and system profiles? specifically which should i be installing my window manager to?
guix doesn’t seperate out hardware related configurations from the system config so i’m trying to keep it as generic as possible but i can’t seem to get xorg to work using just the home profile.
i have two laptops and my end goal is to have both running identical setups with only minor hardware-related differences.
but maybe system profile is actually better for the window manager because then i could have a laptop with mate and a laptop with exwm but the same emacs config and such between them?

i need some wizards to share what they do
shill some packages to me bros
How do you like to cycle the kill ring? I'm so sick of deleting a line and losing what I copied.
M-x yank-pop

on a side note, the name 'kill ring' is the funniest thing in emacs. it's so excessively violent for such a harmless function.

- heh, sorry, text... but you're about to be sent to the kill ring...
Why not M-y?
I've never been able to use yank-pop without immediately pressing TAB to get a list of prompts. It's as if I don't understand how to use it without prompts.
for me, it's consult-yank-pop
That's nice. I need to use that more.
>Scroll live buffers
What do you mean by this?
>Is the pdf rendering better than the standard pdf mode rendering in emacs?
PDF rendering is delegated to pdf-tools which is much faster than stock Emacs' default of doing a pdf->png conversion to render PDFs.

What org-noter brings to the mix is a workflow where a frame is split in two and has the the an ebook on one side and notes for that ebook in org-mode on the other. Furthermore, these notes are synchronized with the book so as you scroll up and down the book, the relevant notes on the other side will be scrolled to and opened.
It is GREAT FUCKING SHAME that the only lisp with tasteful and intuitive names for function is Clojure and all the rest of them are _literally_ using the names some guy came up for them for internal use by his team or himself only. DISGRACEFUL!
(define head (lst) (car lst))
(define rest (lst) (cdr lst))
in scheme this is just
(define head car)
(define rest cdr)
What's a better way to write this?
(defun parse-netscape-bookmarks (file)
"Return a consed list of titles and URLs from bookmark FILE."
(mapcar #'(lambda (b)
(let ((split (split-string b "\"")))
(cons (string-remove-suffix "</A>" (string-remove-prefix ">" (mapconcat 'identity (last split))))
(cadr split))))
(mapcar #'car (s-match-strings-all "<DT>.*" (f-read-text file)))))

Intended use:
 (defun run-command-on-title (command prompt list)
"Select title with PROMPT from LIST and run COMMAND on consed URI."
(format "setsid -f %s %s &" command (shell-quote-argument
(cdr (assoc
(completing-read prompt list)

(defun select-bookmark ()
"Select a Netscape bookmark and open in $BROWSER."
(run-command-on-title "$BROWSER" "Select bookmark:" (parse-netscape-bookmarks "~/.local/share/bookmarks.html")))
would you rather be copied and pasted or yanked and killed, /lisp/?
reading epubs with olivetti is max comfy
I'd be rather kill-ring-saved
who’s olivetti? your girlfriend?
at the risk of sounding like an ad the emacs 29 revision of mastering emacs is out and on sale if that's something anyone here is interested in buying.
or you know, check your sites it should be there eventually too.
Olivetti gives your buffer some margins on the side for a more readable viewing space.
it's pretty much mandatory for extended reading on a 16:9 screen.
ooh i've been needed this. my dumbass has been opening up two empty buffers to the left and right and manually resizing them
The "operating-system" object is a guix record, just like packages. So you can create a core operating-system definition which only has stuff that's shared between systems, and then each system can "inherit" it. For example
# in file common-system
(define-public common-system
(host-name "unnamed")

# in file system1
(load "common-system")
(inherit common-system)
(host-name "system1")

host-name will be overridden (and of course you can do the same with all fields). Then you would do the same for system2, system3, etc.
Then if you only wanted hardware stuff to be separate you would put all hardware related stuff in the system* files, everything else will go in common-system and be shared across all systems.

Not sure why xorg doesn't work in the home profile, maybe you don't have your env vars set right. But either way I don't see why you wouldn't just want xorg in the system profile.
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>lisp general
thanks anon that actually answers a few questions i’ve had.
i probably am doing something wrong in my home config but this solution is better anyways.
i guess i could probably do the same with home? have like a home-desktop file that inherits home and then separate out cli and gui stuff.
but i’m getting ahead of myself probably
That's a creative (but hacky) solution.
I use olivetti-mode with org documents too.
Why does /g/ like lisp
yes, that’s why you learn it it’s a trade
it used to be at least
look at this syntax who wants to use this pile of shit in production
nobody lol
>Lisp Is Simply Powerful
lisp is programmable programming language. lisp is whatever you want it to be. lisp is you
can i get a qrd on the differences between doom emacs and spacemacs?
spacemacs is the tranny one, doom is the chud one
spacemacs = vimmer's emac
doomemacs = emacser's vim
I thought it was the other way around
that's evil.
i think if you do any serious reading in emacs, you need to hook olivetti and variable-pitch mode into any reading mode.
keep your morality out of this.
no I mean that's evil, the extensible vi layers for emacs.
Pretty good. Thanks.
spacemacs comes with easily navigable documentation, including a good beginner's guide.
Doom emacs has a billion stubs that make finding any of the real documentation in the program impossible, so your best bet is to rely on searching through the disjointed guides and FAQ's on Doom's Discourse board.

Spacemacs has bricked my setup with auto-updates even though I had configured it not to update.
Doom Emacs will also brick itself during updates, but it has never updated itself without me asking it to.
Use Witchmacs. I've been using it for 2 years now and it blows both Doom and Spacemacs out of the water just due to how simple it is really.
(setq inhibit-startup-message t)
(setq inhibit-startup-screen t)
(setq initial-buffer-choice "~/Documents/publicNotes/test.org")

I have those included in my config and I still get the initial emacs startup screen. What's going on?
>last commit 5 years ago
Owari da
it's not like emacs changed radically in the past 5 years
some new features were added, but emacs is very strict about keeping compatibility with 80s stuff, that's why weird stuff like C-w and C-y exist. you can bet a config written 5 years ago will work with the latest emacs without issues
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What are Lisp-like environments you can run in both Windows AND Termux? Clojurescript w/ nbb? I'm bored at my job and my manager is ass.
Anyone here use the Nyxt browser? Is it any good? How does it compare to qutebrowser?
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It worked for me. I put the config in ~/Emacs/4chan/init.el and I ran it like this:
emacs --init-directory=~/Emacs/4chan

I then split the frame into 2 windows and loaded the init.el. See pic for details.
I don't remember exactly how, but it crashed on me multiple times. I liked some of its features like header navigation though, and I like the concept in general. It was just a little rough around the edges.
I discovered another bad default while using this almost vanilla config. I used dired to try to navigate my way back to the init.el file and every time I changed a directory, it not only created a new buffer, it also created a new window. It pretty quickly turned my frame into a 4 window split and every subsequent directory change would pick a random window out of the 4. Something in the amodernist config must have disabled this behavior and kept dired in one window.
doesn't happen for me when I run emacs -Q
same as >>101557165
emacs has bad defaults but they're not THAT awful
>Spacemacs has bricked my setup with auto-updates even though I had configured it not to update.
Back when I used Spacemacs a lot, I put the majority of my config into functions that were outside of ~/.spacemacs. The biggest problem was that ~/.spacemacs would introduce config options in newer versions such that older ~/.spacemacs files wouldn't work with an upgraded Spacemacs. For things to work right, I'd end up generating a new ~/.spacemacs and then putting all my customizations back in.
False alarm. For some reason, I used the mouse to click on directories instead of using the keyboard like I normally do. Clicking with a mouse is what created new windows.
it does create a new buffer, but not a new window. I've disabled that here.
>For some reason
The reason was that I normally use evil, and I feel weird when I don't have vi-styled navigation. That's why I resorted to using the mouse. Sorry emacs.
Did you have those issues with a recent version?

I was somewhat interested in the the privacy elements of the browser, but no one is really talking about it. I guess I'll just try the browser for a while and see what I think.
I tried about a month ago.
How do I stop using the keyboard arrows reeeee. I think I will buy one of those faggy 60% keyboards, but I use spreadsheets sometimes so that is going to be a pain
Why stop? (I like the arrow keys.)
Oh damn. Well, thanks for the information. I think I will still dabble with it since I already downloaded it, see how it goes.
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I think I remember how I crashed it. I tried to use an external editor to edit the config ~/.config/nyxt/auto-config.3.lisp, and it didn't like that. However, I tried it again just now, and it didn't crash this time. YMMV.
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just play nethack until using hjkl is muscle memory
Version 2, less retarded.
(defun parse-netscape-bookmarks (file)
"Return a consed list of titles and URLs from bookmark FILE."
(mapcar #'(lambda (bookmark-line)
(let ((bookmark-fields (split-string (car bookmark-line) "\"")))
(cons (string-remove-suffix "</A>" (string-remove-prefix ">" (car (last bookmark-fields))))
(cadr bookmark-fields))))
(s-match-strings-all "<DT>.*" (f-read-text file))))

The point of this is to use prescient and vertico to sort bookmarks by frequency of use, but in practice it's too weird to use an emacs window to open a new browser tab.
>it's too weird to use an emacs window to open a new browser tab.
I do this all the time though. Emacs <=> Browser interop is really useful.
Although I don't use Spacemacs anymore, I like the care they put into their space menu keybindings. In particular, they made it so that REPL interaction feels consistent across languages.
, ' :: open a REPL
, s r :: send a region to the REPL
, s l :: send a line to the REPL

These bindings would work across languages, and I thought that was a nice touch. I replicated this aspect of Spacemacs in my own config.
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this thing will replace emacs for lisp editing

then again, you could probably recreate it inside of emacs
i don't know how this could be better than the rainbow-parentheses/paredit combo, but looks like it would be good for nightmarish stuff like JSON
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The whole point of this editor is to make it easier to use paredit-style tree manipulation features (they're just not implemented yet)
whatever this is it's really pretty but i'm never leaving emacs
i don't know why rainbow-delimiters isn't built in. it has definitely helped me.
I think we need to rewrite EMACS Interpreter in a MULTICORE language!!!!!

is this possible? Something like Go or Rust.

i've had emac's single-threaded nature bite me a few times. wheras zed never lags like ever pretty much.

i dont really want to switch to zed, their emacs emulation isnt super great.

i think im gonnna try this
I'm trying to define a custom function to operate on isearch results as I manually go through them and for some reason the following code in my init.el is not mapping it properly.

(define-key isearch-mode-map [?\C-?\M-k] 'my-function)

I can run my function manually by doing M-x my-function and it works, so I know my function is defined properly. It just doesn't execute when I do C-M-k. I assume I'm just defining it wrong but idk.
The single threadedness is not a limitation of lisp. It was just programmed that way, because it was made in the 70's
>eglot with clang and clang-format
This seems to work.

(defun msg ()
(message "msg"))

(keymap-set isearch-mode-map "C-? M-k" #'msg)
What do you use Lisp for outside of Emacs?
>try to code something very simple in lisp
>receive inscrutable error message
>try to fuck with it until it works
>this goes on for several hours until i give up
unusable language
Today I Learned PAIP is free.

I understand there is some output blocking, but how do I make this work as intended?
(defun in-loop ()
(loop while (not (equal (read-line) "q"))
do (format t "some output")))
outside of emacs?
good morning sar
java may be more suitable for your designated poopgraming needs
redeem the powerful sar durgasoft designated currybatch slop course instead
Maybe have q send a SIGUSR1 signal to the running process, to be handled however you want it to be handled, or something like that.
The problem is that output is blocked until the loop is ended
Since all CL gui libraries are trash. How can i connect a some other gui. Is there some example with sockets?
This is basically the blind leading the blind, but in a shell script you can do something like this:

stty quit q
trap "stty sane; exit" QUIT

while true; do
echo Hi
sleep 1

In this case, q is set up in the terminal to kill the program and then restore the normal binding for q. You could use something like Guile's sigaction to emulate trap.
I wanted to do this, and I don't actually get why behaviour is that different
(defun in-loop ()
(setq in (read-line))
(if (equal in "q")
(return-from in-loop)
(format t "in: ~A~%" in)
Also it behaves differently in sly and sbcl --load, but that's probably because its not really a terminal in emacs
So I messed around with Nyxt a bit. It seems pretty cool, but isn't the most polished thing. For example, the key bindings page repeats keys and lists them in a less than sensible order. I haven't used it much yet, though.

The fatal issue I am having though is that blocker-mode appears to not block any ads. Every page that I went to with ads showed them. I could be doing something wrong, though.
blocker mode by default is relatively weak. its better you code your own, stricter addblock

a host file blocklist is pretty solid as well

;;; Block UTM and hide user-agent
(define-configuration :reduce-tracking-mode
(append '("utm_source" "utm_medium" "utm_campaign" "utm_term" "utm_content")
;;mimic chrome on mac
"Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh, Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36")))
Many thanks, anon. I will try it out some more tonight.
Very nice.
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>anon shows me his emacs config
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we're all doomed
>init.el is 1200 lines
any other bloatmaxers in here
I'm weighing in at 868 lines.
i am half tempted to just put my modular config all into init.el on the off chance it improves startup or performance even a tiny amount
Language Files Lines Code Comments Blanks
Emacs Lisp 6 1640 1383 114 143
Makefile 1 8 6 0 2
Plain Text 1 5 0 5 0
Total 8 1653 1389 119 145
2096 including comments but I have it in multiple files. Some things may be duplicated, it's kind of a mess but doesn't feel bloated to me. The low counts mentioned are actually kind of surprising
How did you generate this?
very nice. thanks.
Language files blank comment code
Lisp 11 1322 523 8544
>1.2k lines
>doesn't feel even close to complete
i feel like im doing something wrong
tbf a lot of those lines are incredibly short because most of it is use-package declarations
Im not well versed in DOM and other browser shit. CLOG seems too much browser based and too much OOP based which I dont like. Its still a great project.
is xahlee actually good for learning emacs
he seems unhinged in a bad way
yes zoomer faakhead
not really, he is the bottom of the barrel of schizo coding streamers and probably a pedophile. Protesilaus (prot) and system crafters are a better to start at.
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I want to build a mascot for Emacs, but have no idea of how to do it.
I already did something similar, but fully web based. I want to have a cute anime girl like pricrel at my Emacs so I can talk to her.
My guess is that I will need to build something "outside" of Emacs, and then attach the mascot to Emacs' window, amirite?
I already some sort of communication + AI architecture from my previous project, the problem here would be attaching the mascot to Emacs.
Any suggestions?
>My guess is that I will need to build something "outside" of Emacs, and then attach the mascot to Emacs' window
Isn't that what this does?
how do you make PDF reading in emacsen pleasurable? I took the okular pill long ago and never looked back. Is there a way to make it good in emacs?
Kinda. What I really want is to display the mascot inside Emacs, but if that isn't possible I'll be happy to have a cute girl sitting on my window. The thing is, it's not just about having an anime girl sitting on your window, I want to connect it to my server so I can fetch responses from my LLM server. I already have an endpoint ready, which I was using for my web project. I can literally use the same endpoint to gather responses from the server and then display as a message box or even with some fancy text2speech.
Sorry if I'm being a jerk, it's 4AM and I'm fucking drunk
lmao my job. We code exclusively in gambit scheme
>ib4 gambit developer
he's extremely knowledgeable but his English is so bad that his articles make me feel like I become dumber by reading them

Wish he would use grammarly or something for is blog posts
tokei ~/.config/doom/                                                                         (master|?) 02:47
Language Files Lines Code Comments Blanks
Emacs Lisp 8 1009 514 362 133
Total 8 1009 514 362 133
a startup, the bosses says theres been no significant improvement in cs since the 1970's. It's all bloatware to allow retards to build shiny websites. The more I work here and learn about the industry at large the more im inclined to agree.
I'd study his source since he figured out how to do the esoteric X11 stuff.
Hooking up the LLM is up to you. Sounds like you already know how to do that part.
do you do shiny websites too?
I'm to retarded for SICP because I suck at math, should I read SICP and look at the answers after trying to solve the problem for ~10 mins or read HTDP?
I found a new webapp written in Scheme. It may be a good practical example of how to use Guile Scheme for web development, because he just got started, and the codebase is small.
Mine is 221 lines of actual code and I'm wondering the opposite, how are all your configs so gigantic?
I've even got everything really spaced out in a bunch of setup.el blocks and have a couple functions and the custom settings block at the end!
What could possibly take up TEN TIMES the space?
custom elisp functions
No, we're building a productivity app. I didnt have much choice in employment so I'm banking on this being experience for the long run.
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Rainbow parens are trivial to implement in CSS, but I don't think they're actually helpful in this context, they just make the screen look even more busy.
I'll leave them in as an option.

- custom elisp functions
- some YUGE functions from emacs extensions which I needed to modify and consequently ended up with their modified definitions somewhere in my config
- Making stuff work with evil
can i insert literal | to org table in first column and not fuck it up, it formats badly
i want to put piped command in one column, and in another explanation what command does
| komenda                                                  | opis                                                                               |   |
| ausearch -m avc -ts recent | filtruje wyniki, aby pokazać tylko te związane z Access Vector Cache | |
| ausearch -m avc -ts recent | audit2allow -M tomcat_custom | comment description |
I haven't touched my config in ~9 months and that was only to change my PDF viewer.
>defaults being changed
Emacs default don't change.
Why not
(kbd "C-M-k")
CL-GTK4 is probably the best binding I've seen for any language for any toolkit. Also it's generated from the gobject-introspection data, it's not manualshit like that cl-cffi-gtk crap.
Just use xelb and do it all inside Emacs.
Can you share what platforms you are targeting?
Also why gambit specifically? To me it seems like its in a weird middle ground between Guile, Chicken and Chez.
i meant in reference too a distribution like spacemacs changing them. even if the new bindings are better they won’t be whats referenced in the emacs manual for example.
i ultimately decided to stick with vanilla. doom and spacemacs seemed to add a lot of extra complexity for not that much of a difference.
kurwa blyat use strings sir
Also I think there is no way to "escape" | in tables. That seems like a terrible use case man.
>almost a month trying to fix a shitty monstrous application made 10 years ago in python 2(when it was already old)
>97.75% of the problems we are facing simply would not exist if it was written in CL or scheme
Jobs suck comrade Xi launch the missiles already.
what's the problem? Be glad that Python offers you some job security as employee at whatever stupid company you work at. And if you want to stop being a wagecuck and make your own business instead, you use Lisp so that you can get done as much alone as could a small team of several OOP slop monkeys.
Believe it or not, the space menu that Doom and Spacemacs provides doesn't conflict with a majority of the vanilla keybindings. The vanilla keybindings are still there if you want them.
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This guy's workaround was to use \vert .
Alright I'll be taking notes while I ask questions this time instead of being that asshole that thinks I can remember everything anons spoonfeed me but forget most of it.
what package for this nice formatting? lines and interpreting \vert to | ??
Is Arch the Lisp of linux distros?
debian is
guix isn't
gentoo isn't
arch isn't
everything else isn't
why? because an os is nothing but a bootloader for emacs, so there's no reason to pick something that isn't debian so it never gets in the the way
for the times where you have to use something else, that's no problem, but if you have a choice? choose the most hassle free option, and for linux it's debian.
So it's the most simple and minimalist option?
All of them, web, mobile, all the major os's.
As for why gambit, primarily because they told me to. But I do like the functional nature of it. We have no classes, global variables, or mutable structures. The something breaks its trivial to find it and fix it. Gambit is also extremely fast. The latest benchmarks the creator did, the community is quite small, puts it on par with C.
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How do you make Emacs faster? I've been using stock Emacs (with just a few keybindings and lsp-mode in my init.el) for about 10 years. It always felt a little buggy and slow, but I never cared that much. Last year I tried Doom Emacs and nigga, they load around 200 dependencies and still manages to be faster than stock Emacs. How the fuck that happens? I like the speed of Doom, but I'm used to stock Emacs, so I'm not considering using Doom on my day to day.
What are the tweaks you guys do to make Emacs faster? I'm not talking about start up time, I run it as a daemon, so it's no problem. I'm talking about delays in auto-complete, flycheck, flyspell, eglot, lsp-ui etc.
simple in terms of effort
minimalist in terms of mental overload
what you get is a long term solutions that has been here for multiple decades, just like emacs
things change but the core is the same, slowly evolving
the autistic kind of minimalism doesn't interest me I think it's pure masturbation over something meaningless
>the autistic kind of minimalism doesn't interest me I think it's pure masturbation over something meaningless
Well all I want something that is efficient and just werks, no bloat. Not minimalism for it's own sake.
proper gc settings, read-process-output-max, native comp, lsp-use-plists, lsp booster
and make sure you aren't using the shitty default delays for auto-complete
lsp-mode documentation has a part about performance mentioning most of the above
Thank you! I'm gonna give a read about the settings you said. Right now I'm already using Emacs with native-comp, but to be honest I didn't noticed any difference from when I was using the default one.
Here's my init.el in case you want to give it a read. There's nothing special, just a few packages and some bindings that I changed, no performance settings whatsoever:
OOP done terribly, can't update because the client doesn't want to pay us to rewrite in python 3, every fucking day some bullshit dependency breaks because a repo dies/changes, Frankenstein architecture and plain wrong code at times. Also some incredibly complicated docker bullshit to make the legacy stuff work.

It was made by another company and sent to us once it started crashing everyday after some hours and the monkeys there were no longer able to keep up.

>bla bla bla job company make your own
I hate money and thinking about money. Jewish behaviour.
i recently had the pleasure of dealing with a customer's python spaghetti without any containers or even venv
i guess that's their problem if they want to splurge on the dev hours it takes to get a project like that to even run whenever someone new needs to work on it
example #18582 of "all the Emacs default settings are shit"
yeah most people hate having to think about money but unfortunately that's the way it is
you're lucky that you even have a job, a lot of us can't get one
new bread
>what package for this nice formatting? lines

>and interpreting \vert to | ??
I'm not sure what's doing that, but it only happens in org-mode. It was the first time I had ever tried it, and it just worked.

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