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Previous /sdg/ thread : >>101461486

>Beginner UI local install
EasyDiffusion: https://easydiffusion.github.io
Fooocus: https://github.com/lllyasviel/fooocus
Metastable: https://metastable.studio

>Local install
Automatic1111: https://github.com/automatic1111/stable-diffusion-webui
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI
SD.Next: https://github.com/vladmandic/automatic
AMD GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#amd-gpu
Intel GPU: https://rentry.org/sdg-link#intel-gpu

>Use a VAE if your images look washed out

>Run cloud hosted instance

>SD3 info & download

>Try online without registration
sd3: https://huggingface.co/spaces/stabilityai/stable-diffusion-3-medium
txt2img: https://www.mage.space
img2img: https://huggingface.co/spaces/huggingface/diffuse-the-rest

>Models, LoRAs & upscaling


>Index of guides and other tools

>View and submit GPU performance data

>Share image prompt info
4chan removes prompt info from images, share them with the following guide/site...


>Related boards
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"yaaaaawn" g'oo'd m'oo'rning sdg!
Requesting spoonfeed on how to animate my favorite ponies with PDXL + Animatediff

is it just impossible right now?
first for (tr)ani is literal human garbage
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just install the animatediff extension, grab the animatediff sdxl beta motion module click generate and be amazed how absolutely horrible it is, pic related
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webm related is the last time I messed around with anidiff. basically use the pony model to generate frames and animate diff with a 1.5 model just normalizes the original output. you can interpolate pony gens with controlnet too.
Once again, despite warning, debo is stealing and reposting my gens
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goo morning
today is not only friday, but also it is beekeeping day, lets 'see' some 'bees', 'gee'!!!
schizo your lover debo is asleep, wait a few hours than you can hump him again
Is there a good tool to create accurate voices based on a sound clip? I found a python library called TTS but none of the output sounds like the input voice
Sorry to have upset you
a single clip? not really
bark says it can, but it's not great
I mean there's like 20 minutes of talking is what I meant by a clip. I've seen some vocaroo stuff posted on 4chan that's eerily similar to the original voice so I know it's possible to clone voices. I'll look into bark.
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oh, if you got at least 15 minutes of clean audio then I recommend xtts finetuning + rvc
that's about as good as it gets

finetuning gets you 90% of the way there, and rvc another 5%. I have a model trained on my own voice, and when I used it on VC people said I sounded odd, which is a win in my books
i want to stare at you until you dehydrate
>still using comfys honeypot UI
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i am the..
any news today? i like to stay up to date
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Its been a few months since I've done SD and I'm curious if using LORAs has changed? I noticed all the prompts on Citivai don't include the LORA info in the prompt itself, but it does list the LORAs in the meta data with its weight values.

I'm trying to copy an image from the site and mine looks extremely similar but its obvious the style LORAs aren't applying if I just put them in the prompt with correct values.
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what a buzzing idea
i have noticed that too, no idea why. but i believe loras are still used the same
>any news today? i like to stay up to date
he'll probably do a mini update in a few hours seeing as it's only 7am over there at the moment.
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Is ComfyUI still king? Also, any local models that are similar to Bing/Dalle3 in quality/execution? Seems like a lot of good models out there focus on realism, but I'm looking for a semi-cartoonish feel
comfyui or reforge. ani is cooking a new one though which seems to be the one for amd gpus or something. try aura flow, it's extremely accurate
2dnpony_V10 is great (HQ comic book 2D-ish->realistic), matrixrealisticpony_v13beta is great (Think 2.5->3D)

The comfyUI post here's stuff always look good so I guess the UI is nice too? ? Apparently some module in it or some such is basically malware now though.

There's a lot of experimenting to do and a ton of pony based models to go through which are by far best for anatomy and so on. Mostly porn oriented/capable though.

I use EasyDiffusion because I don't want to learn enough about fucking python to fix the other GUi's on my os install
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turns out you don't need to melt the Antarctic running billions of parameters to detect scene changes in video
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gm ai sisters
Good morning
Neat, thanks! Will bee posting my results here. Been a short while since I last messed with image AIs, but seems like nothing much changed
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actually idk if you'd say scene change, cut detection, shot change or what, i guess these would be a different shot of the same scene
Haven't been in these threads in months
Last thing I remember was using autismmix
What's going on these days?
sd3 came out, was a disappointment, most are using some pony mix
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some false positives like the first one in >>101473182 but good enough, easier to manually review a list of potentials than it is to manually find the splits, and most importantly it doesn't need gpus
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ldg is dead
What does it mean if anon has an image of my real face
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these 12 step rough draft gens aren't so bad
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doesn't ffmpeg have a flag for that since years ago?
search for "ffmpeg scene change", you'll find a dozen solutions on stackoverflow
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I'm just a little confused as to what anon is using. sounded like he is using a vlm or something
>sounded like he is using a vlm
try reading it again lol
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also i'm testing ffmpeg now and it's like half the speed of my solution and the results suck
no wonder anons think you're lolcow
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he didn't mention anything about what he was using just that it's not resource intensive.

are you leveraging imagemagick or something? you aren't really going into detail about anything
he isn't, (You) are the lolcow schizo
>schizo shoots himself in the foot and begs people to laugh at someone else
has schizo ever posted gen
never trained a lora before and i want to train one based on a specific doujin series.
would using both the covers and the pages themselves create a mess due to the covers being colored and the doujin black and white?
should i only use the covers?
he's a VRAMlet so no unless you count false-flag reposts
probably at first but then something broke
no need to be mean desu
i specifically stated i'm not melting the ice caps by using gpus, idk how ani got vlm from that
nobody had asked for any details. i'm using cv2 and skimage
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yes, either go all bw or all color, else your lora will be a mess
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Tried running Playground v2.5 and got this

Bros, is it over for me?
Should you bother using a VPN when downloading the NovelAI leaks at this point?
noise is good, it's the larvae of diffusion
you are using wrong vae
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picrel is a lora I made with the same situation. tag the b&w pages with greyscale, monochrome, etc. and it should work fine. cropping is recommended but a dirty training sesh with panels work too just tag comic/comic panels and word bubbles so you can neg them reliably
some setting is wrong, weight of prompts, vae or incompatible sampler
you can run AI models on a CPU kek. if it's something specialized and small it wouldn't be too bad. thanks for the info anon
i know you can run models on cpu lol. afaik there isn't anything specialized and small. there was a video dataset and paper a couple weeks ago that ran billions of parameters to split scenes. i just wanted to try it without ai. you're welcome
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Wtf, are newer models really low DFG? I remember using 9-12 without a problem for older models, now a 7.5 results in an oversaturated mess

Probably, I'll go around and try to tweak some settings to see what works. Checkpoint didn't specify needing a VAE, so I assumed I could use it without
yes. I know who he is but people wouldn't believe me and he'd just deny it so there's no point in saying anything
damn that sucks, huge part of the appeal is how the poses are drawn
fuck maybe il give a try not sure if it works the risk wasting buzz tho(im using civitai).
how important is tagging in general i though just slapping everything in there and letting it sort itself out.
you are GAY
at least not a pedo
>how important is tagging in general i though just slapping everything in there and letting it sort itself out.
tagging and data is the most important thing really. you should be able to run taggers. wd3 is the latest for booru tagging
you are a pedo tho
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i was also trying to detect panning, zooming and so on, it sort of works, maybe ill look into it more but splitting is the main thing i wanted for now
I might give it a shot. Would be handy for extracting clips for vid training
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yes it would be useful for captioning video clips. for now i'm happy with extracting shots
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>that cope again
get new material
nta but have u tried https://www.scenedetect.com/
you are gay (admitted this withing the hour), schizo (clearly) and a pedo for posting a catbox to shota on a blue board. you embarrass yourself on the regular. consider suicide
im not gay
i might be considered a schizo
i neither produced nor posted tranis pedo catbox
saw it but havent tried it. i'm happy with my own solution. after some changes it's 4x faster than ffmpeg and the results are accurate
you are a habitual liar so how can I believe you?
you're just making shit up like always
show me where i was lying
Concession accepted pedo
whats your upscaling like? I can't really see any warping on details like I'd expect from an AI gen like this
I'd like to personally welcome the ex-ldg posters back home. we've missed you
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nah, its the same guy its always been
>singular schizo anon theory
see >>101474974
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idk, Chang hasn't showed up yet
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CFG++ is a significant improvement but I find myself still preferring the chink's Euler SMEA Dy sampler, at least over the current implementation of euler_cfg_pp and euler_ancestral_cfg_pp. The CFG++ samplers perform much less well below 50 steps, and they don't maintain coherence quite as well as SMEA under Deep Shrink genning. But when I think the composition is easy enough I'll pick CFG++.

Ideally the CFG++ tech is generalized for use at lower steps, and combined with Koishi-star's Euler SMEA. I wish I knew shit about diffusion maths.
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do people actually care about event detection/video segmentation? I skip so many of those papers/resources in the news cuz I didn't think anyone would care
>Euler SMEA Dy
this and euler_negative/euler_dy_negative are pretty great.
GITS scheduler also seems like an improvement over the rest, it gives me better prompt conformity
you bet your ass it's being researched/monitored for video producers
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>Verify my humanity.
how would i cobble these gits or ays or what have you schedulers together with euler SMEA?
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I mean, I know its a hot topic in research and development cuz I constantly see stuff in my news feed. my question was more about whether its relevant to people in the general at all. outside of the rare vidseg project (specifically stuff that I think impreggo anon could use), I'd mostly been skipping that stuff cuz I didn't figure people would care enough
nta but what if you looked at it from a different angle? if there wasn't anyone interested/aware of it before then you adding it to the news could be that spark of interest for some.
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my interest is for data that could be used for video models like sora but with cinematography terminology desu
most people here don't really care about anything
I'm using https://github.com/pamparamm/ComfyUI-ppm which adds GITS/AYS to the default ksampler. It also contains a CFG++ sampler node you can use with a custom ksampler.
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Wait, does ComfyUI actually track your prompts?!

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oh fugg
why didn't you read the post you're linking?
They've been trying to stir FUD for the last few days about that, despite what the link actually says
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how I feel
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Hires sampler: DPM++ 2M SDE Heun, Hires schedule type: SGM Uniform, Hires upscale: 1.6, Hires steps: 10, Hires upscaler: 8x_NMKD-Superscale_150000_G
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does anyone use DAT upscalers?
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hope you feel better soon anon. pic related is how i feel sometimes. its not easy but all you can do is keep trying
It means you were dumb enough to post personal information on the internet.
who are you talking to
>pic related is how i feel sometimes
like a faggot?
Morning anons
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party needs a healer and a buffer
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>That honey pot
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AYS and guidance limit seem to be marginal improvements for ~30 step slop and go gens
guidance limit (at least at defaults) hinders my 12 step rough drafts tho
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What does a buffer look like?
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bard is the iconic buffer class, jamming out on a lute to empower the party and also debuff enemies. paladin can be a buffer too but often has more limited utility in exchange for some tanking and healing prowess. apart from those ideas, some fun ones I'd love to see in your style are artificer/alchemist cuz they can be very visually distinct and bring in lots of cool details and props with them. also, outside of the dnd standards, witch doctor/shaman is a fun one. kind of a mix of druid and alchemist
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and i think it benefits 50 step CFG++ too if you include a modest bump in CFG value
gay is worse TbeeH
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This guy dnds.
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I don't, actually. never even played. but so much of modern gaming is built up around dnd concepts that I've picked up a lot of the dnd universe by proxy. I've also done a lot of prompting similar to what you're doing, making various classes/roles of characters. its a fun approach to wildcarding prompts
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>you can't handle my strongest potion, traveler
did you make her sinister on purpose or did that just natural flow out of a mad science bias? love the vibe
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score_9,score_8_up,score_7_up,sexy female alchemist,fantasy character,in laboratory,dark theme,dimly lit,beakers,mixing potion,evil smirk,magic swirls,

Side note - I wish I could post some upscales but they're too big. How to keep them under 4mb?
Have you ever heard of jpg file type?
Jesus Christ...
just convert them to jpg
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This guy filetypes (aggressively)
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bandwidthlets complaining again, amusing
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Catgirl approves of snarky kitty.
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second try, i dont think abusing dxm is for mig
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dont do it, can cause brain dmg
im already braindamaged, but i will leave it alone after this attempt. drank bottle 2 hours ago
only the scummiest/crustiest losers I've ever met drank cough syrup. Incredibly unsurprising that's you.
I haven't used comfy in a bit but I remember seeing a few posts around about a few popular custom nodes being malware
Is there an easy way to check my installation or something?
DXM is basically a pseudo opioid, can get very addictive, in pure form its mostly harmless tho. In cough syrup the other substances are the real danger tho. If there is paracetamol in it to it can permanently knock out your liver, if there is other stuff your brain can be frizz ...

yes its not a wise thing to do, but heck kids these days take way worse stuff I guess
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What did she mean by that?
Only crusty teenagers and the kind of tweakers who huff glue and do whippits drink cough syrup for fun. Seriously bottom feeder level drugs
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Idk.. just your personal experience I guess. Glue is really to bottom, whippits is mostly a gay ppl thing to get ther anal muscles relaxed. DXM is for kids that cant get weed but need a high I guess. But lowest of the bottom feeder drugs is crack and meth id say, those ppl are really lost. DXM kids are mostly bored teens at home with nothing to do, not failed human beings (yet)
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I noticed that starting webui touches my audio. I get an error about FL studio ASIO and any active meeting Teams audio craps out. Seems to be a recent thing. Why?
Also you can get DXM caps out of DG for $1 so the barrier for entry is real low
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It's turning your mic on to record you talking to yourself. Like that ComfyUI module that reports everything back to the mothership.
just dump the code for the custom node into sonnet and ask it if anything looks sus
>mfw when a1111 calling home literally calls home
>"Hello? This is Putin, how can I help you?"
based voldy getting free long distance like it is 1994
Thank you.
I doubt it's that. I was thinking torchaudio is initializing itself in a different way than before (I updated that recently while testing something)
(That's probably what it is, but it doesn't hurt to be paranoid.)
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Gonna need more than determination to lift those off the ground
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upscaled this just cause the cute logo
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needs wings on boobs
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i wish i could help you koff, i sincerly do
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never every broken person can be fixed. sometimes people are broken for good
this dxm was just a brief experiment, first time was lame, this time, the second, similarly lame. not interested in trying again. and it was just 5oz bottle of delsym, nothing especially hardcore.
no one is broken beyond rebirthing
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Where does gold spray paint fall on that list?
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I've had fun times on DXM, but the last several goes was just disappointing or more negative than amusing.
glue, fucking toxic, highly dangerous solvents that can permanently dmg you.. solvents/glue/benzol sniffing is beyond stupid
if you think you can't then you won't
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this research paper title is funny to me. sounds like they're working on a way to find and kill humans

R+X: Retrieval and Execution from Everyday Human Videos
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>Retrieval and Execution from Everyday Human
just skip the "Videos" part and you got your everyday CIA operation
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i like the obscure references you get in research paper titles
no point in doing anything if you can't sneak references to things you like in it desu
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those are always good
there was one the other week that i'm sure was a reference to the buggles
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Holy shit. Great paper.
It's the weather.
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what is the strategy between /Comfy-Org/ComfyUI_frontend and /comfyanonymous/ComfyUI? are these projects fully independant or will changes to ComfyUI_frontend get merged up into ComfyUI? if they're separate projects, will ComfyUI_frontend eventually become the main project?
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no u
>Front-end of ComfyUI modernized. This repo is fully compatible with the existing extension system.
Yikes, why force bloat and features no one ever asked. They better keep this something separate...
man your gens really didnt improve in the last year or so
Heul doch.
Typescript rewrite is the classic grift
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finna make hamburger help ('beef pasta' one)
This is who squats here?
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That's debo
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you say that, but then you see QoL changes that you want
its over
whats wrong with ze Germans? in my experience they have been cucked into mostly harmless by the USA
degeneracy spreads and germans are actually beyond rebirthing
>beyond rebirthing
ain't that good? isn't that the goal of Buddhism to escape the rebirth cycle? not sure if that is bad or good
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its bad actually
i wonder what debo thinks about this topic
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>i miss schizo anon
me too brother, me too
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nta but yes, when you escape samsara (the cycle of death and rebirth) is when your reach nirvana

I have no storng opinion on germans
but nirvana just means hanging out with schizos that hate you 16+ hours per day
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sounds uncomfy I think ill go for ...
ya thats the way to go
I don't think you understood the concept .. unless you mean like hanging with the local Kurt Cobain fan club
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nirvana isn't heaven. there is no concept of 'you' or 'them' in the state of nirvana. nirvana is the realization that all of reality was just a movie and none of it really happened.
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pretty close to a real Freddo packaging desu, 5 for a pound in Tesco, banging deal
do you feel alright?
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align your steps is a real boon for ~12 step gens, i actually like many of the ones that come out
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yeah it's pretty based
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honey is my favourite thing to eat desu
as far as the syrup goes, i just feel a dull feeling from it, i feel alight. the worst is passed
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AYS is pretty based, fav scheduler for me
i wish you would fuck off forever
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epic. im sure itll go over well over there
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you really want to emotionally break him don't you? thread schizo
I'm crying
>koff and debo rage quitting the coomcord because they cant into accountability
Two peas in a pod
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multi untalented
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>still being this assmad that debo doesn't want to hang out with him
you had plenty of chances to just not be a shitty person but they ultimately ran out
actually glad you're not in there desu ahahaha you miss out on so much
how can someone be as dishonest as you LMAO
based ani making schizo froth at the mouth
How fast are your gens? I've been in the habit of endlessly editing images with inpainting to get what I want and its a long time-consuming trial and error process which defeats the purpose of AI.
Do I change my approach or do I need a faster GPU so the gens take 1-5 seconds instead of 20 seconds each? I'm working with a 3080 btw
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hahaha, I haven't thought of that game in forever
>by denoising after using a esrgan or similar upscaler you are just re-introducing VAE artifacts
lol, lmao even
>which defeats the purpose of AI.
I mean, unless you want to flood the internet with garbage thats whats needed for the time being, if its just for your own pleasure/use then thats a you thing
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choose your own adventure
I think my ultimate end goal is to have a set of my own python scripts and no need for any external UI whatsoever.
Some anon here is doing this already.
unix chad
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like a decade ago, i went with my mom to a bar and i got pretty drunk and sang karaoke dont stop believin, the foggy memory is a mix of embarrassment and traumatizing. i think i also tried.. tush by zz top, my way obv, and idk what else
esrgan and the like have their own artifacts
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I'm pretty jealous of anyone who can enjoy karaoke. its such a completely alien concept to me because I could never sing to a room of people
normally such a thing fills me with dread, but in that case the alcohol and adopting, briefly, an attitude of not caring about annoying ppl irl
nice, how much inpainting/editing was this?
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I did house of the rising sun one time and some hot bar thots stood up and starting clapping at the end. That's my coolest karaoke story.
Which model is this?
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a.i. is interesting, isnt it
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when ppl say hurtful things to me
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this style is real nice. is this a lora?
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its the bluePencilXL checkpoint with Harada Takehito LORA (thats the Disgea illustrator) .. ya a pony lora on a non pony checkpoint, but it works
chris-chan tier
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what am I in for
a world of hurt and bad software support why not a 3060ti 16gb? same price
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I forgot I made these
pls study this graph before deciding to buy anything for SD
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1.5 can give such kino sometimes
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thread closed, class dismissed
saw inpaints were getting blurry, oh i guess vae encode isnt lossless
figured out there's an imagecompositemasked node to recombine the edited portion with the original image
The thing about AYS is that in theory, you should perform the alignment of the steps for the model you are using. The authors of the paper only did it for base SD1.5 and SDXL I think, and didn't provide code to calibrate on other checkpoints. AYS as you use it just uses hardcoded step values, and you are relying on the checkpoint being similar rnough to the base models that the hardcoded steps still work well.
Use the Acly Krita plugin if you're doing inpainting, b0ss.
no i mean when you take an image and encode it to latent, you're losing fidelity across the whole image. if you just save the ksampler output you accumulate fidelity loss. if you merge the ksampler output with the original image you avoid the loss.

that's probably more trouble than builtin comfyshop and sam detector
that chart came out in the middle of last year?
optimization are moving fast I dont know what to believe anymore
>that chart came out in the middle of last year?
December 2023

but if you wait for optimizations you can also consider AMD again:
first the guy that wanted to buy a 10 year old GTX Titan X now a guy that wants to buy an intel GPU .. why cant you guys just buy quality?

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