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>Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
- FAQ https://archive.is/UVQkn
- WIKI https://wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
- NEWFAG PYRAMID (Updating) https://inviteroute.github.io/graph or https://inviteroute.github.io/sheet/
- STUDY https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/2F379FE0CB50DF502F0075119FD3E060
- SPREADSHEET https://hdvinnie.github.io/Private-Trackers-Spreadsheet/
- TEN CURRY COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/dBbdE73M
- TEN NEON COMMANDMENTS https://pastebin.com/raw/Ud2pGYaE

Use >>>/g/ptg as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

>Remember the following:
>It doesn't matter if you use the same username in different trackers, the staff still share your IP with each other.
>Staff is reading, being /marked/ is NOT a meme, and even if it is, it isn't.
>Don't ask for invites, it's private for a reason.
>If starting out you should interview for RED, rank to elite, wait on account age and get invites from there. THAT'S IT THAT IS ALL YOU HAVE TO DO
>Bonus points are for hoarding, not for spending.
>When the website dies, you will be able to migrate your bp and buffer to animeZ

Previous: >>101434257
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I forgot to bump the last thread
if you need to bump, then it's dead
just let PTG enjoy its eternal rest...
I'm a professional private tracker...
didn't what die in like 2005 i remember getting on waffles in 2010 and that died too in like 2014 or something
what.cd started 2007 and died in 2016
is it another what?
desu i think ur baiting me because i dont understand what you're askin
bad news, you're dumb...
my man was on oink in 1990
i was like 8 at the time i never had what
I have joined MaM, which other trackers should I join?
cabal trackers
Is that PTP?
Private trackers... gather around, let's talk about em.....!
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Have you invited all your friends to TiK already?
Will giorgino now have a chance? Let's wait and see!
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>Cinematik has complained about sellers in the past
>But that changed and now the only way to join the tracker is by contacting a seller who is in the tracker to purchase an invite for you!
G-great! But seriously, are they dumb or do they eat rocks?
a tracker that gets talked about a lot but isn't really interesting at all if you aren't into its niche which most people wont be
Would give my right hand for TIK invite.

t. moviecollector
what does TiK even have?
is it like KG or worse?
I'll see if I can snatch one from reddit

t. trackercoollector
things you might find on a french flea market
sounds extremely worthless
but think of all the bragging rights you will have here with that tracker and all those obscure masterpieces
If I manage to get in I'll upload my Chinese kinos now that they are allowed
Sir how many bollywood kinos in cinematik thanks sirs???
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how am i supposed to get my anime now...
werks for me
Works for me 2
What happened at TiK, why is this general suddenly talking about it?
gimme an email
They IP banned all the Jeets and now you need to send a pic with timestamp to prove that you are white or yellow to get an invite
you had one job anon
ngiae at cock dot li
until recently they didn't allow asian content
they're racist pricks that got culturally invaded by BLU
Based, chink moves are for weebhomossexuals
stop using Telia
>GGn down
they got got by the thing, didn't they?
I only watch chink cartoons
We love private trackers... we want to open all the doors......
You are not allowed to have a life, sir. Don't let it happen again.
Unlocking one after the other... the mystery!
Checking all the forums, everyday. It's fun!
Tracker for food? Im starving
open borders for private trackers
>open borders for private trackers
This is a Trump general, anon. Private only.
Send inviting pls
i wanna eat some HDcunny sirs
I like HUNO but why the fuck doesn't it have a forum????
they killed GGN bros
I know... I don't want to spend any energy on the whole retarded discord and community bullshit.

They need a forum to succeed
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BLU curry ...
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HDB is such a weird tracker
It's the only place where a 100% FL torrent actually angers me.
Kek, are you trying to get the 500gb?
rumao, when there was that sitewide half-leech i downloaded a bunch, then caught myself like "Wait, what the fuck am i doing??"
just trying to keep my buffer below 10TB which is an almost impossible task unless you're downloading stuff non-stop
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burn it on impossible requests like "pandemonic"

You can use tor/proxy to get around that ISP block.
huh thats a weird one. never seen isps do these by setting up fake error pages
TIK is getting shittier every day and less people are using the site.
This is the private tracker general. We get our shit from AB.
>just trying to keep my buffer below 10TB
Isn't that what "elite" sites are for? Their only appeal being their exclusivity? Db9, tik, wdma, exigo, etc
If you aren't a collector you shouldn't care
>Isn't that what "elite" sites are for? Their only appeal being their exclusivity? Db9, tik, wdma, exigo, etc
TIK was never elite. Many of us joined by going to the IRC and doing their tiny interview which took like 10 min.
lol no. that place would let anybody join.
they only changed their invite policy when they switched to POONITED and they got even more strict today.
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If the guy who hates akemitv is still lurking here... You are going to be happy today kek
any news? nothing on their "twitter" and idk what's the status with irc.
what happen?
did he get banned?
how are all those chink trackers doing these days? some time ago /ptg/ couldn't stop talking about them https://torrentfreak.com/chinas-pirate-site-crackdown-is-real-assisted-by-anime-anti-piracy-group-240717/
Seems like it
Does their poonit3d look as ugly as other poonit3d trackers?
meant for >>101482915
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>Does their poonit3d look as ugly as other poonit3d trackers?
Looks the same but with TIK colors
voltax banned fucking when
>Kuchi active on leddit but not here
Hmmm I feel betrayed
site is up again, btw.
He has made friends in the higher grounds, not going to happen unless he does something egregious
>Receive invite through cock.li
>Can't sign up with cock.li
>Try different provider
>"You can only signup with the email address where the invitation was sent to!"
>Using meme email to join trackers
Tard filter doing its job again kek
Looks like shit to me. Thanks, was looking before for tracker reviews but they were all before the transition happen
>using a meme email
you get what you deserve, retard
Is there a private tracker with Nintendo switch games that is as consistently updated as the tinfoil shops? I’m not looking for scene releases, but rather, the archival type quality you see from these tinfoil shops that essentially maintained parity with the Nintendo switch catalogue.
you don't need a tracker for that
Bros, I just collected another tracker, and I 'm not going to use it...
What did you collect, brother>>101483614
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Wasn't aware it was frowned upon. I do have some domains with free forwarding, might just do that instead.
i use cockli everywhere...
Daily reminder that I will NOT use junior idol until they allow OT
Somebody said the guy seeding like 1 PB on there got his application to invite someone rejected
How is anybody else suppossed to invite
who is "they"
You'll use real debrid, you'll be happy
They don't need to ask anymore. Purchase and send.
every movie site should just copy whatever ptp uses
Why is nobody offering invitings then...
Sent ;)
Really? Thanks! Been trying to get in for years even though I am on PTP, HDB, BTN, KG, CG.
Really appreciate it man. You don't know how much this means to me.
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Nevermind, what the fuck!
will be interesting times if this passes https://torrentfreak.com/rightsholders-want-u-s-know-your-customer-proposal-to-include-domain-name-services-240430/
Open for Applications - We will be reviewing user applications for the next few days. Once the applications are closed, only the individuals who have been referred by existing community members will be taken into account.

To submit an application, send /apply to CZ Support.

CAPZLOK maintains an extensive library of Encodes and Remuxes for Movies, TV Shows, and Anime. This library is regularly updated with HD/4K 0Day releases, including obscure cinema, and is accompanied by an active request filling system overseen by experienced cinephiles.

index.czlk.su - The link redirects to a read-only index, in order to provide a brief overview of our library.
user: kdot
pass: ovhoe

We strictly prioritize the best existing P2P releases for a Movie/Show (in its native language). If you favor bit-starved (mini encodes) or dubbed releases, this community isn't suitable for you.

It will be expected that you have a general awareness of Video Formats, P2P Releases, and a desire to acquire additional knowledge. In addition, you are required to have a basic understanding of Usenet and Torrent terminologies. Preference will be given to applicants who usually upload their personal releases or consume obscure media.

You must address all the questions that are asked once you apply. Furthermore, don't bother applying if you do not intend to use your sources (trackers/indexers, etc.) or be active in the community.

Please feel free to share this post with your friends/groups.

Invite Link: https://t.me/+FhDIrFyRwxs2YTA1
another poonited tracker?
brave and .eth domains
not here too, usherxupeng
The server is a Gdrive, the users Pajeets (really)

Everyone stay away
Name the damn tracker because I have signed up to the cabal with a cock.li email
I signed up to red with it i'm pretty sure
I'm a private tracker addict. I need rehabilitation......
Did I dodge a bullet?
thought they were doing something like this already. you can't really manage a pirate site using an US managed domain
Sometimes I'm feeling down, but then I remember I'm in the cabal trackers and I cheer up.
TL is fine. They exist to make $$$, but they're fine if you just want to download shit. Probably the least-worst of any general trackers.
FL is better
they thought you might do something like that so it will be extended to sneedboxes as well https://torrentfreak.com/u-s-know-your-customer-proposal-will-put-an-end-to-anonymous-cloud-users-240425/
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ok this must be one of you guys
>new reddit
get out
nice ragebait
>only way to rank up on HDB is to download
>only shit worth downloading is either freeleech or 50% freeleech
Retarded ass tracker
nah, the dude seems legit, it's just that he's computer illiterate and doesn't know how to make an argument
Emiya, you are a sex pest with an unabashed rape obsession and exhibitionist/humiliation fetish and now you are putting that retarded culture war doc on freeleech. You are truly the lowest of the low. I know you're constantly vanity searching your username on archives, so if you read this, consider suicide.
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I don't have access to BeyondHD (yet...) can someone of anons who have access please check one of their release there and copy paste what were the "release notes" for:


Much obliged.
>H*llywood femoid slop
Absolutely disgusing
The tracker is already perma FL
Just redownload 1 very large torrent a few times
poo in loo
>uses private trackers, communities specifically designed around sharing generally and not just what you want for yourself
>complains about what's "worth downloading"
Retarded ass retard
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NO curry ... ... ... NO BLU ...
be patient, young padawan. download what you want, seed all that you download, and you'll reach 1080p in time...
>only way to rank up on BTN is to download
>only shit worth downloading is nothing because tv is shit
Retarded ass tracker
so true sir... i ran out of curry and instantly my blu account was pruned
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Don't you ever DARE to lie us again ...

You STILL got some BLU on you ...
>ranking up on a dead end
just enjoy the content
but since you don't like the content, you're just a retarded collector obsessed with kissing janny ass
why not try something more fulfilling, like cookie clicker or idle rpgs
>have shit economy on RED
>no one can afford to download shit because no buffer
>because no one is downloading, no one is seeding
>because no one is seeding, no buffer is created
>no buffer, no one downloads shit
what the fuck is even the point of that tracker? >hurr most complete music library
whats the point when it has less activity than fucking bakabt
>expects me to download shit i dont care about
>paying with my precious ratio
>whats the point when it has less activity than fucking bakabt
RED has a lot of torrents...
>most complete music library
Yeah, no. Most of my uploads were deleted once I stopped seeding. They are on soulseek so the chads there keep on winning
a lot of torrents that no one downloads. there is fuck all for traffic which is the sole reason why people complain about bad economy. you cant get upload if no one is downloading. you cant download if you cant generate upload.
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There are a lot of members with TBs of buffer which they DO NOT USE
What is actually stopping RED from just implementing a system like OPS? Are they really just totally content with being an invite tracker?
There are good places where people actually care about sharing music. Yes I know, weird right? After all RED is an invite forum and maybe an attempt of a music tracker.
thats sneedbox niggers hogging all the upload traffic. im honestly convinced they dont ban sneedboxes because they get a cut
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What's the best private tracker for brown people?
>not on RED
>not on OPS
>not on JPS
>someone on soulseek has it with log
thanks private shitters
How many torrents are you seeding? 100? I'm seeding 5000+ and can see that there is activity daily.

Yeah me, although I use it.

>The best way to lose your downloaders is to cater too strongly to them. By doing so, you fail to attract as much of those big music collectors and turn them into uploaders.
If you could choose to seed 300 torrents to earn BP and download music that way, or upload new music or fill requests, which one would you choose? The first one right? Because it's easier, but that doesn't bring new content to the tracker.
Blu sir
Thing is, more than half the tracker don't do any. They don't seed and they don't upload. Just taking the membership slot.
>kraut internet
not only the're anal about torrents, they also have dogshit internet speeds
goddamn I have to spend a year in this shithole
>go on RED
>find release
>search for it on soulseek
>download from there
RED is a great database, but why would I download from there if the same person who uploaded is also sharing the collection on soulseek?
I find it hilarious that you need to open soulseek to search something that you could've download with one click
soulseek is already open
to stimulate the economy of RED and make it better for the long term seeders.
and how did you get to owning 5000 torrents?
downloaded them from soulseek and cross-seeded them
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>blocks your path

Seriously guys you have problem with ratio on RED????
no, I just prefer to hoard buffer
>not using zotify
literally all the music in the world, downloadable.
they dont do shit in germanistan. been torrenting for years with no vpn and nothing happened.
there are always some pissbabies crying about how the friend of their mother's aunt's dog got fined for shit like torrenting or buying a 5€ windows key off a keyseller site, but ive never had any of that happen or know of someone directly.
the only case i have first hand account of is my brother downloading music from youtube via some youtube download website back in 2010ish, and getting a letter in the mail with telling him to pay a fine. to this day im 100% convinced that that letter was fake and he payed some scammer instead
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>hoard buffer
>fbi open up
>sorry red is closed and thanks for fish :3

Silence your autism and just build enough to download anything you want.
redpill me on soulseek. is it worth the hassle?
Tokens, then cross-seed from OPS or AB then freeload.
Really, now with freeload, there is no excuse.
I dont need RED, I only use it as a database to find releases on soulseek. I wish RED closed for good
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Do you wanna have a chance to access TiK ???

You will have to prove that you are made of... BLU and gold...
>I wish RED closed for good
>red closes no more database releases on soulseek

Complete Retard.
wasnt freeload on red just a one time event? there are no freeload torrents on red atm at least.
They did it like 2 or 3 times already. Wait for the next one, and download terabytes, then wait for the next one after that and enjoy the buffer.
is it a once a year thing then? i asked in another thread once and was told the last one was the first one.
just like how we lost all our releases when WCD died right??
There was definitely at least 2 freeloads. No set date for it, they enable it when they feel like it. The last one was very long, so we might need to wait a lot for the next.
I'm not a slave. And if I want something that's only in red (never happens) i can ask on ops and some cuck will upload it for me
better dead than RED
you just don't like a good challenge.
the first proper freeload event was christmas 2021 and the second was 7th birthday of the site, which was around holiday season 2023.
i dont think we can bet on them doing them any more frequently.
you tell me, soulseek have entire base of what cd? rare cassette rips? vinyl rips that are lost? I have dozens of albums that were from wcd and nowhere to be seen on red not to mention soulshit

RED is good successor but needs to open up for more people and be more advertised around the globe
What's freeload mean? I don't really download on RED.
>cassette rips
>vinyl rips
good luck getting them on (((itunes))) lmao
I only download proper CD rips
good luck finding those when they don't exist
name 1 album worth listening that wasnt released on CD
I'm pretty sure it means that only the original uploader gets upload credit, for other people it's neutral leech.
>soulseek have entire base of what cd
It's bigger than what CD ever was
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>It's bigger than what CD ever was
>1,017,876 Results of bandcamp WEB indian poo
>search bandcamp WEB indian poo
>find bandcamp WEB indian poo
more than 50% of red albums is only bandpoo nigger, the rarest releases, lot of CD's are lost forever
There is no place with more vinyl rips than soulseek. You absolute retard. Enjoy your RED Deezer garbage I guess
we're talking about soulseek, not RED.
>lot of CD's are lost forever
they are on soulseek
you can download for free, but during the freeload period, you cannot seed. only when freeload period is over will you be able to seed.
anyone that downloaded the torrent before the freeload period began gets to seed.
meaning that those that downloaded the file earlier have exclusive seeding privileges for a file that is free to download for others, meaning high traffic.
Sirs, what's the best private tracker for me to poo poo?
i hear hdb is desperately looking for new people to do just that!
BLU saar
Sir please I beg you, no blue only brown
I have a monster buffer because I seed thousands of albums and I create like a dozen requests every week to give it back
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brown & BLU kino ...

BLU saaar
best for curry tikka
BHD aka BrownHD
BrownHD - BHD
HDBrown - HDB
BrownTheNet - BTN
PassThePajeet - PTP

WTF Sirs, private trackers are curry as fuck
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Brown Lovers Unite
I only download my capeshit from nzbs.india
I only download my capeshit from karagarga.india
>I only download my capeshit from nzbs.india
that's the best way to do it honestly
nobody seeds capeshit unless they are fucking stupid.
I download my Bollywood films from PassThePajeet
I PissThePoopcorn
yes I love nzbs.india best capekino in all of india
Sirs I need to poo poo!!!!
Half the things I want are either not on soulseek or locked
>his library is so shit that he has nothing to offer
Werks on my machine
Yet another movie upload to small tracker of a movie that doesnt have any version in ptp.
I don't consume current year rap slop like you. Go watch some capeshit
but you will consume it the next year, because by then, its is previous year slop.
PTP is not such a good source of Indian movies after all
jokes on you, it is.
and that movie was european,
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... we POO together ...
Do the needful sir
Best tracker for my dumb chink cartoons?
I refuse to upload any rares to cabal until im in TIK.
obviously AB
if it's too hard or too many choices, BBT is pretty good
if you're into the weekly slop, BTN is actually better for that
and lastly, nyaa
private trackers... let's reflect about all the doors we've opened through the years......
>RED would be a shell if it wasnt on life support from the invite forum.
like getting put on a list by signing up to slop tracker that has beast
RED is the cayman islands of private trackers
REDbros, they hate us cus they ain't us
I lock my library to indian IPs sorry
Upload snatches count towards ranking up. Upload scene shit that gets skipped. Lots of Br*tish shit gets overlooked. Guaranteed 40 snatches.
why is GGn always down?
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a new DAWN ...
Dear shodananon,

you beat me to the usenet keys
what tool is that python?
What hassle?
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self coded, python
do i have to watch anime also?
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no and you don't need trans coding socks.

just learn basic python and use a LLM to help

Write me a script to use shodan's api
write a function to connect to IPs in a textfile
Parse info in each connected host

run once, borrow the keys, laugh at other anon who renamed the servers to ;-)

OPS has half ss many torrents, people there do not bother to upload much.
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>use a LLM to help
good advice if you never want to learn how programming actually works
Do these people never check their provider usage?
Let's talk in private... in the trackers....
what if i told you there are still people out there paying $30/mo for giganews
People pay to pirate?
AB recruiter status?
We are at the bottom, enjoying curry trackers.....
yeah that's the best way to build buffer on RED.
Chads pump and dump Deezer garbage
Imagine cumtributing in a meaningful way to an invite forum tracker.....
RED should close the invite forum. I'm already everywhere, fuck the neons
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no such thing exists
>usenet retention: 5 years
bro 2020 was 5 years ago
wasn't it longer in the past
no, 2007 was 5 years ago
yeah in the past 5 years ago was like 2010
i just realized some of my torrents have been seeding almost that long
That's normal unless you're a complete neon.
almost same
>Average Seedtime: 2 years, 1 month
when the fuck did this happen?
I hate that pajeet kebab something in BLU, can we get him banned?
feels good to see the seed% still be 100 too
ptp down again
it's not
what userclass is needed for BTN -> PTP?
>Power user
What does that even mean? Power to the user?
does btn really give a shit about mass snatching for userclass, what's the best way around this
When you upload content, all the snatches of that torrent counts towards your own snatches. That's the fastest way to get snatches, since you'll get at least 20 snatches for every upload.
>does btn really give a shit about mass snatching for userclass, what's the best way around this
no, it's in the golden rules because they don't care about it, obviously
private tracks... I'll cover my tracks while you cover your privates............
What are the rates on shodan's free api? I thought I needed to pay to get a decent quantity of meaningful results.
What about a private tracker but... it's public?
you need to have a special culture for this to work. only example I know of is ruTracker with strict content moderation and users who understand the value of long term seeding.
You also need to ban Indian IPs.
Rutracker sir
Truly the GOATed public tracker. But even then, I feel like a part of why it works is because it actively refuses to provide an English version of the site.
I can't read Russian saaar, please provide a hindi version
What's the point of public trackers when all the content comes from private trackers? The only one I use is nyaa and only because of uploaders
Cope capeshitter
any decent one is at least 10 years
ok but 10 years ago was like 2017
>t. got blocked on soulseek because of indian IP
Cope capeshitter
the point is that they take the heat off private trackers. a good private tracker, when taken down, will take a decade to rebuild (RED is still not what, even if it has more deezer garbage)
Good morning sirs
>What's the point of public trackers when all the content comes from private trackers?
Not all of it comes from them, but the main function is to shield private trackers from the authorities. It is easier to try and fuck with public trackers, especially since they are mostly done for profit (ads) and have way more users.
Cope capeshitting jeet
What advantages does AB have over U2+nyaa+JPS?
But U2 gives moar epeen
Can u2 users join ab? Don't think so.
Yes I am user of both ab and u2
you can access site? I can't access the site nor the api although I'm still seeding
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bad news, you're banned
same i can accesss with my phone but not my pc
i wonder if its a windows update, i havent been able to access it for a few days
are you in sweden with telia by any chance? doesn't seem to be a dns thing but I can access the site with vpn..
doesn't work on my phone or linux so no
yes im in sweden but not on telia, getting 403 forbidden now after doing some dns flushing
nevermind i am on telia
can ptp do fundraiser against the donald trump campaign ples
I have decided to get back into pirating. How difficult would it be for me to get into PTP/BTN now? I only have access to IPT currently.
they are both closed. best chance is to make friends
Damn, even after 14 years they're still this annoying? Looks like im sticking to IPT.
a decade ago they were easy as fuck
A decade ago I was in WhatCD and I was going to join through that, but it died. I was in GGn but I stopped pirating games after I landed a good job so my account was deactivated. I get 99% of my anime from nyaa so my account at AnimeBytes was also disabled. Now I have no real way to get in unless I spend 2+ years becoming some ultra giga uploader on some other tracker. Just can't be assed.
Can you get in those trackers again? if you meet the requirements? Or since your accounts were disabled it's done.
>Now I have no real way to get in unless I spend 2+ years becoming some ultra giga uploader on some other tracker. Just can't be assed.
I mostly seed and have gotten on most trackers I need. I'm not sure I'll ever get to those you mentioned since the requirements are higher. But TorrentLeech has served me well for my TV needs for now.
They are not closed. They recruit from red
>Can you get in those trackers again?
The accounts still exist, so I imagine I can go into IRC and ask for reactivation. I've done it once in the past without any problems.

The real problem is that I don't care to torrent games/anime anymore.

>But TorrentLeech has served me well for my TV needs for now.
IPT has served me well too, but there's some series it doesn't have which I imagine are on BTN.

Let me guess, I have to seed 10TB of content for 2+ years to get in
No, those are not the requirements. You can also join from BHD

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