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and why does this work? why 15 and not 14 or 16?
Isn't powering on and off repeatedly bad for the power supply?
there is no power supply in the cloud retard
Yes it will reduce the age from 15 years to 14.5
must be some magical thingy that the os do
Reset Glitch Hack returns from 360 and now works on PC
Maybe it disables custom kernel modules after lots of quick reboots.
that's enough to make it fall below the age of consent doe...
It would be smart if they added some sort of a failsafe and just turned off most unnecessary shit after a couple of reboots
how many times is Microsoft going to have a massive fuck up until everyone gives up on them?
Every time you reboot it increments a kernel powerregister that the CrowdStrike thing added that overflows into the "works again" register after 15 straight reboots
reso erboot 15 times and then remove cloudstrike then immediately switch companies to someone who isnt a massive retard
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>that safety-critical component that is so important we make sure to reactivate it every update so that you don't lose your data, and that now has malfunctioned, costing you thousands of dollars and hours of downtime?
>yeah, here's how you can bypass it
>microsoft letting companies gain this much power over all windows machines.
Time to switch to Linux.
It's magic tantra yoga.
>what is root access
God willed it so.
At least that's better than Microstink letting companies steal your data on a Windows machine.
Something my dentist should have used more anesthetic for. Ow
The computer needs to be booted in safe mode to fix the issue, but some computers in the industry can’t do that without a key.
15 failed reboots is the built in fail safe where it will ignore everything and force safe mode
Crowdstrike literally has Linux versions of it's software.
Oh really? which ones?
think cloud providers will start monitoring VMs to see if someone tries to get in using this technique?
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>15 reboots was the NSA backdoor the entire time
i hope after this cloudstrike as a company is doomed
Big Durgasoft W.
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>mfw rewatching The IT Crowd literally yesterday
Falcon, which records executions, network and file activity. Does the same type of data recording as the version on Windows
wincucks deserve it, endpoint retards deserve it.
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I saw this solution posted on twitter from a guy who received it from crowdstrike's customer service.
>thousands of dollars
Kek, collectively this was probably several hundred mil
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i'm glad i don't work in IT anymore
days since last MS major fuck up 0
to be fair, the only fuck up here is how they made bitlocker 2secure4u instead of just being retarded like LUKS and either giving key and/or password to unlock.
over complex hardware-backed security is fucking stupid.
>records executions
can we get a last smoke and some final words, at least?
Collectively, its uncalculable billions if not trillions that have been lost due to the shear scale of things.
Its estimated to have effected about 1 billion PCs.
some failure counter is probably 4 bits (0x0-0xF) returned in some status code somewhere
No console in Azure you get serial and that's it.
I'm in IT as is my wife.
My wife's org is totally fucked. She had to go back in to work at 10pm and wasn't home till 6am this morning.
I've never been so glad that my company uses IBM for it's management, perhaps the only time I've been glad of it since IBM is a bunch of cunts to work with.
shut up retard lmao
Because they're retarded?
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>the entire internet implodes overnight
>4chan stays up
Nah trillions is way too much, maybe a bil or two at the highest end.
there are a billion servers running winglows?
Globally? Na man, the scale of things increases exponentially. Its not just happening in the US
Desktops with it are also effected, anything Windows with Crowdstrike. Its extremely commonplace in enterprise and government.
If they had taken longer for the fix sure but as of now it's just a matter of pushing a new driver, we're not going to lose a trillion over a couple of days even if it's global.
>it was*
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This, doing administrative jobs is more fun and less stress but less money too.
look at this loser he went to college
>If they had taken longer for the fix sure but as of now it's just a matter of pushing a new driver
No dude, its not that simple. If the PC is not virtualized you have to be at it PHYSICALLY to boot in to safe mode and manually delete or rename the file that is causing the issue.
Understand, companies that have thousands of employees with thousands of PCs would have to have this done one by one, and this isn't something you can just direct Susan in accounting to do for you, the IT+Engineering departments would be basically redeploying potentially every PC that was hit.
Imagine you clock in to work and you find out you alone have to do this for 100+ PCs, and your IT coworkers also have their own massive pools of PCs to also do this with so they can't help you.
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How did you get a picture of my testicle
Install gentoo
So apparently this makes windows boot to safe mode by default, bypassing the key requirement. BUT you still need to provide a valid login credentials to actually access anything after it boots, still pretty concerning tho.
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Why do self service checkouts need to run Falcon sensors?
Its 15 because its what a user claimed and so they wrote "idk a lot" and now everyone thinks 15 is a magic number because they're fucking retards who take everything at face
Well it wasn’t cloudflare
PCI compliance.
Security measures mandated by Visa, MasterCard, etc.
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>mfw I haven't been counting
adminbros what the FUCK do we do now
Microsoft, Intel, Boeing... what's next for American Empire?

Yes... yes you do.
We're talking about enterprise PCs anon that are typically bound to a domain. This topic isn't about your personal laptop.
anything dealing with money will be one of the first in line what do you mean
What >>101477307 said. The advisory from Microsoft said "as many times" or "up to" 15 reboots.
No you fucking nigger. winre doesn't have access to the encrypted system partition, only the BCD which simply tells windows to not load any additional drivers AKA safe mode
*as many times as
Most websites run on troonix. Only underlying shit like login or payment seemed to gotten hit. That corporate clients, kiosk and internal servers got hit has nothing to do with the internet.
>or 16
because it already worked at 15 idiot
Because 10 isn't enough and 20 is to many.
>kernel powerregister
what's that?
A register that's inside of the kernel and gives power to the computer when it does computations
>you have to be at it PHYSICALLY
No you don't, you can send instructions using wol for safe mode if its at the office. Don't talk about shit you don't understand.
you're operating under the assumption that the systems are set up to do this
and if your reply is "the competent ones are" then you have no idea how bad things are.
Shut up and stop talking, you don't understand how it works in the first place.
I work in finance, our company is telling advisors not to trade. We're losing tens of millions today in trading volume. Just us. It will have caused several billion in damages. Definitely not a trillion, as the GDP of the entire planet in a year is some 100 trillion, but definitely several billion.
that makes no sense
>Teams blowing up at 4am
>Company's fleet of 3,000 vibrators all offline
>Crowdstrike roll out just a week ago
>Many complaints of vibrators stuck in asses, vaginas, around cocks, etc.
>Get tasked to unbrick them all anon
>Find out the workaround is to delete a file
>Already dug my hands in 200 assess to start the day
>Running out of gloves
You have no idea what you're talking about.
>Wake on LAN
Thats extremely presumptuous as you would have to have that enabled for one and I can tell you at the fortune 50 I work at (second largest food retailer globally for just a hint) we don't have that set up at all.
Thank fucking god we don't use Crowdstrike though, but a ton of our vendors and business partners are.
oh well, neither doesn microsoft
>Just Wake on Lan a PC that is already powered on and at a blue screen
wol overrides bsod?
Anon… don’t jinx it.
>We're losing tens of millions today in trading volume
That might be the case but it's not like the volume just stops existing, those trades will go through at some point, although there are definitely still some damages there. A few billion I could see if a lot of large traders are going down.
good old Xbox exploits
The number of the counting shall be 15, no more, no less. 17 is right out!
>fucking wol
Oh my god you're genuinely retarded
Who let you have access to a computer without supervision?
Only the finest mac minis for my shitposts
Flip the breaker, now the pcs are off, problem solved.
Looks like you're getting dunked on for being a total moron sweetie.
Want a tissue? Shoulder to cry on?
You can just skip providing bitlocker credentials?
So physical access?
What's the use of wol at that point? Jesus fuck.
>What's the use of wol at that point?
So you don't have to have a monkey run to every single computer in a large office building manually booting every machine into safe mode, you fucking retard.
The trade volume did not happen today, because of the risk of the trades not going through. They might trade it tomorrow, they might not, but they're losing out on economic activity, and we're losing out on our spread. It's like saying you're not losing any money by not doing anything an entire day. Maybe, but you're not making money, that's lost economic activity. We're telling firms with billions in AUM not to do anything, that's a big deal dude.
Well that explains why my shit keeps rebooting so many times after I post a death to Biden thread in /a/
Still have the bitlocker problem.
Sure I don't disagree with that which is why I said there are still damages and I could see a few billion going down the drain if it affects the majority of large traders. Acting like your volume just dissipates into the air is disingenuous and an exaggeration though.
>Just flip all the breakers at your 4 story tall corporate office and hope you don't take down other critical items
You've never had a job outside of minimum wage, have you?
Now repeat that with all 1000 kiosks
You can also network unlock bitlocker if it's on a managed domain which literally every office is.
It was a joke autismo maximus, obviously no one is going to flip the breaker in a large office.
Now believe this. Some companies have the crowdstrike folder admin protected.
Dude lost activity is lost activity. That's the damages, and just for one day. A broker dealer losing just that one day of millions of trades constitutes a huge loss of profit, all those workers still have to be paid, and all the infrastructure has to be kept up. The volume didn't dissipate because it never happened.
The amount of Dunning-Kruger posters around all of this on /g/ has me just assuming every post is a retard at this point.
fr that's not why.

They are spooked the algos will wreck the markets.
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My company sent out a fix. We have a lot of people that are not very good with computers. They’ve disabled the IT help desk chat. I bet it’s a shit show over there right now
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This is the dumbest fucking thing I've read in a while.
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>Restart the server 16 times
remote management is awesome, you can fire all the techs.
15 is a lucky number in Jeetland.
I don't fault you for that. I do the same thing.
wtf does restarting it do anyway? does windows somehow track bsod causing kmods and just blacklist them on the 16th reboot? how reliable is this tracking?
I see a procedure, and I smile. you are handing this to people who don't know or want to know what the words mean.
It’ll force safe mode eventually in the event you aren’t able to manually access it
So glad I got out of IT. Lower pay, lower prestige, more stress than anything in software development.
jesus christ.
>The volume didn't dissipate because it never happened.
Exactly, many of the trades that would have happened are still, metaphysically, pending. It's not like every trade that was going to happen is suddenly removed from causality.
> all those workers still have to be paid
Like I said there are still damages, I don't know why you keep reiterating this point when I already noted it.
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>you still need to provide a valid login credentials to actually access anything after it boots

*hacks behind you*
heh, nothin personnel, kid
why 15?
Yes, it does keep track of how many times it fails to boot, or at least tries to.
Funny thing, it takes 15 failures for it to boot to safe mode on Win10/11. It was only like 3-5 back on XP. Why they made it so high is a bit alarming, I guess MS assumes that modern Windows has a higher chance of failing to boot from applied updates, etc, so it gives it more chances to roll things back and make it invisible to the user.
>She had to go back in to work at 10pm and wasn't home till 6am this morning.
blud... was she also wearing makeup and her sexiest lingerie?
>15 replies
What the fuck is that 3d model supposed to be? Some moloch looking nigger?
asking the real nigga quesitons.
fr fr.
Yeah because we haven't been able to remotely unlock windows domain PCs since the late 90s or anything. My fucking school administrator in 2002 did this back when they were still on Win98, my dude.
you don't need to unlock the drive to access BCD boot record, although if you modify it, Windows won't boot without providing the bitlocker key
Many of the end-users are not even comfortable with right-clicking in Windows. These instructions imply a certain level of familiarity with Windows that many corporate end users won't have.
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>getting regular office jeets and wimmin secs to use cmd after booting into the recovery image
Holy shit it's so ogre for that company.
LMAO. wtf is this

what happens if i put too many 0's?
Welp, he was hacked.
It would be extremely painful.
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>letting brainlet end users do any of this without supervision

they must be desperate
To be fair I think 90% of people would be shitting their pants if they had to go on national television and try to explain this shit too.
why is he talking about cyber security in regards to this bug?
Freudian slip?
is this the start of a setup for another one of those most safe and secure elections that happened connected to the internet just like 2020?
he is a ceo. you think he has never talked in front of people before? get real. that guy is part of the 1% (maybe not 1 but def in the top 5%).
Talking to people and then addressing national tv when your company just had one of the most catastrophic fuck ups in the modern tech era are two very different things, you drooling, autistic, imbecile.
yeah, he was hacked.
why are you projecting your own deficiencies? lurk moar.
The NSA would never let their website go down.
There's literally no point in trying to reason you out of something you didn't reason yourself into, your conclusion is based entirely on emotion.
why are you STILL projecting your own deficiencies? lurk moar.
>still being an emotional woman who can't provide reasoning
Yep, hit the nail on the head. Let me know when you're ready to stop.
we already knew you were the inferior sex. you continue to prove your deficiencies for us all. are you ready to maybe lurk moar so you stick out less?
Why not using a Linux live cd to delete the file?
>tfw I know the reason why
Okay woman, keep prostrating your emotional stupidity.
>There is a solution
There has been a solution all day. People are just technologically retarded and have no idea how to boot into safe mode and remove updates properly to revert.
nsa gf is real, guaranteed 2024?
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that time of month hey?
>yes I will continue with my emotional stupidity
>POST takes 5 minutes each time
Guys, a woman! Let's LEVEL UP!!!
If money is so important why trust it to Windows blue screen edition and not some Unix variant?
>you require admin access to even access the driver folder
IT tards did this to themselves
If the drive is not encrypted it is possible to do that.
The other issue I can think of is that stupid windows "fast boot" option where it keeps the drive in a "dirty" state and nothing can modify the drive until it gets turned off and rebooted to remove that flag. And since its in a constant BSOD loop the end user can't turn off that function.
>15 Straight Times
As opposed to 15 Gay Times?
Nobody builds anymore. It's a global shantytown.

This is why I bought the XFX Rx 6950xt. It's built. A monument of accurate ht&l nvidia nerds can't even see with their tiny brown irises.
You are not producing anything. You don't add anything to the economy.
You've never worked in the real world a day in your life lmao. These restrictions are in place for a reason.
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that gets you into macOs
They help sociopaths get money, because they insider trade with impunity.
ntfs-3g has the ability to remove the hibernation file and any flags, so you could easily get around this just by booting into a live linux environment
>as is my wife.
you mean your husband?
yep now enjoy fuckface
Ah thats good to know. Its been a long time since I've used windows and its filesystem.
yeah, retardation
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did ms ever solve the ntfs vanishing folders bug?
Still happens rarely, the more annoying bug is the renaming function getting corrupted and being left with a folder you literally cannot force delete due to reserved characters getting added.
Security and technology in general is ossified. Microsoft is a multi-billion (trillion?) dollar company with an OS line spanning decades and is closely related to the government. Even though Windows is a piece of shit it'll get used for the reasons listed. Would anyone ever get fired for building off of Windows instead of Linux?
You're losing nothing but fake money. Stock markets are a joke, arbitrarily faking monetary values and pretending this is something with any level of legitimacy.
Why would he talk about cyber security when his cyber security software company fucked up by pushing a bad update of their cyber security software to clients running the cyber security software. This is a real mystery, /g/tard
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>CEO of a company that just caused this international incident
A non-schizophrenic take is that he's stressed and terrified that "his" company fucked shit up this badly.
His throat was just dry, probably been on the phone for the last 12 hours, no sleep, he looks rough.
Windows sounds so much more complicated than Linux when something goes wrong
Maybe at the corporate level, but it feels easier at the home level
ehhh, in this case it was due to using a third party security software.
Just Windows itself shitting the bed with average home end user usage, there is usually enough people who have experienced the same thing and have quite a lot of resources to go to to find a possible solution.
With Linux it can be huge hurdle to find any common ground to figure out what could be the cause of the issue as there are many different distro and various different combination of packages installed that could be the cause of the issue.
there are like 5 words in that image and none of them are hard
go back and try again
>This advice, which is specfically for virtual machines using Azure
they are VMs, retard
It was easy as fuck to fix, just tedious.
Virtual machines was straightforward, anything else just an iLO/idRac connection away
Linux sounds so much more complicated than Plan 9 when something goes wrong.
>Crowdstrike CEO was responsible for a similar outage 14 years ago
What the fuck was his problem?
randomly bricking systems was still normal 14 years ago.
Ok, wow that fucking company's service/software fucking sucks.
Skip the bitlocker key ask
So... They even have a built in, commonly known backdoor?
What the hell is the point of the encryption other than ticking boxes?
What's funny is he probably used that McAffee fuck up to say things in his job interviews like "yeah, valuable lesson learned, im a better man now"
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You have to trigger a race condition. Lol
You only need to go outside for 3 minutes in america to trigger a race condition
don't play poker
Poker has nothing to do with this.
Well now that most of the world is removing the CrowdStrike driver from their systems what sort of vulnerabilities are open that crowdstrike was previously supposed to be "protecting"?
nice try fbi
>Unix variant
you don't mean illumos, do you?
because everything else is Linux or BSD
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Why don't we just turn off all the data centers and go back to early 20th century technology? We can't maintain all this software anymore and desu all this cloud/AI stuff is just energy waste, if we want offline stuff we can just download and store it all offline. Think of all the land and resources we could reclaim if FAANG was gone. Its not like the internet is really helping anybody anymore. Reallocate all the programmers into working on space technology instead of useless computer software.
This doesn't skip bitlocker, dumbass, if it did you could just delete the file instead of doing that on bcdedit
>Exactly, many of the trades that would have happened are still, metaphysically, pending. It's not like every trade that was going to happen is suddenly removed from causality.

??? Dude, do you not grasp basic economics? The trades will happen, POSSIBLY, but they will happen later, thus causing a loss of profit. Tens of millions in loss. It doesn't matter they could happen in the future, because they're not happening today. You are normally paid for five days a week. Today, your job doesn't pay you. Thus, you *lost* that money. It's economic activity that can never be recovered.
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>What is he hiding?
>Getting their software ready to interfere with the 2024 Election
>They are preparing for a takedown of the system and suspending elections. They know they cannot win. Their time is up.
>This is big. He knows. He’s in big trouble.
You know absolutely nothing about finance, I don't care about your dumbass hot take informed by your high school education.
this was the test run
just watch in november
even tractors have integrated gps maps at this point. theres no going back
>You're losing nothing but fake money
It's the same money as everywhere else.

>Stock markets are a joke, arbitrarily faking monetary values and pretending this is something with any level of legitimacy.
You don't know anything about any stock markets at all. You have no legitimacy with which to argue any markets are illegitimate
humiliation ritual
2000 called, they want their servers back
>but they will happen later, thus causing a loss of profit
Yes, I understand that, which is why I said there are obviously still damages there. I then went on to say you're over-exaggerating it by acting like the trades just vanish. Calm the fuck down and spend more time reading.
billions in lost revenue, billions in time spent fixing it, billions in lost productivity from lost files
And like I also said at the beginning of the conversation if multiple big trading firms are going down I could see a few billion dollars in losses happening. You literally went on a tirade to me about a bunch of shit that I didn't even disagree with.
It’s not working. HOW DO I FIX IT WITHOUT ADMIN?
Just a market correction
anon, I don't think you even understand how much revenue is represented globally by this shit show
a couple billion is low balling it
how about we start at 100 billion
>that pic
not so zesty anymore kek
lol no
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Imagine if they used crowdstrike
why isn't this company called crowdshield
You're such a fucking retard, even people missing flights due to this shit show represents billions in lost value. Stop being such a smugass summer fag underaged banned. I know you're a midwit incapable of abstract thinking about how about you sit down and think about what a billion computers being offline represents.
All you had to do in windows 98 was click the x to close the login window
>what is a safe mode failsafe
holy zoom zoom
it's sad to see what nu-/g/ has become
This will change nothing, companies will still suckle on the teat of Microsoft and buy snake oil solutions from 3rd party vendors until the heat death of the universe.
You're a big guy
Where did i even say anything about VMs in my questions you literal retards?
Do me a favor and kill yourselves, Instead of chimping out like the subhumans that you are.
16 too old, and 14 still a cunny, so 15 is that sweet spot

I'll put money on three lines of reasoning:

1. Windows costs money to license, and there for must be better designed then something that can be freely obtained (in some poorly informed old farts mind)

2. You have someone to blame (in theory) when the shit hits the fan (and you can sue them, in theory)

3. Microsoft lobbying/bribery of the powers that be.

It also probably explains all the iFruit PoS (point of sale? Piece of shit? Difference?) cashiers you see today.
The president should be on that list.
does he know?
this, it's a tale as old as time
4bit overflow
>just give up and revert to a century ago because there was a minor hiccup
Nice try, china.
I literally said I could see a few billion in damages at the beginning of the conversation, hundreds of billions or a trillion dollars just shows incredibly poor understanding of the scale of the impact. Offices in my area are already going back up.
I never said the trades vanished, I said they never happened, thus causing a massive loss of profit. This is going to reflect across the finance industry. I am convinced you just don't really understand what I said but you're incapable of not responding to me.
>no no no stock markets are REAL and LEGITIMATE
>it's totally real, normal, and in fact very logical that the worth of company X (who is doing very well) dropped by 30% because a wrinkly, gray haired old man said so (company x is now falling apart and panicking despite having just posted record profits)
>i never said
I never said you stated it directly, tool. Jesus Christ, on top of going off on some tirade about shit I never disagreed with you don't even have the decency to apologize for not taking three seconds to actually read.
Just use a live CD or USB.
i don't get it. i thought 'cloudstrike' was the name of some virus targeting windows pcs like mydoom but it's just some shitty security company? why do some many corporations put all their faith in this single point of failure? it's like cloudflare
You can try and post as many gotchas as you want but since you don't understand the basics of how the markets work you're just posting one non-sequitur after another. Can you even define what a stock market is, and how it functions? Do you know what an issuer is? Do you even know what their purpose is? I doubt it.
china uses brazil for food now anon. America is not really a target of BRICS when the big guys at the top in america already sold the last tech we had to them and BRICS countries aren't really innovators themselves. Future is just awkward power flexing as major powers fall apart and the world gets less globalized.
This honestly makes it sound like he's purposefully sabotaging his clients.
You stated I "acted like" they'd vanished. I didn't act like they vanished, I acted like they never existed. That's what I said. Trades did not happen, causing a massive loss in profit. You don't appear to have understood that. I will quote you:

>That might be the case but it's not like the volume just stops existing, those trades will go through at some point
>Acting like your volume just dissipates into the air is disingenuous and an exaggeration though.

The volume never existed. The trades may be placed at some point, or they may not. They may be placed for an entirely different security at a different bid or ask. It's a loss of revenue regardless, it's not an exaggeration. This will be the last post I make to you, I am sure you will inevitably respond with a further argument but I am tired of clarifying this for you.
>The volume never existed.
Yes it did. The volume is still there you just didn't process it which was my entire point that you even ended up agreeing with. God you're so stupid.
You are arguing with a 14 year old that has decided this is the dumbass hill he's going to die on. He cannot be reasoned with because he's a Reddit-tier midwit. Smart enough to not be a mouth breather, stupid enough to think he's smart.
I'm sorry for violating what I said in my previous post, I will respond to you one final time to explain this to you because you just don't understand how the process works. The volume that is being referred to is the *trading* volume. That means the amount of TRADES, meaning someone buying a security and someone selling a security. Which did not happen. There were no trades queued to occur that did not happen, they were trades that just did not occur because the investment advisor was told not to make them. It's certainly possible in the future that the investment advisor chooses to buy or sell the same security tomorrow. It might even be at the same price (but it almost certainly won't be). But it didn't happen today. Since it did not happen today, we the broker dealer did not make a profit on the spread, the difference between the bid and the ask.

I will repeat this for you one last time, because you are thick: The trading volume is not there. I don't think I can break this down any further, if you don't get it at this point you're just not very fluent in English.

That's how it generally goes, unfortunately.
>kernel powerregister
The absolute state of /g/
how many customers will they lose/gain from this?
I thought the solution they posted was to attach the disk as a data disk to another vm and delete the cloudstrike file.
Call someone who does, like your IT department
read the OP you fucking mong and apply yourself
about 15 times, duh
Literally nothing you just wrote implies the volume stops existing you drooling retard. Volume isn't a transient in-moment concept, it is generated from potential. The only reason you process volume is because potential allows that volume to exist. Is it going to be the same volume? No. It will change naturally, I never disagreed with that.
>Since it did not happen today, we the broker dealer did not make a profit on the spread, the difference between the bid and the ask
That doesn't mean that any potential trade you would have gone through evaporates into thin air, only that the margins change. Some trades which would have gone through may never, but certainly not all of them. You are so fucking unironically stupid that you cannot comprehend not just economics but basic logical principles. Please tell me the name of the company you work for so I never have the displeasure of trading with such a feeble mind again.
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>indian CEO
something they built in
like to turn off my seatbelt alarm, i have to do something retarded like hold the seatbelt release and insert/remove the seatbelt like a dozen times
The idea is that if you reboot enough times hopefully itll be able to pull an update from upstream to fix the issue
sars having f8 boot menu make pc boot too slow so we got rid of it, so just farce reboot many time until get to safe mode
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>Literally nothing you just wrote implies the volume stops existing you drooling retard. Volume isn't a transient in-moment concept, it is generated from potential. The only reason you process volume is because potential allows that volume to exist. Is it going to be the same volume? No. It will change naturally, I never disagreed with that.

Volume IS a transient phenomenon. It happens when there is trade activity. If there is no trade activity, there is no trading volume.

>That doesn't mean that any potential trade you would have gone through evaporates into thin air, only that the margins change.

1.) The trade did not evaporate, it never occurred.
2.) Trades that could have happened today are not guaranteed or even likely to happen tomorrow.
3.) I am assuming you are using the word margin to refer to the profit vis a vis spread, but that is literally the entire discussion here. If nothing happens today, then profits were not made today. It doesn't even matter if tomorrow the same exact spread exists (it won't). It is not gained TODAY. That is money that can never be made today. It is lost profit. This is absolute basic level economics.

>Some trades which would have gone through may never, but certainly not all of them. You are so fucking unironically stupid that you cannot comprehend not just economics but basic logical principles. Please tell me the name of the company you work for so I never have the displeasure of trading with such a feeble mind again.

Anon you don't even know what a broker dealer is, you weren't going to trade with shit because you don't even understand what an opportunity cost is. Your business counts for literally nothing.

Or your keyboard doesn't have a F8 button.

But I guess some fruit books have a touch emoji bar thing...
The NT Kernel devs are actually pretty smart guys. It wouldn't surprise me if OSLOADER has some feature that it passes a command to the kernel if its rebooted a lot really quickly
humiliation ritual
>humiliation ritual
Stop saying this shit, you idiot
Because it doesn't work and they just want to tire you out so you are fed up enough to use the only real official microsoft solution to every problem - reinstall windows SAAR if you made a backup before we fucked up then everything is fine, thank you come again!
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Where is your god now?
Nuke and pave, get user profile from shared storage, get the rest from backups. That's what domain-administered machines are for
How did jeets destroy a bridge?
All the poop got into the ship controls and they slammed into a bridge with their floating jeet nest.
How do 2 of the biggest names in the tech space fuck up this bad?
Clown world
If you've ever seen the internals of a corporate written driver you'd know.
They crashed a flipping ship into it!
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All we need to do is wipe Windows off the face of the earth
Microsoft does not control the code a user (or an admin) wants to run at Ring0. You do NOT want Microsoft to have that power, unless you cum at the thought of Android everywhere.
Microsoft does try to only have signed drivers on the kernel, but obviously someone inside ClownStrike pushed an updatable data file that was loaded by the signed driver and bugchecked. That's the issue, and it's all on Crowdstroke's shoulders.
Yeah, sure
>Crowdstrike did the same to RHEL last month
ma'am why did you redeem?
This mofo was part of macafee. fuckin let him burn
I don't use cloud and never have,guess why I don't know what is happening here
But you do, various companies use it and you are unaware that they use it host servers for your sites and other things on the net.
The only reason security scamware like Crowdstrike exists is because Wangblows is a sieve. Linux doesn't need this shit
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Uh, anon.. 15 is still below the age of consent, did... Did you not know this?
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no in my country it is not
racist benchod bitch
The Dali? More like The Dalit
and why 15 and not a power of 2 number like 16?
Not in my jurisdiction
>have you tried rebooting it?
if(boot_fail_count >= 15)
Every time window crashes it rolls d12 and on crit it enables recovery mode. 15 just to be sure.
You mean if it automatically booted into safe mode? Does it not do this anymore?
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Maybe they should have done some penetration testing beforehand
Because it's not something overflowing. It's a counter that the OS increments when it starts trying to boot and sets back to zero after a successful boot. The threshold to autoboot to safe mode could be set to anything, but they didn't want to set it so low that it would trigger when you're just fiddling with VM configs and whatnot, and also low enough that you can get it when you need it. Someone though 15 was a good compromise number.

It used to be you had to press a key during boot, but between making consumer machines boot too fast for that to be viable, and the difficulty and annoyance of accessing a console on a cloud VM, they switched to auto booting it after a fail count instead.
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Enable wake-on-LAN on your circuit breaker.
delete your system32 and blame on your company it.
well, never thought being a datcenter janny would be good but at least we only run linux
Every time it downloads a little, little by little before crashing. Byt the 15th time it manages to download the whole hotfix update and apply it.
There's supposed to be several failsafes. For starting, malformed drivers are supposed to not be loaded never in any circumstance. There's also a failsafe where Windows uses a previous driver configuration after a crash. Therer's actual many more fuckups that allowed this happening from even being a thing.
I was able to do 177 today in a 12 hour timespan. Finally done for the day. Shit’s fucked.
I hope all of them
One of the dumbest posts I've ever read
Let's be honest, they are. You cant be a company like that and release an update that breaks it accidently.
Linux chads laugh but arch pushed a system breaking update earlier this year. Nobody cared because nobody uses arch (and since the updates aren't forced, the solution was found in time to warn people to change a specific file before updating before many were affected).
Linux is as big of a sieve as Windows, you just have less normies
a distro made by non paid volunteers is the same as a mega corporation
kill yourself
>non paid volunteers
Who is going to tell him?
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Don't worry about it.
There's one, on the web portal that is.
And a bunch of websites that run on Windows don't use CrowdStrike anyway, some have stuff like SentinelOne and such.
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"Oh anon" people tell me, "We can't possibly be devolving into a cyberpunk dystopia where single corporate entities hold too much influence and power over every miniscule iota of our daily lives"
"Lol" I say. "LMAO"
I'd unironically love to see the results.
I remember reading reports of how some farmers had to jailbrek into their tractor systems because they wouldn't be able to fix them otherwise or something.
I recognize that as TPM fuckery.
This is still an ongoing issue, John Deere are absolute cunts and half of the tech in the tractors is there solely to stop you from getting non-certified repairs or parts.
If a spark plug goes out you've gotta tow that half chinesium plastic sumbitch 1000 miles to the nearest certified service tech where they can charge you $400 for a $2 part.
underrated post

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