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Valve is not a triple-A game development company, sir.
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I love being a gamedev
ah valve, the company that spent tens of millions of dollars on an AI learning anticheat, before changing the way commands are interpreted in the game it was targeted at, thus making it useless.
valve died a long time ago, btw.
that pic is massive cope
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Yet they made genre-definers across the board and own the biggest sales platform. Size doesn't matter if you're that good at making money.
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Trying to render cursive fonts properly in my engine. Shame there's no single header solution for shaping text.
Looking good, post code.
Now do liquids
are u making a new noita
I had to break my /gedg/ self-vacation for a bit because of the HAPPENING that's going on.

I really hope you lads aren't using Windows.
just dont install ring 0 spyware on your machine and youll be fine
Doing multiple chunks now

Just experimenting, but thinking of a metroidvania
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I heard you liked octrees, so I put octrees inside octrees.
i only know about octtrees from blockland
It tickles me that the FABRIK implentation tutorial uses Roblox
and because of that the salary is insane
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Taken from us too soon because the dev couldn't figure out how to have maps and shadows/shaders at the same time.

The funny part is people eventually decompiled the game and figured out how to have both, meaning it was possible all along despite his gaslighting (i mean why the fuck wouldn't it be).

He just wanted to rush to make pretty lighting for screenshots so it could get greenlit on steam and earn free money
in retrospect blockland forums was a literal cia-tier recruitment centre for 4chan basement dwellers (or maybe thats just me)

i still remember the april fools shit when it was "4kids chan", so much fun

its such a shame the classic forum styling got disabled. badspot is truly such a lazy git its unreal. bless him.
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I will now proceed to spend spend rest of the week mixing random noise functions instead of doing anything productive.
AFAIK the BL forums produced at least one one school shooter as well as the creator of Kiwi Farms. There was definitely something in the water there
This shit is sick as hell. Nice work. Voxels seem so OP I wonder why they don't take over games more than they do (noita & teardown for an example). I guess I'm just saying, why not even more?
its a small world... i think the user on blf was called iban or something, but that was before my time.

i do remember the shooter incident, i think the forums got investigated.

lord of the flies esque environment. having a dedicated drama section was genius in retrospect. that really was the social milieu that everyone was *in*, well, that and off-topic. i cant say this for sure, but i wouldn't be surprised if at some point there were more active forum users than in-game players. it was definitely a joke at some point, that many "players" played the game like once a week, but spent 8 hours a day posting on the forums.

there was actually a point in my life where i set the homepage of my browser to point to blockland forums. cringe to think about now.

i also enjoyed the informal caste system of BL_ID ranking - the lower your BL_ID, the higher your caste. guys with sub 1000 were revered elders, and the sub 100 were truly the high priests.

i feel like some time i should sit down and do a write-up, if only for myself, of this time period. i basically grew up on the blf, certainly my young teenage years. thinking back, there were a lot of really weird guys on there, but because i had no reference point i naturally accepted it as the state of things.
difficulty probably eg. there was a gdc talk from the noita devs like had to do quite a lot of fancy stuff to get it to work
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>minecraft modder
>education software
Oh hey Dan long time no see.

I'm not spending any brain-power on this but try row4 = { 0, 0, 0, 1}.

Probably because there's not enough ways to control the player in a sandbox.
wtf is this shit?
what the fuck are you rendering this with
I'm currently reworking how objects are handled.
Now I'm handling where the object can be placed, for example, windows can only be placed on walls. Plates could be placed on the floor, counter or a table. Also the tool to place those objects will be unified for all of them.
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Ok fixed the shitty LOD curve and it does this 20.5k * 20.5k map at 120-200fps with virtually invisible LOD at 1920x1080. This will scale to infinity at this point ..
And I know there's some inefficiencies eating 30% of my perf, and I've yet to re-enable early fragment tests. Also a compute shader splatter could theoretically improve this 5 times further.
Infinite voxel rendering is solved ... now we need to invent infinite RAM.

Point quads cropped into voxels in a fragment shader. LOD achieved by using a color-averaging SVO and drawcalls minimized by another "geometry octree".

Chasing the optimal voxel renderer is a rabbit hole you wont escape for a decade. Most voxel games never leave the tech demo hell.
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ECS might actually be a meme but I can't back down now...
voxels dont look better than triangles, they're just good for destructable terrain
Definitely a meme but every thing is a meme when you think about it. Love ECS.
How do you keep focused?
I keep doing irrelevant stuff like posting on 4chins and other forums.
I've stopped gayming and anime watching, but I can't stop shitposting.
Every minute that passes that I am not being productive feels like I am wasting my time and makes me feel guilty.
nobody is productive every waking moment
But I have to.
I work all day so I have very few hours to be productive on my own.
If I devote just a couple hours each day it will never be finished.
Start being productive from your first waking moment.
>I work all day
that's why you can't stay focused
im making a cross-platform 2D C# game framework and it's getting pretty far along. goal is to build a monogame/XNA successor that leverages modern c# to the best extent possible and is explicitly targeted for rapid 2D game creation.

* sokol + cute + stb for platform stuff and collision
* dearimgui for gui for now
* ecs (arch)

one main thing im working on is making it dead simple to work with. this alone in program.cs will show a square:

Zinc.Engine.Run(new Engine.RunOptions(1920,1080,"zinc", () => {new Shape();}));

im working on porting all the docs over but its all open source here:

code samples for demos here:
I've made myself air gapped PC in a separate place solely for work.
please don't fucking do this
well if you're going to leverage modern c# to the best extent possible why not follow this >>101486836 advice without following it since people really seem to hate writing ECS code
write a roslyn extension or whatever the proper modern c# compile time metaprogramming tools are called that takes an ostensibly normal object model and reshapes it into a ECS based one
I'm so fucking bored, I don't know what to do. I have many side projects lying around and I want to work on none of them.
liquid sim
>liquid sim
So I add yet another one to the list which I'll drop in 5 days?
Just don't start a project unless you know you will continue to enjoy working on it. Pretty simple actually
port some CPU SIMD based libraries to your GPU and hyper-optimize them
it's fun
>Just don't start a project unless you know you will continue to enjoy working on it
I guess it's the novelty effect, I usually love it for the first week or two then I effectively lose interest in it
Not much of a physics guy, I don't even know where I would start with a thing like this.
You have to treat it like a job. Set goals and attain them. If you work hard and persist you can be successful, that's all it really takes.
how did frogfag get a job from drawing triangles all day in various languages?
just apply for jobs
i already have a job i am just curious how this happened
Why not ECS sirs?
>composition hard
Isn't ECS meant for decomposition instead?
If you are using C I hope you are testing with tinycc, this shit is fast as fuck https://repo.or.cz/w/tinycc.git
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Of course
what's the performance of TinyC builds like compared to normal compilers?
Off topic. Help me /g/edgods, I'm not feeling the childlike curiosity today, I don't want to do anything. What should I do to get back into it.
That sounds gay. Why would I want to beat my meat to someone else having sex?
notice i never suggested that but your porn addled cuckmind immediately assumed it
mind = blown
You win good sir.
Read fairy tales https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/2591
Based. with the option danger you don't need release. Also checkout profile guided optimization.
Comparable to gcc -Og
It's different. Components are plain data, and systems update these data, but if you want to operate on these data outside the systems you gotta create helper functions or something because methods are not allowed.
had so much fun building shit inside the mattress and the windowsill
amazing game, shame it's dead
looking forward to Brickadia finally hitting early access soon though, looks like it'll be a nice successor
Please elaborate on this sir. What's wrong with functions?
Nothing, he wants to disparage ECS by adhering to a narrow definition of it.
>adhering to a narrow definition of it.
ECS IS the narrow definition you fool, otherwise it's just composition
Nothing. But I would rather have them as methods, keeps everything organized.
It is not, you are the only one here and everywhere who screeches internally at the use of functions or methods with ECS.
On topic of ECS, how would you guys rate bevy on the rate of easiness to create a game?
0/10 you will not ship
Don't worry I'm not trying to ship anything even if I use another language
aggydagger here
do you game make porn games? asking for a friend.
That was another poster, if you decide that ECS means whatever you want it to mean then it doesn't really mean anything
>no games shipped
It's the ultimate nodev engine
Started with the default template, it started compiling 300 crates. Is this the power of rust?
anon, bevy is a FULL engine (how long would it take if you were to install a godot-like engine in C++ ???)
if you want to use ECS just add bevy_ecs, which is way lighter
you can use ecs with any other graphic library
A cube no way whoa
my bevy equivalent engine has about 5 dependencies
go away furry coomer
and mine is 10 LoC
>anon, bevy is a FULL engine (how long would it take if you were to install a godot-like engine in C++ ???)
ohfuck. It pulled the entire engine, that's alright I'm already halfway done. Hopefully subsequent rebuilds are instant
>you can use ecs with any other graphic library
cool, maybe look into that later
what is this jabbascript? kek
I don't think you can write bevy in 10 loc
i don't think you can write bevy in 5 dependencies (unless they are huge, and still i don't buy it) either, who is in the wrong?
>i don't think you can write bevy in 5 dependencies
Maybe something to deal with the OS
what else is required?
glfw + glad + some resources libraries
all you need
i laughed
Can you answer?
git gud
I am good, that's why I can write an engine with 5 dependencies instead of 300
if your answer to having 300 deps is having 3 deps called opengl/al/os, then you are just hiding the complexity under the rug, i can too inline every bevy crate into a single crate, woah 1 deps!!!
>he needs an is_even crate
Why seperate your project into hundreds of different "crates"?
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It took half an hour but it's finally done. I can now finally get started with the game. Thanks /g/ays
What are you doing? a The Sims clone?
the project itself is not splitted into 300 crates

most of those 300 are transitive deps
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it took you so long? i made other errors before, don't tell me you are a fellow esl too
I build my entire engine from scratch unlike you guys. I don't trust anybody.
I too build my engine from scratch and it takes less than a minute to build
and what exactly is a "transitive dep"
you have dep A that needs dep B, when you install dep A you then must install dep B, B is transitive because even if you didn't specify B you still pull it in the background
Well that brings me back to my inital point, you shouldn't need that many dependencies
if you don't see value in reusing the same code in different projects it's a (you) problem
You keep jumping back and forth between external dependencies and internal modularity
and you keep changing topic, 300 deps are bad because you can inline everything in your 3 file project? that's your argument?
I give up. How do people even use rust for making games?
Rust tards lied to me, it still takes 5+ seconds on every code change, I was told it'll be instant and blazingly fast to rebuild. And god forbid if you need any other dependency because that's gonna take another 5 minutes because rust-ANALyzer will fuck your SSD with cargo in the background
no wonder why so many webshitters like bust so much
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>pointless bickering over stupid shit
Nice progress guys, real nice
that was fast kek
You can inline internal dependencies (things you've written yourself), you can't inline external dependencies
If you have 300 external dependencies, what the fuck are you doing?
If you have 300 internal dependencies, well that sucks too but maybe you need to do this to cope with Rust's compile times
>How do people even use rust for making games?
they dont
the games made using SDL, are they usually programmed in C or C++, is C a better choice since that's what SDL was also written in?
The vast majority of game developers use C++ instead of C
it doesn't really matter use whatever you're more comfortable with
>you can't inline external dependencies
you can inline those too, literally copy paste
Well yeah but it's bad practise
i'd rather write it myself at that point
It downloaded 5 gigabytes of dependencies, it doesn't build instantly even after the ridiculous compile times, yeah I'm done.
>5 gigabytes
how many lines of code is that, hundreds of millions?
that also includes build artifacts
damn that's javascript level of bad
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What is /gedg/'s opinion on Raylib? I saw it on the wiki and checked it out; it looks like it has all the features I want (except for sound which it seems to be ass at, but I guess I can use fmod for that like everyone else does), plus if I want to port whatever mess I end up making to the Nintendo Switch there are ports of this library that can do that, but I'll also be learning C++ at the same time that I will be learning Raylib so there are probably some problems with it that I'm just not seeing right now.
I've heard it's a pain to use for 3D, that's about it, it's said it's good for 2D stuff
Surprise! https://loglog.games/blog/leaving-rust-gamedev/
should be in the op
Good enough for me, considering the most 3D I plan on doing is some GTA2-style top-down thing
For audio consider

im using ecs mostly as a way to organize backend engine code and not forcing it on the user. ecs is a good paradigm to organize engine function around — if you're got 10,000 objects and you need to render them, are you just going to foreach over them every frame and fuck your cache? having stuff like RenderItem components with render meta stored on them makes for quick and easy coordination of stuff like that. input handling/emission is also nicer, etc. i think the ecs meme is real but it also does have real use cases and is a great pattern for specific things.

and to the point of >>101487200 this is exactly already what I'm doing. I give people gameobject-style apis for enties on the front end but behind the scenes its all comptime ECS stuff i generate with source generators. so you can do stuff like picrel.

you can read my blog post about it here:
>if you're got 10,000 objects and you need to render them, are you just going to foreach over them every frame and fuck your cache?
That's exactly what an ECS does
You should put them in a spatial partition instead
>I can use fmod for that like everyone else does
i think you need to read more about ecs and memory layout. the point of ecs iteration is that it's all memory aligned and (sometimes cached). chunks and archetypes iterating over aligned blocks of memory is significantly faster than iterating over 10,000 random GameObject classes that are not aligned at all. structure of arrays vs. arrays of structures, etc. spatial partitioning and culling are half step solutions but also mean you're having to conform unrelated objects that happen to share some needs together, so enjoy all your case logic inside your render hot loop.
>people really seem to hate writing ECS code
Who? Some people just hate everything that is popular or mildly popular like inheritance or garbage collector. You will never satisfy them.
In ECS, everything is stored in one array, so you will iterate over all 10,000 objects to find the objects you need to render. O(1) operation
Put them in a spatial partion, and you reduce this to an O(log n) operation. This is significantly faster
sorry meant to write O(n) operation not O(1)
and how do you know which objects to put in that relation, dumbass?
I don't understand the question. Put in that relation?
In programming, spatial relations refer to the relationships between objects or entities in a spatial context. It involves understanding and manipulating the positions, distances, orientations, and interactions of objects within a given space. Spatial relations are commonly used in fields such as computer graphics, geographic information systems (GIS), computer vision, robotics, and video games.

Spatial relations are often represented using geometric shapes, coordinates, and spatial data structures such as points, lines, polygons, and grids. Various algorithms and data structures are used to efficiently process and analyze spatial relationships, such as spatial indexing, bounding boxes, and spatial partitioning.

Programming languages and libraries often provide tools and functions specifically designed for handling spatial relations, such as geometry libraries, GIS tools, and spatial databases. These tools enable developers to perform complex spatial computations, analyze spatial data, and create interactive spatial applications.
I said spatial partition, not spatial relation. A spatial partition is a data structure, like an array is a data structure. Octree, KD tree, list grid, etc
In a game, every object that exists in space should be inside a spatial parition. This is much faster than ECS with arrays
>A spatial partition is a data structure, like an array
>This is much faster than arrays
real retard hours
if you have an array of renderable objects, let's say 10,000, and you want to find a a list of objects that fit in the screen, let's say 100, you have to do 10,000 iterations and check every one
With an octree, you might only have to do 300 iterations
so you just read the wikipedia article about carmack and how he liked octrees back in the 80s and now you parrot this like it's the holy grail, gotcha
I think you mean BSPs and the 90s
Literally everyone uses spatial partitions, if you are sticking renderables and collidables in arrays to do "ECS" you don't know what you're doing
I wanna make a 2D action rpg with 5 bosses and 16 mobs. 4 different weapons and player can throw those weapons. How hard would this be? I never made a game before so I really have no idea. Would a year of working at most an hour at night after my job be enough?
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started building this space invader style clone. I'm learning. Need to still add enemies.
No. Given your lack of experience with that little time you'd need at least 10 years
>working at most an hour at night
you'll never make it
if you can pull in good hours on weekends you might make it, but with 1 hour, you'll get hung up on bugs for a week at that rate
im >>101486432 and can say that writing ecs code sucks. the reason is that entities are (mostly) literally just integer ids and components are sort of like entries in a table with that entity index. these are then worked with through systems that "handle" the ECS stuff, which, notably, is NOT user level API stuff.

so to "work" with entites and components you end up writing a ton of wrapper functions and methods to actually do stuff outside of systems (pure ecs is insane so this is always required) and it means you are effectively maintaining two seperate layers of entity logic — what happens in systems and what happens in the "game". riding that boundary is hard.

> In ECS, everything is stored in one array
okay you clearly don't know what you're talking about so im going to stop responding to you. feel like you have crib notes understanding of ECS in order to validate your own opinion on it and aren't interested in anything beside what >>101495077 indicated
Fuck. There goes my dream of making an stupid indie game for steam. Would using AI help me with this? Like to make characters and code and stuff?
more precisely ECS components are usually stored in sub-arrays of archetypes but that doesn't change the point at all, it's still O(n) vs O(log n)
Again no. AI is a total meme outside of toy js/python scripts.
>Would using AI help me with this? Like to make characters and code and stuff?
sure if you want to make something that really sucks
AI will not help you figure out your game mechanics, it might help fix some bugs though
> I will keep subtly changing my point to cover up for the fact I don't know what I'm talking about
>subtly changing my point
The point has nothing to do with ECS. It's storing your objects in a list vs storing them in a spatial partition. You're nitpicking to avoid acknowledging the point
Closing your mind and refusing to learn is the hallmark of a bad programmer
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are you following the godot tutorial? I made this
The world doesn't need your crap, don't worry.
>I never made a game before
>equivalent of 2 months full-time work
fucking kek anon
It's a 2d action game made with Godot. How hard could it be?
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I learned how do exactly this from these tutorials. Some of the few actual comprehensive guides for godot shit. There are several series and different topics on how to make diablo style games. Just take your time on each step, back up your work and try to understand exactly what every line of code is doing. Post your progress
Nope. I'm just freestyling it without any tutorial. Though it seems we got to the exact same assets.
Also forgot to mention. I'm using Odin + Raylib for the game.
Has anybody done any renderer design interviews at big game/tech companies?

I am trying to compile a list of potential questions they could ask.

1) Design a modern rendering pipeline for various types of devices. Consider tradeoffs between forward rendering, deferred rendering, and tiled renderers.

2) Design a dynamic shadow rendering system. Explain real world estimates for number of lights, triangles, and shadow resolution.

3) Design a system that batches textures together into a group of texture atlases. Consider tradeoffs as objects are created and destroyed.

4) Design a multithreaded renderer that performs work on background threads and submits commands to queues asynchronously.

Any help is greatly appreciated
They are unlikely to ask you questions like that, you're applying for a junior position, they will ask you to solve smaller problems
Maybe something like question 3
this jargon is retarded. things that are in your game should just be a struct, and all of the data about that thing should be in the struct. if you need to start indexing things (e.g i need the subset of these million entities which are pink) then go ahead and make another array with the object's id (aka its index in the main array)

why make it any more complicated with "systems", a totally meaningless word? there are only structs and functions.
im applying for a very senior position. im basing my preparation on real time rendering edition 4. yes i should probably just know everything already but it never hurts to get feedback and maybe help some other people along the way :)
You're applying for a very senior position, but you're reading books on the topic like you don't already know it and you're asking /g/ for advice?
You consciously posted this thing, when you could have simply answered the question.
Are you familiar with this topic, do you have several years experience working in the industry designing renderers?
Yes I do, else I wouldn't have passed all the previous rounds. Also, you should know that interviews are very contrived and artificial compared to real life day to day work.

There are no lists anywhere on the internet for the topic, so we have to use our brain to guess what conceivably could be asked.
So is it a game company or some other sort of tech company
in my case its netflix XD
I was going to say if it's a big game company you might want to be familiar with stuff like GPU driven rendering
I would read that
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Added directions to my editor. Blocks can now have a different image on each face thanks to new UVs, so the editor now lets you choose which direction a block is facing
the thing is though that big tech companies like netflix, amazon, tiktok, facebook, google, snapchat etc are all doing various levels of their own 3d development (without using unreal or unity), so the questions that a game company would ask and a tech company are blending together. its all just rendering via vulkan/metal/dx at the end of the day
if you're getting hired by a game company, you wouldn't be being hired to reinvent the wheel, they will be working on cutting edge stuff for the next gen of game engines
if you're being hired by a big tech company, I'm guessing they would just want you to reinvent the wheel
some lighting effects, particles and screen shaking is all the effects I need
thats the thing though, whether its warranted or just a hazing exercise, they put you in these contrived interviews where you dont actually need to reinvent shadow mapping and z buffers on the job but you do in the interview, because allegedly "muh fundamentals". in reality you'll spend most of your time figuring out why some shader compiles incorrectly on some system.
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Here's an example
What prevents you from keeping spatial components in partitions sir?
If you do that you're no longer doing ECS
> tell me you’ve never worked a games job without telling me you’ve never worked a games job

go back to jerking it while reading the game engine black book and doom source code instead of telling me what to do
fuuny coming from the guy who doesnt know what a spatial partition is
I thought ECS was shit then I realized I can just put pointers to all the important stuff inside the structs
so you thought ECS was shit until you stopped doing it?
Yeah I don’t really like using ECS. I use EC. I put whatever I want into components and modify them wherever I want.
>ECS is cache optimization
>you cannot do cache optimization without ECS.
>OOP clears your cache every time you de reference a pointer.
brain worms
Why not sir?
partitions = {
surface = { { entity_id, x, y, ... }, partitial_component2, ... },
underground = { pc3, pc4, ... }
ECS stores components in flat arrays
If you store them in a spatial partition they are no longer stored in flat arrays, so it's not ECS anymore
I meant "spatial component", "sc".
What do you mean sir? What can stop me from keeping spatial components both in partitions and flat arrays at the same time?
It's about storage and access. You store them in a flat array, they are accessed by systems which iterate over them in order
If you are accessing via pointers in a spatial partition you are no longer doing this, it's not ECS
it feels very distracting
Love the background
partitions = { { sc1, sc2, ... }, { sc3, sc4 } }
flat = { sc1, sc2, sc3, sc4 ... }

At the same time.
Something can't be stored in two places at once
You have storage and you have pointers to storage
ECS iterates over memory as it is stored to maximise cache hits, if you're iterating over a collection of pointers you don't get that
Start and abandon numerous projects. Only work on the ones you feel like. If something doesn't feel worth working on, it isn't; trust your instincts. Something worth working on will hold your attention long-term.

>my game engine is 10 LoC
Average K enjoyer.

>i can too inline
Yeah, you can inline a bunch of garbage you don't need.

Not going to actually look but probably half of those 300 crates relate to cross-platform abstraction. It's also irrelevant because clean builds are very rare.

You made the right choice, anon. Rust's abysmal compile times disqualify the entire language from gamedev. I think there's a blog post somewhere about how to speed up bevy incremental builds thoever.


>pressing the shift key is le hard for me
I will ignore your blog.

There seems to be a lack of questions whose answer is "use RenderDoc".
>I think there's a blog post somewhere about how to speed up bevy incremental builds thoever.
lmao, every time
>ummm actually sweaty, it's not Rust. You need to do these 15 things for it to be even close to acceptable
should rename the general to ecs and rust at this point, what a disgusting thread
How on earth is renderdoc going to tell you how to implement an algorithm? It will only tell you, if you have a brain to comprehend it, whether you've fucked up or not.
Im retarded IRL, but I pulled it off
> Something can't be stored in two places at once
What and why not sir?

> You have storage and you have pointers to storage
Of course sir, how can I fit 10k components data into registers? There will be a pointer to region in memory sir.

> ECS iterates over memory as it is stored to maximise cache hits, if you're iterating over a collection of pointers you don't get that
Knowing that components have necessary fields of simple types (or arrays of such, not a pointer), what prevents me from allocating chunk of memory and putting components data one after another sir?
And what prevents me from splitting the chunk into virtual partitions if I have OCD sir?
Why do you keep saying sir? Are you trolling?
what does
What's wrong sir? I'm trying to be respectful (sir).
If you want someone to give you serious answers stop being fucking annoying
I think you're asking why can't you store data in the spatial partition, the answer is because it's very slow because you have to do a ton of copying to move stuff around
The other stuff you said doesn't make sense
It's only like every 3rd thread that this happens.

>has rendering issue
>refuses to use RenderDoc to debug rendering issue

>>Something can't be stored in two places at once
One simply reprograms the Memory Management Unit (MMU)
But cache miss "problem" is solved.
If you don't want (or if it doesn't fit your conditions) to split memory and move components data, you can partition with pointers, which still refer to the same chunk of memory.
Can you elaborate on "doesn't make sense" part?
You're posting nonsense, I don't understand what you're saying
Memory can only exist in one place
You can have pointers to memory but then you lose the cache locality which is what ECS is about
I'm talking about CPU cache and you?
>>101499809 -> >>101499769
The things you're saying are vague and disjointed, I don't know what to say, this conversation is tiresome
Are you trolling?
No, there's a communication barrier here and it's not worth overcoming
Sorry for wasting your time.
No idea if this is the right thread but I'd like to recreate the era/emuera engine while having character & environmental interactivity relegated to (cloud) LLMs while having everything else (stats, inventory, movement, etc) relegated to regular code. Apparently someone is already working on something identical or very similar in Unity but I'm allergic to that shit and UE would obviously be extremely overkill for a fucking text adventure. Is there an existing engine that can run on potatoes and runs on multiple platforms?
What do you need an existing game engine for? It doesn’t sound like you need rendering/physics/audio/etc..
If you are going to implement it yourself, this is the right place to be.
>turn GC off in my game
>game allocates 1gb memory/second to the heap
>literally no performance difference
>in the event that the GC needs to happen (this never occurs) it takes a quarter of a second to clear it
why do cniles get uppity about this
>allocates 1gb memory/second
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I put all my vectors/matrices on the heap. I use lists for everything. frequent code paths allocate strings in every method. I don't give a fuck because janny ALWAYS cleans it up.
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I'm so proud of this general, I remember when it was proposed by an anon or two. Keep on keeping on.
Its funny, when I started gamedeving I tried being smart about it and doing things in as optimal as I could way. But over time when feeling lazy I would "temporarily" do a quick, but good enough, solution to test stuff, and I started realizing the shitty solution are always just fine with no noticeable issues.
I should have listened to everyone saying to optimise when you need to not before.
Still use C++ though, cause its fun. My pointers are smart, so I dont have to be
You can lolmao all you want
>Start and abandon numerous projects. Only work on the ones you feel like. If something doesn't feel worth working on, it isn't; trust your instincts. Something worth working on will hold your attention long-term.
I've been doing that forever, that's why that side project folder is tens of gigabytes by now.
>Start and abandon numerous projects. Only work on the ones you feel like. If something doesn't feel worth working on, it isn't; trust your instincts. Something worth working on will hold your attention long-term.

This is good advice. Reminds me of the Structured Procrastination strategy.
Holy shit, good work anon.
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You can still get autistic about certain portions of code, right? Do you run timed debugging? (idk what it's called)
For perspective I'm a javalet LWJGLer that just uses opengl bindings. I barely know C/C++. I failed a fucking meta interview so bad the guy was laughing. "Uh...that's what the java version of that structure is called, yeah". FML
Definitely, but now I only autisticlly focus on code when I feel like it, not out of some perceived obligation to do it right.

>Do you run timed debugging? (idk what it's called)
Not sure what you mean, but my debugging is all just playing my games and shoving print statements in my code desu. I am not a coder by profession so I am mostly winging what I do
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Ah, I don't either. All I do is print statements too, but it's something I wish I had a solution for.
I want a programming language with tard pointers.

>timed debugging? (idk what it's called)
Yeah, but just not memory. With emphasis only on miliseconds. I guess that's just timed profiling. In my java environment I'm quite happy with VisualVM. Haven't really looked into if it can do time though. I know it's out there but god I don't have time for everything.
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>My pointers are smart, so I dont have to be
This but I use Rust for the same reason. My compiler is smart(&retarded sometimes) so I don't have to be.
tell us the questions they asked you
>making fun of you for using Java
it's just like /gedg/
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While refactoring portions of the code I've come to the sobering realization that the direction of the project in terms of maintainability is pretty off course, I have no idea how to architecture a game and my current approach of just shitting out code is beginning to prevent me from adding additional features so I believe I have to completely change direction if i am to make any headway
To that end I think I'll be putting the roguelike on hiatus while i try and figure out a way out of this mess. Ultimately if your game has any sort of wide scope you need a good foundation and you can't just bruteforce everything like i've been doing so far
cope, seethe, dilate

how hard is it to...

typedef struct gamething{
physdetails* phys;
drawdetails* draw;
controls* controls;
uint16 hp;
} gamething;
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i started implementing BC1 compression today. im not quite there yet but i made good progress
Just start over. Ive done it on games 4-5 times to finally dial in the scope of what I actually want to do.
love these "just structs and functions" dudes who have never made a game before
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How do i become a PROgrammer?

t. amateurgrammer
Pick up some dialect of Lisp, then find a Haskell sperg and continuosly try to outjerk him implementing non-standard control flow structures. Then switch roles (you Haskell, opponent Lisp).
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I'm kinda having fun ngl. I still have to do collision + sound effects. Also spawning enemies, enemy healthbar, powerups, levels, ship change, area of effect explosion/weapon. God damn, I'm filled with so many ideas. I thought this was gonna be like some shitty shooter, now I'm feeling like this could be way better.
Is this what every game dev feels like when they're filled with so many ideas?
99.9% are idea guys who never get passed 2 functions and downloading a sprite pack, the rest want to commit suicide
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im pretty close now, still artefacts in solid colour regions th
>i started implementing BC1 compression today
If you use OpenGL it just does it automatically
i have a lot of games i want to make. some of them are too big for me to make on my own so ill probably never make them, the rest i am chipping away slowly at. i work in a fairly large game company (not quite AAA but still fairly large budget) as a programmer though and that leaves me quite exhausted usually so its hard to work on my own things.
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yeah im not im making a software renderer :>
you mean you are or you aren't?
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im not using opengl. i am making a software renderer, it looks like picrel currently. still pretty basic but im going to make a fps game with it or something hopefully
It's good but it has some shortcomings that you would love to see in a proper framework that other frameworks have that it's lacking. No support for repeated textures, no support for cached text objects (so a lot of text = a lot of glyph vertex recalculation) and stuff like that. I also don't like that the header is using super generic names for functions and types without a prefix, polluting the namespace, but I'm using it from C++ so I just wrapped the include in a namespace.
You do something similar to culling. When you load a level or whatever, you calculate objects visible within a reasonable space, then store them in a separate array, and after you move certain distance, you update that cache. I guess you could call it chunking.
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was just a division by zero now it works ok i think
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Is there something as easy as raylib but for 3d?

>I just wrapped the include in a namespace.
pls explain
>Is there something as easy as raylib but for 3d?
Modern 3D is intrinsically complicated and hard to simplify
>Is there something as easy as raylib but for 3d?
Raylib has a lot of 3D functions, like camera, model loading, materials and stuff, but it's not sophisticated because actual cutting edge 3D tech is super complicated, but if you're making a simple game, it should suffice. It also doesn't prevent you from actually using OpenGL yourself, if you feel like the base features are limiting, you can just expand on top of raylib.

>pls explain
I just made a header that includes raylib inside of namespace, then I include that header instead, so all of the raylib stuff gets lives in raylib:: instead.
#pragma once

#include <cstdio>

namespace raylib {
#include <raylib.h>
Sick. Make sure to include some juicy glitches!
Vulkan baiting was getting tiresome.
>Memory can only exist in one place
What the fuck are you on about idiot?
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This will eventually bite you. And a quarter of a second is actually huge.
that fucking works? fuck C++ is a polished turd (C)
become a brogrammer instead
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>trying to reverse engineer a 3d model format
>the vertex data seems alright
>adding the faces fucks it all up
its all so tiresome
looks like incorrect indices
you don't know how #include works?
its a text expand effectively, I just never thought of doing that
C uses includes
jeets in my gedg??!
this are probably the indices
SPolygonGeometry.IndexArray Array_I32 [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 6, 4, 5, 4, 6, 7, 7, 8, 4, 9, 4, 8, 8, 10, 9, 11, 9, 10, 9, 11, 12, 13, 12, 11, 14, 12, 13, 12, 14, 15, 15, 0, 12, 12, 0, 2, 12, 2, 9, 4, 9, 2, 16, 17, 18, 19, 18, 17, 17, 20, 19, 21, 19, 20, 20, 22, 21, 22, 20, 23, 23, 20, 24, 25, 24, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 26, 25, 25, 28, 27, 29, 27, 28, 28, 30, 29, 30, 28, 31, 31, 28, 16, 17, 16, 28, 28, 25, 17, 20, 17, 25];

which i end up transforming into faces like this
f 0 1 2
f 3 2 1
f 2 3 4
>Apparently someone is already working on something identical or very similar in Unity
where can I read about this project? I started developing a similar engine and also explicitly with view of making games that would integrate AI for stuff like dialogue, illustrations and so on. I'm too lazy to work on it though so I'm glad that other people are doing it, because there's tons of potential there no doubt
>Is there an existing engine that can run on potatoes and runs on multiple platforms?
using a game engine for this doesn't really make sense. just use HTML+JS. it's the best solution for UIs, it's future-proof and will be supported on pretty much every platform that lets you browse the internet.
my prototype uses Electron and TS for the engine and JS for the game scripts
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>using a game engine for this doesn't really make sense. just use HTML+JS

erm... anon? he asked for it to run on a potato. idk if you're just some richfag who always had big fast computers but javascript-heavy websites are a middle finger to slow computers
only if they're poorly made, otherwise it's fine
looks like the sand has a biased towards the left. Maybe check left and right randomly?
Pardon my nigger question, but what's the cleanest way to set a makefile so that it chooses how to compile depending on running OS?
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If anything, Minecraft is the best counterexample.
Game runs 100+ FPS with hundreds of buggy memory-leak ridden mods, and the only reason FPS isn't even higher is tricky rendering of Create contraptions.
GC is never noticeable.
Not sure if any of this responsible for such success.
Minecraft runs like absolute shit for what it does
Not really? Do you know shit like RAII is actually slower?
I mean, it's faster to allocate memory and not clean it than to constantly do cleanup as soon as possible.
The problem is work to clean it up sums up and you get lag spike when GC hits. The thing is, it doesn't anymore. Not in Minecraft.
i think something like
uname := $(shell uname)
ifeq ($(uname), Linux)

but idk if uname is a thing on windows maybe you would have to do something special if you care about windows
>Not really?
Yes really
>Do you know shit like RAII is actually slower?
That's both wrong and has nothing to do with it
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raii is literally the antichrist whether it's slower or faster than garbage collection
>That's both wrong and has nothing to do with it
Not that anon, but it is, it was already proved. And next thread I'll prove it again.
Maybe things have improved a bit in the latest releases, the post is now 10 years old. You can work with GC, but you shouldn't get overly confident.
You can't prove it because they're not equivalent
They are not the same, RAII is inferior and slower.
RAII is not garbage collection you fucking moron

Someone post some games and save this thread from the idiots
>even big studio devs cannot fathom that asking system for memory is super slow, deallocating it is even slower
80% of modern game issues can be solved by literally compressing data layouts and minimizing allocations in hot loops and every frame.
by using smaller memory the CPU and cache can literally handle every retarded shit you throw at it just by sheer brute force. games used to allocate everything on the stack, or at least preallocate the maximum entity numbers and throw them in arrays. how the fuck are we struggling on solved issues? for fucks sake literally every game has a particle system and it literally use the exact same concepts like holy shit it's not even obscure.
Mojang is not a big studio
story of the first time i saw this first hand (GPU instead of CPU but similar situation)
>be junior graphics programmer
>working on integrating new SSAO technique
>it's running slower than i expected
>don't really understand what i'm looking at in the profiler at the time
>ask senior about it, show him the profile capture
>he says "ah you're using a 32 bit texture, change it to 16 bit"
>do that
>4x speed increase

it's like, i thought my bottleneck would be doing too much maths in the shader or not tuning my compute work group counts properly or something else complicated. but no, my bottleneck was just fetching texture data
>I am some retard on /g/, I have solved video games, let me pull some "facts" out of my ass
let's see you solve O(n^2) operations by brute force
>situation was better pre 1.3 aka when mojang was in charge
>the game shits the bed immediately when microsoft takes control
my point stands
The same people still work there, Mojang was and is a small incompetent indie studio
I'll bite the bullet. OpenGL or Vulkan or the hot new wgpu. Give me pros and cons of each.
Vulkan is more fun.
Being an artist in the era of AI is a massive cope.
>Vulkan is more fun.
okay, that already sounds fun. what about shaders, similar to opengl or not?
opengl pros:
>you can get a basic scene rendering with simple lighting stuff in like a day if you're committed.
>good enough for literally any indie game in terms of performance etc
>you won't spend too much time on stupid small issues
opengl cons:
>no shader debugging (as far as im aware of)
>no pre compiled shaders unless you use opengl 4.6
>the state machine system can be a bit messy

vulkan pros:
>shader debugging (as in, you can literally put breakpoints and step through your shaders)
>manages state through objects which makes things a bit cleaner once you have a basic framework up and going, and also can be more performant since you don't have to rebuild state between draws etc.
>shaders compile to SPIR-V so you can pick and choose your shader language (not stuck to GLSL like in OpenGL)
vulkan cons:
>it might take you weeks to get a basic scene going
>for what you're realistically going to be making you're probably not going to need the extra manual sync and memory features
>you might spend a lot of hours on stupid memory and sync problems

idk anything about wgpu other than it seems like tranny shit and it also doesn't have precompiled shaders
Vulkan uses SPIR-V, which you'd typically compile ahead-of-time from GLSL, rather than just taking GLSL directly. Vulkan GLSL is basically the same thing as regular GLSL, with some minor changes adding Vulkan stuff (e.g. descriptor sets) and removing some others (e.g. a few in-built variables).
You could actually generate SPIR-V from HLSL (DirectX's shader language) or other stuff if you really felt inclined to.
>cleanest way
by generating the makefile from cmake
I deliberately optimize my code such that it optimally thrashes the cpu cache in seemingly non-obvious ways.
Okay, I know basic opengl but never really did 3D with it. I'll pick vulkan and see how far I can get.
I want to get a moving camera over a cube on the screen. That'd be my "rainbow triangle" so to speak.
Yeah nobody's ever written a roguelike with just structs and functions before...
Check the indices aren’t actually 32 bits
Make sure your assuming the right primitive type
If there’s a primitive list with vertex and index offsets make sure your interpreting it correctly
Try inspecting the geometry buffers and draw commands in renderdoc to see how the values are being interpreted
>Valve is not a triple-A game development company
correct! valve is a double-A game company
this is likely the data, does this look correct? >>101504619
Literally everything is structs and functions, in the same way everything is atoms
Being reductive doesn't help you solve your architecture problems
they're AAA
Valve is an S tier company if you look at their revenue
nigga, they sit in between indie devs and triple As. they're double A
Their production budgets can be as high as they want to
So their first-person games are AAA
The JVM would have stack-allocated BlockPos except some idiot Mojangsister added a mutable subclass.
if you look at the revenue divided by employee count its unbeatable triple S tier
I don't have the expertise required to to build my own engine.
>where can I read about this project?
You can't, I've heard about it on /vg/'s /aicg/ and tried to contact the guy but he hasn't replied yet.
>just use HTML+JS
>Electron and TS
I'd REALLY rather not.
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Look a real game loop
whats with the retarded auto lean?
Your example looks correct. Generally devs are going to use either 16bit or 32bit indices depending on how many polygons there are and if splitting up the mesh is practical or not.
add a 0.01% chance for the enemies to do the geddan dance instead of flipping left and right when hit
nice death animation
Reminds me of half-life alpha
I waited a while before baking a bread.

>>Do you know shit like RAII is actually slower?
>iadd $10 is slower than iadd $1b
Yes they are. RAII is garbage collection.
Would it? I suppose it depends on how it is used. Where can I read more about jvm optimizations?

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