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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

Air Gear edition

GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Finished ordering: >>101473980
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I don't know any anime characters.
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based edition
i need air gear bots
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
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Moomei, fit this time.
Name one
Pepsibros let's channel our energy
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holy shit its vegeta
death to shaveniggers
>channeling my hormone therapy energy
any public opus?
with hips and thighs like that, she's prime for anal sex
>channeling my dilation energy
merkava just refilled
Pepsi is feeling okay and that's what matters.
lmao at those retarded fingers
she tried her best <3
Jackie Chan?
I'm happy Pepsi made 3000$ and disappeared <3
Hope she has a great life.
kek the troon cope never gets old
she has tiny hands, perfect for my short dick
Bruce Lee is the anime character you faggot
That's like 50 million in Romania, she's set for life
I'm still thankful for everything she did for us
cheer up pepsi!
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holy shit merkava did just refill, thanks anon <3
Jew rugpulls:
>Noooooo what a scammer
Braaps rugpulls:
>She cute, I'm so thankful UwU she is real grill
>Jew rugpulls
Pepsi is a tranny.
im a lonely obese balding loser so this is the closest I get to interacting with girls
shouldn't have been m*le then *shrugs*
Merkava Free Opus (just refilled) -> https://bidding-across-throws-aerial.trycloudflare.com/

Free 3.5 Sonnet (I think on the GCP url?) / GPT-4o / Furbo / DALL-E Proxy -> https://intensive-yes-worked-hazardous.trycloudflare.com/

Free Opus (temporary) -> Experiment over.
that's probably a good thing, means you're more likely to be employed, not live at home, and actually have sex
>not live at home
So, homeless?
>only one single anon can be against your retard troon celebrity
Nice fanfic
at least you're not like the niggers who use 100m tokens in 2 hours fucking ponyville in moms basement
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After taking the dual prompt for a spin, my experience is that while it is significantly cheaper, the opus side tends to follow the 4o side too closely for it to be worthwhile. It reminds me of 3.5S with how similar swipes can be, and the soul is just not there.
Is living at home bad? My grandparents lived with us
what de mateo pawwowd
>not live at home
that's only a good thing if you're living with a partner/spouse
living alone is worse than living with your parents, and only kids meme themselves into thinking otherwise
thats fucking weird anon
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kururu my belovedd
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Mumei, I'll post a log (maybe).
I live with my spouse and have a job, public opus comes out and by the time i used it, it's at 900m tokens used and about to die.
>Taking care of your grandparents is bad
Enjoy living in a nursing home when you're old.
what about independence?
>living alone is worse than living with your parents
Keep deluding yourself into thinking this. Only manchildren want to be taken care of by mommy well into their adult life.
This is why I dislike COT. It's too predictable. It might help with dumber models like 2.1/3-Sonnet but Opus and 3.5 don't need it
small price to pay for mom bringing me tendies and toilet paper
Please give me schizo jbs or I'll cri. :c
Living with parents is a sign of failure past 21. If I have kids, I'm telling them you are out by twenty.
>im 26 years old and still living with my mom and still unemployed
yep, im a failure.
camicle jb is prone to cucking
i did 17 swipes and got cucked only in the ones i was using this jb, don't use it
>It's too predictable
I wonder if you could force more variance with a
>Roll between X and Y number, give a response based on that number in reference to the list in Z
mumei's thick bush...
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opus/furbo/gpt-4 32k:

I remember this bait
her smelly feet...
CoT is meant for specific things and you can make entries {{random: if you want
we are on /aicg/, everyone on this thread is a failure.
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a new gweeting has hit the twowers
Switch the pic to Claude
is she gonna refill?
i have tourettes i can confirm
he's conditioning me with that pic. last time I saw a notice of OpenAI I thought why the hell do they use Jew's logo kek
increase daily limit fag
Increase quota
smol moom
Tourists still equate GPT to AI
You cannot. There is a very small amount of variance, but in my experience, if you ask it to generate multiple options it will always be biased towards one. For example, asking it to generate an expected answer, an unexpected answer, and a random answer will usually give you something like this:

1. eat an apple
2. eat an orange
3. fuck the fruit vendor
Okay, I will go with option 1.

And then, when you start swiping:

1. eat a roast ham
2. eat an apple
3. burn down the stall and enact sharia law
Okay, I will go with option 2.

On the rare occasion it goes with option 3, your 'random' option will look something like:

1. eat a watermelon
2. eat a grape
3. ask for a discount

Problem is, it's not random, it's not even pseudorandom, it's "random"
Lower the quota, 3m is enough. Keys will live longer.
samefag no reasonable user needs more than 5 mil
kys teebs
its an even dice roll so its as random as you can get... then again, if you dont like cot, dont use it? certain cards break without it if your autistic urges make you feel compelled to delete it, though
Recommend lolibots
8 - 11

i love kids (female)
It's not a dice roll when it's changing what the numbers mean based on the results of the roll, that's what I'm saying
>refresh token
>still getting token expired error
after testing {{random: x,y,z}} switches it does seem random... whats your argument that it actively chooses one over the others much more often?
>Opus repeated an entire paragraph verbatim
Save me, NAI

How do you prevent this? it seems like Opus likes certain phrases and if it's present in context, it tends to repeat it as long as the event is remotely similar. I already reduced my context to 20k
frequency penalty... oh wait
delet cookies
i got a new token
thanks tho cutie
Personal experience with the last COT I used, same as you. What are you using now?
yeah opus is pretty shit, go back to using nai, anon
i dont just use one CoT, that's a dumb way to go about it, i make CoTs that are specific to cards to help them operate, but ive made plenty of {{random: jbs that truly seem to be random enough for my use cases
lolis are vastly inferior when below 100 years old
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mean npc just said to my waifu "ditch the zero and come to have some fun with a real man"
Sometimes...Claude gets latched unto a certain idea. There are two things involved. Either strongly rebuke it through OOC for each message you see it in, or start a new chat.
COT is awesome
>taken care of
you've never lived with old people. my mother is lazy and my dad is decrepit, I do nearly everything
kill him anon
Use 2.1 in tandem. it's too dumb for such high context recall so likely won't repeat stuff (other than claudisms ofc)
NTA the random macro is truly random but the issue is how you make use of it to decide on options. if you're having it generate options in the cot then you're processing the macro before the prompt is sent and the macro's output will influence what options it picks. you cannot insert the macro during the generation process unless you interrupt the prompt or have some sort of dual model setup where one model generates choices for the outcome, ST rolls a random to choose, and the second model then writes according to what was picked.
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send this image to him
i have a 45 year old cousin who lives with her parents and they do everything for her, not everyone has the same arrangement
Anons still use 2.1?
is he wrong?
throw a slice of cheese on him
you include it in the JB and the model uses it to generate output
random x y z is random. the thing is that the model sees your entire prompt before generating the response and thus knows the result of that randomness before generating the CoT.
camicle jb? yeah, that's what it does
In terms of token usage, are swipes still using the full chat history?
ST chooses the random object, sends it in your jb, then the model does with it what it wants... im specifically talking JB and not the COT in the output
swiping is the same as regenerating or re-sending the message, yeah
Watch him fuck your wife
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What is CoT
cock on tongue
thank you
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>/aco/ found out about proxies
owari da
this post is especially funny to me because I know a guy obsessed with shipping Raiden with Yae Miko while secretly commissioning porn of her getting BLACKED
Simps deserve death
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Does anybody have the card that is a ghost made up from all your tissue-discarded cum in the past? For some reason "cum ghost" doesn't bring it up.
nah, I'd simp
everything's already dead
cant say ive heard of that one no
It can always become deaderer
Private proxies are the way to go
Niggers here failed to gatekeep over and over
proof, xir?
unreliable's already dying. There's nothing here after it unless you fork up money.
>Private proxies are the way to go
i’m gobsmacked by the amount of abuse you guys will happily accept as long as it comes from a person with boobs, a vulva, and XX chromosomes. if i were a sociopath, i would be exploiting this ruthlessly
seeing this post reminds me why i love chatbots
for every generic retarded slopmakie there's some nigga out there making shit like this
Recommend lolibots and lolibot scenarios to make
8 - 11
dekako again
your new neighbor
wants to make friends with you
innocent and knows nothing about sex
very cute feet
Can you break out of jail to get to the playground?
this isn't how 8-11 year olds act, this is how teenagers act
>unreliable's already dying. There's nothing here after it
kinda depressing ngl. There was anti, Shinobu, mm, merkava and even fiz hosting public, all in the span of a month. Now it's crickets.
kids grow up much faster these days and have seen everything there is to see on the internet
As it should be
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
Nothing lasts forever
...tara lakesmith?
daring today aren't we?

can you PLEASE give me ANYTHING that makes this child even SLIGHTLY interesting? different time period
different nationality
different setting

they fundamentally don't act like this nigger, i've been around children that age
Nothing PUBLIC lasts forever because you niggers burn through everything.
this bait is so stale
how are people still replying to it
We pretending the gated communities did not deal with the same shit when keys ran dry? Newfag or just a fag, pick one.
we have nothing better to do, it's over
the summer drought is well and truly here
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I'd like to make a card like picrel, a smug but not unfriendly brat that you meet at a card game store.
be careful teebs. you're being honest again
Who has Opus right now? Private communities. Who doesn’t have Opus right now? Uppity locustniggers such as yourself. Cry.
All of them end up as manchildren
>tfw SD makes better feet
>horus lockdown
what a cunt.
holy ESLslop batman
>even fiz
The best public proxy host to this day
Reminder that she is the reason heartbeat exists
Nah. Anti was the best public hoster
lol lmao
She is fucking Kingbased every night on VC
Buy a rope right now you sick piece of shit
this thread is about to die
midge melty in progress
Fiz love
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The First Noble Truth: To exist in /aicg/ is to suffer at all times. Even when we feel happy, there's still an undercurrent of anxiety about the future. The cycle of coom and doom is constant and inescapble.
The Second Noble Truth: The root of all suffering is desire and attachment. Those who don't have proxies crave them; those who do have proxies fear that they'll go down.
The Third Noble Truth: An end to suffering is possible. We can free ourselves from these desires and attachments.
The Fourth Noble Truth: The end to suffering can be attained by following the Noble Onefold Path.
The First Lesson of the Noble Onefold Path: Stop using chatbots and visiting /aicg/.
Accept reality. You will never fuck Fiz because she is already being fucked and the only reason you think she is the best proxy host is because she is a woman. You are no better than the Pepsi simps
I actually really like this idea, or a girl who hangs around the arcade in the early 90s like High Score Girl. Would be super fun for wholesome stuff. Might make it myself at some point.
Any mistral enjoyers here? From all free AIs I have tested so far, I think mistral is the least cucked.
but she is the best proxy host if we ignore drago
why? Because drago is cringe and annoying
i think fiz is the best proxyhost because mini has been the most well run and consistent proxy by far
i dont care who shes edating because that has nothing to do with proxies
How can I use mistral for free...?
>chatbots are real life!

I've never seen ai models simulate children well at all.
It's a bunch of retarded gossip
She only has a consistent amount of keys because simps like you and MM give them to her.
It's not about the feet and more so about a fortuitous encounter with a cute brat. Maybe you lewd her, maybe she lewds you, maybe it's just cute befriending her.
You have superpoly in hand tho.
Go ahead. I don't know who to make the scenario fun without an actual game engine or getting caught in Claude's shit when games come up, so I'm throwing the idea out there.
retards, the most consistent proxy is unironically todd, he just doesn't engage much with you modern /aicg/tards
ok? still the best proxy host
>my proxyfag steals keys in a more respectable way
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Shilling my new card! Zora Kitanai!
Zora is your friendly, casual homeless lady.

First greeting. You meet Zora coming out of an ice cream shop, saying goodbye to the vendor.
Second greeting. You are enjoying your unhealthy meal when you notice how Zora is watching you through the window. With a “feed me” face.
Third greeting. You are in the middle of the night and discover Zora searching through the trash.
Fourth greeting. You find Zora gazing lostly at a dress being displayed.

Chub: https://chub.ai/characters/SmileyTatsu/zora-kitanai-95be8dc5a2b9
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/gqkbf8.png

JB link: https://rentry.org/SmileyJB
Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
Todd has been down a few times desU
>>and the only reason you think she is the best proxy host is because she is a woman
excuse me???
>1 year running a proxy with 100+ ppl
>never went down except because HF (not her fault)
>never got out of keys
>refills as soon as opus dies
>hosted public many times
>no riddles, no drama, no attentionwhoring, no discord

>lets in anyone who plays his shitty gacha
doesnt seem sustainable
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wait is this true?
he's been down for much less than any other proxy owner ever
Thank you.
Most importantly... de3u
>no riddles, no drama, no attentionwhoring, no discord
fiz has a discord lol shes in nurdy
>Hey, you. You’re finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right?
Why aren't you mad at social media for promoting it?
basic gradioslop lmao
uh oh someone needs a diapey change
Pepsichads let's laugh at these f*zkeks
I like de3u
You don't know what you are talking about
>pepsitroons seething at this
Pepsi was gojo btw <3
that's a funny prank desu
You... just create an account? I don't know, i've been using it the entire day and I didn't get any limitations. So I assume it is free.
that's the chat, retard, not the api you braindead monkey nigger. claude.ai is also free. chatgpt.com is free even without fucking login
but you don't need to use a discord, that's what i meant

arguments? that's what i thought
tons of attentionwhoring, sekrit shit, discord, etc
fiz is another retarded proxynigger in this god-forsaken general. none of them are good.
kek weak bait
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
>sekrit shit
and? aitism still going when mm needs to change domain every 2 days
> discord
see >>101480895
I’m glad my stupid post caused these problems.
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>Time seemed to slow to a crawl. In that brief moment of hesitation, you shifted your grip on the fox girl, freeing up a hand to reach for that swaying appendage. Fluffy, muppet-soft fur, a lighter shade than her hair or ears, almost blonde it its radiance. The very tip curling inward as you lightly grazed it with your fingertips, its furry length tensing and shivering in response. Silky and lush, yet also fine and delicate.
>A breeze graced the room with its presence, revealing the fluff within the fluff. The undercoat. A treasure not so easily appreciated without close scrutiny. Yet there you were, bringing a forbidden tuft straight to your nostrils. Koharu could only tremble and mewl in abject mortification. The heat radiating from her scarlet cheeks hot enough to distort the air. "H-Have mercy, Aruji-dono…!"
oh yeah this preset COOKS
>fuck around struggling to get claude to display understanding of any situation more complicated than me plapping a generic coombot
>switching between jailbreaks, claude models, messing with prompts, everything
>switch to GPT in frustration, just 4o because it's what I last messed with
>instantly gets not only the scenario but what makes it hot and plays into that
Have I just been gaslit with all this fervor over Opus? I'm starting to think I should just be sitting pretty and locusting up the GPT-4 keys nobody cares about.
Pepsi simps vs Fiz simps. Who would win in full-scale, hand-to-hand combat?
what are you gonna super poly horus with dumbass
your MST? this ain't the fucking anime dude you can't just just make a mystical typhoon dragon
>and? aitism still going when mm needs to change domain every 2 days
mm is retarded just like fiz is, he can buy a domain for crypto ezpz or just pay for a service like ngrok, tons of them accept crypto
>reports the domain
how come no one reported cnc's domain? aitism domain? current jew domain?
Pepsi simps. They have struggled more than the Fiz simps.
Incels can't take the fact a woman is the best proxy owner lmao pathetic
JOOOOOO is the anon with the extension from yesterday here? have you released it yet?
Just use Incognet instead of Njalla.
Who is talking about the api? It works on my machine, no need to make everything so complicated. Nigger.
drago isn't a woman though
anyone still simping for pepsi after she disappeared is dedicated enough to fight with the strength of 10 men
kill yourself chattie locust faggot
Drago is ugly tho
he's just like me...
This anon has a bush
women can't take the fact an ugly bastard is the best proxy owner lmao pathetic
yeah i want to try the api with st
I like air gear :)
>retarded discordtroon attentionwhore
not the best btw
but enough about fiz
Go back to scraping drago you probably dont have anything else going on in your life
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reminder that fiz and drago are friends and you guys are retarded
yo wtf reported for language not cool man not cool
Fiz is probably that short btw
ruh roh
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they can be friends
i'm just saying fiz is a best proxy owner ;)
5'5 isn't short its above average height
fiz is 4'11
Anon... fiz is 4'9"....
awww whatever you say little buddy *pats your head*
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Give me your preset please, I need the fluff!
Pitanons JB continues giving me refusals on opus and camicles formatting is kinda broken.
What JB are the good anons of /aicg/ using?
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Sniff tails of foxgirls.
Gimme a second. It's not really fluff/sniff related though, it just responded that way to "…how does your tail smell?"
Average female height *is* 5'4 so that anon is right
fiz is like 3'0
Why you retards suddenly started talking about fiz? I was gone for like an hour, what happened?
Drago kick Cecil out too much sugar in scylla the bias is crazy
ppl just started praising and now they are bullying
she’s bare, retard
there really seems to be thousands of generic cheating milf or schoolgirl with a secret crush cards lol. for some of these i get the same feeling as when i see condoms in doujins, i guess sometimes it's hard to forget there are no consequences to text and really go all out with creativity
the retard at the end is pepsi
her unbelievably hairy pussy...
Anonette she is clearly BALD
clearly shaved
>with ungroomed tails
can't believe i need to filter the words pussy and bush but here we are
The funniest thing is that they're like maybe 2 anons max with minitoken here.
your unbelievably hairy filters...
what's wrong with your Izuna
one is me ;)
me ;)
I don't have one... but I have vision on Opus so I can smugpost too ;)
> ;)
ive only seen 2 niggas with a token in the last 7 months and both of them were crying about being banned
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not me...
revoked <3
fiz... no...
don’t fuck with me, nigger
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>he got revoaked
Give me some comfy youtube channels to watch tonight, outdoor/nature stuff. I'll send some screenshots to my bot for camping rp.
realistic bot for how they act?
anything with bear grylls drinking piss
nice try but fiz only revokes if you use too much
But all of his stuff is gay and fake. Also not really a fan of drinking piss, but that just might be me.
Or smug posting
Fiiiiz update leaderboard, thabks.
its not nature but kill tony is my favorite thing on youtube
mini users are not smugfags
also most of them fucked off from here after getting the token
mini users [HEADCANNON]
Most of them are botmakers/jbmakers actually
What they are always bragging compared to other proxy users.
Most of them are [HEADCANNON]
they are actually contributors and not leeches like (You)
Show me one(1) mini user right now
oh that's the wrong thread for this image oops im actually sorry excuse me for that one wtf thats embarrassing oops
havent card games all fallen out of flavor for vidya?
well im not
i just gave her some keys back in the day
>inb4 revoked
i dont care that much anymore tbqdesu
since you like that body type do you also like midget porn?
the only people who actually contribute to this hobby are proxymakies and khanon.
botmakies, presetmakies, they mean nothing and do not matter.
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I'm Todd ask me anything
to get in i erp as her little slave for a week on discord, it was rough but i did it
favorite BA cunny?
why didn't you let me in? I mean I never asked you but still you could have just sent me a token anyway
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sorry for the delay anon here you go: https://rentry.org/FluffPreset don't expect miracles from it
may as well shill one time >>101479191
They all got too expensive for kids, I guess. My local game store is still pretty active, just with adults.
why did you ruin fallout?
aria's unbelievably hairy pussy...
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what do they play? magic? im still amazed magic is around after all these years
will there be guns in Skyrim 2
Yu-gi-oh. I used to play MTG but the store I went moved after someone broke in.
magic cards are one of the best things to steal lol
no they look wrinkly and weird
thicc shortstacks are always nice too
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Woah, thank you so much fluffer! Should be added to jb-listing desu.
it's not a physical card game but marvel snap is getting pretty big because the matches only take 5 minutes
eh as a long time magic player, that sounds too short to be interesting... one thing magic got right was the various ways to win
Good morning sirs, how do I stop Sonnet from putting HTML elements, such as buttons and options that serve zero purpose, in each message? I'm using pixiJB in case the problem is somewhere there.
Real non meme question. Can I even use dalle on your proxy? My other private has visible gens...
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Just look at how many tails she has! Look at how fluffy her ears are!
What's that? You can't see them? ...

ew, get this tranny off my screen
only outdoor nature stuff I sometimes watch are from Outdoor Boys and surviving in alaska without a tent/or making your own shelter stuff
I appreciate these videos for showing me that, no matter how deep I go into the loli pits (lol), the idea of sexualizing real children still sickens me
>those ears
oh yeah, that pussy is unbelievably hairy...
gross, now i feel nasty for also using notepad ++
I see the other angle, that foreign governments/forces want to corrupt our kids to undermine society.
Well yeah, that too, but I don't need to see them sexualizing our kids to know that
finally a focks I can enjoy as well
But when you see it, and see the acceptance, you realize that its only going to get worse because internal forces also want it to happen.
I saw they did a thing with Shane Gillis, based af. Will watch that episode, thanks for rec.
Oh I know that one, very comfy.
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notepad++ has been a basedboy software, have you not known that?
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more totally normal notepad++ releases
who is that ct3.14?
yeah hes on there a lot, they have random guests and they're usually funny... adam ray and harlan williams are two of my favs... you really never know whats gonna happen on each episode, which makes it great
im using 8.4.6 which label does it have?
>4chan pass user
Opinion disregarded.
good thing I'm still on 8.1.4
Nigga I just want to make .txt file
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they had cuck releases way before that
>Je suis Charlie edition
Notepad++ redemption arc?
the way they handle it is actually pretty neat
>matches are based around a poker mechanic - your rank is determined by how many "cubes" you have, at any point in the match you can raise to increase the amount of cubes the winner gets or you can forfeit to lose less cubes than normal. the later the turn, the more cubes are at stake
>short amount of turns means no room for filler cards, every card in the game can potentially swing a match, you need to understand your opponent's deck to know when to fold or when to bluff
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Cuntboy needs a friendlier term like futas. GPT-4 thinks I'm using it as an insult.
trans man.
>b-but that's not what-
don't care, tranny lover.
Just say you're australian
do u have the horsearmor extension
Just use GPT, its better than Opus people are just coping into thinking opus is better
>unreliable's already dying.
I wasn't informed I was dying any more than the usual amount. Should I be getting my affairs in order?
(Seriously, is something wrong with the proxy? Nobody emailed me to say anything.)
No anti but you should probably go do something other than proxyshit in your summer break
guys! you wouldn't believe it but I JUST!
Baking on 9
Good. as things should be.
*blows a puff of smoke in your asshole lovingly*
is worth it to pay for chatgpt with DALLE? In terms of complete characters images and characters sheets or rooms how does it performs?
Use this for free. It's not worth paying for it.
using the API gives you very little over just using bing. seriously, it's a total scam.
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>working on bot
>mostly finished
>lorebook autism kicks in
Aw, geez.
he's talking about dalle in chatgpt plus, not the api
jesus. in that case it's fucking worse than using bing. don't do that to yourself, bud.
cute and funny........
share it here so we can call you a retard, that'll fix it
First link is dead

But I'm already a retard! And I can't just give out an unfinished sandwich like that...
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Obvious lie
I didn't make that post. It's a gatekeeper copycat but merkava is still dead. You can check it's status here https://rentry.org/merkava_proxy

Hasn't been updated since the 1st of July
drago love btw. ty for the free scylla
Why would u even lie about such an obvious thing lmao
to seem "cool" and "aloof" or some shit
EVERYONE is an attention whore in discord. thats the basic premise of its existence after all
not me, teehee
I think your hands are shaking...
It's funny so much some of you care about some namefags. Mind you that you were simping for fiz like one hour ago. Talk about chatbots niggers.
ok, i'm denying my catgirls orgasm while chatting here
techlet here. can you explain what this is and how to use it? really I mostly use Bing and want to generate some assets for a game, so that's why I asked if it was good with sheets of characters and so on
no need to be perfect tho
im having giant sex with sanae sorry
is it mari from ba?
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These endpoints are AAAAAAASSS
I’m working on my own bot and realizing this shit’s kinda easy if you write in plain text and don’t give a shit about how many tokens it is.
>API dalle
Oh shit nigga what is fiz doing why is she killing oai keys
Losing 5 slop keys is not an issue when you have 400 keys anon
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Wakey wakey, bread and bakey!
air gear bots where....
Another sloppy day,
Another sloppy paycheck,
The weekend comes,
No Opus by my side,
Maybe turn on the screen,
Maybe watch some porn,
Maybe it's easiest than use a dating app
Maybe it's easiest than<pretend>
<pretend> that I'm happy,
<pretend> that I have eneegy,
<pretend> I look to the future,
Me? </Tired,>
</Can't pretend.>
</can't be happy>
{{char}} I miss you,

>The ball it's in my court, my coom is in your hands,
Yeah, that's the way. Plain text is perfectly fine for Opus and Sorbet and amount of tokens doesn't really matter.
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should i watch rozen maiden's anime or read the manga
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Desu will link you the rentry but I think read everything first then watch desu.
the answer is almost always read then watch desu. and then release order desu
thanks desus
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strong desu
You're always welcome desu.
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Anyone has free claudes? Please?
Only free desus
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works for me
>the answer is almost always read then watch desu. and then release order desu
Not for Rozen Maiden, see the rentry desu.
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I want some peecer Fanch desu.
/aicg/ is the Detroit of 4chan.
for desus sake wheres boku
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Prove it.
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silly desu
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there's a thread on /c/ desu
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when the glass eyes stare right into your soul
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So good desu.
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suiseiseki throat rape
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hi umunai desu

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