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>cloudstrike pajeets fuck up windows
>whole world falls apart
>cloudstrike pajeets fuck up linux
>no one even notices
I mean, linux randomly blows up by nature
It's less common to use that on linux and the linux sysadmins in charge can fix it easily. On windows it gets pushed to people that barely know how to use a computer so they can't fix it.
70% of computers use Windows OS.
All versions of linux account for less than 3% of all computers in the current market
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its the fact that you can solve it easily on Linux is why your thread and overall message falls flat and won't hit the news cycle (like you desperately want it to).

Break the wincuck cycle, I can feel your anger...
fpbp and spbp

A crashing kernel driver is just another Tuesday for Linux sysadmins. Imagine having to deal with a crashing Windows kernel driver, god no.
lmao even
Like 80 percent of servers use it though
>every server is a webserver
consider suicide you drooling retard nigger
t. arch user
In hindsight it probably wasn't so smart to give one company root access to the world.
See. Told you.
That's what you get.
shit bait but I'll bite: if that was true, you wouldn't see linux machines having uptimes of many months, years or even decades.
You've either never used it or you're a drooling tard.
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I literally have code I wrote in the Linux kernel.

I'm exaggerating but it's still fairly common for Linux kernels to blow up.
>I'm exaggerating but it's still fairly common for Linux kernels to blow up
you compare desktops to servers. Nobody in their sane mind will update the kernel on a server that ran for 4 years with no downtime, and you don't need to install the shovelware like Crowdstrike because securing a Linux machine is fairly easy, kernel already provides you with everything to manage permissions and create jails.
>it's still fairly common for Linux kernels to blow up.
Not really
>I literally have code I wrote in the Linux kernel.
Confirmed drooling retard.

I have never had any Linux install have their kernel "blow up" unless I did something stupid, like pull out a USB when there was a write operation happening because I was in a hurry. Unless you are running a bleeding edge distro like Debian Sid, Arch or OpenSUSE Leap, Linux is extremely stable and can have an uptime of months or years even.

There's no way an actual Linux kernel dev wouldn't know this.
check the catalog, winshills defense force is on overdrive right now.
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linux admins are made of stronger stuff.
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>it was le pajeets!
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poojeet programrmer in japan
I don't really understand why you'd use this on Linux. Where I work, we only use this on our Windows machines because our users are retards, but we would never put it on the server.
>debian stable isnt
The average debjan experience
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Seriously why would you want to install such closed source software as Falcon if there is e.g. SELinux ?
>Entrudpriss heckin serious security vendor can't be arsed to test the most basic upgrade path of their shitty donut steel kernel module for one of the most used server distributions in the world.
Doesn't surprise me much.
are you having a stroke
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No, just too many layers of retardation, I'm on my way out.
I mean sure, Linux has some weaknesses when used as a Desktop OS, but stability ain't one of em.
>CrowdStrike takes down a shitload of systems, people notice
>CrowdStrike takes down some random system, not many people notice
Stop ricing your gay ass setup every 5 minutes and also don't mess around with random scripts and ignore the jeet tier advice online.
t. tried running Linux on some Mac slop
Good morning saaar, 0.05 shitbux have transferred to yourr are account
Most Cloudstrike employees are white
crowdstrike is ukrainian. And they are attacking the west because htey need more money for their war.
Customers want boxed up, shiny solutions. They don't want to have to write and apply their own SELinux policy.
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>unplug drive and plug it into another machine to fix is "solve easily"
>enter safemode and fix it is too hard
>pull out a USB when there was a write operation happening
That should not bring a whole OS down, thougheverbeit. Or, in my case, using NFS should not kernel panic or grind whole system to a halt. The crash thing took a few kernel releases to get fixed and I had tonuse Ganesha in the mean time.
Who the fuck auto-push updates to production machines without testing the update in-lab before hand?
Truly IT quality work has fallen,
bait used to be believable
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>A crashing kernel driver is just another Tuesday for Linux sysadmins.
what the absolute fucketty fuck are you on about? Been updating and upgrading loonix systems (including specific kernel patching when that was a thing) since probably before you were nearly a spunk down your mums throat.
Never once had a kernel driver crash after patch update. But then maybe I'm not bullshitting on the internet
the fuck is wrong with his hand
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>Windows OS
>Crowdstrike on Linux

Regardless, fixing Linux is very easy, regardless whether you installed shit software, fucked up a config file or accidentally deleted important stuff.
Simply booting a live CD, and restoring/modifying the required files is all you need. Even a part-time sysadmin with virtually no experience on the job can do so in no time. If you have periodic daily backups, it's trivial. If the same thing happens to linux, any outage will be extremely short lived.
and without physical access?
and doing that to 1000 machines?
where is your god now?
ackshually it is
no because you need to call some IT pajeet to do it. You are forbidden from meddling with company property, sir!
All this shit is for Windows Admins who got dumped into a Linux admin role and don't know what they're doing.
Goodmorning Sar. I have deposited 100$ into your account.
No but you used to be more gullible
>whole world falls apart
Definitely not the case in China and Russia.
>>cloudstrike pajeets
>moments before basedsaster
Linux admins use CI/CD and proper testing rather than just blindly patching every system at the same time.
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>He thinks it’s only one company
>we push changes to your environment whenever we want
>whenever we want
>we want
>we do so without really testing it
lol who signs off on this shit
why aren’t you using one of their competitors who doesn’t have this insane level of control
not actual quote, people are dumb.
I still don't get what cloudstrike does it reads like a software version of Intel ME why would you want that?
>why would you want that?
Businesses don't want it but they do want cybersecurity insurance to cover their ransomware ransoms. Banks don't sell cybersecurity insurance to clients that don't have EDR (software like ClowdStrike Falcon). The punchline is that the banks that sell the insurance own the companies that sell the EDRs.
and what is a edr?
"Endpoint detection and response"

From a less cynical perspective: EDRs improve cybersecurity forensics and can sometimes automatically detect bad actors who are using computers they shouldn't have access to.
wew. always some jewry going on.
who the fuck installs cloudstrike on linux?
And even if you are that breed of homosexual, if a kernel module boinks linux it just gets added to the module blacklist and you go about your day.
Kek is this real?
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imagine the fragrancy
That is clearly a joke you dumb nigger
Linux has highest penetration rate in India
ur mum has highest penetration rate in India
few hours ago /pol/ had nice pajeeta penetration webm
>unplug drive and plug it into another machine to fix is "solve easily"
you can boot into recovery you god damn retard
I have used linux daily for 11 years, and I have seen exactly one kernel panic, and it was in a VM that I mistakenly ran on a machine without virtualization support enabled in the BIOS.

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