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Intel chips are literally rusting.
lol rust
is it over for intel?
I hope not. I just built a new 14700k system.
potato chips are figuratively busting
how does something rust on its own
Rustrannies btfo
It may be memory safe, but it'll make your chips oxidize. Looks like C wins again
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The GayyMD fake news media will pay for their lies and slander in due time. Trust the plan.
if drama jesus says it, it must be true
Haven't upgraded in five years bros, we're eating good tonight.
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I'm scared, intel bros...
for the current processors (13000 and 14000 series), yeah

for older and future processors, it is not over.
Kek I dodged a bullet with this one
Literally sold off my highend 13th gen and z790 parts 3 months ago at a decent price and swapped to am5
What plan nigger, we’re talking about computer parts not some occult prophecies. If the part is bad then it’s bad, hope their next batch is better
I put my bet on AMD instead. Thank god.
The last Intel CPU that made sense buying was the 7700k and that's only because first gen Ryzen was way too buggy despite being good.
13700K owner. Feels bad mayne. Really don't want to have to go to AMD after just building this machine last year, but Intel is forcing my hand here.
I have a 9700k and it's alright. None of the hyperthreading nonsense to worry about or mitigate, and it's still good in games.
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>What plan nigger, we’re talking about computer parts not some occult prophecies.
Are you sure?
>something made by literal jews
>surprised it forces you to buy a new one

Come one, man.
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The israeli 2500k doesn't have this problem
Is AMD + NVidia the GOAT combo?
looks like im buying a 9900x
Grass + touching it might be the GOATest of all time.
The intel FUD has been strong the last few weeks.
Will the AMDrones repent when arrow+lunar lake drops?
Hopefully this hasn't been affecting any critical chips out of the Israeli foundry
Imagine having to limit your 14900K to 2 GHz so it can run stable.
STFU the suggested fix is 5.3ghz
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Zen is family :3 approved
So GN is saying the suspected chips affected are from March 2023 to April 2024. I got my 13700K in November of 2022. I hope that means I'm ok.
reports of unstable 13900k came in august last year
13700k has more sane boost clocks, it doesn't degrade as fast, if at all
tekken 8 demo to test
Also, I haven't had a single issue with my CPu since I built this PC. I had some issues with the first 4080 I purchased but RMAing it getting a new one resolved that. Haven't had a problem with this PC since. Only times it's "crashed" is when my house has lost power. Happened once or twice over the past year and half of so and both times I was gaming at the time and it scared the poop out of me before I realized my monitors and my speakers were all off too.

Like I said I haven't had any issues with any games, including new ones. I maxed out Hellblade 2 without issues before I got bored of the game and uninstalling it. I'll give the Tekken 8 demo a try though tomorrow.
>the suggested fix is 5.3ghz
limiting the boost clocks to 53x or less. keyword less since if lucky eventually you will keep going. ddr5 also about as slow as ddr4 speeds.
You might be fine. I have to buy a couple laptops for college use so will likely just avoid any intel platforms and just go AMD. Gaming isn't necessary and the newer AMD integrated stuff seems plenty good. It'll make things easier anyways if I want to image them back to win10 instead of win11. Already did that with an 11th or 12th gen that had it. AMD no scheduler concerns afaik.
Why is your youtube blue?
Just ran through the Tekken 8 demo without problems other than the game being disgustingly locked at 60fps.
Funny thing is that I had way more trouble with my 5600 & 5800X3D than with my current 13900k build. This cpu has been rock solid. I also undervolted it day1 so that might've helped I dunno
if its oxidation shit it might be that depending on the cycle of swapping parts out during production may mean some cpus made are good, but the latter ones have gradually more and more rusting problems
Literally me.
>other than the game being disgustingly locked at 60fps
This is par for the course for fighting games since inputs and windup/recovery frames are designed around being spaced 16.666…ms apart.
What happened, anon-kun?
Or maybe it has a pattern. Dies near the center of the wafer getting less oxidation than those nearer the edge or something
I'm not a gamer. Will this shit affect my 14th PC?
some chips are more borked than others
without knowing the exact cause most people rec undervolting the cpus and limit the boost clocks
if your cpu causes errors just send it back to intel for replacement, then sell it to some sucker and buy amd instead
Welp, I'm going with amd now.
Well it could. There are reports of data center servers with 13th,14th gen cpus malfunction as well. Those are not overclocked at all and are kept in well air-conditioned environment.
the data center intel cpus that are used because of their high ST capability will be serving gamers 24/7 close to max boost speeds and this is likely to show degradation faster than home desktop users

they prob spend 100x more time at the 5.7-5.9 ghz range over a month than home user
Why didn't you listen to pcbg?
Intel was already inferior to AMD for most people building a PC in 2024 this is just divine punishment for brand loyalists who chose to go with Intel anyway
My bro bought a 7700k for gaming, has had it clocked at 5ghz the whole time and it's still doing him pretty decent

At the time ryzen 1000s just sucked balls except for media encoding. Hard to get much more than 4ghz out of them and just no good for games.
Custom css or just probably not Youtube.
its floatplane, OP is a paypig
They have enough cash on hand to make everyone whole if they wanted.
yass rustsisters it's about time intel gave us on-chip rust support!
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How fucked am I with a 1300k?
How do I even properly test this?
we warned you anon... how many times did we tell you to get AMD?

you didn't listen... and because of that you're fucked.
>50% survival rate
>intel rust
>50% affected
I see parallels
run tekken 8 demo and see if it crashes
your probably not affected unless you have an i9
mine crashes when loading dark and darker
imagine still buying intel after having been scammed several times already

just how st00pid r u rly, dumbasses?

infuckingstall genfuckingtoo
play any UE game that uses the oodle lib for decompression
Nah, it is just mis-binning all along. Intel cannot swallow their remaining pride to admit it after their recent rounds of mishaps: cancellation of Optane, entire 10nm node saga, Meltdown/Spectre woes, Apple axing then, termination of IA64 etc.
This company prides itself being a big boy on having its own fabs and being on the bleeding edge for decades. 10nm failures and TSMC leadfrogging them shattered that notion.
They cannot handling being outright getting overtaken by their long-term rival, AMD and relatively recent upstart ARM.
The symptoms are the literately the same as aggressively overvolted and overclocked chips after months to a few year of life. The silicon starts to die from abuse. The weak spot for Raptor Lake is ringbus link and E-cores. They start to shit the bed from boosting to 1.4V+ which is clearly not safe for 7nm to reach ~6Ghz. This is what higher end Raptor Lakes do with their aggressive boosting a.k.a overvolting/overclocking. Yes, the silicon does this in those game server servers at PL1 with single and dual-core boosts. The previous Alder Lake chips on the same 7nm node never went such voltages and stay closer to 5Ghz. They never had such issues.
The actual fix is governing their chips to their actual speeds (closer to 5Ghz) but they'll never perform as originally advertised and fall behind the competition. They have no more room to deal with implementing Zen5 SKUs.
Productivity tasks can be way more demanding than gayming, it depends on your use-case. And also what the issue/s really are. Good luck I guess.
>Intel pushed Alder-lake refresh and Alder-lake refresh-refresh too hard to compete with Zen4 and 10nm couldn't handle it
the cynic in me feels like the reason why 14th gen was so quick was because Intel knew and they needed to get the sales they could before everyone found out.
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>Intel has confirmed i5s are affected as well
It's over
Glad i decided not to upgrade my 11700. Will continue to not upgrade it for the foreseeable future. It ain’t holding back a 4090 at max settings so idgaf.
not me dude. Im just sitting here laughing at Intel with my stable 7800X3D
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Don't worry. Here comes Alder Lake refresh-refresh-refresh E-strogen-core-less edition. This is the true LGA1700 CPU.
Why is this happening? Upcoming Arrow Lake-S is made by TSMC and not Intel Foundry so it's going to be very expensive and low quantity. Gotta keep >muh marketshare somehow.
wow, even T-series? that's 35W TDP 106W turbo class
truly over
Intel dropped e-cores like the sack of shit they are.
>Upcoming Arrow Lake-S is made by TSMC and not Intel Foundry so it's going to be very expensive and low quantity
only because Intel is fucking retarded and keeps making retarded decisions, it would be smarter to do Bartlett at TSMC and have them do the packaging there instead of doing expensive mixing and matching of tiles and packaging between Intel and TSMC.
I know Bob Swan bought like a decades worth of TSMC wafers but they're not using them intelligently. I guess they're afraid of an Intel product on TSMC outperforming an Intel product on an Intel node.
>We cannot recommend ANY INTEL CPUs right now

It's Over
its all due to the poojeets they have hired
>Intel dropped e-cores like the sack of shit they are.
No, they haven't.
Arrow Lake, Lunar Lake, Panther Lake - all have E-cores or even LPE-cores. They have E-core Xeons now too.
Bartlett will probably end up as Xeon-E because 13/14th gen is unusable for this.
>I guess they're afraid of an Intel product on TSMC outperforming an Intel product on an Intel node.
it doesnt even need to outperform it. It just needs to be more stable you know like AMDs cpus
It's not a power limit issue. It's a chip issue.
the main theory right now is an issue in manufacturing where oxygen is introduced when it absolutely shouldn't during the creation of the circuit.
I had a ryzen 1200 and I'm vert glad I did, because it allowed me to upgrade without changing my whole fucking build like Intel requires you to. I went through the whole AM4 socket with incremental upgrades and it was great. If I built a new PC today it would 100% be AM5.
it's not a fix, it's a mitigation that doesn't solve the issue.
>close to max boost speeds
>5.7-5.9 ghz
absolutely not lmao
>50% suicide rate
>The actual fix is governing their chips to their actual speeds (closer to 5Ghz) but they'll never perform as originally advertised and fall behind the competition.
some cpus still fail after being set to 5.3GHz, which is already a lot less than the advertised clocks.
did you not watch the video?
>Buy unlocked chip
>Have to lock it to make it work
Intel just killed their entire enthusiast sector. Even if they apologize and refund, they eroded the enthusiast trust. You can't win that back.
Because the damage is already done. There's internal physical degradation - the mitigations of lowering frequencies/DRAM/etc. won't last either. The chips are fucked.
I just built a proxmox server on a 13700 this year... am i fucked bros
Most likely. You can try mitigating it by setting a power limit in BIOS to the base TDP.
Depending on what you do with it you might even not notice the change.
it is a 1L mini with a 65W cap out of the box iirc. maybe the boost limits just from thermal neutering will help too...? cant believe this shit, I have a 4770k booted right now that will probably outlast the 13700. unfortunately it is slow as fuck
Fuck "enthusiasts" desu
They are the ones responsible for this shit ultimately.

All you retards do is make motherboard prices go up because your emotional twats that don't buy anything objectively.
rebbit is that way autist
In that case it's most likely safe from this issue.
Enthusiasts are the whole reason you get your dripfed hardware. The stuff that couldn't be enthusiast grade end up as mid-low end consumer grade. Intel failing to balance for the enthusiast level ends up shattering their low-mid and now high end range to AMD.
>Intel just killed their entire enthusiast sector

They killed themselves period. Imagine being Lenovo or Asus and having to deal with this shit in your laptops. Intel completely destroyed their reputation.
No. The majority of people out there will never even know about this and will forever buy Intel because they don't keep up with any tech news and still think AMD is stuck in the bulldozer days.
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Intel PR department is just too strong.
AMD is the top seller everywhere now. Most people are on 3-5 years old systems so you don't see it yet in stuff like Steam survey but give it few years and Intel will drop super hard.
Intel's truly lost it. Even their stronghold - servers are in jeopardy from meme ARM designs - https://www.phoronix.com/review/graviton4-96-core
And they intend to fight it by E-strogen core Xeons.
It's truly over.
does this also mean that ebay will be full of 2024-2025 made "refurbished" and new laptops with unstable cpus or is it just the desktop cpus?
Just desktop, and -K, -KF and -KS varieties so far.
For the "enthusiast": Intel already died
For the business: OEMs will stop using Intel over this. I see many more AMD desktops out in the wild and have purchased them over Intel for my own company (~2000 PCs) for the past 5 years.
For mobile: Arm will take over. Nobody cares about performance in a laptop, it's all about battery life and Arm destroys any x86 CPU in efficiency.
Apple had to drop intel also due to the fact that they weren't meeting the specifications apple wanted. Server side was moving towards VM/Docker for hardware consolidation and similar products that required shitloads of more ram, and even more CPU cores but intel Xeon was limiting on its PCIE lanes, we saw the same issue on desktop as a result. Lets not also forget that since they pulled out of workstations AMD filled the role with there 16 core chips and threadripers whereas Xeon used to but nope they needed more money at the high end.

Estrogen cores are a cope from themselves since they never figured out how to make chiplet designs.
>it's all about battery life and Arm destroys any x86 CPU in efficiency.
You mean it destroys Intel.
>65 Wh battery, last gen Ryzen AMD64
>12h 57m wifi browsing
>62 Wh battery, latest Qualmeme Snapdragon X Elite ARM
>7h 23m wifi browsing
Meanwhile, Apple's Macbooks get nearly 17 hours on smaller batteries.
Arm is a clear winner.
but trannies have been telling me to switch to rust because its safer
Compared to Apple M3
>72.6 Wh battery
>16h 19m wifi browsing
And that's with process advantage over AMD. So don't get too intoxicated with ARM PR.
>on smaller batteries.
I think you need better glasses.
>cuck cores
>power hungry

Can an inteljeet explain what the value proposition for this company these days is besides blind consoomer loyalty?
The only advantage is their availability and scale due to Intel Foundry.
However they are throwing that away lately. Meteor Lake is 75% made by TSMC. Arrow Lake is a mix - high end SKUs will be TSMC with low end Intel. Lunar Lake is 100% TSMC for chiplets, with only base die on Intel.
Their GPUs are also 100% TSMC.
Expect very expensive parts because TSMC's capacity is shared and finite.
USA waiting this long to onshore and invest in chip fabrication is one of an infinite list of short sighted Jewish decisions that will come back to bite them in the ass. Intel looks like junior varsity playing against college right now.
That's what you tell yourself to justify everything going on.
Used to be people built PCs to have an actual working PC to use for whatever. Having a high end processor was a choice but not one if passion. Companies have been ignoring these people chasing min-max retards with more money than brains.
The intention is to drag us into another war. Same goes with Saddam being the 4th largest military in the 1990's and taking over Kuwait to gain 2/3rd of the oil supply at the time since tech wasn't good enough to drill literally everywhere like it is now. Saddam made the bet that the Arab League would join him and see the slant drilling that was being done by Kuwait and let him protect the middle east instead of america with a better control over the oil. That backfired hard. I bet there doing the same with arguably a much more important market like semiconductors.
conservation status : vulnerable
further evaluation pending
>the Macbook Air has a 225Wh battery
lmao even
This gen (and Arrow Refresh) appears to be the high point of TSMC usage.
Panther Lake is Intel 18A.
Nova Lake is 14A.
Of course with chiplets there could be mixing and matching.
Lunar Lake was supposed to be Intel 20A. It was changed to TSMC.
Meteor Lake was supposed to be the next holy grail, but it literally got outperformed by 14th gen designs. I still remember the screeching here after benchmarks were released.
Never believe Intel PR lies until products are literally on the shelf, and tested by 3rd parties that BOUGHT them from a store.
That's true for all vendors, AMD and QC included, but Intel's shenanigans historically were above and beyond the competitors.
Linus would never make a video like this. He's bought and paid for by Intel and other corporations.
100+ employees with DEI needs to be filled I bet after you reach a certain threshold in Canada you have to hire 1 worthless commissar and 5 Indians for every single native.
>Biden administration pushes for more women construction workers at Intel chips site
>Intel Corp. recently established a scholarship program to assist women who plan to enroll in a two-year associate degree
>Intel's new diversity goals: Put women in 40% of technical posts by 2030.
>Intel Allocates $300 Million for Workplace Diversity

I cant imagine what went wrong, must just be bad luck
God imagine if they had given that money in scholarships to CS/CE/EE/ME students instead to get there bachelors, guaranteed internships for the full 4 years and a 2 year contract with more money for there masters degree. Even the lowest grunt in TSMC has there bachelors degree in STEM.
He said on the WAN show recently that he's tired of making "negative" content and wants to focus on good news. So yeah, don't be expecting any hard-hitting investigative journalism from LTT.
Working for bugs sounds absolutely miserable, 12 hour days 7 days a week probably while the board smokes chink cigars and gambles in Macau all day. So basically America but slightly worse.
Their**, retard
competency crisis
its what happens when you don't have exclusively white males working for you
why would you ever give subhumans rights? lol

you're a goy. you don't deserve rights. you DO deserve punishment of the worst kind, every single day, every walking hour
copy, tranny
intel has yet to break 5GHz on a shipped CPU that is actually stable
they are like apple users
not even sentient
just 100% subhuman goys
As an INTC shareholder I need all you retards to suck it up and just buy a replacement 15900ks when it comes out.
>Buy unlocked chip
see >>101489914
the 13900T and 13700T are affected as well, those are not unlocked
when the fuck has LTT ever made "negative" content or done hard-hitting investigative journalism, fucking lol.
when they do reviews they quickly mention the shortcomings and move on, putting all the emphasis on "buy product, get excited for next product"
nope, i meant im agent 007
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I stopped buying Intel when I had to tip some of my CPU every few months to fix a security vulnerability.
I have a 3970x + 4070 Ti. You may touch my nipples.
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>meltdown mitigations reduced performance by 40%
>spectre mitigations reduced performance by 40%
>downfall mitigations reduced performance by 40%
>raptor lake stability fixes reduced performance by 100%
Might as well just go back to using Core2 Quads at this point.
It was in reference to the video they did recently calling out AMD's shitty naming scheme for mobile CPUs.
15:15 if the timestamp doesn't work.
>your cpus are named badly
>god how could I say something so hurtful!?! I'm becoming a chud!!
What a pussy. Why even be a reviewer at all if saying something objective like that makes you feel guilty?
good thing they are fully switching to TSMC's fabs
recommend deez nuts
>he's tired of making "negative" content
wtf when has he ever done that lol
its their own fault too. AMD had some exploding cpus just a while back but they quickly fixed the bug and made everyone affected whole again so Intel really fucked themselves
he constantly gets money for these 5k Intel upgrades do you really think he wants to kiss that goodbye?
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recently my 13900K started crashing in Forza Horizon 5 when it gets to the shader compilation stage.
How fucked am I Intelsisters?
Not fucked at all. When you have a faulty product you contact the company who made/sold it and they will give you a new one for free.
Contact intel and make it blindingly clear that you will only settle for a refund
My job is getting ready to spend ~100k on new 14700 system.
Should I try to stop them?
Yes. Even if Intel wasn't having these issues, buying a last gen chip when the latest and greatest is right around the corner is retarded. Arrow Lake launches in 2 months.
literally just sell it before the normies find out
>supposed 50% failure rate
>0 reports from home users, only from datacenters
basically datacenters using a desktop chip in servers, running it 24/7 at 100% usage with shit cooling in rooms full of servers with 40C air temp, and then acting surprised when it fails.
show them the wendell video and tell them to get AMD chips instead
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>intel quality
there are tons of user reports on reddit and nvidia forums but they are "out of vram" errors so you might not have noticed
just google 13th gen or 14th gen shader comp error. lots of people getting it just playing games. hell on nexus mods there was a bunch of people crying that mods were crashing their game but it turned out to be their shitty intel cpu.
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Big oof. Linus is trying to drown all the tech yt competition with his doezen tech channels, but this is why they will never be better than the other channels, because Linus will always have to bend over and take it from the mega corps if he wants to keep his connections and early access to products.
This looks so fucking bad but not because of any damage it could have but because whorever took this picture used "AI" to "enhance" the photo creating a smearing artifacting piece of shit image.
After getting rekt by GN he has gone all out on being a full shill channel

Don't want it? Don't watch it because he literally says that his shilling gets his friends/employees/family paid
dude is the biggest shill alive. whenever he does "negative" content, its more like a "mild review". he's like the classic game room of tech. every review has to be positive or neutral.
Yes and if they go ahead anyway, you'll get the last laugh in the end when something crops up
No, the ones without suffix and even the T are also affected.
Shit companies use shit tier connectors.
Stop being a conspiracy theorist
At least a couple of anons (me included) have had unstable chips and there are also many support tickets on the intel support forums
Every single 13th and 14th gen is affected, it's not if, it's when.
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>"muh integrity! muh transparency!"

why is every tech channel like this. we know you're getting paid by AMD, retard
i am just going by the information given by GN. not my fault that they are shit at explaining the problem and showing actual evidence.
>4c4t, 95w
Those data centers are known for their poor cooling anon.
My 13700K's date code seems to indicate it was made late 2022 (X251****), but Intel's warranty checker shows June 2026 as the end of warranty and they say subtracting 3 years gives you an approximate date of manufacturing (thus <= June 2023), is a 6-month discrepancy unusual?

Also, it has 9 characters instead of 8, ending with a 'T', anyone know what that means?

>Every single
According to GN the defective manufacturing angle points to CPUs made between March 2023 and at least April 2024. Lots of people here have older CPUs and claim they're just fine. Mine as well, so far.
>Intel stock steadily rising as big actors start dumping nvidia and amd in favor of it
>this kind of news starts circulating

lmao, I will be buying the dip on monday
dude its been going on for like 4 months
That's weird, I've never seen a batch code with a letter at the end before
Care to post a picture for research purposes?
Bros I literally just sold my 12th Gen Intel CPU so I could upgrade to a 13600. I thought these issues only affected high end server CPUs and i9s.
I guess I'm playing Russian roulette then.
Don't be a dummy
Sell your motherboard and get a better amd CPU
considering that most people report that dropping multiplier to 54x is enough to fix the issue, a 13600 that only has a multiplier of 50x to begin with seems unlikely to be affected
Dropping the multiplier is not a fix, just a bandaid for CPUs that aren't too badly broken. All Raptor Lake SKUs use the exact same die. i9s come from the middle of the wafer (least defects) while i5s come from the periphery (most defects).
We will never again see ads like those, a white man standing like a chad while niggers looking like they are kneeling to the dude.
how have they not been able to upgrade their nodes? unable to find competent people or just retarded management doing its thing?
Are mobile CPUs affected too?
As if there is anything positive
>hardware is getting more and more unstable as time goes on
>mobo prices through the roof
>GPUs are one sided and high
>RAM and SSD prices are controlled by a cartel
>cases are condensing more and more to the lowest common denominator
There is some "good news" I guess
>coolers are cheaper
>peripherals are cheaper
>Monitors get innovation but only because of TV manufacturers after a decade of traditional monitor panel manufacturers shitting out the same LG derived IPS garbage for a decade.
>all x3ds cpus explode mobo sockets
>100% failure rate, story is swept under the rug
>i9s "degrade" because gn and amd unboxed said so
>daily eceleb videos and threads saying intel bad
extremely unlikely, mobile CPUs run at a fraction of the power of desktop ones
>push 1.5V vSoC
>wtf why chip burn down
skill issue
why is this thread full of disinfo?
>it's a chip fabrication issue!
you have the video right there where GN says it's a anti-oxidation coating issue

anon, you can start your own anti-AMD threads. you know that, don't you?
The 'majority' of people don't care or understand the difference and will just buy whatever the best buy salesman tells them is better.
It's oxidizing internally, which is a chip fab issue. Oxygen was let in during some process of making the chip.
Nothing can otherwise get in after the fact because the entire chip is encased in silicon, save for the power and data vias
you are a big silly billy
>>it's a chip fabrication issue!
>you have the video right there where GN says it's a anti-oxidation coating issue
uh, nvm, the video says this coating is done during chip fabrication, not some random coating on top of the chip...
what a retarded fuckup

>go back to Intel trash when AMD and ARM chips exist

you people are like battered wives
no wonder the merchants conveniently made amd stuff more expensive
Woah, first gen intel. 300 is a low number so probably an i3, so don't worry :)
Not like the chips don't do what they are supposed to do.
Alot of the performance "degrading" patches are situational. Didn't stop a very big hyperscaler from using haswell and sandybridge CPUs until very recently.
>Man who blamed users for plugging in a cable wrong now claims Intel chips are rusting.
Looking forward to AMD eating crow again like it did with their RDNA3 heatsink hotspot issue and for their exploding chips.
This marketing campaign for Zen 5 is the scummiest use of their money yet.
INTC -5.42% ▼
im pretty happy with the amd stuff i have. its incredible how low they got the idle power use of their gpus
it’s over for you
Yes, this is what occurs with hardcore factory overclocking after a time of abuse. The chips are no longer stable, even when revert back to stock.
intel has been behind in performance for like 4 years. why did so many people in this thread build with intel recently?
Pentium 4 was 115W for 1 core
i forgot how power hungry the p4 was
You're cooked.
how do you know that its hardcore if it appears to work fine? they do seem to like cooking gpus as they always sit around 80c if they actually do something
7nm node was never meant for 1.5V-1.6V that Intel uses to reach ~6Ghz on high-end Raptor Lake. The failing and death of chips make this self-evident. Intel got cocky when they able to abuse the crap out of their 14nm chips for years and thought 7nm would do the same result in order to keep up with competition.
It may be par. But it's also bad.
120hz is the new minimum. My fucking phone has been doing 120 for two years
>basically datacenters using a desktop chip in servers, running it 24/7 at 100% usage with shit cooling in rooms full of servers with 40C air temp
have you ever been in an actual datacenter? your post suggests no. small ones generally have two mammoth hvac units minimum. i can cool my beer to near freezing under the floor in a couple minutes. this is after it sits in the sweltering 110 degree swamp heat of florida. they are insulated for thermals and sound. everything is monitored logged and reported (sox reporting etc). parts you can buy for consumer desktop are common. you will also find mixes of various OS in every enterprise environment even ancient os/2 warp. dunno why you have it in your head everything is prim and proper. there is always a hot mess of random.
pretty wasteful on a phone. even before that the screen was what used most power and that could only make it worse
Yeah, the screen has always been the major source of battery life. intel Intel-based Asus zenphone when it first came out the screen was the sole culprit. The phone in general was okay but the app support and the screen specs were trash.
Other current battery drain is 5G atleast for Asus rog that's the main issue complain about is 5G will take your battery from fully charged to empty in an hour 1 if your running a video or music.
the good news is you can probably turn that off but the device is kinda useless without the screen. maybe they need more efficient leds or something idk. even on my ancient android 4 phone the screen was what drains the battery and the resolution was much lower than its on modern phones
Yeah turn off 5G then put it on 60z and other battery saving modes which are more detailed then my previous galaxy and suddenly goes from 12 hours if I was lucky to 2-3 days depending upon usage.
GN be like "trust me bro we're not a drama channel we're all about impartial news"
also GN in the past fucking month: "something something intel LE BAD"
If it's brandnew you can just sell it as a prebuilt for probably more than you paid for it.
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>Pentium D
>two pentium 4's glued to the same substrate
Buy the dip
Posts like these remind me of the antisemitic tropes used by the nazis, maybe cool down with these types of remarks and wait for Intel to give an official statement?
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It's very bad for them but probably not enough to kill.
Server market is very entrenched and slow to move, switching vendors is often not worth the hassle, but AMD was already starting to gain market share there. Now this shit happens. It could push a number of companies to switch to AMD, and if they do they're not coming back even if the next gen is perfectly fine.
But you got 3ghz dual core action!
Thank fuck I bought the 4 year warranty on our new work laptops. Holy fuck what a shit show.
I was mulling over buying a 13700/14700K to upgrade my 12400. Thank God I didn't. Maybe Bartlett Lake will fix this.
>Trump gets into the office
>sees Intel is doing badly
>thousands of Israeli jobs at risk
>lets China invade Taiwan
>lets Kim start war with South Korea
>Samsung and TSMC gone
>Intel is the only major company with cutting edge fabs left
>Intel stock to the moon
Trust the plan, buy Intel stock now.
13900KS at 6.1Ghz here. Stable for 1.5 years now.
I'll be fine for my next upgrade later this year. Hopefully AMD can finally take the gaming crown as Intel are disgusting Jews.
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yes, goyim, eat it up.
I'm on my 3rd 14900k. How fucking bad are the x3d issues? I'm likely going to switch.
doubtful, some suits who dont know anything about silicon probably ordered it while the dev team shook their heads.
Non-existent? It was a problem with ASUS and Gigabyte boards sending too much voltage into the CPU which has been fixed.
he doesnt feel guilty he feels nervous that they wont offer sponsorship and hes in a money pit as is.
>cancellation of Optane
this makes me incredibly sad, people will never experience the snappiness of optane on their desktop, we really need someone to release something similar or for micron/intel to revive it
how far back is the reported oxidization
I’ve been collecting Optane devices for years (the u2 and pcie devices, not the garbage m2’s). They will not be surpassed for another decade or more at least.
I'm seething at americans, they can get some 1.4TB drive for $300 new, even 480Gb used are in the 2k€ range where I live.
so much for living in the "first-world"...
>dropping multiplier to 54x is enough to fix the issue
Not getting the performance you paid for is a farce, this isn't a fix.
So your argument is that's what you feel is happening. Why should anyone care what your guess is
the point is that it only affects the highest clocked skus, it is unlikely to affect a chip that is already sold downclocked
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>oxidation claims
so literally unsubstantiated bullshit then.
Don't listen to the retards.
Every new'ish motherboard BIOS enables "Intel Default Settings" as default which prevents chip degradation.
(and if it doesn't, just goto your manufacturer's site)

You're fine.
Built a 13600K system for my kid last year and haven't had any issues. Thankfully I chose 7800X3D for mine.
>Intel chips are literally rusting.
Intel Chips

Love shack, baby love shack!
Love shack, baby love shack!
Love shack, baby love shack!
Love shack, baby love shack!

AMD eating their lunch on the consumer side is hilarious, they're pivoting to cryto miners in the attempt to try to make up for lost consumers. I think only Enterprise and people not in the know are still buying Intel past... Skylake?
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They couldn't be more jewish than this...
Been in a Google DC
Ambient temps are 75f to 85f depending, mostly 80f
It was told that 80f was the best compromise between component longevity and cooling costs. It must not affect longevity much as they have machines well over 10 years old, some machines still use boot HDDs that have been in operation for 12 years.
>some machines still use boot HDDs that have been in operation for 12 years
don't doubt that at all since it doesn't matter how long it takes to boot for many circumstances. I've watched xp64 machines boot off striped sets as fast as an SSD would have. the most comical bits are when you end up being the boomer trying to explain coaxial 10base-t or SCSI to some greenhorn. it just weeks bruh
Intel default ACCELERATES degradation by increasing vcore through ACLL dumbass
It was a small thing that happened because motherboard manufacturers were trying to push the chips for higher benchmark numbers
Thankfully AMD stopped them and forced them to adhere to their limits.>>101499547
Yes, this is likely a design/fab issue Intel didn't catch because their diversity hires can only complain about being oppressed or something.
Their fab is in Israel, I doubt they have any diversity hires there.
They have two in usa. One in oregon and one in arizona.
oh cool, a cpu manufacturer should ideally write memory safe firmware. :)
At the end of the day pc builders are sadly not that different from women who buy lipsticks, they go for the bigger brand with higher price for a false sense of security, and lash out at anyone who points out how they made a stupid choice.
only nu pc builders who are just consolefags at this point

i went from pentium to athlon to core 2 duo to phenom to 3rd gen i5 and now using zen3. my next cpu will be zen5 or zen6 depending on maturation of ddr5

i would really like to be able to run ddr5 at more than 6k with a 192GB+ kit stable with am5.
Is there a distinct difference between the gpu out of memory error and the doomed chips? I feel like these chips are having so many issues that the doomed cpus and cpus having other issues are all being bled together. This is gross.
N-305 bros, we won.
I just think the recent microcode fix supposedly fixed the gpu out of memory error and it is a completely separate situation from failing/degrading chips from the same generation.
Not that i was planning on upgrading to Intel anyway, but man it must suck being a housefires fan right now. Have to deal with thermal throttling no matter what AND have a 50/50 shot of it corroding itself from the inside and becoming useless. Kind of hard to imagine they fucked up this badly.
>i would really like to be able to run ddr5 at more than 6k with a 192GB+ kit stable with am5.
I think you'll be waiting for camm2 for that one
The performance of two dimms per channel ddr5 don't seem to be fixable and 96gb consumer dimms won't be released for a long time
>Watching a metalhead faggot yapping about computers for 30 minutes
Who does that?

Also isn't this is the same guy who waged war against corpos and other techtubers for views?
nta but are these really your """arguments""" against watching a video?
is /g/ really full of lazy brainlets now?
how many confirmations do I need to leave this retarded place, jfc...
Do you think you're on /b/ right now?
a 30 minute video about a major CPU defect is exactly what this board is made for.
>is /g/ really full of lazy brainlets now?
guud lawd, newfriend
Are there any Intcel fans left? I remember when Ryzen came out they had a new cope excuse every week, now they don't even try defending their garbage.
>Company that releases decent products that aren't killing themselves gets more positive videos
anon how did you see through the matrix like that
i just bought a notebook with a rtx4070 because i am done with building from parts...

imagine you'd have to build your truck yourself and when you're done it is the cybertruck... lol
I've seen a few try and insinuate that it's really just a skill issue for users to expect their CPUs to function properly at stock settings, but it's pretty thin on the ground.
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it used to have some technical stuff back in the day. there is literally nothing now. people post videos at most. not sure if COVID made things worse or if oldfags got a life and won't come back here anymore and the new generations are actually retarded as people say, but... this board sucks.
plus we get more and more political bullshit as time passes.
>CPU ran minecraft servers for a few months at like 5.7-6GHz. Sooo yeah.....
is minecraft that serious that people want to host it on 14900k's locked to 5.7-6ghz 24/7?
go back to /pol/ you retard
i am not stupid... just old and tired..
Yeah, Minecraft's servers run like shit. I think there's fast custom C++ ones made by people who actually know how to program but they're missing all the gameplay features so nobody cares about them.
>CPU ran minecraft servers for a few months at like 5.7-6GHz. Sooo yeah.....
>Well if anyone was wondering what kind of VID voltages a SuperMicro blade server runs with a 14900K in single core loads. Also this this system isn't stable. So getting the voltage readings from it is kinda hard since it keeps crashing.
>1.5v's for months running at 5.7-6ghz

i'm starting to understand why these "holy grail data centers!" cpu's were having a 50% failure rate
people dont typically use home pc chips for servers
its just that for some games servers the (advertised) max boost of 6ghz single thread perf is great
that 6ghz boost is post to only be short bursts. tau is 56 seconds iirc. after than its post to drop wayyy, wayyy down.

supermicro is ignoring that and keeping it running at 5.7-6ghz 24/7. that is completely in violation to intel's specs.
It also explains why some of these data centers "fixed" their issue by disabling e-cores because they were shoving 1.5v's into them.... e-cores were not designed for that level of voltage. the p-cores were only designed for that level of voltage in forms of short bursts.
>I just built a new 14700k system.
Imagine being this fucking retard lmao
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Don't worry, soon your suffering will end, anon.
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Sell that garbage before normies work out that the chips burn themselves out. You CANNOT mitigate this issue with BIOS tweaking like intel shills are suggesting; only delay the inevitable.

At BEST intel will release a microcode update that destroys your performance for the sake of stability.

This is an unmitigated disaster for intel, who still have not pinpointed exactly what is wrong.
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I am so happy, that I have chosen AMD in 2019 (yes, I have replaced ryzen 3600 with 5800x).
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seethe. i even made a thread to gloat in your face >>101502164

i fucking hate ryzen and i will never, ever, use your horseshit.
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>$600 self destructing CPU

I'm shook.
But it will not help you to get sex with a real woman anyway, intcel.
By all means the substance is corrosion
alright linus, its time to take out the gay earings, you're not 17 anymore.
the rust ate all the evidence
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Dear god, please let my 13700k last until the 9800x3d is released, amen.
If the datecode starts with "<letter>308" or lower you're probably fine. If not, the thing only boosts to 5.4GHz unless you've done something stupid, so the VID shouldn't go too high in the first place. Disable motherboard OC features though, and if want to be extra safe disable Turbo Boost entirely, you'll lose only 100MHz on two cores anyway.
I'm just now learning this, my 13600k has been running perfectly fine, probably because I got it in 2022 but who knows, downloading the tekken demo right now.
What should I even look for in this demo, any settings or if it eats shit I should immediately know?
your cpu is unlikely to be affected unless you manually overclocked it into the dangerzone
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laughin @ you from 12700k
built my system only a month or two ago, went with 12th gen because 13 and 14 seemed fishy and had little performance increase

Kek it only ran at those settings because super micro followed intel spec to the dot and set ACLL to 1.10mOhms
The chips are transitioning.
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holy based
This faggot needs to stop dramawhoring
Bottlenecks, bottlenecks everywhere
Minecraft is fully single threaded and has awful performance at scale so yes, the best CPU to run Minecraft on is one with the best single thread performance.
could it be possible to work around that with a virtualized core that shows to the game as one but is actually multiple physical cores?
>tau is 56 seconds iirc
they removed tau with alder lake
>the best CPU to run Minecraft on is one with the best single thread performance
and the best memory performance
raptor lake with DDR5 is as good as it gets (well, if your chip is stable)
once again, the retarded basement droolers spout out misinformation
>4c4t, 95w
>join the republic
>for those who dare
lol, Intel is a fucking cult.
That's ASUS' retardation, not Intel's.
Someone needs to tell the Taiwaners just how cringe their naming and branding is for their gamer products. Not even 12 year olds would think those phrases are cool, it's just weird ESL gibberish
>for those who dare
those words had a different kind of feeling surrounding it during the exploding am5 debacle kek
wasn't that just a skill issue of some overclockers
It was motherboard manufactures setting retarded stock or "auto" settings (against amd recommendations), combined with buggy bios that didn't even do what it was told to.
heh classic. you can tell they got pretty lazy a long time ago since those info programs often show strings like "to be filled in by oem". if they didn't even do that i don't even want to know how rushed everything else is
We can use the holodeck
>to be filled in by oem
That's a Windows thing. You can change it to whatever you want in the registry or use a app like winaerotweaker.
If your PC comes with Windows pre-installed, the OEM is supposed to fill out the name, and their support info.
you forgot your reply
why do you have 14 PCs you crazy cunt
Is 13400F affected by the issue? I see online some people saying that low end 13th gen are just rebadged 12th gen.
stepping c0 - alder lake
b0 raptor lake
it's not affected because the voltages are lower
based AMD UNupgraded chad
It's literally all set to die if your chip is gen 13 or 14. Intel production line is by design poor quality assurance that shipped 100% fail rate products.
two more weeks
they didn't remove it you inbred shitstain. motherboard vendors ignored it. they have been ignoring it since tau first came out.
Go fulfill the 1 million broken chips and motherboard RMA requests you owe consumers, Intel PR chuddie.
>Sold a SKU that was binned correctly not trying to appease min-max types
Not a shock or surprise, Intel's arrogence of trying to sell hardcore factory overclocked SKUs to the masses is backfiring.
Can someone tell which models are affected?
Just bought an N100 system, would be nice not to start using if it got rusty soon
Far enough that it's not my problem, Intel chud. T. Works fine on my AMD Ryzen machine.

Sent from my New Nintendo 2DS XL web browser (ARMS chip)
Read the thread, all of 13th and 14th gen cpus.
Presumably every Raptor Lake die manufactured between March 2023 and April 2024 has a good chance of being affected, supposedly due to contamination. If true, it may have started when they began production of the 14th gen refresh dies, which they also pushed way too hard exacerbating the problem.

The N100 is a low power Alder Lake with 6W TDP, it's extremely unlikely to be affected.
>Built my 13700K machine in Dec of 2022.
Wew, bullet dodged. Tekken 8 ren fine and I haven't had any issues with any other UE5 game.
there is one issue with amd. they implemented the microsoft pluton botnet first. intel doesn't have it but then theres all these other issues
>Read the thread
superhelpful mate
The convoluted Intel naming schema making unfollowable
I using AMD CPUs since the Zen architecture been released
You saying it will not show due the low energy?
I am using for my home server, my current-old system using an E350 CPU
ASUS E35M1-M PRO which still works fine,
So the new Asrock N100M should also go for at least 10 years...

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