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They have 100s of glow in the dark watching 4chan. Glowies mods/jannies are on certain boards like /g/, /k/, and /pol/.
in his case?
thres the obvious, that 4keks is under surveliance
and theres the less so
like that at&t does packet inspection and talk s with the feds
They use themselves, they're the FBI
I'm glad we're normalizing shooting at federal politicians.
I don't care which party I just want to see more dead feds.
Sorry chud. The Feds have the monopoly on violence. Only they can kill you with impunity.
I don't agree with him regarding the blacks and fags but I do think that all feds and glowniggers should be killed. I wish Timothy had a bigger truck.
You keep saying that but you haven't done it. This makes me think you cannot in fact do it with impunity.
You didn't even try with that subject.
Anon, people are regularly arrested for posting on 4chan. It's the biggest most obvious honeypot on the internet.
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Maybe you're just not important enough to notice at all.
>it's a le honeypot
What or who gave you the impression that you are allowed to make illegal threats on a government official's life on 4chan?
Why did it take over a year?
i just wish the FBI director would stop sending me emails asking for money because it is like every day that he and Christopher Wray the CIA director are sending me emails asking for money and i am certainly not going to pay them any fees
It is a honeypot, you have to be literally brain damaged to have not figured it out by now. We're basically r*ddit without the upvote system
it even says Christopher Wray at the bottom of the email i am not going to pay you any fees mr c.i.a
It's not a honeypot just because retards like you refuse to read the rules and are stupid enough plot the assassination of government officials out in the open.
I get the secretary general of the united nations as well on occasion and I would think given all these resources that these 2 bit alphabet soup agencies would be able to stop some scam emails but apparently not
>another nupol brown thread
what would the charge be?
the general of the united nations is not a federal agent. so they aren't impersonating any federal agent.
I noticed you refused to mention the FBI and CIA directors that also send me emails asking for money i just hate them like you other government agents on this mongolian basket weaving forum
I'm still alive, you haven't killed me. If you could really do it with impunity you'd do it just because I'm annoying.
chuds need to stop talking a big game and actually follow up on their words. the democrats have them beat on that one
Wasn't that guy a nationalist?
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I'm glad that train delivered the Dawin Award so deserved to that schizo retard Terry A. Davis
>being a racist
>John Lennon not a racist
In Soviet America, Instant Karma hits you
Q: What was the last thing that went through Davis's mind as that train hit him?
A: His asshole
Ironic that the artist of this piece of technology - a locomotive - is called Terry Davis. And is still alive to this day. Because fate protects those who aren't schizo retard racists.
that was the point. he's been just words.
he threatened to kill some sheriff several states away. why he cared so much about shit that had no effect on him is anyone's idea
>unironically threatening the fbi director on a fed board
>oh my god how did they know
pol posters are drooling retards, you need to kill yourselves
Being a nuisance isn't enough to shut you down, you have to be an actual threat to the rotten establishment for them to actually lay a finger on you, something are you are certainly not, you whelp.
the establishment is not staffed by the smartest people because it is less 007 and more woops i had no idea you could hear me listening to you in the background that is not meant to happen
its good that retards are making open threats
it wastes feds' time and resources
>schizo retard
you're the one who's rambling rn lmao
None of these are smart people. They're drooling election tourists that post illegal threats directly using their home IP.
They didnt realize it was a honeypot.
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>moshi moshi meido-chan
sometimes they are so stupid you can actually hear 00 nothing typing away the notes of the conversation they are listing to on the computer and that always makes me laugh
>based schizo having conversations with himself and imagining agents taking notes
They have direct access to all internet's data, they don't need any tech whatsoever, they ask facebook and they comply sending every single bite of data they have, it's not really that complicated, you can be tech illiterate and still get what you're searching for.
they listened to my mobile calls and it sounded like it was like wild horses on the line and then i could hear someone typing away and i said what the hell is that and they said you were not supposed to hear and i laughed because you cannot make up such incompetence
As much of a moron as he is, its silly for them to charge him with anything based on that, really. Its not a
Threat, some random /pol/yp posting on his containment tourist board. They'll have to prove that he had plans of some sort to make any of this stick in anything close to a just system - no matter how much I disagree with the tourist posting on his /pol/ hugbox, unless he was setting up a private group for some sort of action, had plans of where the FBI director lived, had weapons that were procured illegally or otherwise showed some sort of action, people making unqualified boasts (not much different than yelling in a bar while drunk about how someone should off the president) they'd rather kill some official than live in shame or whatever, isn;'t considered credible and much of the time is under first amendment protections. The closest thing I could see is if some other anon printed out his rant and then took a shot because of it, there would be a case that he was pulling a "won't someone rid me of this troublesome priest" sort of thing regardless of intent, but that's a difficult assertion to make on a site known for massive amounts of fictitious bullshit as its core usage.
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They just have teams running their own web indexers looking for keywords, like their own names, current people of interest, current events etc. 4chins is no exception. When they saw that post they just submitted a subpoena to 4chan for the IP of that poster and they complied because you really think hiro is going to spend money on legal fees trying to defend one random anon?
The actual concerning part though is that we dont know how many times this has happened. There are just the few well known public cases like this one and that florida sheriff, but i guarantee any *highly interesting* posters have had their IP given to the feds just to build a file on that person
fake news. meta has legal counsel and will not blindly comply like poor outfits such as 4chan.

>77.60% Of requests where some data produced
holy shit an actual non-meme schizo this is awesome
this government is so cowardly and craven and broke that they cannot afford to have teams of indexers and barely able to spend the money required for ai to scan for trigger words, and it used to be so awful that you could get round it by speaking in a heavily scottish glaswegian accent
feds have a conviction rate of around 90%.
if feds bring charges -- like in this case -- you are already fucked.
this does not take into account that during the early 2000's organized crime had direct access to the met police computer system
So either they found out A) he had plans to act on it besides a random post on an imageboard that were substantive or B) feds are doing something shifty if this is it, and no matter how annoying or stupid the guy may be, hopefully someone like ACLU will stand up and take a look at the case. Anyone who lived through the War on Terror and is totally satisfied that the gov't bringing charges much less convictions only happened to people who deserved it, must be a complete idiot. Sometimes it took a long costly set of appeals to get someone out of gitmo or whatever the fuck else because he was getting railroaded by the system and looked the part.
would be super hilarious if it turned out he was a glowie. this has glowie post written all over it, even if any sane person would agree with the post
why are you talking about the war on terror when they are all dying away because their supply of loosh was cut off
>A) he had plans to act on it besides a random post on an imageboard that were substantive
please first read the law
"In cases of threats, the only intent requirement is that the government prove the defendant intentionally or knowingly communicates the threat, not that he/she intended or was able to carry out the threat. See United States v. Orozco-Santillan, 903 F.2d 1262 (9th Cir. 1990)."
he's fucked.
he is in trouble because he could not give his chin a rest
Read further, it comes down to the definition of a "threat" , threats must be established and credible - nobody is getting arrested because they said that someone randomly said " I'm gonna kill you" to their subordinate at work after the fourth time they fucked up the job etc. However, if the subordinate turned up dead in the next few days, it would certainly be investigated etc

>I think X is a jerk and I'm gonna go to his house after work at 3pm to beat the hell out of him, who's with me?!
Is a threat regardless if the person ever intended to go there
>I think X is a jerk the world would be better if someone should beat the hell out of them, that would teach them a lesson!
is not, unless you find corroborating evidence that they were intending to do something or were enticing/encouraging others to do so
he was a typical 4channer in that he is all talk and no action because he flapped his jaw as he wanted to get caught
What a bad ass. Faggoty fbi afraid of their own asshole as usual.
>When they saw that post they just submitted a subpoena to 4chan for the IP of that poster and they complied
Don't even need to do that, feds have direct access to this entire website. It's obvious to anyone who has ever seen a board freeze. There's just a big red button in some random office at Quantico that immediately halts all of 4chan and gathers detailed information regarding everything and everyone who has posted on this site recently.
Surely you don't seriously believe some guy at FBI starts the process by drafting an email "Dear Sir/Madam..." begging for some mod to be awake at the right time so they can freeze the site?
wish the glowies would arrest all of /pol/
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If someone is so incredibly dimlydimlydoo to signal their intentions ahead of time they deserve whatever glowrook does to them. This only expands their budgets and freedom to color outside the lines.
you didn't read it at all.

the charge is Title 18, United States Code, Section 115(a)(l)(B) which isn't your normal death threat.
so your superficial knowledge about death threats doesn't apply.
jim cornette said you could imagine or wish someone was dead and he did that a lot about vince russo and did not get arrested and you remember he is the guy who is chris chans father
>mfw like probably 90% of my city and surroundings are vax'd
>nothing happens
yep I should have taken the sheep de-worming suppositories instead
>ESL invoking cultural references but still doesn't understand what a threat is
>Section 115(a)(1)(B) of Title 18 covers threats against Federal officials or their family members when such threat is done "with intent to impede, intimidate, or interfere with" such Federal official "while engaged in the performance of official duties, or with intent to retaliate against" such Federal official. See United States v. Raymer, 685 F. Supp. 1358 (S.D. Miss. 1988), aff'd, 876 F.2d 383 (5th Cir.), cert. denied, 493 U.S. 870 (1989).

>The purpose of these provisions is to provide comprehensive protection against attempts to impede, intimidate, or interfere with certain Federal officials' performance of their duties by the commission of crimes against members of the officials' immediate families or by threats to assault, murder, or kidnap the officials themselves. In cases of threats, the only intent requirement is that the government prove the defendant intentionally or knowingly communicates the threat, not that he/she intended or was able to carry out the threat. See United States v. Orozco-Santillan, 903 F.2d 1262 (9th Cir. 1990).

It has to meet the definition not just generally, but specifically in that provision. Some random /pol/yp putting what he did on an imageboard known for massive amounts of fictitious bullshit doesn't rise to that definition If I could fuck around in LN I don't remember the case specifically but there have been multiple attempts to use the same provision to suggest that some drunk guy ranting against some local elected or appointed official at a bar ended up getting charged, and then charges dropped because it was found that there was no credible evidence he intended to threaten anyone just mouthing off, there was no implication that what was said would be exposed to those in question and thereby didn't meet the threshold for a threat etc. This is far from the first time that someone mouthing off stupidly but indirectly has been charged, and they don't all end up sticking.
my god /pol/ people are cringe as fuck, no wonder an AI bot of them were made. they're so predicatable a bot can emulate them. lower IQ than conspiracy theroists.
>Government agent accuses a poster of being an ESL or non white.
There are many such cases.
>Have a national security level threat
>Oy vey now I don't want to comply
They'd close the corporation within 2 weeks if they don't comply to US requests, maybe they can say that about other countries, but you can't bite the hand that feeds you.
Remember, almost all US megacorporations rely on the government maintaining them alive, if they don't bend the knee they're basically dead, the US economy is fake and is only sustainable because the US military is the police of the world and can force other countries to bend the knee.
They subpoena the site and Hiroyuki or whoever he hired to manage that sort of thing hands them over the IP address they want. There doesn't need to be any special technology involved. For 4chan to be a US-legal website, it has to abide by subpoenas.
>They subpoena the site
They ask nicely. Hiro doesn't give a shit.
Big picture, if some dude with power wants to fuck you, you are fucked.
It's why drug dealers know there is a volume limit before a more well equipped agency opens a case on you.
Shoplifter kids can steal candy from any store in America and just run away. No cop in the world is going to bother over a dollar candy. You just don't repeat offend often enough for the owners to hold a grudge
a grand jury was used.
a grand jury's subpoena is not asking nicely.
>United States v. R. Enterprises, Inc., 498 U.S. 292 (1991), was a United States Supreme Court case in which the court held that the three prong test for the issuance of a subpoena in United States v. Nixon does not apply to subpoenas issued by a grand jury. The Court concluded by stating that when a grand jury subpoena is challenged on relevancy grounds, the motion to quash must be denied "unless the district court determines that there is no reasonable possibility that the materials sought will produce information relevant to the grand jury's investigation."
i think he means because companies give so little of a shit about protecting their user's data that all it takes is for the feds to ask nicely because they companies will hand over whatever they ask for.
They run 4chan themselves via Disney.
This is actually true and a very upsetting state of affairs.
See also: The ATF killing of Bryan Malinowski.
you do know /pol/ was created for the specific purpose of catching people like this right?
lol he was probably on /pol/
>There doesn't need to be any special technology involved.
logging IP addresses is not legally mandatory.
so this honeypot is using special technology by logging IP addresses.

a non-honeypot would have no IP addresses like

Do forget mossad helping them out. ((they)) hate this website.
>y-you're not important enough goy!
t. spent millions to buy this mongolian basketweaving forum and got the UN to declare every 4channer a terrorist.
Look at the website, its filled with tranny ideologues. They have polluted the website with their tranny ideology.
i only see you mentioning it
Thats cause you're of the same castration cult
imagine being so cringe you go to federal prison. Internet is better off without him.
Christopher Wray keeps emailing me, asking me to give him money almost every week and I just wish he would stop, seeing as he is paid more than enough by the american tax payer.
He sent me so many emails begging for money to be paid in fees that i had to actively start wiping my junk mail folder again.
...no, painting
I bet Terry was reduced to the consistency of clay when that train hit him. But as his brain was already made of that substance, is it any wonder the Terry who painted that train is still alive to this day? Not being a schizo retard racist and instead being a normal sane person is proven to be good for your health. As opposed to being a dead schizo retard racist. And nothing of value was lost
>a completely useless OS
Especially that.
I bet 101498675 thinks it is a real edgy person for besmirching the memory of King Terry the Terrible.
>still talking about it
>besmirching the memory of King Terry the Terrible
>an edgy racist retard
In Soviet America, Thing Terry besmirched himself by allowing itself to be retarded. Terry Davis the normal and sane painter of locomotives - such as that which delivered a Darwin Award directly to said schizo - is still alive to this day. Why...?
>101498784 showcases the hallmark arrogance of a certain type of government agent in doubling down on their previous remarks against King Terry the Terrible of /g/.
How dare it.
triggered nigger letting 'glownigger' live in his glownigger head rent-free kek
The cultist hates the sunlight
>Glowniggers unleash chatGPT onto thread
>It malfunctions and stops quoting people while rambling about Terry
this is so fucking funny hahahaha
This is a live board please do not swear, because it will not increase the size of your head.
>101498812 can't take a joke
...but Terry could take on a train. Oh wait.
>To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize
>that on /g/ is so precious about a retard that allowed itself to be killed. Why should I think of that thing as anything other than a retard that is better off being made extinct by Hubris because of its racism?
>Another Terry Davis is still alive by not being a racist. Certainly not being a schizo retard
A train ruled over Terry. How could he criticize that?
So why is artist Terry Davis alive...?
They don't need any technology at all. Any time someone makes a threat against a specific individual, the jannies send the post along with all of the metadata to the FBI.
>101498823 letting a normal sane & superior Terry Davis live in its head rent free kek
>101498824 hates reality: a sane Terry being superior to a retard Terry by virtue of the former still being alive to this day
>101498839 malfunctioning
>being so precious about a retard
So fucking funny
>What Kinda Technology Does The FBI Use To Do This?
Bamboo under the fingernails.
It's super effective
The FBI are too busy sending begging letters to people asking for money, so i just started to delete them now.
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>the glowniggers are in the room with us right now
Government agents work every board on 4chan and most of them are pretty incompetent, being less 007 and more shanaynay boo boo the diversity hire with its 10 inch long nails chatting on its phone about love island instead of doing its work.
the concentration of mental illness in this thread is approaching lethal levels
You either keep people on 4chan or make them go outside, and going by past and recent events, it is not a good idea to make them do that.
Snipping tool
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Outlook
Laser printer
A subpoena?
>logging IP addresses is not legally mandatory
Sure, but it's not your house, so you don't get to make the rules, or shit all over the walls.
It is not legally mandatory for the directors of the FBI and CIA to send begging letters to random people on the internet, but apparently they still do it.
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I thought the whole point of the first amendment is being able to threaten people in the government you hate.
What kinda gay shit is this?
anon inciting violence has never been protected by the 1st amendment. i'm sorry the education system failed you on this.
he forgot to precise
> in Minecraft
They just see some threats posted online from your ip which then allows them to get a warrant for all of your electronics. Then they go on a fishing expedition looking for anything that might incriminate you
I bet they have some sort of dedicated web page or API on cloudflare where they get all kinds of nasty threats as well as confessions and other crap

they don't really need that, tech illiterate retard
They don't just watch. They make threads and have 50 posters prodding and puffing up one guy until he says something, then they arrest him, he becomes a statistic and they show it to congressmen to get more funding.
Jannies, a free technology

To investigate and build a case before taking it to a grand jury.
Why couldn't you just write "hundreds"? Is it required by the Agency?
>that's a difficult assertion to make

Passed the "real" test for the Feds and the grand jury.

Great. We'll let the perp know that you, an honors grauduale of the /pol/ School of Law, is ready to defend him pro boner.
It actually is explicitly protected, but over time the Jewdicial system has eroded the scope of the first amendment and the rest of the bill of rights as well.
I personally think they should shut the site down
In for a penny in for a pound.
If speech is going to be charged as if it were an action, may as well act.
Lol the founding fathers literally incited violence that led to a war.
The whole point if the bill of rights is that you get the means to fight the government if it is not working for you

this is a display of power, nothing more. no one on 4keks can or will do shit.
they just call the owner and request IP records and then call the ISP and get your address based on the IP at the given time.
there is a 9/11 era law that requires everyone to comply
you're all retarded niggers for not knowing this
there is no magic or technology involved, just laws that you allowed to pass for muh safety that require companies and ISPs to comply with
you live in an authoritarian spying hellhole while praising muh freedom. you're not that much different from china, at least they don't claim to be free
the government fucking scans their homes with LIDAR fitted drones
Signal is just as big of a honeypot as here lol.
It's called a phone. You can use it to talk over long distances.
First they call hiroshima for the poster's IP, then they call the ISP to ask who had that IP at the time the post was made.
I-I-I thought it was le sekret club... they know about us??? OMGGGGG
>they just call the owner and request IP records
There's no law mandating IP records for website owners.
Section 2703 from the Patriot Act applies to ISPs only.
Signal does not falsely advertise itself as being anonymous. Signal makes you sign-up with a phone number.

>reddit spacing

Go back

The US government hosts 4chan, you newfag

You don't have to be a genius to spam 4chan to get results

Because 4chan is full of retarded newfags who will believe eating shit is good if you spam Reddit hates it
Signal has been tested in subpoena so far and even with the numbers, they have nothing to turn over except for something like the creation date of the account. Also sooner or later they'll transition away from requiring a phone number. Hell, it should be easier now than ever since they did the (stupid overall, but in this context makes it easier) removing the ability to support SMS unencrypted as a fallback and Signal messagng to those who both had the application.
>freedom loving patriots
this reads like a MGS villain monologue
he's not wrong, why are you mad
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>anyone that I don't like is a glowie
assblasted anon reports it to janny, assblasted janny reports it to mod, assblasted mod reports it to the fbi
I directly reported it to
Why is there something censored? Too lazy to check the archive myself.
wtf his threat crossed state lines?!
Pedotranime spammers are part of them, they're pedobaiting other users to charge them for paedophilia.

There was another one who said he wants to do things to the US government in Minecraft and the sheriff of another state arrested him and took him to his state
Concession accepted
You realize 4chan has a cloudflare MITM right?
You aren't anonymous at all.
>Biden sends his best regards to Trump
>Trump thanked Hilary and said gg after he beat her
Imagine actually throwing your life away for modern day politics
I just wish Christopher Wray would stop asking me for money every day.
It's (supposedly) Chris Wray's address.
Maybe he leaked it himself because he was lonely and never got any visitors.

based. anon should have just done it instead of posting about doing it. a dead glowie or two might actually change something.
But that would be illegal!
4chan is a FBI honey pot

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