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what am I in for?
Multiple accounts of being based
You can run XFCE compositor off
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>he buyed a AMD
6950xt performance at sqrt(2x) price
what a waste of money and energy
should have bought something much liter
and planned for making good use of your time instead of wasting it on gayming
what's the point of all that memory in an ATI card? no game can use it
Lots of Pajeets with a GTX 1060 3GB telling you about their superior Nvidia experience and how poor you are.
Probably a pretty good time but if you're spending 7900XTX money, I think I would rather go with a 4080 Super.
>3.5 slot cooler
>support bracket
I thought AMDchads were better than Novidya in every way, why are they suffering from the same issues as Ngreedia then?
based on what
A great video card ruined by awful drivers. Enjoy your paperweight.
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sapphire? higher than comparable RMA rates and worse warranty service because they force you through your retailer.

rt is faster tho
Adrenalin is miles better than Nvidia's Windows 98 control panel.
you only buy powercolor for AMD cards
nothing else
not using 60% of your VRAM
>what if same settings but with a Windows7 Media Center UI
No one defends nvidia's crappy cp, it's slow, buggy and clunky to use.
could you elaborate a bit on how this gpu lets you run with no compositor?
how is that worse than having to pay for shipping it to china
A brick
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it is between the 4080 and the 4090 when comes to gaming or OCL
the big cooler is awesome, if you are not going to use any other cards in your rig.
Any enthusiast cards need a support bracket, USE IT!!!
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>hey guys i posted the same thing again, am i funny yet? am i hilarious yet you guise?
Oh shit ni99a it was intentional that captures OP's retardation. Holy fuck
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> Intentional
Pic related
Based on Al Qaeda
Powerful Rasterization.
You will continue to play Age of Empires 2 and Minecraft on it.
Why do you censor the nigger word? Are you american?
having the compositor on fucks up your games
Making me jealous with my slightly inferior Powercolor 7900XT with worse cooling performance. Have fun, OP.
Switch to the 4080 super faggot. Not worth the sacrifice
Sure, paypal me the price difference.
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Linux users are the real pajeets
Nah, 7900XTX is a tier above the 6950XT.
6950XT is just 6900XT with faster VRAM. 6950XT's main attractive was it was going for a fire-sale when RDNA SKUs launch. The inventory have long since been exhausted. 4070 Super 7900GRE currently gives a run for its money.
Always knew jewvidia shills were thirdies with 1060s
Shit thermal paste that you will need to replace with PTM 7950 and huge power consumption.
are the new vrams supposed to run pretty hot? never seen memory running around 60c even when the gpu processor is idle
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I've been having a great time with this so probably the same
Close but not quite.
The better term would be Internet Cafe Asians.
I got this one
It's great
Running the PULSE version, very nice card, any problems I had ended after upgrading my power supply.
>what's the point of all that memory in an ATI card? no game can use it
Red dead 2 at max settings at 4k with 2x Msaa uses over 20GB's
A pleasant high refresh rate 4K experience had my gigabyte 7900xtx for over a year now no issues
Good hardware. If you use Linux, good software too. If you use Windows, crapass drivers.
I still call the GPUs branch ATI
AMD just gobbled em up and now has them use their brand instead, meanwhile the real AMD makes the CPUs
yeah it can definitely be used. was trying ark at 1080p/60 and it would already take almost 6gb. i was thinking that 8gb vram would be enough but apparently i was wrong
A 24gb GPU that sucks at generating AI furry porn and can't into RT and has no features in general
>AI furry porn and can't into RT and has no features in general
Another retarded comment from a jewvidia user with no brains go back under your rock retard and don't come back out
thinking of getting this to put an end to my endless issues with NVIDIA on Linux
the dinosaur game? That still exists?
Yeah it's more popular than ever with the latest mods, they call it 'palworld'
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I wish I could afford such an expensive videocard to replace my old 5700xt.
And fuck nshittia with its garbage VRM lol
I played it in 2015 and it ran so shitty that I charged it back to my CC and steam banned me but then unbanned me 6 months later
Don't compare pal waifus to the designated shitting game
I'm that guy and I think it's very funny. Ley me guess, you've buyed a AMD?
return to site
buyer's remorse
Oh! Thanks for explaining it to me!
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>Costs less and beats the 4080S in everything but RT
Do NVidiots really?
Ill only buy AMD if they release a card with 48GB of VRAM or more
They already did, years ago

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hello big brother
And if anon needs a card with actual video outs etc and not just an accelerator, there's the W7900 https://www.amd.com/en/products/graphics/workstations/radeon-pro/w7900.html
4k coomer skyrim mods
What endless issues? Stop posting weak bait
U mum rasta
furries have minimum iq of 140
Welcome to Linux. AMD cards are faster on Linux than Nvidia cards are on Windows. Your games will run really smoothly.
Rocm works fine u fart sniffer
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>Rocm works fine
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Same, it's a really great card. I get like 295fps in cyberpunk 2077 on Linux in proton.
>Rocm works fine
Fun for like 15 minutes then you get bored of it and never use it again.
it does, but it doesn't matter how well it works or not, what matters is who has the monopoly on developed software. When you only have a bit of pre-alpha tier software, of course nothing works well.
That's why SCALE matters so much. If GPUs can play on a level playing field like CPUs the market will change overnight.
was going to get a 6800 when it was on firesale for 250 but the fuckers raised it back to 360 in a few hours, fucking xfx
the installation instructions for rocm is over a hundred pages long and reads like a choose your own adventure with most of the choices leading to death
im sold
Tell me honestly, how many tokens per second can I get by using koboldcpp+ST launcher+some fotm model from huggingface. On 7800XT, 16gb, for example.
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>I'm a real dGPU! *chuckles*
>requires expensive new cpu + mobo to function correctly (pci 4)
>but its shit and will bottleneck that expensive cpu
what the fuck were they thinking
yes and that wasn't even at the highest settings for that res
huh i thought it was a good thing to have on but apparently even the pretty annoying flickering when scrolling the web stopped when i turned it off and you only lose some pretty minor features like alt tab window previews and some stuff i didn't even use like transparent ui bits and shadows
works fine for me on pcie3. coming from a 590 its a huge upgrade. not only is it much faster but it supports lots of things that the almost 10 years old gpu didn't which also helps a lot and when idle it actually has proper power saving features so it wont be sipping 60w all the time even if doing nothing
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This is a reminder that the RTX 4090 is still the King Of Video Cards!

Stay butt hurt and jealous, you pesky AMDumbasses!

It's okay if you buy the AMD's CPUs. It's NOT okay to buy the AMD's GPUs!
>anime image
opinion discarded
>I'm that guy and I think it's very funny
Yeah, because you're an unfunny redditor who can't post anything amusing. You probably find twitter screencap readings hilarious as fuck
Pure projection, tourist.
>absolutely abhorrent opinion
like pottery
Provided you have a modern CPU and motherboard within the last 5 years then good performance.
It will be a tough call between a RTX 4080 Super (both MSRP prices are reduced) where price per performance is concerned.

The bad is the power consumption and it is so big that it would be risk of damaging the PCI-E slot for sag (without using the anti-sag too included) and probably best to mount vertically through a PCI-E ribbon to be safe (will need the right type of PC case which can support that, even the size of the card will impact which PC case you will need too).
buyers remorse.
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idk if theres a big difference between 6050 series and 7000 series gpus but my 6750xt has been great so far
nitro tells sapphire be overclocked from factory, with wayland 200% image stream should be fluid as can be
Not much. Great cart. Ray tracing on Linux fell off a cliff for me, or idk, 40-60FPS in Control in 2023, 5-20 FPS in Cyberpunk in 2024. Before the update, however, Cyberpunk was pushing 100+ until the hang right in the benchmark.
Like, there's nothing to complain about except these quirks. Except maybe how heavy it is, even the ref version, and yours - even more. When there's no RT, everything works thanks to Proton. Tho I don't even gayme much, 2-3 hours after work, that is, and for that it is just an overkill.
>anon pretends amd didn't get mogged by nod-ai and shark to the point of buying them out because their in-house software is still shit
Mental Outlaw recently noticed there are news about Nvidia going opensauce with the 560 release, I believe, which is for RTX-only cards.
thats just the kernel module, which isnt "news"
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total njudea death
noticeable spike in energy bills
That's been the case for AMD hardware for...ever. At least since like, 3850 or whatever back in '09 or so.

A real fucking shame.
unfortunately they removed the gamestream option from the new UI
Seductively good Linux drivers.
Better than the wangblows Nvidia experience.
99% of Nvidia “open sourcing” news is just nothingburger clickbaiting.
Mostly bait for Nvidia fanboys who think that if Nvidia “actually tries” on Linux they’ll somehow catch up with AMD overnight.
Unfortunately that’s not how it works.
It just unlocks the keys to doors that were once barred. Nvidia user base is much larger then AMD/ATI so it wouldn't not take that long for open-source drivers to catch-up.
how's the coil whine on that card when at high fps and high power?
Not cuda that is for sure
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>thinking buyed is a real word and proper grammar
>thinking about laughing at someone for a based purchase.
>furries have minimum iq of 140
All furries should be shot on site
I get 9 fps with pathtracing on 4k ultra
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werks on my machine. it plays sim city 3000 real good
not being able to play kingdom hearts 1, 2, COM, BBS without unplayable amounts of crashing

t. just bought a 7900 gre
All whilst doing so at +300W, impressive!
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Stop pretending the 4080 is much better, no one seriously cares about power on high-end cards.
>a fucking stand
>coil whine
i dont have any and its the one i have but people do report it can be a problem for this particular card
the heat sink and fans are probably overkill uses the same setup as the higher end modules
kind of regret not getting a first party 2-fan one but i dont have any problems with it and it runs everything i throw at it at max settings and never really breaks a sweat
29-35 idle, 50-60s at load
I have that exact card. Card is great and overclocks like a beast to over 3000 MHz with 450W TDP, but you're in for a shit fest with the drivers if you don't know what you are doing.

>AMD Adrenaline 24.x drivers are unbelievably unstable and will crash and blue screen you constantly. The 23.12 and 23.11 drivers are you best bet.
>Windows automatically overwrites and corrupts AMD drivers, so you have to turn off driver install on Windows updates or your system will be constantly fucked every time you restart.
>Multi-Plane Overlay (MPO) will also fuck you in the ass and crash your system, so you have to disable that too.

Other than that good fucking luck!
ransom crashes because LMAO drivers.
no cuda
>oc the card
>wonder why it crashes
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>very little testing
Literal skill issue
The card doesn't crash nitwit. Only the drivers crash if you don't set them up correctly. My card runs great at 3000 MHz.
good mornign sir
Novice OC-fag cooping this hard that they are pushed too hard and it is causing the GUI of their OS to crash hard. It is probably artifacting as well too.
The BSOD itself makes it painfully obvious, HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) intinlazation error.
>i dont have any and its the one i have but people do report it can be a problem for this particular card
yeah, I hate the coil whine lottery...
>the heat sink and fans are probably overkill uses the same setup as the higher end modules
that what makes it such an interesting card. cool and quiet is great if you have the case space.
I actually forgot about the 7900XTX line. Does it still idle high when driving several monitors?
8800XT/8900GRE wen?
Out of 1000
depends on the monitor iirc
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fuck njewdia vramlets and their fire hazzard power connector
save your money for an 8800XT
Looks like zero tokens, kek. Great GPU
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>you should buy nYidea
Bad stability in vidya gaems due to driver issue
that's with all AMD GPUs. Terascale did that, GCN did that, RDNA does that.
Doesn't XFX now use PTM instead of thermal paste? That's pretty tempting.
isn't Sapphire better?
Why do people still shit on AMD? Their gpus are literally double the value per dollar at most pricepoints

They beat Nvidia in pure raster fps/dollar, all Nvidia has is ''ai'' and raytracing that nukes most games performance regardless of the card used anyway
it makes them feel better about the money they spend and the lack of video memory
yeah and then they hit you with the ''but the new architecture is so power efficient though'' and the difference on full blast is like 50W tops

literal mental illness
Last time I had an AMD GPU (2017) they were horribly unreliable and I would just get random crashes all the time. I had a 6950, 7870 and 7970. Multiple windows reinstalls, driver cleans, RMAs due to faulty VRAM, etc. Just a general pain in the ass.
Then I bought a GTX 1080 and it just fucking worked. I didn't even need to uninstall the AMD driver or clean anything or whatever, literally just take the AMD card out, put nvidia card in, install nvidia driver and everything werks(TM)
Maybe they've gotten better but I don't kno why I should risk it
Learning hours to install ROCm versions of torch via PIP if you want AI.
On arch it's a single installation command. Use better distro next time.
I've owned both GPUs from both teams. Both had driver problems but nGreedia is quicker to push fixes. I only wish BIOS cross flashing was still permissable on Radeon GPUs. Too bad that BDSM man Jensen turned out to be a bigger kike than Intel.
Thats the most dishonest statement possibly of all time because in order to install ROCm you have to first get amd pro drivers and force the kernel to not load regular amdgpu which is a nightmare unto itself
> Get AMDPRO drivers
I don't have them. I also didn't modify anything with my kernel (Linux-zen)
then you arent using rocm you idiot
not only are you an idiot but an unemployed tinker fag too. No wonder you like this convoluted bullshit
Got an MSI 6800 and an Asus 7900GRE with no coil whine. Zotac 3060ti has some though
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Basically every card other than the budget/*60(0) lines have that problem now.
> not using ROCm
Sure, I guess stable diffusion, llama, GPU-accelerated Blender and Torch just work on my GPU by some magic.
>I charged it back to my CC
kek steam has a perfectly fine refund option you nigger
not in 2015
NTA but it works right out of the box. I have open source drivers and ROCM working with no tinkering. What proof do you require?

when you look sapphire box you see mecha, you dont see those every day, when you look powercolor box you might see dog, those are plenty around
I have an old case from 2012 so I just zip tied part of the GPU to the bottom of the 5 1/4 bays to remove some weight from the connector. If more modern cases had anywhere near the same amount of HDD slots I would've bought a new one.
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Oh look, it says ROCm and I have no amdgpu-pro installed. What sorcery is this?
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>Does it still idle high when driving several monitors?
No, stop falling for nvjewdia trickery and deception.
Incredible, AMD really is the gamer choice.
all GPUs do that, it's all about how power hungry the memory is
3090 uses 40 W with multiple monitors because it's on GDDR6X
Going back to a clean two slot card is nice after having a massive 3.5 slot card for years. I wish both AMD and Nvidia would do blower style cards for their flagship reference cards again, because I don't care about noise.
I just want AIBs to make proper water cooling variants without ridiculous markups.
I want 420 radiator for CPU and another for a GPU.
>you have to first get amd pro drivers

You're an idiot and your info is at least 4 years out of date. When's the last time you actually used an AMD gpu?


As a longtime AMD user i've started to consider it a bit too mainstream so i recently bought an Intel ARC card. It's rather impressive what Intel have done in a little over a year and even though getting compute working on linux is as easy as where AMD was at during the Vega era, the regular 3d driver just worked out of the box the same way amdgpu works nowadays. It's pretty exciting and i really hope they don't abandon their discrete gpu efforts.
>It's rather impressive what Intel have done in a little over a year and even though
This, Arc gets alot of shit but many people have no idea how difficult it is to make a graphics card.
I regularly drive at least 2 monitors, and for a while drove 3. I idle anywhere between 6W and 30W with my 6900XT. It's usually on the lower end. The 7900XTX was hitting 100W with several monitors, so I was wondering if it was still doing that. If it's been fixed, cool. I might get one or whatever AMD comes out with next.
>No, stop falling for nvjewdia trickery and deception.
This was a commonly reported problem with this line. You don't need to be defensive about it.
I'll look into it some more.
>I just want AIBs to make proper water cooling variants without ridiculous markups.
Unless some sort of miracle happens with architectures or power delivery that'll probably be their only choice, even if it's just a waterblock with quick disconnects.
get a rx 7900 xt. it has better value.
no one forces you to buy it all full price. just do a monthly plan of idk 30-50 bucks.
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better than my solution.
I glued down the Lego tower is glued down to prevent any movement. Before getting my RX 6800 I looked at every mounting/stand for sale and they're all pretty questionable, especially because every single one (other than the overpriced $40 fucking rgb models) is no-name chinkshit
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my first build :o)
absolutely retarded
>10% of the price
>20% of the performance
nah, better stretch and get an XTX
good for future proofing
i hope your CPU isn't crashing bro....
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Anon, I...
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whoopsie doodle

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