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ffmpeg mpv yt-dlp
Did anyone finally make a script using ffmpeg directly (using the placebo shit or whatever) that surpasses the old "mpv-webm" one and it's forks?
Why was kasper allowed the weekend off?
using ffmpeg for webm's is so piss easy though. the only usecase i could see for scripting is maybe just for batch work.

ffmpeg -i animes.mkv -vf scale=-1:720 -ss <starttime> -to <endtime> -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 1 -crf 15 -an -sn -f webm

and then repeat the same line but use second pass and define and output file. youll just have to tweak the crf value if you dont get the filesize you want but its not like you dont already have to do this with the mpv-webm script.
>define and
*define an

wake up sisters new schizophrenia just dropped

>not only are there dropped frames but the frames seem to be traveling back in time every second.
More of a encoder.lua (my custom script) type myself
mpv is shit
sorry i meant to say mpv is THE shit
sirs please share
It's just the original webm script changed to my needs with custom encoder settings, or stuff that was later updated by the original guy and that fansubbers fork.
Just recently discovered mpv and I'm enjoying messing with it.
I'm looking forward to making it:
>making it default media player for every file type
>getting a nice and different GUI for viewing each file type.
>getting a GUI built-in for simple editing (like cropping videos, images and music)

I'd like to know if any aspect of what I'm looking for isn't achievable, as I'll sink a few hours into researching this stuff...
Any guidance / help would be appreciated
None of these have ANYTHING to do with what I asked about, nothing at all.
Yes it does, unless you explain what the fuck you mean by "using the placebo shit or whatever"
No, it literally doesn't. I'm talking about mpv scripts, as made clear by me mentioning an example script. I don't need yet another normie friendly way in how to encode using ffmpeg, I've already been doing that for years on my own. Read the entire post next time instead only taking out the things you care for the most, ignoring the context.
One day you'll just set osc=no and forget all that tinkering.
did anything noteworthy happen in the last few days?
i hope i didn't miss anything.
when was the last time something noteworthy happened anyway?
where are the wm4 acolytes?
Nah I'm fine with all the necessary tinkering but I still want to use a GUI for day to day use
what a discovery.
wait until you discover what Delete is keybound to.
wait until you reply to the correct post
if you've been doing that for "years" then why do you need a script? most people who already know how to use ffmpeg directly don't need a script.

stuff like webms for retards and mpv-webm are just training wheels for the real thing.
ask nanahi who TOTALLY not wm4 at all
remind me of the trigger word to bring it here.. is it ikatube?
i wouldn't be surprised if he has an xdcc bot that specifically scrapes for any mention of ik*tube
>when was the last time something noteworthy happened anyway?
i heard about a fight with ffmpeg elders.
but i don't know, if true, where it took place.
vapoursynth might be added as a ffmpeg video filter
To answer your question, just use —volume-gain instead which uses actual dB value.
>I heard about a fight with competent developer of old
Who tried to fight them, MPV zoomer trannies? yt-dlp fags? ffmpeg infighting?

clsid just btfo'd mpvtrannies and their libplacebo filters
>I still want to use a GUI for day to day use
I understand, we all came through this. You're going to get used to some keybindings, maybe add your own, and then the thing called "GUI" will become just a little nuisance. It's all just a matter of time.

>I think it's a bug with profile=high-quality

it's official. stop using high-quality right now
paul already implemented all the filters i need
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paul only adds hundreds of useless audio filters that are either unmaintained for years or have such extremely niche usecases that no one will ever use them. pauls mindset is adding a bunch of filters that do the same thing but maybe one of them handles a single niche scenario a *little* bit better (not mentioned in any documentation btw because fuck you). if you ever bring this up in any discussion he will get pissy and tell you why this shartfart filter graph is more useful than the same fuckshit filter he made two years ago and you're an idiot for using fuckshit instead of shartfart.

vapoursynth is a video processor and it has some video filters that are not available in ffmpeg
How to use ffmpeg to decimate 1 frame every 1001 frames? Losslessly if possible
I'm pretty sure decimate drops frames based on a a heuristic of whatever it thinks a "dupe" frame is. so if that 1 frame you're trying to drop is actually a duplicate frame then just using decimate by default should already drop it.
It was indeed probably this commit:
Really? let me try...
unless you are literally a little girl (with all the respect to little girls), a developer who lacks tactfulness in his communication but actually bothers to respond, is infinitely more useful and helpful than a supposedly courteous developer who spends most of his time in his safe ivory tower
> a developer who lacks tactfulness in his communication but actually bothers to respond
paul doesnt actually do this. he's just terrible at documenting his code or his options.

also, no one actually seeks him out specifically, because if you ask him questions directly he'll just feign ignorance to make you figure out why he made 100+ different filters that do the exact same thing instead of just properly documenting which filter is the best for which usecases. he will only show up to give a genuine answer in unrelated discussions when someone is sharing their filter graph that includes one of the many useless filters he's developed, and he feels like the filter is being misused or that there's a better filter (again, if there was documentation for this then none of this would have occurred in the first place).

the worst part? only paul really knows any of this. if you ask any other ffmpeg developer they will just shrug and not even know why those filters were developed.

>infinitely more useful and helpful than a supposedly courteous developer who spends most of his time in his safe ivory tower
there also isnt a single developer who does this, so this is clearly a strawman. you can be courteous and actually have proper documentation. none of these aspects are mutually exclusive
open some issues and/or discussions in the librempeg repo so you can have something concrete to point to for when you state these claims again.
paul is that you?
I tried it but with a cycle of 5 it always removes one frame out of 5, with 25 one out of 25, etc.
try playing around with the threshold setting and lower it
>ffmpeg mpv yt-dlp
wrap those rascals.. also vlc.

sudo apt install firejail
sudo firecfg
mkdir -p ~/.config/firejail
echo "net none" >> ~/.config/firejail/mpv.profile
echo "net none" >> ~/.config/firejail/vlc.profile
echo "net none" >> ~/.config/firejail/ffmpeg.profile
echo "net none" >> ~/.config/firejail/keepassxc.profile
echo "Less Leaking Secrets Out My Anus"

Repeat the profile creation for anything that should not be leaking anus to the internet. This is especially important with videos shared on DickSword. Many of them are malicious and require daily normalization as they are meant to crash Electron, video players and sometimes execute code via buffer overflows. Minimize the effects of these pranks with Firejail or Bubblewrap.

- https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/firejail

- https://firejail.wordpress.com/documentation-2/basic-usage/
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>day 2 asking

Just recently discovered mpv and I'm enjoying messing with it.
I'm looking forward to making it:
>making it default media player for every file type
>getting a nice and different GUI for viewing each file type.
>getting a GUI built-in for simple editing (like cropping videos, images and music)

I'd like to know if any aspect of what I'm looking for isn't achievable, as I'll sink a few hours into researching this stuff...
Any guidance / help would be appreciated
>making it default media player for every file type
OS dependent

>getting a nice and different GUI for viewing each file type.
it's possible but not really that useful. whatever GUI you use for video is probably fine for music etc. and for images you should probably just disable the osc altogether

>getting a GUI built-in for simple editing (like cropping videos, images and music)
new cargocult just dropped:

Most of audio filters are maintained.
Unmaintained audio filters (because there are better quality alternatives available):

superequalizer (limited quality and functionality)
hdcd (did not programmed it and do not care about it)
arnndn (old filter/models, do not care about AI any more, exp, one with fixed input sample-rate processing)
mcompand (limited interface and questionable band split processing of audio - there are somehow better solutions elsewhere)

That's it, others are working fine, some are more versatile/faster/useful/generic than others, etc...
it's over no one was interested in high quality filter
thanks paul, don't let the haters keep you down.
I don't understand why people watch movies at 2x speed anyways. At the very least, disable pitch correction so that it's funnier
Just a dream
kek did he really expect some random person to roll up on the issue and say "hey I'm interested" without even releasing any code?
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You have two choices. Everything else is cope and you will never achieve peak smoothness otherwise.

1. Use
and set your display modeline to a refresh rate that is as close as possible to an integer of the content refresh rate.

(+) Draws a frame for every vertical sync. Only way to guarantee absolutely perfect playback with no caveats.
(+) No frame dropping at 24/1.001 Hz.
(+) Allows you to use interpolation to simulate motion blur or smooth out judder on non-integer refresh rates.
(−) Requires resampling the video and audio speeds.
(−) Does not work with VFR content.
(−) Demanding at higher refresh rates.

2. Use VRR and add this to your config to allow VSync blocked presentation w/ screen tearing.

This method is *ONLY* possible on Vulkan. If you don't want to use Vulkan then avoid this method.

(+) Will provide perfect playback on any arbitrary framerate with no resampling.
(+) Works with VFR content.
(+) Seamless when fullscreening, unlike the above method which needs the screen to reset with each modeline change.
(−) Does not work when in windowed mode.
(−) Background tasks can cause random presentations glitches.
(−) Fluctuations in LFC can cause stuttering or flickering (not really problem for most content since videos are constant framerate).
give paul attention!!
it's not primarily for series for me (i don't watch movies, characters can't develop properly in a couple of hours)
people talk too slow for me in news bulletins/speeches/presentations/... to the point it feels like i'm wasting my time
i play at 2.5-3.5x speed for content in my native language, and at 1.5-2.5x for content in other languages i understand
not available on macvk
>3.5x speed
you are mentally ill

Rate my config.
pedotroon thread
thank you pajeeto
i'm glad that you somehow felt like that was a personal attack on your intelligence, so much that you felt the need to cope-respond
Knowing macOS, the compositor probably enforces VSync regardless to prevent tearing. I know Windows does in windowed mode even if you set D3D11 swap interval to 0.

Install gentoo.
Anime is not /g/
Reddit spacing very bad
Please do needful

insufficient info provided.
first, to serve what botnet was that windows exe built?
inb4 >spliced
nupvbros... how do we respond without sounding mad?
Nope, not on mobile
Even if I were why tf do you care?
Get a life brainlet loser
Reddit typing

and reddit vernacular

All in one post. Amazing
that didn't take long:

any bets on what year ffmpeg7 will land?

(this comment is partially dedicated to the retard complaining about so-called r*ddit typing)
>THE shit
do kids still say this?
holy shit this new drama is insane, mpv is truly dead now
how to play videos in a 3x3 grid?
i don't want to manually enter filenames
consult your tiling wm docs
what drama?
check IRC
nothing happens there
So now that mpv is abandonware, what are you guys going to move on to?
POST LOGS YOU FUCKING NIGGER!!!!!!!!!!! please i beg you for the love of god please please please
it's honestly way too long to post here, you have to see it for yourself
I'M NOT CONNECTED NIGGER!!!!!!!!!!! PASTE it in a *bin FUCK please
let me just tl;dr it.. mpv is over now. something BIG happened last friday and its been an ongoing issue for the last few days. all of the active maintainers have moved on. thats the main takeaway.
le ambiguous happening
Feels like you're trolling me now..
Anyway I Bet The Root Cause Is Kasper Being Sensitive And Receptive For Us And Flirting With Us And Then The Fanfic Schizo Spurring On Rumours About Nanahi And That Kind Of Sours The Dynamic Because Everyone Is Being Suspicious Towards Eachother Because They're All Lurking And Or Posting Here, am i right or wrong??
Then there's no drama.
Nanahi and Akemi sex scandal?!?!
lol CounterPillow revealed his powerlevel (again)
nope, no cigar

i cant be arsed to copy 3 days worth of IRC logs. just connect to the dev irc channel if you're curious.

anyways here are some alternatives that people should consider now that mpv is effectively abandonware:

or just keep using mpv until someone forks it and continues the project.
>just connect to the dev irc channel if you're curious.
nice try doxxpillow
fake news media
aggressive kabedon sexual harassment just leaked
imagine posting on /g/ but still being too retarded to know how to spoof your IP address
IRC is not discord what fucking good would it do connecting to the IRC without any context except 'pillow harassing and immediately permabanning you
>'pillow harassing and immediately permabanning you
imagine falling for these fake meme unironically. the absolute state.
I will connect if you post 5 lines of log
if you're not genuinely interested i dont care, i'm just the messenger here. you either take it or you leave it. what you do is no concern of mine
Not convincing!
you can create a filter complex with ffmpeg to achieve this, but it will still require you to input a long command line to do so, so I don't see how that would fix your issue if you're just looking for a convenient way to watch things in 3x3

this issue might be relevant to what you're looking for, I'm sure you could easily extend this out to a 3x3 grid:

the only issue would obviously be if you're trying to keep these videos in sync, which is a much more complicated affair.
What's a good place to visit in Vienna?
pedotroon thread
>"good" place
visit confederationpillow westward
fine dining in austria is so expensive
> ffmpeg mpv yt-dlp
The autistic man

> vlc youtubetomp3/mp4
The normie

> handbrake mpc-hc clipconverter
The chad
>The chad
>ffmpeg wrapper #1, ffmpeg-to-directshow wrapper #2, ffmpeg wrapper #3
any settings in vlc to:

1. preload entire video into ram so I can INSTANTLY skip around?
2. preload X amount of NEXT videos in a playlist so they can be INSTANTLY switched to when I click "n"?
>1. preload entire video into ram so I can INSTANTLY skip around?

>2. preload X amount of NEXT videos in a playlist so they can be INSTANTLY switched to when I click "n"?

and then just navigate playlist queue
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halo /g/ why my mpv acting all wonky? doesnt happen on any other player
New anti racism feature. I recommend switching to madvr instead.
honest question since i know some encoder people browse this shithole, why do people even bother to mux in stuff like audio tracks and sub tracks into a container? why not just leave them as external files and only keep the video track in the container?
how do you use yt-dlp to download a blob link on an arbitrary website? can't figure it out. there's no source url for the media. does yt-dlp even do this kind of thing?
huh? why would you want all those files lying around when you could just have one?
do you have an example
what's the difference exactly? most media players can open external files just fine, and it makes remuxing less of a pain
random link my friend wanted extracted so I spent a while trying and gave up. generates this blob link:
open dev console -> network tab -> search m3u8 -> copy url -> download with yt-dlp
why is MPV so much more shit than android VLC? android VLC can search files. it has easy playist functions. MPV android is a fucking trainwreck.
oh there we go. thank you
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>tfw too stupid to download youtube videos
True, mpv on Android is unusable. You cannot use any of the mpv customization features, hardware decoding is shit, just use VLC.
github activity matches drama shizo timeline π∆®
>self awareness and honesty
i can help you, retardbro
I prefer to just see 12 files for a season, instead of needing to pick the correct video files instead of a sub or audio file which mostly the same filename.
Seems like it left the important parts visible though
How would you download highest m4a audio in combination with highest bitrate video? Something like:
yt-dlp -S 'br+bestaudio[ext=m4a]' URL

I've tried different combinations of the quotes or the 140 code, and I've looked through the manual and stackexchange but I couldn't find anything.
How can I flip/mirror the video over the vertical plane?
ffmpeg -i in.mkv -vf vflip out.mkv
>ffmpeg has sold out and become corporate trash
>mpv has died
>yt-dlp on it's last legs before google cracks down
It's truly over
you can just keep subs and audio tracks in separate subfolders anon. there are already release groups that do this
> just
Without any additional work?
fagmangoy just commited
dramaschizo lost
i never said he was involved in the drama. in fact, dmg is the most likely person to fork the project and continue it. he already has some minor contributors that would support the hostile fork
thank you for sharing the good news.
i was holding my breath through out this lengthy ordeal.
and my thanks are extended to everyone involved in what must have been a marathonic effort to bring mpv back.
yeah, he committed suicide. so you lost
dmg has been real silent about the drama for some reason. what's going on?
Could someone tell me what yt-dlp -f 'bv*[ext=mp4]+ba[ext=m4a]' means?
"bv" stands for "bestvideo", I don't know what "*" is and [ext=mp4] selects mp4 as the output format
"bestaudio" in the m4a format?
>i never said he was involved in the drama. in fact,
You didn't fucking say anything.
just check irc you retard. it's so simple.
Just post the logs if you want anybody to believe you.
im not going to bother copypasting logs that are scattered between 4 days now. if you're not already in the irc channel then you dont really care anyways. you better hurry before they shut down the irc channels by kicking everyone out.
Then nothing happened.
can't tell if retard or just pretending to be
do you guys not have an irc client or something? why are you so scared to check yourself?
I'm just not going to bother for something that didn't happen.
ok suit yourself. but just stop complaining about the fact that you dont know how to use irc and begging people to post logs when youre not interested enough to see them yourself. its weird and desperate
confirmed retard who doesn't even know how irc works
Learn to read then.
why dont you post logs instead then and satisfy the retard you're replying to? im not obligated to fill people in on drama. you either know or you dont know
>having an argument over literally nothing
classic /g/
Well nothing's happening, so what else can you do?
nothing ever happens
pillowchad won
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Why mpv has such shitty deinterlacing? And no options at all, vlc literally mogs it.
if you're hardware decoding you're just going to use whatever deinterlacer is built into your gpu
>And no options at all
this is incorrect though
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requesting a QRD on libplacebo and why people shit on it and stay on some old version of mpv
mpv --lavfi-complex='[vid1] bwdif [vo]'

post side-by-side comparison now
Once upon a time, there was a french guy...actually let's skip that. There was a Hungarian guy...actually let's skip that. Meh, let's skip everything, the answer is too long.
nanoseconds killed their family
they were too (slow!)
the family had orange blood
an intruder usurped the king and took over his project.
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nvm, i used an already compressed and deiterlaced video, here's how it really is, no big difference really.
just in case you misunderstood me. bwdif is a deinterlacer itself. you shouldn't enable mpv's deinterlacer with it.
retard here, I have a srt file with subs for multple episodes of a show all in one file. when watching the later episodes it's a huge pain in the ass to adjust sub sync just with the z key which changes the delay only in very small increments. is there a easy way to manually set the values of the sub delay in mpv?
Also be sure to blow a kiss to Guido every time you use it.
set sub-delay 0
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I hope it can be seen in the screenshot. Notice the washed out blacks lacking in range: hair, clothing, face. I think it has something to do with HDR. I have windows hdr enabled. How do I fix this?

I'm using a nvidia 4060 ti.


This is the source

ID : 1
Format : HEVC
Format/Info : High Efficiency Video Coding
Format profile : Main 10@L5.1@Main
Duration : 51 min 53 s
Bit rate : 14.3 Mb/s
Width : 3 840 pixels
Height : 2 160 pixels
Display aspect ratio : 16:9
Frame rate mode : Constant
Frame rate : 23.976 (24000/1001) FPS
Color space : YUV
Chroma subsampling : 4:2:0
Bit depth : 10 bits
MPC-HC+madVR should fix this

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