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>Finally, Wallossek took a microscope to the RTX 4080 Gallardo's paste to see its individual properties. Sure enough, the paste is a cheaply made formula with a weird oily mixture that dries up in minutes if you wipe it with your finger. It also has particles of up to 16 µm, which Wallossek says is too big for a thermal paste application. Massive particles of aluminum oxide have been added to the paste to achieve higher thermal conductivity easily in the short term, but quickly reduce its effectiveness in the long term as the particles create enough space for the oily paste to run through and out of the particles altogether, causing the paste to dissolve quickly.


If you bought a 40-series card I suggest you repaste that shit ASAP
>NVIDIA are jews
thanks for letting me know. I'll be buying used 4080 GPUs during the next years.

also, post link you faggot.
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I haven't watched him in a while, but that guy northwest repair says all 4090s will a problem some time or another, though I can't remember if this was the reason
Did Igor test laptop GPU paste, too?
6000 and 7000 series by AMD have the same issue. The hotter the card, the faster the paste pumps out. The fix is to buy reference which uses a pad or XFX which switched from using paste to PTM7950 recently.
What's the problem? Just repaste it like you do with your CPU each year.
Worst part is then hiding a screw on the HSF behind a warranty sticker, so you can't (or actually "shouldn't") even replace it yourself.

Yeah, no, EU, gib consumer protection!
Replacing thermal paste is a regular electronic device maintenance job, that shit has no right to hide behind warranty.

t. replaced themal paste on his RX580X, apparently for the first time (warranty sticker) and that jet fighter is now a former jet fighter, holy shit, what the fuck.
People've probably returned this card because it was too loud for them, how can a manufacturer be this incompetent?
After many years I started having computer problems: turns out that the thermal pad on the CPU (that the cooler came with, preapplied) had flat out disintegrated. There was no trace of it. Is that normal?
works on my machine, haven't replaced thermal paste in 8 years
some of these scummy companies void your warranty when you repaste your gpu. not all but some.
... each year?
you should really do it twice a year
depending on the paste quality and average cpu temp even more
This is like when I found out that people wash their sheets weekly.
Planned obscolescence, they want you to burn out your card faster/buy a new one because it has become loud and slow (because it's being thermal throttled, because the paste is degraded and you are not allowed from replacing it).

Go hire ten engineers, pay them the industry standard, to figure out what their colleagues are doing and suggest laws to protect the consumer.
Something like that exists, at least here in Germany, but they are retarded or slow or incomptent when it comes to IT.
In the US the whole Magnusson-Moss warranty act makes those sorts of stickers invalid, though getting manufacturers to actually follow the damn law has been a pain. The FTC did at least toss a warning letter over it to several of the large electronics OEMs recently, but it is obnoxious on how much they have been dragging their butt on doing more.
Fucking retard.
Does this affect Founders Edition GPUs?
>If you bought a 40-series card I suggest you repaste that shit ASAP
I always do, it doesn't void warranty here. No matter if it's a GPU from either brand, a laptop, etc.
This is called planned obsolescence btw.
most valuable post itt imo
Just buy Thermal Grizzly™, the best thermal compound brand and be done with it.
>NVIDIA are jews
As much as I dislike them, this isn't Nvidia's fault. It's jewry from video card vendors/manufacturers and propably affects AMD cards and other generations of cards with Nvidia GPUs too.
Would be great if some big name tech YT like GamersNexus did a large scale review of the thermal compounds used in several cards from different manufacturers including ones with lower tier GPUs
> save 5 tenths of a penny on thermal paste
>lose millions in sales and goodwill
why do companies keep doing this?
they did worse for a long time. most regulations around companies exist because they are innately horrible entities that only want profit.
OP is a faggot, but the news itself is real.
I use an MSI one and my temps are still preem
if you buy $1k++ GPUs but haven't invested $1k into custom watercooling which will last you a lifetime, you are a braindead niggercattle
just carefully remove it or buy 1000s of such stickers on aliexpress for a buck. It's not like the warranty claim guy will check if those stickers are genuine
because they're chinks and chinks have nigger IQs
>to move heat literally 12 inches to the side
Why even bother, spend a single dollar on better paste.
>In 1906, Upton Sinclair published The Jungle, a novel talking about conditions and practices in American meat packing plants. Amongst the book's findings was the practice, up until then not known by the average American, that meat packing plants would occasionally collect cow turds off the floor of the factory and mix them into the sausage production in order to increase sausage output for the day. This directly led to the formation of the Food and Drug Administration later that year.
Modern industry is all about cheap out as much as possible, even of safety measures. Once you get caught, fight as much to swift the blame to others (either circumstances, companies, customers, etc) and only when you get caught hands down, pay the tiny fee that muh government establishes and go business as usual.
This way of thinking comes unironically from Judaism, as it's a chutzpah.
I haven't repasted anything, all parts from 2015
i hope you enjoyed the irony of shifting blame while blaming blame shift.
Heh, maybe the US was doomed from the start
>selling a $1000 gpu
>cheap out on the thermal paste
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The board makers dont get $1000 for selling a $1000 gpu. They get what's left over after it costs them to assemble the PCBs and coolers.
Your base MSRP bottom model RTX 4080 has the same actual dollar profit for MSI, asus, gigabyte etc. as they make from an rx7600.

Anyways here's my 1 year old MSI Suprim X 4080, stock oem thermal paste.
Ambient 29.5C (or more localized in my room).
Completely normal behavior, but then again the suprim x is a top dollar model.
Who's going to try to say a 45C delta from ambient at 380 watts means my paste is bad?
>Your base MSRP bottom model RTX 4080 has the same actual dollar profit for MSI, asus, gigabyte etc. as they make from an rx7600.
This isn't true. Business deals are based on percentage markup after expenses.
they can obviously tell the paste is changed by the color or feel.
stopped reading there
Not the first time a Gallardo's gone over 100C
AMD has the same fucking issue of pump out effect, no one in the industry uses PTM 7950 except Nvidia founders edition cards.
Founders edition have been good since the 3k series. Just don't buy middle man product...
After the death of the Chevron doctrine, the only way to enforce this is by lawsuits. Manufacturers will continue to use warranty void if removed stickers and there's nothing we can do about it because US law doesn't apply to megacorpos.
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XFX switched to PTM
The 5 tenths of a penny adds up to a few million dollars in production costs. And number went up in your financial disclosures so investors will pour in. Customer satisfaction only matters to private businesses with no capital-venture interests.
This isn't true, only children think this.

If someone won't honor your warranty, all you need to do is go to your bank/credit card issuer and explain the problem. They'll just take the money back from the seller and give it back to you. In order for the seller to undo this, they suddenly have to sue your bank.

And yes, your bank WILL go to bat for you if you've actually be defrauded. I got my money back from Newegg years ago when they wouldn't honor my motherboard warranty for no reason.
It doesn't need to be done twice a year. Don't be ridiculous.
>They get what's left over after it costs them to assemble the PCBs and coolers.
Which is going to be a couple of hundred dollars.
NTA but when my Silicon Power NVME SSD died it turned out Newegg sold me a different controller than advertised but since I removed the warranty sticker to check they tried to deny me refund or warranty. When I brought up the moss warranty act shit they suddenly changed their tune and refunded me. Lesson is companies will try to fuck you until you fight back.
Nigger how many units do you think they're selling?
Also, ruining your reputation by nickel and dimming on high end products adds up to a destroyed company image.
>This directly led to the formation of the Food and Drug Administration later that year.
> later that year
lol once they found out there was cow shit in the food they responded quickly lmao
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let's see your furmark2 hotspot
>> save 5 tenths of a penny on thermal paste
>>lose millions in sales and goodwill
anon... they can always blame the customer and have them buy another GPU

I mean, you are right, their profits are whatever they can charge over their costs. but after the shitcoin and COVID crazes, you'd assume that they are making a shitload of money... right?
>meat packing plants would occasionally collect cow turds off the floor of the factory and mix them into the sausage
We've had proof since 1906 that America was founded by indians. Wake up sheeple.
>not repasting your GPU as soon as you buy it

fucking normies
not in EU, those stickers are just decoration
I use a liquid cooler on my CPU and replaced the liquid with thermal paste so technically I repaste continuously
I would actually be surprised if a move to any cheaper paste would actually grant you savings.
There are so many industry standard paste options out there that become unbelievable cheap in bulk. To go out of your way to specify a low quality paste to their manufacturing contractors when they already have truckloads of various Dow Corning or MicroSI pastes on hand, I really don't see where it makes sense.

I can only guess that either manufacturing has completely rolled back to wholly own manufacturing lines or contracted manufacturers somehow even have worst pastes on tap or don't charge extra to use a paste that Asus, GB or whoever will have shipped to them for use on their GPUs.
nvidia is making bank from the business sector. Gaming GPUs are an afterthought to them at this point. They could drop out from the gaming market entirely and it would probably benefit them.
Nvidia aren't the ones doing this, board partners are.
the "liquid metal" paste eats the aluminum
It's like there was never anything there at all.
Happens with all pieces of cast or milled aluminum, even the hardened ones, not only coolers but all things made of it.
Nice to know to open locks and doors, I guess.
Use Artic Silver at least next time
I guess I will. For future reference, do I just take a letter opener or something and scrape off the pre-applied thermal pad?
My ROG Strix OC 4090 has been in service about 15mo. now, temps are still the same here. It doesn't even get hot unless you're really pushing it hard.
May as well run all your fans at max, no shit Furmark is going to make any GPU hotspot read 95+C
In reality, putting 380-390 watts through a 4080 is near useless. I get a less than 5% FPS decrease running the core at 225-250w and the whole card using less than 260-280, and the temps drop 10C on the gpu avg, 15c on the hotspot.

I just changed my stock paste for some MX5, guess what the difference is so small you can barely tell. And I did a thin spread, perfect mounting, and maxed out the screws for peak mounting pressure.
There are pastes better than MX5 for sure, but with GPUs you gain nothing from 2C, they work on 15Mhz clock bins in 5C steps. It's pointless to chase paste temps on a GPU you are using for main driver, long term.
The 4090 Strix has a heatsink bigger than the sun attached to it, it could probably work without any paste
>meat packing plants would occasionally collect cow turds off the floor of the factory and mix them into the sausage production in order to increase sausage output for the day

lol sounds like the chad meat packers clocked the greenhorn for a dandy newsman and decided to play a joke on him
I wonder how many times workplace hijinks have made history.
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You might want to reapply paste and thermal pads anyway.
What is even the point of these non reference card suppliers anyhow? It seems like these literal faggots just serve as a tool to fuck consumers over. Next time I'm buying reference cards only.
t. Jensen
Is there a list of shitty vendors and what retarded shit they do?
What does nvidia have to do with this if it's the graphics card manufacturers who choose the thermal paste?
my 4080 hotspot delta has been creeping up since i bought it. im not surprised. if i didnt undervolt i would have considered repasting already, but i think i will wait a couple of years as my cpu is weak anyway so i dont lose much from further undervolts until i leap frog the cpu as is tradition
they are nvidia cards. it's just describing the situation. dont get your panties in a bunch, shill-kun
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Nshartia's fanboys cannot just stop sucking cocks.
None of this matters unless you bought cheapest garbage those GPUs run at 60c.
i got a rog strix 1060 in 2017 and never repasted it and it still has same temps as when i bought it

sad what has happened to gpu manufactories
If you buy a 4080 or up you should be getting PTM in that no excuses
> behind the sticker
Is this a problem in the USA? Here in Germany you can do whatever the fuck you want with your card and unless they can prove the defect is your fault, it's under original warranty terms.
How does that disproves the point he made?
>bought a 3080Ti from Gigabyte manufacturer in 2021
I never had a problem with it, but this post made me wonder if that's the case also for the 3xxx series.
what is ptm
Retards believe in consumer choice to buy cards built like shit because it's a few dbs quieter
you cant even get reference cards in my country
Can i 'repaste' my GPU with liquid metal or is that a bad idea? (The cooler is nickel-plated)
What’s vague about the Magnusson-Moss warranty act, anon?
liquid metal is terrible and causes corrosion

only retards or people expecting their cards to die use it
My PS5 is fine though.
The best thermal compound is one of those weird pads that they only sell to commercial businesses. I forgot the name of it now, but it lasts and lasts and lasts and lasts. Honeywell something.

This, their stock didnt go up 10,000% because they make long lasting products. SUCKERS
depending on your body and how well your room ventilates it might be necessary. My sheets get kind of gross if I don't

It's the opposite, the death of Chevron made the USG weaker in court and corps stronger. So better off trying to hope you get your refund the normal way.
Yeah, Northwestrepair talked about this last year. Various 4080, 4090s, 7900XTX, and 6900XT with pumped out paste and wrong pad sizes and the customer send it in because they're too scared to open their own GPU to fix the temp issues. He don't complain too much because it's easy fix (easy money).
He does complain about the 12VHPWR connector still being complete garbage
Necessary if you're allergic to dust
Everyone does. Debaurer calls it the worst cable ever.
These fags sell it at a markup but it is legit and ships from faster than China.

Its actually really freakin good
Way ahead of pastes under various conditions
I wonder how it stacks up against liquid metal
It's on par with liquid metal. Going forward companies are starting to replace liquid metal with PTM for safety and longevity. I wouldn't be surprised if PS5 pro switches to PTM instead of LM.
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Chart Related
my work seems to receive small things of this for our builds, we have computers that sit outside in relatively stagnant heat and put these grey rectangles on the underside of the ram, id assume its the same product. might need to grab a couple of the spares and give it a whirl
And you're still out a GPU and still have to buy a new one. Warranties should just work. Consumer protection in the US is dead. it was never very strong to begin with, but it's weaker than ever. I just wasted 2 months of my life with a credit union that decided to change some fees at the last minute. Mind you, these fees can't be changed under the current mortgage regulations. They also (((forgot))) to lock in my interest rate, so it went up by 0.5%. So what was my recourse? Contacting the CFPB which gives them 60 additional days to respond. If the creditor responds in any way, the case is considered closed. Meanwhile, my purchase contract expires way before then. So my options are: a) apply lube and get fucked in the ass by the credit union b) try and find another institution that will close in less than 30 days c) lose the house and my EMD.
man, that's incredible, the huge differences between shit quality paste and good ones.
DAMN this is crazy, is it easy to acquire this and use it for my CPU and GPU?
LTT store sells it officially. If you're a bargain hunter you can also get it on AliExpress or Amazon. It's supposed to be used for laptops, GPUs, consoles, stuff meant to never be reopened. You can use it on your CPU too but paste works just as okay.
>another "buy poomd" shitpost
buy an ad, chinksects
PTM7950 is a specific model of those types like how you have different types of pastes in the market
Chances are your work is buying the cheap chinky stuff since Honeywell ptm7950s are very expensive
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Hey boys, don't forget to buy the Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut for your CPU and for GPU!


The Thermal Grizzly sells the objectively best thermal pastes!
you actually googled this
then pasted the link here
and added the picture here
then posted this image
you really did all that work
and all this actual advertizing
for free nigga

>I suggest you repaste that shit ASAP
Founders Edition uses PTM7950
so if you are going to disassemble your GPU, you should find an authentic one and use that instead
I heard it can be tricky to apply and that putting it into a fridge (or even freezer?) will help
fuck off back to tom's shartware, albert
There are first-graders who know not to make this mistake.
>if you buy $1k++ GPUs but haven't invested $1k into custom watercooling which will last you a lifetime, you are a braindead niggercattle
Thinking you are going to still be using this GPU in 70 years.
Your post really projects the consumer mindset of modern builders.
Someone pays for a GPU and watercooling and assumes the entire setup is thrown way when a new GPU comes out because apparently no one nowadays ever takes parts from one build to another.
DESU I'd expect nothing less from AIBs nowadays
They rather give people garbage than concede that maybe being an AIB doesn't make sense.

NV could shut all of them out tomorrow if they really wanted to.
It's a popular phase change pad (paste variant also available) meant for direct die applications like laptop CPUs and GPUs.
A conventional thermal paste will pump out of the chip over time because the constant heating and cooling cycles cause the processor to expand and contract at microscopic levels.
Phase change thermal interface materials minimize the pump-out effect by having them harden at lower temperatures and soften to a paste-like substance at higher heat loads.

NVIDIA's RTX 40 series Founders Edition cards started using these phase change pads.
>XFX which switched from using paste to PTM7950 recently.
Do you have a date for that? I'm having trouble finding one.
4090 coolers are over-engineered
4080 typically use the same cooler as 4090
so you shouldn't see much of a difference with 4080
most/all 4090 also do great on air
what one should consider doing is power limiting the card to something like 80%
you'd lose max 5% fps at a greatly reduced power consumption and temps
>so you shouldn't see much of a difference with 4080
between 4080 on air and with water cooling*
>this isn't Nvidia's fault
No, it's actually nvidia's complete fault, AIBs have almost zero profits at the prices nvidia sells the chips, so they end up basically cheaping out on everything around it if they want to reach MSRP prices.
No AIB is obligated nor deserving to make Nvidia cards.
Their choice to make them, their choice to use shitty paste. It should be really eye opening that AIBs would give you junk than concede the few dollars they make.
I bought an Asus 4070S in february, temps really are ok w should I be worried ?
You'll know when it's time to repaste the card (noticeably louder fans & throttled boost frequencies).
The GPU won't die even in the worst case, its overtemperature protection is going to downclock the GPU boost frequency.
>third parties (aka not fucking NVIDIA) do a thing
>blame NVIDIA because you're a 40IQ corporation warrior
The idea is that if someone external changes a thing, it can't be guaranteed that nothing else happened. Same reason you can't RMA or warranty repair a monitor if you knock a chip off of its panel.
Dodge Bros. vs Ford. Corporations (and non-American ones apparently abide by this too) are legally beholden to maximizing shareholder profits over all else.

what is to come, chinks remember ample source of napalm available and use what is, nerds worldwide with housefires
Also, no source.
Sad how many illiterate zoomers there are on this board.
>recommending LM to non-enthusiasts
yeah no
go with a good quality traditional paste, or their kryosheet or honeywell
something you have to replace every ~5 years not something to replace every year
>>>101509997 (You)
>>third parties (aka not fucking NVIDIA) do a thing
>>blame NVIDIA because you're a 40IQ corporation warrior
nice twisted logic, retard. having shitty paste benefits both ngoydia and manufacturers, because their devices shit themselves and ngoydia ends up selling even more chips.

>corporation warrior
try looking at a mirror, you mentally ill unpaid shill
>it can't be guaranteed that nothing else happened
It's kinda up to the manufacturer to prove that
Even US law enforces the burden of proof on the maker.

I can understand that the "techs" dealing with warranties and RMAs are generally not tech savvy to put it very lightly or don't have much time to process a claim but that is not an excuse to blanket reject any product that has been opened or has slight witness marks to indicate that it's been open.
>nice twisted logic, retard. having shitty paste benefits both ngoydia and manufacturers, because their devices shit themselves and ngoydia ends up selling even more chips.
Yet the FE has great paste
This is purely on the AIBs, if they can't spring the extra cent for industry standard pastes that don't dry up in a year then maybe just quit making cards.
funny how these things cost around 1k nowdays and you wont even get quality :D
>noo the corporation can't set minimum standards for manufacturers to try to meet
how odd, they do exactly that, but not for thermal paste...
again, ever since the COVID, crypto and AI crazes, they all have been extracing shitload of money from consumers. they can't complain about lack of money.
even worse, ngoydia has no competition anymore. why would they even care about a few retards burning their cards? on the contrary, it's very convenient for all parties involved...
New released 7000 models have it. For example the 7900XTX magnetic air and maybe even the GRE
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Well, I guess I have to buy this cute little bucket of thermal paste!

Do you believe AIBs to be competent or not?
If AIBs have to be coddled and given explicit instructions on what fucking paste to use then what use are they?

If you just want them to be treated like a manufacturing contractor where literally every specification has to be spelled out then they are useless because it's 2024 and Quanta, Foxconn, Lite-on or the likes could easily take over production for every single consumer GPU NV makes. It's not 2001 where you need special SMT lines and supply chains to make a card.
I have a feeling that this is another marketing rollout to kill off AiBs and force everyone to buy direct from Nvidia.
I hope you enjoy your $4000 6090.
So what's effected? I wouldn't mind reapplying my thermal paste to keep it going.
Sounds like it's something that won't be picked up by any temperature sensors since it's denoting a hotspot.
Prices are dictated by NV anyway.
If anything this helps stop the retards at Asus from selling GPUs 50% over sticker.
>dirt-cheap paste that looses performance in months
Proofreading is truly a dead art.
I've read The Jungle. It's incredible and harrowing to read about what those people went through and the horrible stuff they dealt with in factories.


in the final chapter he goes on a rant about how socialism will fix everything (it was written a decade before socialism took off anywhere and started causing problems). In that chapter he describes doing dishes and laundry as being some of the most soul-crushing work a person can do, as bad or worse than everything he'd described prior. It totally undermines everything he has written prior in the book. Like, dude, if you have a problem with dishes, maybe you were exaggerating all the rest of the book.
why do people send cards to this guy for repair? Is it really cheaper than just buying a new card? I mean after shipping and labor, this kind of intensive repair has got to be minimum $1100
Why would one spend many hundreds of dollars on a piece of computer equipment then not ensure it’s properly protected? It’s been known for almost 3 decades now that stick thermal paste is awful
my 3060 has 94c hotspot on idle ;,,,;
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>Do you believe AIBs to be competent or not?
tell me how you've never had a job
it doesn't matter whether companies are competent or not. what really matters is short term gains. most of these companies will change names or simply go down and other will replace them.
250 should be max for all cards, i undervolt them to that and less
shouldn't it be cheaper that way with less cut takers
Since when has that been the case, anon? People are already buying at the current price so that would only reduce profit margins. If anything, its a reason for the to increase prices if they drop AIBs
Doing a real bang up job as more and more people are buying FEs and ignoring AIBs
>Using the stock thermal paste.
>Not applying your own well trusted brand.
>Trusting company that the paste they put there as literal bonus is actually good.

Shiggy Diggy Anon-sama. Some people are just too retarded to own computers.
Fuck off, nigger zoomer. You could use cum instead of paste and it'd work
Pretty much everything except FE/Ref/XFX. The hotter the card the worse it's gonna be.
show voltage curve

0.965v 2775mhz is the highest i can get out of my 4080 before i start getting ctds in games
because you have your fan rpm at 2252. my 6900xt never goes above 1200rpm.
Did you put it in a coffin
Is this worth caring about? It seems potentially very annoying.
you have the solution in this thread
It's going to happen to all GPUs that aren't using LM or PTM. The people with faster cards are going to notice it faster than the people with shitty cards. It's also already happening now if you shop used. People buying a 3080 or 3090 thing they got a steal but the hotspot is hitting 100C+ on the core and memory.
If you open the GPU you will void the warranty, plus no thermal paste is inmune to pump out effect, you need to use PCM like PTM7950.
Industrial laundry/dishwasher is a miserable job. Imagine doing it a hundred years ago and being told you don't get a water break. I bet people died from doing that shit.
There are plenty of pastes that don't pump out.
They just aren't a thing with retail pastes because people are super paranoid about thick pastes. There is an assumption they have to be spread manually and don't want the mess.
Even with honeywell PTM if didn't come in the idiot proof pad form and only the paste form was available, people wouldn't like it no matter how much better it is.
Not all companies void your GPU warranty when you open it. Sapphire and Powercolor make this clear that your warranty is still fine as long as you include all the original parts it came with. For example if I disassemble my Red Devil card to liquid cool it, my warranty is still valid as long as I send it back with the Red Devil cooler instead of my custom block.
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My 4090 gets to 78c under heavy load, it's over
NVIDIA has to cut corners to make those 60% profit margins on their reference GPUs, it's just they're not doing it nearly as much as AMD (which uses eco-friendly biodegradable masks). NVIDIA reference designs have also been famously unreliable. Even the so-called "professional" designs (the Quadro series) has also been cheap shit only marked up with a license.
MX-4 holds up to the advertised duration.
Only in certain countries does it actually void the warranty.
Yes they can try and pull the wool over your eyes but if you are persistent and stand your ground with what little rights you have you can take something apart in America without the warranty being voided.
FE uses Honeywell PTM tho
This is an AIB issue.

There is no such thing as a reference design anymore, not when every AIB has their own cooler.
>If you open the GPU you will void the warranty
this topic was already discussed in this thread...
are you """people""" really this lazy?
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Good thing I repaste my CPU and GPU daily.
MX-4 is only tested for CPU heat spreaders not direct die GPUs. Pump out happens on mx-4 faster than mx-6. The only way to solve for pump out is PCM because it's not separating apart overtime its getting a stronger bond overtime instead.
These fans aren't audible above the noise of my case/rads at 2250 (case at ~850 radsl fans at ~1050). Also you do see the temp is in the 75C range? My profile starts its ramp after 67C.

My curve is set for 1.01 at 2850, but what you're seeing is a high (not near max) overclock setting. The card can hold >3Ghz and pass 3dmark stress testing as such. I believe my 3dmark website records show 3030-3015Mhz.

>inb4 any comments
Card does 280watts at 62C at 1400 fan rpm on my normal settings.
Card stays cold enough for me to consider 1.01v acceptable.
VRAM stays below 70C even at +1625 and fully heatsoaked card.

I made a comment about the difference between MSRP-level cards and more expensive primo cards. This is the difference.
>Bought Asus TUF 4070
Should I be worried?
>maybe you were exaggerating all the rest of the book.
he was lmao
Most of that shit was completely made up
>The only way to solve for pump out is PCM
Time to stock up on Kryosheets then $$$.
Honeywell tpm 7950 is the good stuff.
But apparently the cheap chinese sales on A-Zon are legitimate too.
And apparently these work extremely well for direct-die cooling (GPUs and cpu delids)
>This is the difference.
If only the difference was worth it anymore.
Used to be the difference between a blower card and a good card was $40, now it's literally hundreds.
Of course I am bias in that I hold most traditional DIY PC brands in utter contempt.
LTT was already ahead of this. They bought an industrial roll for cheap and then started selling pieces on their store for a markup. It's a good side thing to sell since everyone is gonna be buying from consoles, to laptops, to handhelds and PCs, etc.
Yes, all thermal paste has a life span. Once it dries out and no longer conducts heat evenly, it's ... toast and needs to be removed and more reapplied.
>no really, they HAD to scam us to make profits
Lmao, kill yourself
>0.045 for 75mhz which probably equates to like 10 frames and 5-8 degrees
why bother

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