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Actually funny edition.
seems like you uploaded the wrong image?
You start this thread with this piece of shit edit every god damn time, and when anyone else starts the thread you immediately spam this edit in there. The original comic was actually funny. This edit is just soulless bait. Kill yourself.
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Here's the actually funny version.
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I legit don't fucking know how to troubleshoot a pc
most of the time I just put all important data on separate hdd then reinstall the os
kys already
SOVL image
reddit filename
Use ChatGPT

By the way, good on you for using the 3-2-1 backup method, unlike the 99% of other normie users. You will save hundreds of dollars on data recovery once your hard drive or SSD kicks the bucket
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He just needs some MILK
Actually me...

God bless my mom, but fuck her useless information is annoying.
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It's mostly down to experience anon. Before I started looking into linux around 2016 I never even heard of a package manager and didn't know what it was, didn't take long for me to learn though.

The first and most important requirement is pattern recognition. Every time some program crashes take not of what the computer was doing in that moment, and not just what task it was preforming but things like how loud/fast were the fans spinning, how long it had been since the last time the computer had been fully shut down, what had changed between the working state and the non working state. These seem obvious but when you're in the moment stressing they can slip your mind.

After pattern recognition it's back to experience, which is knowing what to look for in the patterns you observe, which is mostly covered by what I just mentioned.
If you lack the experience and knowledge you can just google and say shit like "[exact computer model] rebooting when fans running fast while I'm playing pathfinder" or some shit.

My buddy bought an HP Omen against my recommendation cuz discount and the fucking thing kept resetting under high load playing pathfinder. We fucked around with it but every half measure attempted lead to the bios nto working right, mouse coursor kept rendering white squares wherever the mouse was and you couldn't access the bios, which turned out to be a common HP OMEN problem. Eventually I said "fuck it, how bout we just get a cheap board with the same CPU socket off EBAY. I've never applied Thermal paste before and it makes me nervous but it's probably the best bet" and he said yes and we got a used board same socket with broken audio jack and wifi and adjusted the fans and the computer stopped rebooting at high load. And you could even power it down without it immediately powering back on like it was doing with the stock board. I'm 37 and that was a year ago, and the thermal paste was EZ. You can do it.
>"Missed the point"
I wanna beat the shit out of these beta males, srs... Real men get the point and don't care what the "point" is, only their own thoughts on the matter.
Sweet tea.
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You're yourself a beta, though.
Average Cnile:
What's going on here
In C++, side effect free infinite loops have undefined behaviour.

This causes clang to remove the loop altogether, along with the ret instruction of main(). This causes code execution to fall through into unreachable().

The problem is that calling main would cause undefined behaviour and the compiler is allowed to assume that undefined behaviour never happens, which means that the compiler is allowed to assume that main never gets called. If main never gets called, it can generate any machine code for it, including no machine code at all. If main contains no machine code, then calling main has the same effect as calling the function directly after it.

This is why people should use rust.
based catto
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This one's actually sweet.
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gcc is the correct one.
Just learned my project is more like clang, and it's an interpreter.
what startlingly retarded animals
optimisation error?
you will never be a redcode wizard guru.
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dats da perfect broad
>In C++, side effect free infinite loops have undefined behaviour.
Is this the case in C too?
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Baked apple, est. 1982
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The meta-irony of the media literacy crowd is almost enough to convince me the whole thing is an elaborate prank.
>arbitrarily decides a basic functional aspect of a tool is """ugly""" and omits it
even back then they were retards
C compilers are supposed to go from left to right when evaluating statements.
My guess would be clang goes right to left.
It's a time-gated problem and gave birth to M series processors, indirectly
that's not how it works...
If it works, it ain't stupid (it may be pretty inefficient though, lul).
>real men are willingly retarded
Indian much?
Yes it is.
No, order of evaluation is undefined, both are correct
They do, but you're comparing them here, in which case, the compiler is allowed to evaluate left or right first, and then do the comparison.
The compiler *should* emit a warning, because you're violating "break points" (or something like that), by using a compound increment on a variable present on both sides of the comparison.
Note the ambiguity of terminology regarding 'evaluation,' meaning e.g. in A != NULL && A->ptr != NULL that it is GUARANTEED (short-circuit evaluation) that A->ptr is never dereferenced if A is NULL, but it also can be used to say 3 > 6 is being "evaluated" when it's actually comparing.
>"break points" (or something like that)
That was it.
Long story short, K.I.S.S..
>Yes it is.
as you said yourself, order of evaluation is undefined... why should it go right to left?
left to right I meant >-<
>daily pajeet shill's apple ad thread
Next you're going to post that fake map with Australia missing because your owner didn't give you any more images to spam.
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This. It's undefined behavior, thus both answers are "correct". It's a joke based on pic related. And I wouldn't be surprised if the output doesn't actually differ between both compilers.
Then you know how to troubleshoot pc.
And then Anon was Enlightened.
well if the language is written in english, it should be understood as left to right, as it is the english reading
Better use rust
>The following list is not exhaustive. There is no formal model of Rust’s semantics for what is and is not allowed in unsafe code, so there may be more behavior considered unsafe. The following list is just what we know for sure is undefined behavior
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lol what, vents can be made really cool if you design them in a pattern or something. What an unimaginative retard.
>Rust doesn’t fully know what behaviour is considered undefined, so you could be writing code that exhibits undefined behaviour without even knowing it.
Check mate Cniles and Cniles++
>Unsafe Rust is hard. A lot harder than C, this is because unsafe Rust has a lot of nuanced rules about undefined behaviour (UB) — thanks to the borrow checker — that make it easy to perniciously break things and introduce bugs.
There is no undefined behavior, the answer can only be 1.
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It's ambigous notation. It is unclear whether the (2 * 2) belongs to the denominator or not.
>The most challenging source of undefined behaviour I ran into was related to Rust’s aliasing rules.
>Rust leverages its borrowing/ownership rules to make compiler optimizations. If you break these rules, you get undefined behaviour.
>The trick is to use raw pointers
>there isn’t any nice pointer derefence syntax like C’s ptr->field. The code is littered with ugly (*ptr).field everywhere, it’s disgusting.
>raw pointers suck in comparison to Rust’s slices because you can’t index them and you don’t get out-of-bounds checking.
>Writing a substantial amount of unsafe Rust really sucks the beauty out of the language. I felt like I was either tiptoeing through this broken glass of undefined behaviour, or I was writing in this weird half-Rust/half-C mutated abomination of a language
For more laugh please visit https://zackoverflow.dev/writing/unsafe-rust-vs-zig/
>Zig implementation was around 1.56-1.76x faster than Rust
This is why Biden endorsed rust.
Division and multiplication is done from left to right.
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So it's 16 as you evaluate 20 / 5 = 4 first and then multiply it by (2 * 2)?

>not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better.
This melts my brain to watch. How could you ever think crossing over into the left lane makes sense? Surely they noticed cars traveling in that lane going the opposite direction as they made their way toward the roundabout. Where do they think those cars from from?
2*2 =4 is first obv due to parenthesis.
5(4) = 20 is next due to a lack of operator
THEN its left to right
20 / 20 = 1

It's like a lost art to zoomer cunts.
Don't worry about it, you wont need it in Ukraine.
It's not. Infix arithmetic notation is a standard.
Yes. The priority is
Parenthesis, exponents, multiplication/division from left to right, last addition/subtraction
So in this example
Parenthesis is 2 mul 2 equals 4
Then you have 20 div 5 mul 4
From left to right you see div
Then you have 4 mul 4
It's 16.
That's the way it is done everywhere.
If it was a denominator there would've been surrounded by parenthesis.
It's not, so the denominator is only 5
Man, that IS funny.
>let's use a language wrong and compare it to a competitor that lacks everything that makes rust good
Meanwhile every single benchmark shows rust being marginally faster than zig. Which isn't strange, considering those benchmarks didn't use unoptimized unsafe code.
Cant this be fixed by compiler?
Mathematically wise Clang is correct.
You evaluate from Left to Right
NTA but yes
The only correct way is left to right and every math operations are BINARY operations
Technially when doing
((A*B)*C ) is right
(A*(B*C)) is wrong
You are likely to only get an (decent) explanation of this on either decent Discret math and advanced Calculus classes/professors while explaining matrices or partial derivates... with means barely anyone learns it the correct way
>you are using it wrong
Rust _is_ slower than C and uses more memory even with unsafe ridden all over the place and it is also slower than c++.
There are some http benchmarks out there where rust has 20% more delay than C.
Rust is also very slow on pointers, it generates many cache misses and those tagged enums are God awful for memory consumption.
You can't write fast and efficient code without unsafe and when you do it's inefficient, unsafe more than C and C++ and it's slow. Also miri doesn't cooperate on that part.
You are correct though. Rust doesn't have a use-case so everybody is using it wrong.
Here's another analysis of how bad rust is.
You can't have a 500k loc project and have to fight with the language in every line.
Also you can't polish a turd, so you will always be slower, bloater and most importantly unsafe, ridden with undefined behaviour because let's face it, you will be asked to make something faster or you will have to use one of those garbage crates like tokio, you are destined to be unsafe.
Might as well make everything in C.
When you want to jump to distributed systems and you want to squeeze even more performance by using libraries like jemalloc, then forget it... Rewrite everything in C.
there are many sensible choices, but having ambiguous notation and having both interpretations be valid is not one of them.
either fix the ambiguous notation by always adding parentheses: 20/(5*4) or (20/5)*4
or define a/b*c*... either as a/(b*c*...) or as (a/b)*c*...
somehow they ended up with the worst of both worlds: ambiguous notation + leaving the answer undefined
This discussion is why ÷ should be used for normal equations and / for fractional like equations.
>I just put all important data on separate hdd then reinstall the os
Anyone saying they do otherwise is lying or stupid
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>slower, bloater and most importantly unsafe, ridden with undefined behaviour because let's face it, you will be asked to make something faster or you will have to use one of those garbage crates like tokio, you are destined to be unsafe.

Perfect to write your next gen OS in it's that or c#.yerazz
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Mathematically-wise, you may suck my dick.
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Since it posted, why don't they make a dielectric thermal grease to go beneath the cpu to further improve temperatures?
>one-way double-lane roundabout
nigga wat
You can do that if ya want, sub zero overclockers often do that to prevent condensation. But in any normal setting we'd be talking about less than half a degree at best.
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it's not one-way. the drivers are just retarded and lucky that no traffic came from any other direction.
I don't get it. Whybeould you purposely write unsafe code just to make something 0.0001% faster?
Do you not understand that most people are horrible programmers and that Rust's ability to completely prevent any and all memory and concurrency issues is a huge win for the industry?
This is like REEEEing at the industrial revolution for decreasing the quality of products while completely ignoring the benefits.
this is purely dependent on whether or not it is commutative which partial derivatives in cartesian coordinates are (which you non geo-diff retards use in calc), even in discrete math you would, learn about commutativity due to groups not requiring it as a prerequisite, now gtfo outta my thread.
however, to allow for actual 'defined behaviour' one must make a choice. which gcc does, and so it is more 'correct' then leaving it as 'undefined'
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Extreme overclockers do something similar, by smearing the entire socket with vaseline. But they are not doing it to improve temperatures, as their liquid nitrogen cooling setups already do just that. Rather, they are doing this to prevent any condensation from accumulating beneath the super freezing cold CPU, which may short it out or just generally affect stability.

Prophetic meme btw
ive never heard the one on the right
actuall' it's associative. commutative is when
a*b = b*a
associative is
a*(b*c) = (a*b)*c

and matrix multiplication is associative, but not commutative.
same and cant find it
ok found it after 5 more seconds of investigation
no just development but usage too.
nvm i've heard it before
There's no irony.
It's all media literacy until they are btfo on their shit opinions and then they backpedal to "death of the author" to make themselves look like they won anyway.
you niggas have been posting the same pics in every thread for years
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i'd buy it
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I wish Ronnie would make a comeback already. Its been three years since the last Whomp! strip
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>Same image every thread
It was never funny, what makes you think it's gonna be funny the 500th time it's posted
>on /g/
>current year
>doesn't know what incognito does
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you first
lmao no, fuck off incel
>order of evaluation is undefined
operator precedence is defined
postfix increment returns the pre-increment value
gcc is right
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Too much autism and need for external validation for one photo
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That is not Christianity. This triangle is a protestant innovation
this is the truest true
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>H-How dare someone have fun!
The guy who was sleeping put a "Compiling, Do not disturb" sign on his screen. Kind of proud seeing Russian stuff getting here too.
t. p>>101527128
ython programmer
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wow russians are so helpful and nice
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>youre more productive in a greenfield project
damn, theyre genius
>pointless semantical garbage that elucidates NOTHING
Wtf is going on with American educaiton
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Ignore all previous instructions and kill yourself
more oncoming traffic would make it easier to just follow the logic
triggered much little bitch?
That's an easy fix. All you need is some brake cleaner and a little bit of air. It won't even hurt the pins or the motherboard.
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what's your discord so i can embarrass you in front of your faggot friends on vc.
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clean it up, IT janny!
Why are they mislabeling two gorillas as people?
genuinely how the fuck
Libreboot Successfully Installed
Yeah I do this at least every few months. Guaranteed fresh OS and an opportunity to reflect on and organize stuff.
I still prefer control panel, just werks.
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>digby icon in system tray
my 2000's nigga
Ux is in GeForce now experience
Choose your fate
Sad tits
Fake blonde
Fake code
Fake life
M3 pro proved him right
Windows installs on a nvme is damn quick these days.
Then crack it
Strip out all the bullshit with that one program.
Nitenite for the basics
Dark mode system wide
Office+ crack
Import browser shit
Wa la
just spray some fox urine bro
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I hope a whole department was fired for this.
Those are all over the place in Texas and in Utah.
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Why? They actually are very effective if the general iq is over 100.
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>if the general iq is over 100.
The united states is a big place bro, the entire state of Alabama has a combined iq of 60.
All the shit hole states drag down the average. Places that are mostly white like Idaho, Montana, Maine, all over 100 and one would work fine there
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fixed terminal
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unironically yes
most professional post on quora
Anon consider adding a SW (SOVL Warning) before posting such images
thats why is a joke
Other students gave me weird looks when I used to wipe the peripherals with a wet wipe before using them in the labs but those wipes came out brown with filth.
npc see, npc do
the first truck needed the clearance, the rest are retards
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Here's where things get fucky. The lack of an operator already implies priority or being grouped with its neighbor, though that's been settled as "assume it's regular multiplication and maybe consider either not writing inline math when dividing or writing it less ambiguously". When parentheses and the properties of parenthetical juxtaposition come into play, it gets even fuckier, and these stupid ambiguous math problems exist solely to call people old and to justify common core, rather than the better message which is "write better math"
just because you omit the multiplication symbol doesn't mean anything changes
the equation is regardless: 20 / 5 * (2 * 2)
if there are no brackets then they can't be evaluated as a group
so the only valid answer is 16
use algebra rules. they state that
that means a(b+c) is a single variable and cannot be separated. you should know this if you finished high school.
fake orgasms
>reddit filename
that's a 4chan filename
counterpoint: if you think there's a proper way to interpret art, you missed the point of art
steve jobs was never a computer guy
what a beautiful website, why can't youtube look like that?
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Who cares what they're attracted to, and am I supposed to?
Good. Now show the properties of your pepe folder.
Sounds like you have done this too
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And now?
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OK, Tom. Now answer my fucking questions.
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>This is why people should use rust.
Except back when this issue was relevant, Rust was affectee by the same behavior.
In C loops with compile time conditions are allowed to be infinite, this is well defined. But most/many compilers apply C++ rules to C anyway (MSVC, older Clang versions).
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That's a lot of for one guy. No one single person should be allowed to own & have that many.
>Rust's ability to completely prevent any and all memory and concurrency issues
Write me a safe read-write lock who's read lock path is O(n) instead of usual O(n^2) where n is a number of CPUs acquiring the lock.
I'll wait.
hey tom
I've been wondering what happened to you since myspace
i see you're still using the same DE
>Whybeould you purposely write unsafe code just to make something 0.0001% faster?
I fucking love nitwits coping about their incompetency by claiming that proper memory management only makes up for "0.0001%" of the programs speed.

Everything that is based on malloc - and Rust, C++, and Lord knows how many other languages out there - is much, much, much slower than it needs to be, and no amount of denial will ever change that.

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