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So, what does /g/ think? Am I right?
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>do you like things to just work
kek esl
I think the desktop attracted too many end-users and gamers. The user-space
has turned into garbage for that audience. Windows as the Unix/Linux
Desktop was popular for 30 years. Now these casual "Enthusiasts" who are
paid agents force their 3rd-world-OS ideas into everyones ass.

The future is *BSD as a server only operating system. *BSD's strength is
that nobody cares about it.

Linux on the desktop is about to be replaced by WSL because Windows just is
the better Linux Desktop. Always has been. In the end convenience trumps
ideology. Why should someone install Linux with a Desktop that isn't the
Windows Desktop when you can have the Windows Desktop and WSL? Soon the
only people using a Linux Desktop will be the same people who are developing
it. Just leave them behind.

And who is still using Desktops anyways? It is either servers (Linux and
*BSD) or Apps on Smart Devices or dedicated Video Games hardware. Apps
don't need a full blown Desktop to be launched. Games don't need a full
blown Desktop to be launched. Desktop is just a workplace for sad people.
>what does /g/
/g/ is not a person
please stop acknowledging their existence, trans is not a genre or technical attribute
>/g/ isn't a person
How do you refer to the people on the /g/ board? dear anons of /g/?
There should be a branch with "do you value your time?" that connects to either windows or macos
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this' especially true if you are a gamer
>value your time
>you are a gamer
i think that you're a cringe faggot and should kys
+ underage b@
if you value your time EVEN AS a gamer
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Yea, that's the best OS/Distro flowchart I've seen yet
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I think he means bait
first time Mint shilling is genuinely good
nice pasta pajeet
>non-autistic trans
no such thing bro, homosex + autism + depression = trans
I think that at the bottom "are you gay?", there should be followup questions...
>gay how?
>bottom > ubuntu
>top > fedora
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how is that sentence esl
Linux has 1% market share if you don't count chromebooks

you're not even a choice normal people consider at all. Linux alternatives are even more irrelevant than that
I only fumbled at "are you parents rich". 'It just works' is a phrase used to describe operating systems. Especially operating systems with a wide array of preinstalled software. Some tend to call it bloat, others a feature. The reason that I chose to put Ubuntu in the just work category is neither because I find it stable nor ideal. I categorized Ubuntu in 'just works' because it doesn't require any manual installations of drivers. Lurk more before you post anything else stupid. That aside, my first language is dutch.
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> no

where debian supremacy
This infographic was mad by a retard.
You can install Debian without systemd
>tranny autistic
what did I miss ?
Most of the problems regarding trannies arise from the NON homosex having ones, the ones that prey on women. The ones that seek to get dicked down are harmless.
Replace mint with Fedora, the thinking man's choice.
Well that chart covers pretty much everything, there could be Slackware after going 'no' to question 'Are you gay?' and it could split with 'Are you a boomer?' or 'Are you and old man?' or something like that and then put it there with mint. And you could add FSF approved distros to 'Do you value software freedom', add 'kinda' then add 'yes' branch there and expand from 'yes' with trisquel, parabola and guix
devs being pro LGBT and BLM cucks
Fedora does not 'just werk' since they swapped to wayland only so it's basicly this >>101520778
i see nothing wrong with this
gonna make a version 2 tommorow
I just discovered I'm trans - the autistic kind
>does the current system satisfy your needs beyond the need to distrohop
>YES - shut the hell up and leave it alone

>are you a windows user and not ready to switch to a different type of an OS
> YES - gpedit.exe, regex editor, services, even shitty bat/powershell scripts should do the trick and disable the autoupdates, the microshit shop, an ai ass-istant or whatever. Jewgle it.

>are you a mac user and not ready to switch to a different type of an OS
> YES - you are fucked

>do you want to have a coherent, put together system, even if it's a locked down corporate blackbox?
>YES - get a job and buy a mac

>are you a complete newfag?
>YES - install vmware player or virtualbox and get these images installed running on a virtual machine: ubuntu, debian, arch, freebsd, windows xp, windows 98, freedos + plus whatever OS catches your fancy. Make sure to explore everything, as you can fuck up as much as you want on a vm. Then install on a hardware (after making sure you have a backup bootable usb to unfuck things). This should clear things up more than any chart could.

>is it a bsd vs linux choice?
>YES, but fuck cuck licenses - stay with Linux (gentoo, void, slackware, crux)
>YES, linshit can go fuck itself - toss a coin for a random bsd system, you're going to reinstall anyway.
>YES, not sure - linux has better hardware support, but bsds have a reputation for less clusterfuck everywhere. Solution - try a bsd, it's always good to learn, but leave at least one linux distro as a familiar platform.

>are you lost choosing between all the linux distros

>niche stuff is everyone's personal business, go decide for yourself dipshit.

>do you tinker troon?
>YES, deep throating - gentoo, slackware or crux.
>YES, custom repositories - gentoo, void, arch
>YES, desktop threads - (forks of) arch, debian

>ubuntu, mint, maybe fedora or manjaro or any other flavor of the day. They're all similar, except x vs wayland holywar is retarded.
i feel like you should change "Are you a hacker?" with "Do you have severe schizophrenia?"
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I use mint.
WTF is a systemd?
There are only 3 options;
Do you want to use Linux?
If no, Windows, if yes
Do you hate snaps?
If no, Ubuntu, if yes, Fedora

Nothing else matters. DEs/Spins aren't distros use whatever special snowflake WM you want if you have to.
a cancer that's killing Linux
Debian "just works" far better than artix
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nta, it's part of the problem, the other part is gnome. SystemD is needlessly complex and is the reason for a lot of the problems on Linux. It's only job is to start daemons but it tries to do everything and gets lots of security holes and bugs in the process.
the bown man's choice
>Are you trans?
>The autistic kind?
This image was made by a tranny who believes there are no autistic trannies
nah, functional programming is the simplest paradigm there is
there are trannies who just are sexual deviants and not autistic retard
Picrel is copypasta.
The biggest problem is that systemd is so complex and it has no reason to be complex. There have been so many times when i installed a package with name1 and systemd service will be name2, you try to list existing services that exist and you get nothing. Ok show me running services.. mfw a lot of them missing. Ok lets write a systemd service. Google how to fucking so it target=requires network. I don't know who writes this shit. It is like rust, you can't write it and you can't even read it because of shitty syntax that it spits back at you. Oh no the service failed, lets reboot. Aww snap A stop job is running for /dev/cockinyourass/sohardlmaogetfuckednigger. Alright lets unplug power. Power back on. A start job is running for /dev/isensedisrespectandigiveyoumyfatcockinreturn. Alright i waited 1:30min lets fix the whole os. It finally booted, wait my program didn't autostart...

sudo cp -r backup /backup
sudo umount \backup

on my way to install artix
>windows users be like "ok but i can't follow more than two steps"
Wow this is the first good OS flow chart
Am I a tranny if I use Arch solely because of AUR?
If you have to ask then the answer is yes. I use arch because it works. Not going to lie an update will break shit once a year but I usually just revert and wait till they fix it the next day. If you want to dodge the tranny accusations completely you’ll have to use windows 10
lurk moar, newGOD
you're on nix and didn't know?
Fuck off debian works alright
OS choice doesn't matter. What matters is what you do with your OS.
Isn't debian still at KDE4?
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holy shit I followed it directly the my daily distro
I've had Debian "just work" more than most other distros. Also, what does Haiku actually work with? I've got it on a virutual machine, but has anyone got it to work with everything on a somewhat recent laptop?
Correct for me
where is guix?
i ended up at linux mint which is exactly the distro i planned on installing after windows 10 dies so it's pretty accurate for me
Finally a proper guide that does't separate Windows from macOS and lists both of them as made for retarded goyim cattle
you only need android phone sir
Haiku doesn’t “just work” for most users. GhostBSD would be a better fit for that spot as long as you don’t care about video games.
The sane defaults make up for any outdated software when comparing it to Artix. I use Trinity PTB on Debian testing anyway so not my problem.

defined Haiku as just work since all required software for usage is installed, no ricing required. Debian not since a fresh debian installation, especially one without blobs, requires ricing from installation if you want the most out of it
Outdated is an understatement. Also, I haven't seen any insane defaults in rolling-release distros, only insane people.
What should I do, I am using mint but hating systemd (I have no clue what it is but I agree with other anons)
>Debian Testing
>just works
wtf are you on about?
Boot up a live Devuan or Artix ISO and see what they offer. The Plasma one of the latter is pretty attractive.
>Just works
I don't understand this /g/ thread format
Webshitter identified.
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>The Plasma one of the latter is pretty attractive
That's why I use testing or Sid, it's still rolling release with the sane defaults.
>I think the desktop attracted too many end-users and gamers. The user-space has turned into garbage for that audience.
>Now these casual "Enthusiasts" who are paid agents force their 3rd-world-OS ideas into everyones ass.
I don't like the way things are on linux desktop nowadays. Linux desktop peaked at 2007-2012. Now it is catered to enterprise users and their shitty designs and practices (breaking things every update).
>Soon the only people using a Linux Desktop will be the same people who are developing it. Just leave them behind.
Sounds good to me. I would love to see Linux getting back to where it was before the smartphone era. Mobile UI doesn't belong on the desktop. Compiz was good. Bring it back too. Sad enterprise guys are ruining everything for us.
Did they make changes to the other DE flavors? KDE is a bloated turd but this looks nice.

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