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Buy Squarespace stock
Respect Squarespace
Talk about Squarespace
Defend Squarespace
you vill work for free and vill be happy
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>gen Z job seekers should be willing to be slaves
>you shouldn't complain about anything ever, bro
>just work harder bro
>our system is literally perfect bro
I'm literally going to submit my 2 weeks notice this week.
The boss is sweating because he KNOWS he'll have to pay me more to keep me, while also not wanting to even out the other company offer.
>and have the money to wait you out
Ah yes, like how last november the studios waited for the writers and actors on strike because they thought they had money, right?

change boot to lick, faggot.
Even if you're a FOSS cuck, you must become the replacement of proprietary software, not to cater to it, simply make them obsolete until they reach End-Of-Life.
I hate the antichrist. That's it.
Neo slavery must be stopped now, but my fear is both parties are comped.
my open sores code uses every single unportable Linux syscall under the sun and uses specific GNU features that make it unportable to cuck licensed operating systems, windows and macos
(((licenses))) don't exist
>t. comfy position nepo baby c[a-z]+o
interesting way to censor words tr[a-z]{4}
all software is licensed wtfpl.
what exactly is your problem, corporate bootlicker? I just didn't want to list all of the chief officers and their made up positions, so I provided regex for that.
anon pointed out that it was an out of touch c-suite take and you're calling him a trap. Other anon is right you're a bootlicker.
no, not in minecraft, and it doesn't matter, feds can't do anything about it, there are many people who share my sentiment of murdering families of richfags
Enjoying having millions of hyper competitive Indians?
god speed.
based pajeeta
good morning sirs.
"In minecraft" has nothing to do with people getting arrested for online threats. Nothing in his post is actionable in any way, so there is no case.
stop crying and go back to your wage cage so i can get my neetbucks, poojeeta
low IQ's like you is why genocides never happen properly
>hurr they should suffer
knowing that you will be killed next at any moment if you don't stop hiding is suffering enough, we have technology to genocide everything and anything and yet it has never been used
I agree that slavery is a great thing and im ready to start working as an expert slave anytime, anywhere. I dont want to be paid in money or in nourishments, i want to scavange the trash for banana peels to eat whenever my owner isnt looking in my 24 hour shift. As my performance decreases due to lack of sleep, i want to be whipped into a high gear by an sadistic woman who hates men. I want this to continue until i literally die from exhaustion all for the sake of quarterly profits as i believe there is no other death more honourable. My body should be dumped along with the other wastes produced by the slave owner
Thank you, Squarespace CMO
I couldn't figure out for the life of me why this name "Squarespace" is so familiar.
Now I recall that youtubers used to shill them, probably still do.
Makes sense.
Retard, do you really think that in both cases the media will not make them into a martir if shit hits the fan? You'll just have a swarm of bootlickers defending them and you'll achieve nothing. At least making them suffer for their remaining lives will actually make their lives miserable, martirs or not.
>knowing that you will be killed next at any moment if you don't stop hiding is suffering enough
rich people already isolate themselves from society for that very reason and yet they are not suffering.
I bet her pussy is so hairy and delicious.
How psychopathic and out of touch do you have to be to actually say shit like this out loud?
Why are you pretending the big business that created this exploitive culture isn't Conservative?
She's gonna replace most of the workers with Indians and then Squarespace will die.
for me it's "what's squarespace?"
>t. never met a woman
it's their default
if you let them out the kitchen they say and eventually do stupid shit
People in positions of power usually are certified sociopaths, so it makes sense.
did they change the headline?
no wonder i can already see microsoft and google dying in next 2 weeks
land of the free
as in working for free
america never really abolished slavery, they just rebranded it as capitalism. if you're wealthy enough, you can buy yourself freedom.
makes sense.
thanks for confirmation.
it's wild that it went through editing and got published with the first headline in the first place and only later it was changed because how out of touch it sounded. granted it still is out of touch.
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not him but it was no mistake, the article is literally completely about working for free "for the experience"
which, cool, but how do you buy food with experience?
>calling him a trap
Imagine not know regex while posting on /g/.
Sad state of affairs.
>which, cool, but how do you buy food with experience?
you don't. that's the beauty of it. now get back to work, slave--I mean, temporarily embarrassed wagie.
>not him but it was no mistake, the article is literally completely about working for free "for the experience"
I didn't expect it to be mistake. It was very intentional clickbait headline, only after they got attention they changed it to something not as out of touch I guess.
I didn't even read the article but I somewhat expected that it's going to be about working for experience.
Thank you for conforming.
nta, but I know plenty of people working in technology sectors, programmers even who don't know anything about regex, some don't know it even exist. If you were to show them regex they'd think it's some kind of esoteric programming language.
lmao even
>I didn't even read the article but I somewhat expected that it's going to be about working for experience.
Obviously it would be, yeah. She's still obviously from a wealthy family that covered her life costs and she expects everyone to be the same. You can't pay for rent and food with experience.
>It was very intentional clickbait headline, only after they got attention they changed it to something not as out of touch I guess.
well would we be talking about it if it had a normal title? probably not
op is a faggot
>tacit admission her time is worthless
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>don't feed the corporate trolls
so not only do they not know how to do the useful things that regexps can do...

...but they probably also don't know what an FSM is, what a grammar is, what parsers/lexers are, about the Chomsky Hierarchy, about Turing completeness... etc. etc.

they presumably have "qualifications",
but they don't know anything about the fundamentals of the subject.
Imagine that you impregnate this woman without her consent, leave her to rot in a basement while feeding her wet dog food, wait till she shits out a baby, then raise that baby to be rapid islam believer who'll use the woman as a toilet and die gloriously blowing itself up for Allah.
That's the kinda response she just ASKS for with her bull.
To be perfectly honest, not all schools teach these things and not qualifications require them.
bankers, executives and other members of the international Jewry should be willing to hang from lampposts
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>posting the same fake article screencap thread on two different boards
not all "qualifications" are worth the paper they are printed on, which is half my point.

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you already know
reminder gen z you are competing with 900 billion indians
The CEO is a brown woman, what fucking planet are you on where that's 'conservative?' Actually, are joint-stock companies even conservative? How on earth could a corporation be it's own person? Somebody has to be responsible.
They've always said this. It just doesn't happen.
"Have fun babysitting minimum wage pajeets like crowdstrike then, retard."
I'm not a zoomshit, why would I care?
female pajeet is a pooja
People never see the other side of "paying by exposure".
Some guy saying "I work for X, and X love my work".
actually agree but specifically for zoomshits
zoomers are subhumans and should be treated as such, their whole purpose in life is to help overthrow their kike masters and then die
>UT Austin
fucking hell, this shit is so predictable
They don't say it out loud, they use some clueless vain woman as a mouthpiece to say it for them lol
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she's hot. would
Always remember that this is what is meant when kikes say "Americans don't want to work, that's why we need to flood the country with desperate migrants!" They want their slave trade back
If you disagree you are a libtard commie, simple as.
union =/= individuals

libertarians hate unions
i'm starting to believe these headlines are just rage-bait advertising
>the media
this only works on NPCs. The solution is simple but kinda jewy.
>brainwash the NPCs into thinking you're right
>tell them that killing richfags is based
>richfags die (rip)
>the media doesn't say anything about it because killing is cool and based now
>they give you that wealth (so you can neet in peace)
>our response?
making death threats and following through fulfilling them, next one will think twice about saying such fucked up shit
She knows we all will need to compete with the third world. Prepare to work for rice.
same. I would work for her in exchange for sex. 1 hour of work = 1 hour of sex with her.
*hindustani brahmin condo fortresses
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>libertarians hate unions
>Oh yeah, just work for free goyim, we'll pay you with "experience"
I honestly hate this fucking subhuman leeches so goddamn much, just profiting from desperate young people who want to earn a living.
I choose not to work at all.
Your move, Shekelstein.
>what is being homeless and poor?
>what is social aid cuts/removals
You don't wanna find out.
It's a generic and unspecific threat, so it's not enough to get arrested.
She should suck my dick for free. On a second thought, she should pay me for letting her suck my dick.
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"Chief Marketing Office" isn't a real job.
marketing produces a fuckton of money anon
gen z is being priased for things millenials were villified for
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>be me
>go to internship
>holy shit offices are horrible
>leave university and internship
>learn trade, apprentice wagie
>three years later
>buy equipment, make website
>slowly build a client base
>7 years later
>work at most 4 days per week baring the odd intense project
>work 6hr shifts
>make ~120k per year, not including all the perks or cash jobs
I'm so glad I dont have a boss, colleagues etc. My clients are all extremely rich folk and have no desire to interact with me, I live on a reputation of being good at my job and invisible.
my response: do what i already did: not even try to find a job. There is something about NEETdom that makes these women go out and say scary shit like this, it's like by me staying home and playing DOTA I am destroying their soul. Wait, Riki is about to gank me.... yea I dealt with that homosexual, now lets get back to the point: so... I think these CEOs should be like ready to do real work or something lel.
while agreed upon in mass scale that your ideas are good, not many will act for now. Inflation will change that, soon you will have to fight other shizos on your way to kill some CEO and its family, the sheer number of shizos wanting to kill the CEO will kind of protect it as the whole neightbourhood will be filled with them and you cannot just do the needful peacefully.
For now, add "in minecraft". The other shizos will do it for real before you anyway.
they have addresses too
"Fuck you, pay me"
its not about them dying. its about me continuing to use their old software forever because new one is shit. Even though this is a post mainly about Microsoft creating 1 new product I use in 10 years ( win 10, pirated LTSC ), Google may even be at 0 - I do not use their browser but fine i will admit that chromium = brave, but the search engine is crap and if i could choose a version i would go with 2012-2013, proving that the search engine got only worse with time.
These companies will not die, but they will produce 0 shit you use, just maintain the old shit they made. They are essentially NEETs - they do not make new stuff, not stuff that makes money anyway.
the anon was right. CMO = Dick sucker and nothing more.
commend was deleted because you were based
not like OP >>101518703
Fucking Americans, not everything is conservative vs liberal. This topic is now really old and irrelevant, its like old /pol/ writting big fucking posts about capitalism vs communism... in the real world, these are just words and reality is always mixed. Liberals like to live in 99% white gated communities, Conservatives like to conserve nothing....
Fuck I am not going any more, just stop with this american retardation.
That's why you go after the offspring when you hate someone

be mature woman money laundry cafe, why not ´hire´ fucktoy sand people for power games
this is it. they plain will NOT pay competent people a living wage despite definitely being able to afford to, so instead you just get guilt trip troll articles like this until you accept literal slavery to compete with pajeet and ai.
based. Also one of the few positive posts here. I personally posted 2 death threads in this threads so I am amazed that some people are positive and not like us. God's speed, anon.
its even worse: they cant afford it anymore. the investor class lives or dies on a 5% cap rate. if their companies are shrinking, they lose money. if they dont make return on investment, they run out of capital. if usa is no longer profitable for investors, the investors have to invest elsewhere.
Are unpaid internships not still a thing?
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People who say shit like that deserve to get their offices covered in petroleum jelly and their cars covered in black tar.
yeah investors are why millionaires need free workers. totally not a gay excuse and there's totally not literally 99.9% of all wealth to go around already. muh bullshit fake tech business that isn't even profitable needs more capital though! give me a fucking break.
most libertarians are anarchosyndicalists
maybe you meant the self called lolbertarians
remember rich class are full on class warfare, is only the lower class that is mostly not fighting
Public stoning in minecraft.
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no worthwhile company is offering unpaid internships anymore, and the shitty stealth startups that offer "equity" are just that: shit
stupid poojita trying to extrapolate her experience 20 years ago to today, except she doesn't have the frontal lobe capacity to innovate so she instead regurgitates her exact actions. many such cases!
Slaves were at least given the minimum living requirements; food, clothes, and a place to sleep.
Are you telling us writers "won"? Lol no
You guys are fucking retarded. If you're a competent software developer just build something yourself if you don't like the employment conditions. If you can't do this you probably don't have much to contribute anyway.
She speaks exactly the same as the """white""" men of early industrial era that some western conservatives love
Where can one find people retarded enough to pay for virtual clump of bytes?
Fuck jews.
with interest rates this high no VC will touch your piece of shit software, not to mention trying to find others to work with. or are you still deluded enough to believe you can bootstrap a software company in your garage in CURRENT YEAR?
look at how much garbage indie vidya is out there on Steam. good software that brings money in requires a solid team and funding. good luck trying to get either of those in the current business climate.
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Fuck zoomers.
This is the ony way the little cunts will learn the value of hard work.
Is the increase of pajeets in management the harbinger of enshittification of an industry? They come over, and they take a shit all over everything; be it be culture; be it be values; be it be practices. At the end, they just it into a dime a dozen shitty pajeet company: soulless and smelly
Ignore this guy Pajeeta, I only need like 15 seconds with your right foot.
okay so can she go by example, give all her wealth away and start at the bottom working long hours for free?
I assume you like death threads, have some.
I'd nut in her.
Those early industrial era guys were of the progressive bent, with facsist tendencies. Neocons seem to have inherited that mantle, though that makes /pol/tards whine and gnash their teeth. Actual conservatives basically don't exist in America anymore because it's an ideology that essentially calls it's adherents to act out of interest for the people that depend on you and to seek independence so as not to be indebted to others.
no u
nobody will touch your shit if you can't offer reliable updates and support at the very least
it's the 90s anymore, you can't one man a product anymore
this is what /pol/ is. they cry about the (((elite))) all day but nooo don't do anything about them

we all know its just larping anyway. we should have somewhere to vent since there's nothing immediately obvious we can actually do about op anyway
nah, communism is about giving all the power and wealth to an even smaller group of psychopaths
what am I proposing is making it more difficult for psychopaths to shit on masses on people
everybody knows the world is a joke and will only get worse no matter what you do. that's why only the utterly insane bother with assassination attempts.
This is true of communism in practice, as the worker's dictatorship meant to guide the proletariat to socialism and then on into communism inevitably devolves into a kleptocratic oligarchy. in theory, however, Communism advocates for a stateless, classless, moneyless society in which no true power hierarchy exists. Thus there is no possibility for an accumulation of power and wealth.
>true of communism
>in practice
every time communism's been applied IRL we ended up with impoverished, overworked, emaciated and brain damaged masses and a tiny group of super-powerful psychopaths that have infinite wealth and can execute anyone in the country (sometimes even abroad)
>in theory
those are a bunch of gay intellectual words. me and my mates down at the coal mine just want to rape.
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>pickaxe to the brain
this is what happens to theoryfags
imagine being a foss cuck instead of using sspl, bsl, or sf
you should be willing to do this for the right people, not for some soulsucking bloated corporation staffed by idiots who wouldn't appreciate you

if you get the opportunity to work for shit pay under a wise boomer who actually takes you under wing and properly shows you the ropes because he likes you and thinks you're promising, that's invaluable. On the other hand if they respect you and they're not broke themselves it's disrespectful to offer you no pay at all.

likewise if you get the opportunity to work for nothing with other brilliant broke young guys trying to make something great, that's worth doing if you can. I don't mean working for nothing under some bullshitter "startup entrepreneur" that you don't trust, obviously.

Anyone who asks long hours without a very sensible reason is a vampire. Avoid. If they don't want you doing the best work you can, but would rather burn you out to get a little more work per week out of you, then they don't give a shit about you and won't help you grow.
also if you don't get money from your parents a lot of this just isn't an option. sorry! this world aint fair
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How about no.
You see that? Just flew over your head in real time.
In theory communism is a fucking joke unfit to live in this world, it's the same in practice so nobody actually does "real communism", what we get instead are deformed approximations of communism that inevitably result in mass poverty and dictatorships.
oh my reddit!
Why did you both just restate my post with extra snark?
Is this a joke I'm not getting?
>I live on a reputation of being good at my job and invisible.
extremely based
classic survivorship bias. people who achieve success when young never understand why they achieved success, they just think "just do exactly what I did I guess"
And then, when faced with the options of living to work as a slave or dying of malnourishment, another human resorts to crime. Well done.
I love watching insanely deluded CEO's just say shit like this
>I want workers to work for free and do everything I say and then MAYBE I'll think about paying them....someday
Just saying that theoretical "true communism" is even worse than anything any of the "communist" states did in practice, communism is dogshit on a fundamental level and there's no way you can "get it right".
are you ok?
this retard probably watched some faggot neet on youtube say "u can build le SaaS with 100% nocode follow these steps" and ate that shit up.

It's not even just making free updates for every single product you put out there, getting people to buy in the first place requires gambling shitloads of money in adsense, tik tok/instagram ads, shilling on reddit, etc.
We are extremely fucked.
>companies hate money
You commie morons can never explain why it's $2/hr and not $1/hr or $0
It's funny because so much of power has so little to do with money. Attention, fame, and respect would still create massive power imbalances and prevent a "classless" society from ever existing. Unless of course you go the Harrison Bergeron route, but even the dumbest people recognize that as a dystopia.
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anon i understand your feelsing but these people dont care about things like their families and fear, they would only report a violence comitted onto them because it would be illegal not to. they only have children because their power structure requires chain of succession. In this way, you are only projecting the compassion you feel onto your own flesh and blood for unfeeling monsters who mutilate their own children and suck their blood through said mutilated flesh. they aren't even capable of feeling such things as guilt.
To be fair if you do exactly what they did, starting with being born into a rich family, you can also achieve success. It's nobody's fault you fucked up the first step without knowing it.
until people aren't starving in the streets this won't happen
pajette-run capitalism doesn't work. quit making excuses pointing fingers at muh socialism
"b-but under le socialism...!" cry the banker and the tech ceo as they rape your wife while you program ai for $0.01 an hour
shorting Sharespace on principle
Theoretical "true communism" is literally just Heaven with an atheist twist, Muhammed.
And neither can you
I'd fuck her.
You just know she got her position for sucking cock for free, for long hours and being willing to do anything. Blowjobs above and beyond the call of duty.
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>The bourgeois are not human.
I'm not a zoomer however zoom zooms should tell this cunt to fuck off. Never do anything for free especially if you're good at it. Hobbies are the exception to this since you hopefully enjoy your hobby.
you have no response wagie. make more ai genned pajeet slop and cope
>tell them that killing richfags is based
How can you go about that when even in this very thread is full of bootlickers?
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>we ended up with impoverished, overworked, emaciated and brain damaged masses and a tiny group of super-powerful psychopaths that have infinite wealth and can execute anyone in the country (sometimes even abroad)
Tell me the difference between that and the actual state of capitalism.
Because even under communism people had a fucking house for themselves (i.e. actually owning, not renting), even if that was on a shitty commieblock
the media merchant have been changing the titles of their products when it's about racism against whites
>you just don't want to
>pay rent
>student loans
>credit card debt
>health insurance
It makes A LOT more sense to understand why people want to NEET if you actually factor in all of those money-sucking schemes.
In my country you don't actually have to pay all of those things and, if you got lucky like me, not even rent (inherited a house from grandparents). I just have to pay bills and nothing else.
Pinning poors against each other is a strategy perpetrated by the (((elite))) since forever.
You just fell for the oldest trick in their book.
You've succesfully been tricked by someone who earn 10k / hour into thinking that the fact that you only earn 2k /month is the fault of someone who earn 800 / month.
stfu commie. learn S&D, economics 101, you illiterate fuck.

if someone increases the supply of workers? what will happen to the wages if demand stays the same, you stupid fucking retard.
Watch the communist become a Keynesian as soon as immigration is mentioned.
>boomers, genX and most of genY:
>"fuck you, i got mine, we're full!"
>"NEET life it is then."
She's right. Gen Z are the most illiterate, dumb, worst educated generation in over a century (basically since everything was colonial farmland and not the 20th century). Yet, you demand everything be given to you in a free digestible not complicated form from technology,to money, to housing, to food, etc. Just look at the threads on /g/ when a zoomer posts, it'll be crying about the most basic thing having a cost applied to it. Meanwhile the person posting the thread is pissed off they can't make a living being a stay at home cat tranny or some bullshit.

I'm not even that old but god damn if you just put in a little bit of work and effort the rewards will come your way. Also, you need to learn to socialize and make friends while putting in the work and effort for people (that's the real secret to getting better jobs). You're entire generation is anti social though unless you're in a discord call. I started working when I was 15 in a warehouse in the summer and it fucking sucked. You know what though? I got in better shape, I learned a lot of valuable information, and met a lot of people who are still in my life til this day. Crazy thing even happened, when I got my paycheck every week I could use it to buy lunch at school, gadgets after work like a new game console, ipod, camera, computer part, or guitar stuff.

I've owned a house since I was 25, I have a work from home job where I work like 2 hours a day at my leisure and have full health coverage, flex PTO, and make enough money to live comfortably and enjoy weekends and travel with friends. I don't even live in the middle of nowhere, I'm smack dab in a top 15 city in the US and I had all this by the time I was 33 without going to college.
Lmao, I know plenty of successful Gen Zs. They are the one who didn't buy into the brain damaged culture your generation has for some reason. Got educated, didn't worry about being PC and internet culture and just did what normal people do. Crazy how that works.
>what will happen to the wages if demand stays the same
Yeah because immigrants, as being people with needs, do not increase demand you absolute idiot.
Jews already entered this thread and are working full force trying to pin people against each other.
Stay vigilant, anons.
>Watch the communist become a Keynesian as soon as immigration is mentioned.
whats the Keynesian cope? Everyone will benefit from cheaper programmers? Except /g/ lol, they'll have to become baristas.

demand for what? government handouts and fastfood?
you don't ask them you manipulate them like the jews do. Humanity is basically a fight over NPCs and pussies
the jews are right about goyim
DEAL WITH IT and COPE, excrement
>if you just put in a little bit of work and effort the rewards will come your way
that's bullshit, workers earn nothing anymore, real wage has been going down since forever, public services are getting ever worse, it hasn't been possible to support a family on a single full time job for a while, which is also why the kids don't come out right
you're being arrogant for getting lucky
>>I'm not even that old but god damn if you just put in a little bit of work and effort the rewards will come your way.
are you retarded? society rewards whores and psychopaths the most. This is such a bafflingly stupid statement. You're sick in the head and thoroughly retarded.
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I don't talk to women
>h-haha! COPE!

I literally own a house in the countryside.
I'm not the one in this thread seething and shitting about the current state of things blaming everyone else for their shortcomings.
When you'll realize it's YOUR FAULT your life has gone to shit and not because of some boogeyman immigrants, it'll be too late for you.

>inb4 cope seethe ywnbaw etc etc.
Bro, I've done tons of side work and projects recently and all of it has paid off on top of my regular kick ass job. Sure, low paying jobs suck complete ass but they always have. I have multiple zoomer friends just entered the second half of their 20s and they almost all recently have gotten promotions and/or new and better job opportunities. You're right about supporting a family on a single full time job, but that's not really that far outside of the normal even in the past unless you go back to the 80s or earlier. Like, for over 30 years it hasn't been that standard really. I'm not arrogant at all. I'm very sociable and hang out with people in all age ranges and regularly discuss this stuff with all likes of people.

> society rewards whores and psychopaths the most. This is such a bafflingly stupid statement. You're sick in the head and thoroughly retarded.
So then go be a whore and a psychopath and have society cater to you?
An excellent diagram depicting the need for unions. One person on his own cannot reliably negotiate for higher wages. But if every worker in a company collectively says, "pay us more or we will all stop working", it becomes very painful for the company not to comply.
yea there's still instances of success, they're just fewer because there's progressively less to go around because wealth naturally concentrates under capitalism
did you never notice how filthy rich the average boomer is compared to the average genX/Yer? now did you ever get the impression that boomers are in any way sharper than genX/Yers? i doubt it
the population is being bled dry and it will be the death of our civilization
>did you never notice how filthy rich the average boomer is compared to the average genX/Yer
Yes and no, I know plenty of boomers who are broke as fuck. In fact, probably more that are poor and gonna end up with nothing and stuck in the lowest denominator old folks home than the opposite. I'd say when it comes to the richest people I commonly openly know it's definitely Gen Xers and xillenials who all graduated and got jobs/careers prior to 2008.

>now did you ever get the impression that boomers are in any way sharper than genX/Yers?
Yes, but in a more mechanical way or general life knowledge way usually. I know plenty of boomers who can fix anything or build anything they need to and it's embarassing the amount of non handy gen x and gen y people there is in comparison. Yeah, of course boomers mostly suck at computers but that's basically the main thing they were ignorant on and even then have you met the average tech user in 2024 whos gen x or y? "Doy, I use muh apple becuz it work good no try hard, i can't disable window update BUT me better than boomer cus PDF!" The worse thing about boomers is that they were smart (zoomers really didn't experience this because you weren't born) but clearly lead and other shit has some sort of debilitating late term affect on mental health because they are getting way worse as they age than I remember my grandparents or great grandparents being.
generation niggers have been mindbroken by marketing kike terms, just as intended
This is quite literally pajeet culture. They are trained from birth to serve the higher castes and the higher castes expect the lower castes to be submissive servants all the time.

For the low caste pajeet their entire existence boils down to serving others and doing everything and anything they want without complaining.
No, zoomers should change their pronouns to was/were and commit suicide.
thats just what i thought lmao
literally worse than slavery
The elites don't care because they live in walled gardens with no poors or immigrants. Which is why they are more than happy to import low quality slave labor en masse to replace you.

Enjoy your scraps
4 vectors for job replacement

1) 6 million migrants from the southern border that got added by Biden
2) off shore workers in indonesia/malaysia/india
3) automation/robots
4) AI agents
I mean changing the title is a cowardly move but even in the archived article the 'willing to work for free' is said referring to herself 'i was willing to work for free' and it was in the context of telling the story of her first job.

She did say that Gen Z should be willing to do everything which is quite the uncontroversial and cookie cutter advice. Just another click bait title to get some clicks
Crime will be in your neighborhood. And also its not a crime if the politicians you elect dont want to prevent crimes from happening because it would look bad on their crime statistics.

Communism led to 100 million death last century. Communism rotten propaganda today is leading towards destruction of society once more.
>Kinjil Mathur
I can guess why she sees the world this way, though. In India, people pay companies for internship opportunities, so her crazy ass is probably making comparisons to the lowest possible bar and helping direct the company towards it. In her eyes, and the eyes of many others, western Gen Z kids are incredibly spoiled for wanting more than a pod and some goyslop because gooder goys in goyistan are happily living 10 men to a call center bunk bed while barely having a chicken coop to call their own.
Why are poos like this?
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Also lmao at the headline changing and PR running interference by saying
>However, Mathur didn't actually say Gen Z should be willing to "work for free" in the article. Instead, she told a story about how, as an undergraduate, she called businesses in search of internship opportunities and said she would be willing to work for free, which got her her first gigs (the article does not go into how she was able to work for free, though a Vogue article from 2022 that describes her father as an "engineer" and her mother as a "medical professional" may shed light on that question).

"I didn't say that people should work for free. I told a story about how I would tell people that I was willing to work for free as a when questioned on advice I would give to Gen Z job seekers!"
This bitch should be willing to wipe the seat of a toilet with her tongue. The suggestions they make are so asinine. What a cancerous rot in corporate world.
>the 'willing to work for free' is said referring to herself
That is not what the title says, anon.
You're giving journos too much credit
>he KNOWS he'll have to pay me more to keep me, while also not wanting to even out the other company offe
You're a bitch if you accept a counteroffer from your own company. And your boss would be a bitch to make one. You will leave w/in 12 months anyway, statistically, either as a quit (b/c nothing changed) or layoff (b/c you're now marked at the first to go once they can replace you.)
> just build something yourself
This is the only real advice to counter to $2/hr broskis. If you don't have an alt to what someone's willing to pay you, you have no options.
Do your own thing. Give yourself options.
It works in any industry and just about any job imaginable, from cleaning crews to construction to executive management.
um it doesn't work like that sweaty
kill her
what exactly the super rich do with their money doesn't have a huge effect on the economy in itself. like it doesn't matter if timmy the trust fund bro invests 1 million in a company that produces useful products, or if he just sits on it forever. neither act outright impoverishes anyone else. either that money goes into paying people's salaries and creating wealth, or it stays inert and increases the purchasing power of everyone's money. as long as labor isn't wasted and wealth is created, laws of supply and demand ensure that people generally get things they want for prices that are affordable for them, no matter what the taxes are or how much money bezos has

however the current problem is this
>the funny rich people investment minigame has gotten so out of hand with printed money that it no longer is just a minigame, and instead the whims of the super rich essentially drive the whole direction of the economy
>the average consumer simply doesn't have enough money to drive laws of supply and demand anymore, because instead the hyper rich now, using their speculative investment, just make guesses at demand and what they will supply people with
>ie. instead of most of the money being in affordable housing, food, etc. what people actually need, all the money is in speculative bullshit and useless rent seeking shit that produces nothing of actual wealth to anyone, and only serves to move the grinding gears of this abomination
>no actual wealth is created as a byproduct of any of this, and there is no accountability because of the infinite money tricks that the rich use
>the hyper rich also spend more money than ever on self serving useless shit like yachts, supercars etc. that they don't even need, which further drives labor and R&D away from shit that normal people can use

tl;dr we are all getting poorer because the hyper rich have run away with the economy and made it completely idiosyncratic in terms of its actual purpose
people in incredibly lucky positions don't realise how lucky they are, news at 11
>You're a bitch if you accept a counteroffer from your own company
I started working here 5 years ago, faggot. Despite the shitty management it's pretty chill.
>or layoff
lmao you really think I live in the USA? In my country they legally cannot fire me if I do the bare minimum as agreed from contract.
Do you remember the last time they had a successful new product?
Only thing it has going for it was the Github acquisition giving it material to train copilot on and Azure investments from it's slowly dwindling market dominance elsewhere.
NTA but those 2 examples are still driven by their most famous product (Google search engine, and Windows)
While I agree that both are slowly becoming shittier each passing day, there's not a real alternative to both.
With Google maybe, people can use Bing / DDG / Startpage / Yandex or whatever, at the end of the day it's only a search engine that you use for 4 seconds to get your results.

But Windows? What competition Windows has? I mean, Linux it's still too hard to grasp for your average joe, and iOS is behind a thousand dollar paywall.
>Tell me the difference between that and the actual state of capitalism.
There's no "capitalist" country today
Also "capitalism" is a commie buzzword, like anti-semmite, the real thing is just called the Free Market
cool larp bro>>101531170
>So then go be a whore and a psychopath and have society cater to you?
I would rather keep my integrity, thank you
Apple, unironically, I think. Where I'm working they've started issuing macbooks to anyone who want them over the windows shitfest we normally put up with.
Free Market is a meme made by (((them))) to make you believe you're still in control of the economy.
There's no Free Market in a world where the top 1% controls more than half the total wealth.
>no reading comprehension
Even slaves were given food and a place to sleep. Will squarespace be providing that for me at least?
Don't work in the private sector. Government needs people from all areas of IT whether it's programmers, sys admins,or security. Being too hard working or competent might actually count against you, so if you're punctual and good at what you do, just use it as an excuse to relax at work. You have to murder your boss to get fired.
right back at you, buddy.
>You have to murder your boss to get fired.
There's this huge company a little far from where I live that has something like 4500 workers, and from what I know, is like that, you literally cannot be fired.

If I lived a little more near them i'd apply instantly, but on my current state it'd be 2 hours commuting total daily.
>any stock
>no LMAO
The guy that built Task Manager among other things started on 35kUSD because he didn't negotiate but he got fat Microsoft stock options.
>buy pricier higher specced Apple products
>huh people like these. Windows must be shit
No it's the fact you bought the lowest specced Windows laptops. If MS enforced some kind of business version system requirements this issue would fuck right off.
if i had a dollar for each time someone compared a mac to a pc that costs 4x less...
The prices of the laptops we are issued are roughly the same.
i will suck your clitty currymummy
>One person on his own cannot reliably negotiate for higher wages
you can if you're actually worth your labor, and not some unskilled code monkey
my response is to work as a contractor and ask double of what they are offering.
Twitter seething about her lmao
>I live on a reputation of being good at my job and invisible.

even if they want to, they don't have the will or strength to do it, they are fucked beyond belief
Thanks guys. I can't say I'm not a little jealous by work from home people and the fact my wife (who works in an office) has many a slow day. My world is one where if I don't move I don't make my bread, a day paid at home, vacation pay etc. Doesn't exist for me. But, its an honest and uncomplicated existence, and gives me time to enjoy the things I value. Never shy away from working for yourself, just be prepared for the challenges it presents.
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Based on what?
She's stupid.
I am "willing to do anything" to anally fuck her.
>/g/ bros, our response?
No thanks random executive, I don't think I will do that. Literally everyone knows that no one in a position of power grinded this way to get there.
BWC superpower
I would rather not work.
What do you truly like in life though?

Do you really like sitting at home 24/7?

Are you sure you're not unhappy because you're being treated like shit at work?
I don't get treated like shit, I work alone.I enjoy hiking and dogs and spend a lot of time in the woods with my dogs or puttering in my garden. I am happy.
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Total Spammer Death!
zoomers don't deserve any better
I've only ever worked with one (1) zoomer over the last 4 years that was worth what he was paid
Just work for free bro. Tell your dogmom wife and non-existent kids that they'll be eating experience for dinner tonight.

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