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Still WIP
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Damn that picture would make for a cool poster
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pretty sovlful t bh
this might be the wrong thread, but i'll ask anyway
what are some decent brands for vesa mount monitor arms?
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most yuropoorean poster
Kinda love that you have a full fledged whiteboard
What tablet is that?
Huawei MatePad Pro (2019)
What's that palmtop computer on the right?
Zipit Z2 running an old openwrt build.
Neat. Thanks, Mohammad.

Windows 7, my beloved...
Where can I buy these? I want one of those laptops on their website but it just says to contact them....
it'd probably be ten grand anyway...
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living the dream.
Mattress on floor is superior, bed frames are bloat.
>t. incel
boomer plc programmer, join us in the 21st century, use st, i beg you.


Is it comfy to play EoSD in that tablet?
I love this one
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Good guess, it is indeed around $10k as I found a few Canadian sites selling them for like $13k CAD. Don't forget cabling - those round milspec Amphenol connectors are pricey and you need the special crimp tool for the pins...I'm really impressed to see a pc with those connectors, really harks back to the nuke hardened beast in OP pic.

Pictured is the type of tool used to crimp those aerospace connectors, probably the most precise feeling tool I own, found for a coupla bucks at a sale.
That's your battlestation? Do you have the rest of Peugeot at the least?
kek i get to use one of those every day at work. a nice feeling tool, indeed.
is id-11 joke, i have no 508 sedan with psa diesel
I'd quite like a diesel Peugeot but they don't sell them here. At least I have a diesel truck. Tomorrow I will post my mobile battlestation with craptops and truck.
Had to reinstall Tumbleweed today. Upgrading my NVME made my old install go completely fucking bananas. Oh well, I didn't lose anything serious.
If I may ask, what do you store on your Samsung T7 SSDs?
What lamp/bulb do you have in your comfy room?
>If I may ask, what do you store on your Samsung T7 SSDs?
Mostly TV shows/movies, especially for when I'm out and about. But they're also good for moving larger amounts of data in general between machines relatively quickly, which is handy for someone like me who tinkers with lots of old devices. Plus I just think they're neat.
IKEA Tradfri.
I used to hate furries, (like, derail thread until I get temp banned 'hate') but I was introduced to kemono artists like Cervina7 and Rikose. Now I can tolerate it.
That's the key. Kemono style is objectively far more pleasant to the eye than western style sparkledog slop. Also, good artist picks.
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Are you the birdanon with Ryza poster on wall?
Are those purple lights new? They look good, I remember the red lights.

Based and ergo pilled.

Good taste.

Simple and likeable.

>SCADA stuff
I would not be brave enough to post where I work on here. But hats off to you for doing the kind of big boy programming that actually keeps the lights on and the water running.

Debloat maxing
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Picrel is 1/2 or 1/3 of the price if bought new from Dell, even much less if you buy it 'refurbished', and much more usable than that tablet since it has a keyboard

Jelly, which connectors? U-229 and its derivatives?
Nah I had the diffused LED strips for a while now and they're RGB
enjoy your mould
mashallah bruder
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sweet christ, nice colors
very cool keyboard, i like it
whats sitting on the shelf.....
My Asian girlfriend (male).
More angles of your uh, setup?
what model of speakers are those?
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my fav, I wish computers weren't my hobby.

I just got my painting station all set up on its own desk, less screen time is good times.
Cool aesthetic. I like the overall focus on green
>spanish OS
>muslim book
Where are you from anon? Spain?
Mashallah the Zionists will be permabanned from the Minecraft server.
didn't think someone actually saved my old pic
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PS3 Chad, I kneel.
How do I learn to code? I just know SQL. Next step?
Comfy as fuck. Where is the gato?
System engineer?
This looks almost like AI, but is super comfy.

Changed a little bit, but not much.
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Any reason you don't have speaker stands?
Goddamn it! I sure love 'em El Furro's papes
I looked into it, and nothing looked very good. My speakers are actually good like this.
it's clean. nice.

setup is looking good this week

never once had a mold problem from it. you must sweat a lot or something. disgusting.

looks like a doll, is it really a "man?" decent setup. the wall color adds life to the somewhat harsh room.

extremely comfy & classic wallpaper.

love this setup. nice pc case. interesting large coaster. tell us more about the thermostat monitor thing.

all in all some nice setups this week
>and you need the special crimp tool for the pins

You can because I have tinned the wire ends, used a piece of fine wire (I used aircraft safety wire, every techie should have a variety) to dab liquid flux inside the pin, slide the tinned wire end into the pin then heat the outside of the pin with a soldering iron.

You can undo the solder joint if necessary because unlike the crimper kits soldering doesn't deform the pins.

Pin kits generally come with a plastic installation tool which are best collected for your equipment bag.
post asuka pape
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Hallo ^_^
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enjoy, my friend
not a man, a silly dummy anon replied on my behalf
Audiocore AC870 but they suck for music.
yeh but it doesn't look like a prop from alien (1979)
>listens to Nebulossa
Not sure if it's the right place to ask but I need a good desktop mic stand for my sm58. I need something that's not too high and doesn't occupy too much sapce. Something like a tripod style, not a boom arm.
>but I was introduced to kemono artists like Cervina7 and Rikose. Now I can tolerate it.
That's how it starts
Nigga you live in a fucking stick and cardboard shed LMAO
Nice projection, Jamal.
Dead thread.
It's the same half a dozen (6) or so posters posting their same (albeit very good) setups as it is every time.
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post work df
That’s why I didn’t post this time
There’s not enough traffic to these threads recently for it to make sense to post the same things in the same threads every day
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Stupendously comfy & delightful.
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Moved a couple things around
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Reposting from last thread because I'm at work.
How sturdy is that Mini M?

Never thought I'd see a mid atlantic photo here
>fractal design define
patrician taste anon
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i just sit my laptop on my bed so i'm posting that
too neon for me but looks comfy
you seem valuable to society lo what are you doing here
youre fucken gross
makes me want an imac
Where did you get those lain stickers Anon?
if im remembering right
>ikea desk
>its small

fuck man. I have 3 monitors and a wacom tablet. my desk right now is fine but I want a bit bigger. I know some people are using diner tables as desks from ikea but they have a line/hole in the middle
want amiga.....
>thermal bottle and double glass cup
based. people spend hundreds of usd on marginally improving their setup but neglect the joy of always having their drink at desired temperature
ITT: no couch, 60inch tv, wireless peripheral chads
Russian vibes
My back hurts just looking at these setups. Jealous of your youth
Single handily saved me from kidney stones in a few years
i have the full size IDASEN desk, yuge and worth the money imo
What's this, goatfucker?
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>She was a long thread. Came to my door with nothing but a lust-provoking image and a time-wasting question. But I was tight on money see, so my answer was yes and I took the case.
>rolling release nigger gets BTFO
Many such cases
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mid-30s here
I hate backlight bleed so fucking much, it's unreal.
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>youre fucken gross
Why so rude?
What has kidney stones got to do to keeping water, beverages at the right temperature in a thermos?
Also, as an old fart, what's one advice you'd like to give me, and, what's your opinion on age of consent?
>t. Cold war CIA/KGB spy.
>.... Her name was Veronica, and she wore trouble like a second skin. A cascade of raven hair framed a face that seemed to promise more secrets than the city itself. Her eyes, a shade of blue that could drown a man’s conscience, never settled. They flitted around my office, inspecting the faded glory of a place long past its prime. I could feel her sizing me up, wondering if I was the kind of man who could handle her kind of mess.

>She slid a photograph across my desk—a grainy, black-and-white snapshot of a man who looked like he’d seen the wrong side of a bar fight too many times. “I need you to find him,” she said, her voice dripping with a mix of desperation and seduction. “He has something of mine, and I want it back.”

>I glanced at the photo, then back at her. “What’s he got that’s so important?”

?“Let’s just say it’s something that could turn this town upside down,” she replied, her lips curling into a half-smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “And I’m willing to pay you handsomely for your discretion.”

>I leaned back in my chair, weighing my options. The rent was overdue, and my whiskey supply was running low. It wasn’t like I had a line of clients waiting outside my door. “Alright, Veronica,” I said finally. “I’ll take the case. But I need the full story, no more games.”

>She hesitated, then nodded. “Meet me at the Blue Orchid tonight. All will be revealed.”

>As she walked out of my office, her silhouette lingering like a ghost in the dim light, I had a feeling I was about to dive headfirst into a rabbit hole of lies, danger, and double-crosses. But that’s the thing about desperation—it makes you blind to the risks and hungry for the reward.

>I grabbed my coat and hat, locked up the office, and headed for the Blue Orchid, ready to chase shadows in the city that never sleeps.
Spouse status?
>tranny keyboard

>listens to music
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I have shit lighting in here, or my phone camera sucks.
Gay marriage isn't real marriage, Anon.
Based chaotic evil cable management.
>>listens to music
Retarded meme
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Keep the church and state away from my personal affairs. Bunch of money grubbing, kiddy fiddlers the lot of them
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Looks good. 8/10
What monitors?
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After many years it's time for me to leave this country which means losing the desk I've had for the last few years.

The end of my time teaching English to children in the beginning of a career and information technology.
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It really is a fantastic desk but I think it's more symbolic of how sad I am to be ending my time in South Korea.
>dark souls
>penis pump and condoms and needles
leftist suck at false flags kek
The needles are from the STDs from all the gay sex he is having.
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Hey I found a picture of before I got the desk
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Should I replace my 1080ti with a 3080ti before I move? It's half the price here compared to my home country
>Bunch of money grubbing, kiddy fiddlers the lot of them
I know, the public school system is scary
Aren't asians super serious about illegal drug use? Why the fuck would you do all of that anon?
What illegal drugs?

It's TRT prescribed by a doctor to treat PTSD
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Sometimes I cleaned it
>trest ptsd
uh really anon? All google told me about your meds were that they were for roidfags...
also, clean your room.
Utterly soulless living space.
I prefer to call it the coom cavern
Goon garage
>that trash corner next to the fridge
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any idea what I could put into this corner?
could be literally anything, want it to look aesthetically pleasing
I think moving the desk into the corner would look like shit because the thing on the right is a TV board and has a TV mounted above it
so could maybe do a lamp, some plant, maybe a bookshelf?
If you had speakers with stands, that would about fill the void.
I don't have any speakers right now but was thinking about buying some active ones
That's where your open-reel backup tape drive goes, duh.
>tranny keyboard
I like this keyboard because it looks like a typewriter. APOLOGIZE RIGHT NOW
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T64 Terminal
I live in a studio apartment so my fridge is in my living room basically
at least it's all the way in the corner however there's still only like 3 foot between fridge and my desk
what can I do to separate both of them visually?
please no room divider suggestions
I'm loving it so far, seems perfectly sturdy. I'd like to have a real IBM SSK, but I don't think I'm going to pay $600 for one, so I settled for this. It's very satisfying to type on. My old keyboard had blue switches and these buckling springs blow it out of the water.
Me too, though I will admit it looks better in person. Kind of. The CRTs make it a lot more noticeable.
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didn't work, try again.
based trt supply
did it clear up your depression? im low t but doc wont treat me
just order it online and inject you low t pussy
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The right is a Samsung LS27A70 (4k), the left is an Asus VE248 (1080p).
I wouldn't recommend the Samsung, the backlight bleed is pretty awful.
Here's the specs, for anyone curious.
>dear typewriter,
>Today I saw another typewriter, one almost as beautiful as you.
>I stopped and marveled at her, her cold ebony steel, her curved buttons, and her compact, yet heavy form.
>Do now worry my dear, as she was owned by another man of equal sophisticated tastes as my self, at least that is what I fancy myself as.
>It is a wonder though, how two people with such a waning and deep passion for typewriters could meet in a place like this.
>I don't know if God exists and I sure as hell don't believe in luck, but maybe the world isn't such a dark place as we are now liable to think.
>Anyway, I hope all is well with you and that you won't jam when I try to pull this letter I'm typing up right now on you.
>Love, always,
Beautiful. It's almost as if I wrote it on my own typewriter.
Show desk pad
>Retarded meme
Retarded truth*
Seek Christ, mud
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this setup screams after a lg dualup
Unironically based AF
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was swapping some parts around earlier today, and decided to have some fun with some unreleased gpus i have.
This would work, but its just too impractical.
i wish consumer cpu heatsinks were that fin dense
i wish lenovo wasnt gay as fuck with their proprietary motherboard power connectors. the chassis alone is fuckin great, almost entirely toolless, but christ the ecosystem they force onto you is aids. whats worse is that threadripper in there is vendor locked because lenovo enforces that
lenovo should just stop making pcs and make cases instead
What have you been fermenting anon
agreed but unfortunately for us that is not going to happen
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Not my main gaming station, but here's my work set up
It helps enormously and yes I would recommend even doing it through someone who is not a doctor if necessary.

If your doctor refuses to treat you then find a new Doctor Who will or just get it from someone else and inject testosterone and HCG at home
I have a 1080 TI and wish to upgrade

Second hand 3080ti for $500 or new 3070ti for $800?
So nice I love it but that keyboard, common anon you can do so much better...
>backlight bleed
How did we cucked into entering this era of horrendous displays
Luxuriant and comfy.
What lamp/bulb? Also, is the monitor 4k?
Based peak comfy-pilled, 2009-core. I want to go back...
Shikibuton is the way
Any tips for torrenting and/or opening third party programs without having to go into settings and manually override with a password? I've recently switched and it's been a rough start
Nice tongue on the calendar.
I've actually used one of those. For its intended purpose too. I also have a fondness for glow powder.
>unreleased gpus
Why? And why three of them? And why does one have backwards airflow? Fuck you.
Looks rather cursed.
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Were you going to continue this Anon?
What's the thing with the rotary dial?
This shit is coming back in the next five years now that the kids are nostalgic for fruityger aero
It could be more symmetrical
>move subwoofer to the left of desk
>keyboard more to the middle
That way it would be perfectly balanced. As all things should be.
the transparent plastic nostalgia era ended 5 years ago
You can't be nostalgic for something you never experienced.
Home Theatre setup, featuring a shitty 55" 4k TV and an excellent Sony 5.1 surround sound system from 2007.
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And the specs. The case is temporary, I want to make one that fits on top of the DVD/surround sound box, which should be doable since this is a microATX motherboard (weird size) with a low profile GPU and a thin client PSU.

Would recommend this keyboard and mouse too, Logitech K580 and MX Vertical, very good over bluetooth, absolutely shits on my previous 2.4 GHz Wireless mouse and keyboard setups.
Excellent carpet.
Uber comfy home.
That's a relief.
I just have the light on my ceiling fan. Nothing special for the bulbs they're LG LED bulbs iirc.
The monitor is not 4k. I used to have 2 32" 4K monitors at my last job and it was really cool. Unfortunately i don't have the space in my room for monitors that big
I do use my TV as a 3rd monitor sometimes.
Post mpv config
Automatic Electric Model 880 speakerphone.
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I'm trying to assemble a cozy desk setup in the upcoming weeks and this is my starting point

>Bookshelf speakers
>hang some art or a shelf on that wall

Looks pretty cozy already. What monitor?
Thanks anon! The monitor is a 24G2SPU with both bottom red strips taken off
Anon has good suggestions, if I could add:

Plant - makes a word of difference imo if you spend a lot of time at your desk

Upgrade that POS keyboard If you type a lot it's totally worth an upgrade

Upgrade your headphones... IEMs are super cheap and will blow your balls off with the quality. Worth checking out the thread going on /g/

Nice cozy workspace Anon, please post more as you add to it! Interested to see how you change things up.
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>This would work, but its just too impractical.
does this look impractical to you?
>all those useless monitors and using 2015/2016 hardware

I replaced the 980 with a 3080Ti like 2 years ago, it's just an old pic
This looks like a helm to a starship/
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Yo wild i love the set up.

What kinda laptops are you running?
Build to withstand harshest environment. Runs windows lul
Damn I remember those. Never had one but I did have a Moto V Box
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Alienware M18xR2 with a handful of mods to bring it up a few generations. The finest laptop model ever made.
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Computer is under the table right now. 90 cm per seat absolutely suck.
>This looks like a helm to a starship/
H.M.S. Virginity
>H.M.S. Virginity
how dare you imply that I am Br*tish
Its cool but also very ostentatious, how many of those screens do you use when you aren't playing starship sims?
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one vtuber per screen
KEK, imagine playing vtuber screaming compilations all at the same time on them.
AAA i want CRTs
very nice
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I kneel
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>Nice projection
I don't live in a cardboard shed.
Hmmmmm. Not exactly a Slavic name. Try again.
I'd rather be dead than b*lkan
Thanks anon. I want to get a comfy leather recliner at some point but being poor sucks.

It's completely default.
never take away the right of a man to shart goyslop
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Oh please do be dead
Gotta ask, how's Greenland?
nta but my house is full concrete construction :3
Yes, now, that's going to hurt.
Damn good first step. Excellent mug, too.
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Keep us posted, Anoni
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>with both bottom red strips taken off
>Plant - makes a word of difference imo if you spend a lot of time at your desk
Would result in fungus, mold, etc giving lung infection.
No, thanks.
Working in harshest environments mandates agility, rapidity, functionality and above all a just werks spirit, not tinkering and consulting obscure neckbeard forums for every trivial fixes.
What Linux meme are you running? Also is that keyboard an M3?
She probably "treats" her ptsd by bullying sexist manlet "chuds". The type of decadence American occupation brings and squids are willing to allow to keep the Norks away.
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Nice wallpaper

Is your wallpaper from a videogame or something? I think I've seen that artstyle before
green is best flavor you fucking nigger
I realized this is the best keyboard approach
So, how slow is you're computer?
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How much do you make?
What do you keep in the fridge to the right?

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