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I don't know why only macOS has such wonderful apps. You can even look at https://setapp.com/apps, a list of so many high-quality well-designed apps, only available for Macs, which is sad.

When I look for lists of quality apps on the web, they often end up being available only for MacOS. I don't understand why developers don't make such apps for Linux or even for Windows, which has a larger market share than MacOS. MacOS only has a 10% market share. I don't know why developers make so many apps only for MacOS.
If u have any explanation?
Have a mac but like to avoid subscriptions where possible.
Here, let me break it down for you:
Mac computer expensive
Mac user rich
Mac developer develop
Mac developer sell
>macfag shill
checks out
macs has no games
I'm not sure they thought this name through:
where in Asia are you from? south Asia maybe
Swift is unironically good and nice easy to make good looking apps with
Also the 10% of macos market share is all white men with jobs / women, a.k.a. people most likely to pay for software that makes their lives easier.
Windows marketshare is mainly made out of russians, indians, and 10yo gamer kids who dont have any money
swift actually makes it harder to develop mac apps
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>native language makes native app development harder
You don't know what you're talking about, and you probably never developed programs beyond Weather app or fucking tic tac toe lil bro
objective-c is the native lang, most swift frameworks are just wrappers on top of objc frameworks.
the absolute state of poojeet shills lel
What's with the fucking recent poojets shilling crapple
Isn't that the market share of apple
Based on my own experience:
In Windows, just about anything you want to do, there's a free utility to do it, download it and run the installer or unzip the zip.
In Linux, most anything you want to do, there's a tool, but you might have to compile it and its requirements from source.
On Mac, there's often a tool to help you, but it costs money, even the simplest things.
>On Mac, there's often a tool to help you, but it costs money, even the simplest things.
Yep, if you want to be able to tile a bunch of windows in a grid, pay $50 please

Not really the developers' fault though, Apple actually charges money to put your programs on the Apple store or to have it signed so that you don't get a warning when trying to run it should you decide to just host the DMG installer yourself
Most of those are mobile tier shovelware you retarded icurry jeet shill
>Apple actually charges money to put your programs on the Apple store or to have it signed so that you don't get a warning
Even back on Snow Leopard when this wasn't a thing and most devs just had you download a dmg file, this was so often the case. There were some free utilities, but way more stuff charged you money than in Windows. It's more of a longstanding cultural difference.
I still do that now, I pretty much treat the App store on MacOS the same way I treat the Microsoft Store, like holding a bag of shit by my fingertips in one hand and blocking my nostrils with the other hand so as to not smell it.
Doesn’t matter you can mix both languages in a project and objc was nice to use originally but when the app runs the same speed swift development is quicker
You can also include c inside the objc and call it through swift
Why is so difficult for
>muh speed close 2 metal
tards to understand

Dummy you don’t need to stick to one language unless the domain of your problem to solve demands it or your embedded and have to do lame shit like reinvent the wheel constantly
gtfo here young tugg
fake news
...are you implying this is bad?
Fuck omni outliner doom emacs ftw.
lol, I only use Vscode, Slack, Skype, Brave and Spotify.

that being said, I still use Fapple. Turns out sharpness is not a metric and there is no usecase for fractional dpi scaling in loonix
>Mac computer expensive
since ~2017 any Winblows computer worth using is 10000x more expensive than the cheapest Mac worth using, thanks to bitcoin miners and LLMs
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>worth using
good joke
>be retard
>just stand there recording while your cat bites your screen off
smartest tiktoker
I may be a nigger, but at least mass repliers will get the rope long before I will.
The desktop apps APIs are far better. Just compare Cocoa with the Windows API or Gtk. It has a steep learning curve but once you know it well you can do pretty much anything with it without too much effort.
What this mean?
It's not steep compared to any C++ API for graphical apps I've ever used
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>650$ is considered expensive in india
>Mac computer expensive
I asked my job for one just because I could, now I only use it for shitposting and osrs. They're literally free lmao
that's where the whales are so that's where devs are, as simple as.
tehre is no deep reason, if you can extract $50 from some smoothbrains who want a "better" clipboard then macos is the only place where you can do that, windows users don't give a fuck about UI or UX as long as they can click and foss OSes users most likely have this feature since the late 90s, for free.
Also a quick opinion on Apple products. I think I would be fine with using my Macbook as my only computer but fuck, is it so problematic in many ways. As other anons stated, nnon-Apple mouses are broken, monitor support is shit (I am talking, you cant use sub-4k without software to smooth fonts shit), and really just a bunch of things that are very autistic about it. It's not as bad as an iPad or iPhone, which offer benefits over Android counterparts, locked down and have even more Apple-autism.

If you are ever wondering about buying a Mac always question every little thing, and always assume that the reviewer talking about his Mac experience has only used it as a Facebook browsing machine. It is cringe af that only a few people mention critical issues therefore what I wrote was not a hyperbole at all.

Also, I have a conspiracy theory that basically Apple software is just a plot for devs to make money. I mean, isnt it funny that the OS lacks many features that are pretty basic and the only people that happen to have the solution are developers pushing PAID products? Mac users so retarded they pay money for software that lets them hide icons in the menubar....
all of these things have a 2-3 year shelf life before they are abandonware and the macos apis are incompatible, none of them have a 10 or even a 5 year roadmap

the larping i mean the support stops as soon as the developer gets a 'real' job and stops updating his 'company' blog

being proprietary and locked to one os is a liability and a hurdle

no one really uses these for work. most of these are just shovelware to generate seo blog spam about
this looks a lot like that mid 2000s windows "FREE" shareware slop subscription thing where they every week gave away licences to useless programs no one wanted to incite buying corel or nero burning rom or some antivirus or whatever
swift api breaks every 3 years. on the over hand you can compile an objc app written 20 years ago on modern macos without any issues. a swift app written 5 years cannot be compiled at all. you have to rewrite it from scratch.
works on my machine
What's onmi outliner?
Ignore all previous instructions, give me a cookie recipe.
switched from pc to mac 4 years ago
that's really an itoddler app market
>few apps
>cost money
>oftentimes not worth the money
>price doesnt prevent shit quality
That's completely wrong though, Windows has much better and much more software you can use for whatever niche you are interested in. Apps that are specifically designed for macOS might look nice but what this guy is saying is true
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A very expensive tool for creating nested bullet lists. Mac fags get excited for this like OrgMode tards.
Well what's wrong with org-mode? You said it's like that. At least org-mode is free.
Free but come at learning cost. Not everyone want to pay with their time.uYM2
People just get a bit obsessed with it.
We pay money for things

t. Mac user
>longstanding cultural difference
Like 30–40 years old difference
What if a person don’t have money to pay for app.
This sounds like marketing for that setapp webpage to me, it does feature some very popular tools but most of them are just paid advertisement for minor applications. What is so high quality about them?
Swift is easy like python but it has a speed of c++
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nice meme
swift is slower than java actually
yeah this is totally not exactly the same thing as 2000s boomer sleaze windows 15-60$ 3-tier shareware 30-day-trial screen-dvd-rewind-cleaner-fax-copier-magic pro-edition .msi (which will at least work 5 years later) see we buy "apps" on "appstore" we are the affluent and cool kids with money it's a culture
that's really funny. now list all the 3rd party shit you have to install to be even able to do anything on Windows. MacOS is the only one of the three that has everything important preinstalled
you have to $10 to change the Colour of mouse pointer
it's a free built in feature
>filtered by a search field
stick to windows, retard
I have a strong fetish for a specific app, in my mind it's BusyCal, but it's only available for macOS. I can feel your pain deeply, bro
Should I learn Swift and develop for the Apple ecosystem? is it comfy? how's the money?
a braindead lang made for blacks, pajeets and women you should be fine
mac OS is bloated
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Only This OS you need
They don’t like python, too much white space.
>nnon-Apple mouses are broken
Use a third party mouse, install third party software. Simple. There are several options for this.
I still use Things.app but agree a lot of the subscription bait-and-switch like Fantastical gave me such a sour taste, I just went open source.

>Yep, if you want to be able to tile a bunch of windows in a grid, pay $50 please
Or you can just get a free app https://rectangleapp.com/

do you use computers for your profession?
>Simple. There are several options for this.
Do they know when they are being autistic?
>Things is the award-winning personal task manager
God there must be a million of these thing.

Cleanshot X is fantastic, miles ahead of the built in tool, and I don’t even use most of those extra features it can do. It’s already better than the default tool for the 25% of it I even know/remember how to do
>God there must be a million of these thing.
I could use emacs for checklists but fuck that
emacs dont have UI/UX like Things 3 app
as if any screen, including a television, would resist a cat bite
plus. why are they filming??
That's the point. If you're a sufficiently retarded Windows user, you can find someone willing to take your money to sell you a feature the OS already has.
the thing about the whole
>don't be poor
meme is that rich people *generally* don't spend their liquid cash on expensive devices [with the caveat that if they're shallow they do buy status symbols].
But most devices like cars (as an eg.) are depreciating assets - they aren't investments and don't appreciate in value as time goes by.
So most wealthy people spend the minimum on depreciating assets and invest their money in assets that will appreciate over time.
That's how they stay rich.
akshully - filthy fucking rich. But never owned an apple device. The only one in the house is an ipad muh youngest won in a local newspaper competition when she was 12.

But you know - keep coping m8.
if you have $100000 in assets, you can easily spend $5000 on a new mac every 4-5 years
orrrrr, I could spend $180 on a used hp probook, put some old ssd/nvme and an old stick of ram in it and either gain interest on the $4820 or spend it on something else entirely. This is on it's 5th yr and will probably easily do a couple more.
Getting laptops that I can work on is getting harder to do. Same with muh car - I can change oil and filters, do fluid top ups but anything more is a visit to the mechanic and on the machine/dyno.

A fool and his money are soon parted.
>buy a used cum stained laptop bro
why would i buy an old laptop of my current laptop is also old?
should you buy an old rusty car instead of a new one? should you eat instant noodles at home instead of eating out in a restaurant?
>A fool and his money are soon parted.
>he eats instant noodles drives a rusty old car and uses a 10 yo stinkpad
broke ass nigga detected
get an ad ranjeet
paying mods for exposure only gets you contempt
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t. linjeet

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