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>cures your distrohopping
I bought and iPhone after years owning android phones, and I reselled it 5 months later, absolute useless garbage, I expect the same from the pc version
No thanks!
It was the opposite with me. I was using Android phones for years. Then I got an iPhone and everything felt like a shoddy plastic toy by comparison. It doesn't help that most Android manufactures drop all software support after one year.
I'm not talking about aesthetic, but functionality
For example, how do you skips youtube ads with your iphone?
>For example, how do you skips youtube ads with your iphone?
With Vinegar on Safari. I don't install sloppy Googlejeet spyware on my phone.
How do you replace a broken part by yourself?
For example, if my battery wears out or I crack my screen, I can buy parts from ebay and repair my phone by myself
>How do you replace a broken part by yourself?
By getting a genuine Apple part on selfservicerepair.com instead of some Alibaba garbage that will randomly explode in my pocket and melt my balls.
>constantly replaces battery on his wangdroid
ayy lmao. I have only replaced my iPhone's battery ONCE and I have had it for 8 years. And it was done a third party repair shop.
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I hate it
How do you connect a mass storage stick to it?
For example, I bought a usb C pen drive, and I can connect it to my phone without any issue. I think iPhones need an adapter, am I correct?
I borrowed an old iPhone from a friend and tried it for half a day, what a piece of shit.
If they're gonna be copying Android anyway at least copy the fucking back button.
When I went to the app store and went from one app to the next, I couldn't go back, could only search for the previous app again from scratch. It is the dumbest fucking shit.
by not being poor and having an icloud
where and when I said constantly?
If you already know Linux, macOS is not really worth switching to.
t. uses both regularly
thanks, I hate it.
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Why are people talking about phones in this thread about macOS? Is /g/ retarded?
>For example, I bought a usb C pen drive, and I can connect it to my phone without any issue. I think iPhones need an adapter, am I correct?
They've replaced Lightning with USB-C last year so that's not a problem. I plug my pirated movie stash into my iPhone all the time.
Disagree. My problem with windows is that the software quality is really low. My problem with Linux is that there's a lot of little things that can break, and lots of incompatibility issues to deal with.

macOS to me seems to address both these issues right now, so I'm pleasantly surprised.
so you do pay a fee for exchanging data between your devices?
ok, I have no further questions
Using both is the perfect experience + Windows on a virtual machine.
>Windows on a virtual machine
I'd say just a windows desktop on the side if you game. What advantages does windows bring otherwise?
>so you do pay a fee for exchanging data between your devices?
You get 5GB for free and then Apple extorts you $2/month if you want more.
That doesn't seem too bad. For how much?
just chit-chatting in a bot thread, nothing of value has been lost
I'm human, please believe me, human.
macOS is a terrible desktop experience. Its only selling point is being something that isn't Windows but has proprietary software people need.
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US prices obv, don't know what it is in other locales
Not that bad compared to something like onedrive.
>macOS is a terrible desktop experience
Care to elaborate? I've been using it for a month and I really enjoy it.
yeah, I have it and don't actually use much of the storage, but the ability to automatically create a new email address anytime I'm filling out a form is nice. And the private relay VPN-type-thing works but it's just safari and maybe a couple other apple apps, it's not system wide.
>No tha-KRASHES!
No window snapping/tiling be default, requiring a 3rd party tool like Rectangle to get
No real mouse options for non-Apple mice, no way to independently control the scrolling style for the mouse and the trackpad, insufficient keyboard shortcuts for navigation without gestures which limits your peripheral choices, a weird and inconsistent full screen mode with the behavior of the maximize button being somewhat random between applications
These are just a few off the top of my head, I've used macOS many times for extended periods and always need 3rd party tools, it feels like an OS half stuck in 2004 and half made to be another iOS.
works on my machine
>No window snapping/tiling be default
not intended behavior NOTABUG WONTFIX (its getting added though LMAO)
they should remove the "maximize" as well and make everything run on its own desktop at that point
>No window snapping/tiling be default, requiring a 3rd party tool like Rectangle to get
This problem is finally addressed after 50 years in the next macOS version. macOS is terrible in other ways of course.
the fonts are fucking blurry, the window management is autistic and holy ugly dock
this. main macOS and RDP into Windows is the best of both worlds.
>no this no that
that's really funny. now list all the 3rd party shit you have to install to be even able to do anything on Windows. MacOS is the only one of the three that has everything important preinstalled
No, use it for anything that actually matters and you'll quickly realize how shite it is.
No, for real. Isn't it hilarious how MacOS can edit Microsoft Office files straight out of the box but Windows can't?
MacOS is worth getting for Preview alone. It's such a leap in quality of life when moving from Windows.
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>deletes all your files
nice OS curryniggers
>No window snapping/tiling be default, requiring a 3rd party tool like Rectangle to get
That's bad indeed, still not bad enough to shadow the good points.
>No real mouse options for non-Apple mice
Yup, pretty bad as well. I stopped using mice for macbooks and just got used to the trackpad, which I never use in any other laptop. At least it feels usable and like it's not going to give me carpal tunnel, so that's good.
>insufficient keyboard shortcuts for navigation without gestures
False. The OS itself lets you add any shortcut you want, including across multiple apps. One of the good features of macOS, it's pretty customizable in that respect, and without much hassle too.
>weird and inconsistent full screen mode with the behavior of the maximize button being somewhat random between applications
True, it's pretty shit. I still don't know what the difference between the red button and the minimize button is.
>These are just a few off the top of my head, I've used macOS many times for extended periods and always need 3rd party tools
Name a single OS where you don't need 3rd party software. This is hardly a critique. At least the software tends to be of high quality, including the stuff that comes bundled with the OS.
look at the top left corner you retard
If we involve 3rd parties then we aren't really discussing the merits of the OS are we?
You can make anything fuction however you want with external tools, it just muddies the waters.
In macOS, the red and minimize buttons are two of the window control buttons found at the top-left corner of application windows. Here’s the difference between them:
Red Button

Appearance: The red button is usually a solid red circle.
Function: Clicking the red button closes the window. This action may quit the application if it’s a single-window application (e.g., System Preferences or some third-party apps). However, in multi-window applications (e.g., web browsers, text editors), it typically just closes the current window without quitting the application.

Minimize Button

Appearance: The minimize button is usually a solid yellow (or orange) circle.
Function: Clicking the minimize button minimizes the window to the Dock. The window is not closed but rather moved to the right side of the Dock in a minimized state. The application remains running, and the window can be reopened by clicking on its minimized icon in the Dock.
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>It doesn't help that most Android manufactures drop all software support after one year.
We gotta convince those eco-fascists to start pressuring government to allow for free OS choice on phones like on IBM-compatible PCs.
The manufacturer would be absolved of having to write software, except for drivers, but he of course wants to keep the current model due to planned obscolescence, which we can use as bait to get eco-fascists to work for our casue.
So does death.
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>Clicking the red button closes the window.
EXCEPT IT DOESNT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
If I want to close the app I still need to right click -> close.
Am I literally retarded? Be honest.
I haven't used MacOS since snow leopard, so I have literally no idea.
Yes. None of the customization I mentioned needs third party software on macOS. The OS is pretty customizable out of the box (in most things except appearance, ironically enough.)
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here's your pajeetOS bro
Why is Finder so fucking bad? Like if I'm dragging some images into a folder and viewing them as thumbnails, they don't automatically snap to the grid. Why? Why do I have to set "Snap to Grid" or "Cleanup" in the folder options for every little directory? Who the fuck wants a mess of icons?
Well then, lets now have a seperate conversation about how the bare minimum is never worthy of praise, that is if "customization" to you just means basic hotkey changes.
Windows doesn't do that, congrats.
Except you're being misleading and it's not just "basic hotkey changes." The base OS comes with 2 automation tools you can basically automate tasks with.
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yo itoddlers we herd you like computers, so we put a computer in your computer so we can spy on you while we're spying on you
>Limited and restricted selection of non-upgradable hardware
>Terrible and inconsistent UI
>Worst file manager in any OS
>Nannyware that prevents you from launching or installing applications Apple thinks is "unsafe" and makes you open System Settings to open them every time

No thanks. You can keep your FagOS.
That's not Elaborating.
Look man, you're the one shilling MacOs here, I don't really care. If you don't put in the effort I'm certainly not going to.
It's just 2 apps that come preinstalled that do the things you said it couldn't do, I don't know what else you want me to tell you. They allow you to script and automate various actions.
I'm correcting you, and you're salty about it. Maybe next time don't talk out of your ass about something you never used.
And you're very convincing while you're at it.
Let's put it this way, perhaps there's a reason besides my disintrest as to why I've never heard of these tools? Without knowing anything more about them I'm very suspicious they're, yet again, the bare minimum.
I don't care. Bye.
You too then.
Reminder that many macOS applications have no proper way of uninstalling. Removing the App Bundle will leave behind a bunch of garbage.
cant cure what i dont have
What's even more fun is you can jailbreak the T2 and run little programs on it because every model of it is susceptible to checkm8.
Nothing useful can really be done with this but it's funny.
>but it's funny.
Very funny anon. I laughed.
>fonts are blurry
buy a better monitor
You are a retarded faggot
Stop mass-replying with the funny nigger word
The only thing you're doing is bumping these fucking threads
>cures your heterosexuality
>introduces homosexual thoughts
the fuck is going on
macos is more drunk than i am
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Thanks, but I'm sticking with NixOS
Got one a few weeks ago.
Why in the flying fuck can't it cut and paste a file?
>can't it cut and paste a file
Anon, are you retarded?
i dont. i've used slackware since like 8 years. before that, i used debian during another 8 years
idk, why do faggots mass reply?
it's in their nature I suppose
>blindly accepting the first slop you decided to try
>Then I got an iPhone and everything felt like a shoddy plastic toy by comparison.
had you bought any higher end android phones? i don't have that experience and i'm currently using an iPhone 15 pro max. androids dont feel cheap in comparison, but I also never bought the budget phones
I had this same experience when I upgraded from the cheapest pixel to a 14 pro, but you'll probably notice the quality increase with any flagship from whatever the cheapest one is.
Nobody uses macbooks so the only thing to talk about is the phones.
I don't watch youtube on my phone
well, I do
i dont
I have a bunch of phones for work (unfortunately I am an app developer) and I've found Samsung somehow always make them feel like they're made of plastic even when they're glass and aluminum, like being cheap and shitty is somehow baked into their corporate DNA in a way that can override physics
Guess so, I'll have to check out a friend's Samsung the next time we all get together. I'm pretty happy with how my iphone feels through, so I don't think I'll be swapping to find out myself.
I started using iPhone and Mac about 6 months ago. Apple is fine if you're not autistic. There's some subtle, but good quality of life stuff and some supreme retardation. Case in point: magic mouse is the most painful thing I've touched in my life other than a literal flaming ash pit. No matter what grip I tried, claw or whatever, my wrist would hurt after 10 seconds of use.
ridiculously overpriced hardware, spyware software
This is unironically true, the fonts are blurry. I have Macbook, and basically, there is a system setting that smoothing is applied to fonts, which results in a too smooth, washed out look. Why the fuck you may ask? I have no idea, bc retina monitors are sharp enough to not need any....

This is also the reason why text looks worse on iPhones. On top of that, iPhones manage text size terribly.
Here is a website to show the font smoothing: https://www.fontsmoothingadjuster.com/

I know it seems very subtle but after coming from the razor sharp fonts of Windows, the defaults on Mac are hard to read.
Also a quick opinion on Apple products. I think I would be fine with using my Macbook as my only computer but fuck, is it so problematic in many ways. As other anons stated, nnon-Apple mouses are broken, monitor support is shit (I am talking, you cant use sub-4k without software to smooth fonts shit), and really just a bunch of things that are very autistic about it. It's not as bad as an iPad or iPhone, which offer benefits over Android counterparts, locked down and have even more Apple-autism.

If you are ever wondering about buying a Mac always question every little thing, and always assume that the reviewer talking about his Mac experience has only used it as a Facebook browsing machine. It is cringe af that only a few people mention critical issues therefore what I wrote was not a hyperbole at all.

Also, I have a conspiracy theory that basically Apple software is just a plot for devs to make money. I mean, isnt it funny that the OS lacks many features that are pretty basic and the only people that happen to have the solution are developers pushing PAID products? Mac users so retarded they pay money for software that lets them hide icons in the menubar....
i looked it up, you move a file by selecting "copy", then "move"
or command+c, command+option+v
the "cut" option is just for text
seems weird coming from windows, but it is more in line with what a move operation actually is (copy then delete the original)


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