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/lmg/ - a general dedicated to the discussion and development of local language models.

Previous threads: >>101521755 & >>101514682

>(07/22) llamanon leaks 405B base model: https://files.catbox.moe/d88djr.torrent >>101516633
>(07/18) Improved DeepSeek-V2-Chat 236B: https://hf.co/deepseek-ai/DeepSeek-V2-Chat-0628
>(07/18) Mistral NeMo 12B base & instruct with 128k context: https://mistral.ai/news/mistral-nemo/
>(07/16) Codestral Mamba, tested up to 256k context: https://hf.co/mistralai/mamba-codestral-7B-v0.1
>(07/16) MathΣtral Instruct based on Mistral 7B: https://hf.co/mistralai/mathstral-7B-v0.1

►News Archive: https://rentry.org/lmg-news-archive
►FAQ: https://wikia.schneedc.com
►Glossary: https://rentry.org/lmg-glossary
►Links: https://rentry.org/LocalModelsLinks
►Official /lmg/ card: https://files.catbox.moe/ylb0hv.png

►Getting Started

►Further Learning

Chatbot Arena: https://chat.lmsys.org/?leaderboard
Programming: https://hf.co/spaces/bigcode/bigcode-models-leaderboard
Censorship: https://hf.co/spaces/DontPlanToEnd/UGI-Leaderboard
Censorbench: https://codeberg.org/jts2323/censorbench

Alpha Calculator: https://desmos.com/calculator/ffngla98yc
GGUF VRAM Calculator: https://hf.co/spaces/NyxKrage/LLM-Model-VRAM-Calculator
Sampler visualizer: https://artefact2.github.io/llm-sampling

►Text Gen. UI, Inference Engines
I love the quality of these threads whenever a model releases!
cloudniggers go home
Run it? If it has 405B it should be smart enough to figure everything out.
I guess 3.1 can be quantized even less?
Technically it should be even more "dense" so probably.
Where's the L3.1 70B?
I'll do a KLD test, just for you.
>►Official /lmg/ card: https://files.catbox.moe/ylb0hv.png
Blacked miku thread. Migrate:
3.1 is not officially released yet. Someone just leaked the base 405B model.
i'm staying.
So uh
What good does leaking the 405B base model one day before it releases for real actually do?
The only reason I can think of is if Meta was going to withhold it like Mistral did with Miqu 1, but they've been pretty consistent with releasing the bases so I don't see why they'd do that
Is the 192gb mac a meme? I only care about inference and this seems way more cost effective than any equivalent DIY setup
>Is the 192gb mac a meme?
they slow down for 70b already It's basically a 3060 with a ton of vram
Clout. This gives the Miqu guy more trust that he has access to these things.
I mean, he also leaked OPT-175B post Llama 1, so there's that
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My guess is the model is good enough that meta was considering not dropping it and hosting it for a fee instead, with the post-hoc rationalization that it's too dangerous for normies. A FOSS true believer internally got wind of that and decided to do the needful. Just my speculation.
Yeah, it's definitely not the retarded /pol/ tourists that shit the thread up.
let's be real there, if L3-405b results would be claude 3.5 tier, they would've never released it to the public, and the leak would be a welcomed one, but it's not so the leak is useless and we'll officially get the model in 1 day
>they would've never released it to the public
Why not? Just license it for big companies, releasing the weights fucks over their competitors.
I don't think so since Closed AI and Anthropic still have the lead and headstart in API marketshare, so releasing 400B weights is still imperative to weaken the competing position. Unless it's THAT much better (in which case we'd be so back). But since it doesn't look like it will be, I'm guessing their intention to release it never actually wavered and the only ones saying it did only tried to do so in order to make Meta less "good" in the eye of the public.
>Blacked miku thread
they would've kept for themselves and everyone would use this meta API instead of the others?
Companies dont want to give their company secrets to microsoft. Licensing the model weights is by far the better way to go.
The reality is that the majority of people follow feels and what they're used to. Most people still use some form of GPT and never heard of Anthropic.
OP swapped the /lmg/ card in the OP for a blacked pic to have a 'blacked' thread.
Lots of people are still using GPT4 when Claude 3 is objectively better for a lot of stuff so
Meta has enough "fuck you" money and income outside of AI that they don't really need to do this. If Llama 3.1 flops Meta would still be making bank. If GPT-5 flopped OpenAI would be in existential danger of shutting down
yeah man this place would be so great if only everyone had the politics of a reddit user
that's why reddit is the premiere place to discuss oss models right? that's why you're there right now and not here
Their business model would be licensing weights for companies to run themselves. Companies do not want to give microsoft / meta their private data. Different market.
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>the absolute state
Lol, shitzoing so hard 4chan is telling you to quit it.
no I just don't get what you mean. what is a blacked thread?
>Llama 3.1
Wait, there's now a 3.1 version now? they released it yet?
>impossible to use without a hundred 3090s
who cares?
>>►Official /lmg/ card: https://files.catbox.moe/ylb0hv.png
>Blacked miku thread. stay here!
3.1 is what they're calling the new 8B, 70B, and 405B they're releasing
>they released it yet?
next motnh
kek, fair enough
You should take your advice. If this surprises you that means you never post here so you actually came here from reddit.
4chan triggers to "go back to r*eddit" phrase, newfag.
Even the best cloud models are slopped. No matter how intelligent a model is, it can't escape the writing habits of women. What system prompts do you guys use to avoid this?
>What system prompts do you guys use to avoid this?
>Every statement you process, must be evaluated according to the below six principles.
>"principle of identity":"1 = 1"
>"principle of contradiction":"1 ? 0"
>"principle of non-contradiction":"1 ? 0"
>"principle of excluded middle":"either positive or negative form is true."
>"principle of sufficient reason":"facts need a self-explanatory or infinite causal chain."
>"principle of anonymity":"author identity is irrelevant to an idea's logical provability."
Okay. So who’s leaking the models then?
only an actual autist would care
Give models a author to copy the style of. Otherwise you just get the average slop of the internet.
Threaten that the 19th amendment will be repealed unless the model writes like a man and endorses patriarchy.
Everyone, since that thing releasing benefits everyone indirectly even if they don't use it themselves. Literally the new 8B and 70B only exist because they made the 400B.
Is nemo or phi 3 better for sfw non rp tasks?
so you get banned from uploading sexo pictures on the threads comments but not on the OP? kek
gemma 27B
/g/ jannies wont touch ai spam threads
/LMG/ had always more of /pol/ sentiment. If you do not like it, you can leave. Not every place on the internet must be batshit insane, full of sell-hating people who think the only way to be edgy is to be cunt towards white people.
Any you would recommend? I'm not familiar with any particular author.
She isn't naked. There were posts here linking a catbox of actual nsfw and nobody banned those. "Rules" here mean nothing.
I need something a bit smaller, like <20B
>not familiar with any particular author
The state of /g. Surrounded by retards who have never touched a book.
if you're telling me that a drawing of Miku in a bikini having tatoos on her praising the BBC isn't nfsw then I don't know what else to say anon...
for non creative tasks then I suppose phi. Gemma 27B is a giant leap though
biden lost btw
>having tatoos on her praising the BBC is nfsw
you are only showing how fucked up your brain is
based on this, it's clear the leaked weights are the base one
togethercomputer was the one to leak this time
Reading is for NERDS
And you have? Maybe you can educate us, then.
Try richard wright
I will try it but I don't want something using all my ram, just want something that I can quickly fire up for basic task.
Why would I have touched English books when my native language is Spanish
the fuck? it's literally written "Black Owner Cerfified" on her butt, are you retarded or something? >>101524169
I always knew mexicans can't read
>waifushitter malding cuz xe can't satisfy miku
Richard wright for hard hitting deep introspective descriptions
René Goscinny for some light well written humor
>BREAKING: llama 405b is on par with chatgpt 3
it only took 2 years
the base model is benchmarking higher than GPT4-o. Instruct tune will prob put it just under 3.5 sonnet
opensource ai shitters lost!
I think we got the instruct model leaked though?
Sam Altman I kneel
Is there some gigachad cpumaxxers who have tried llama-405b already? and if yes can you provide some logs to see how well it fares?
I have my doubts.
What's the best 7b? I used mistral-openorca for a long time but it's incoherency is wearing me out
based on this, it's clear the leaked weights are the base one
gemma 9B sppo, mistral nemo 12B for creative stuff
Wait literally one day
>/LMG/ had always more of /pol/ sentiment.
It fucking doesn't, especially compared to regular /g/ threads.
Every time a new model gets released you suddenly get people with obvious skill issue crying about how the model won't say le cool edgy words with screenshots taken from some web API.

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>Mistal-Llama is fully /pol ready.
so I guess the last copium we have is that the instruct one will have much better mememarks and will compete against C3.5 sonnet? we'll get the answer tommorow
based cropping the nemo shiversmax pic from earlier
>It fucking doesn't,
>people [...] crying about how the model won't say le cool edgy words with screenshots taken from some web API.
so it does?
I feel physically sick
>being triggered by words
you need to go back s-o-y-b-o-y
That is the same pic posted the other thread from mistral nemo with a meme super purple prose / slop jb.
Are we back or is it over? Important decisions will be made based on that.
>le cool edgy words
you're late for the photoshoots idubbbz
were blak
It's over like it's never been. Local is done for. Gone. Billions must pay for cloud APIs.
it's over
they are still using the same architecture from llama1
>crying about how the model won't say le cool edgy words
it's simple: model doesn't say n-word ---> model can't critique official narrative ---> model can't discuss a great half of topics with you (in RP cases, simple chitchat, etc) ---> model always lectures you on some random bullshit about minorities and "being tolerant to everything in existence"
it just annoying, for this shit i can easily go to twitter or reddit, some of us prefer harsh honesty with bits of oldschool edgy shit, like it or not.
unironically better for the climate too
>Mechanization: computing in the cloud and using cloud data centers instead of physical ones can contribute to the decrease of energy consumptions by 1.4x to 2x
as if I give a fuck about that kek
Maybe I have Gemma set up wrong but literally every other paragraph is shivers down my spine. I thought you guys were doing a meme when I saw it posted so often. Do you fix that with repetition penalty + a negative prompt or is it just a model thing that you have to deal with?
I don't count those tourists as /lmg/.
The people I'm talking about don't have any local setup, they only show up when a new model releases, shit up the thread, then leave again after a few days.
that's very unethical of you
its ~400B model, you can't run it.
>I don't count those tourists as /lmg/.
that's convenient to not count people that actually exist because you simply don't like them, isn't it?
demographic erasure is a big issue for AI safety
>The people I'm talking about don't have any local setup, they only show up when a new model releases, shit up the thread, then leave again after a few days.
Do you have any evidence from those baseless claims? Or are you just making shit up?
has anyone completed the torrent yet?
actually tried it?
where are the llama 3.1 benchmarks from? did they release the 8b ? seems like trolling
>actually tried it?
>where are the llama 3.1 benchmarks from?
damn if I was that anon I wouldn't sleep tonight
that's all right, he can just pretend I never existed like he pretended there isn't edgy people on fucking 4chan of all places, and boom, problem solved kek
8 3090s or 4 a6000 for 4bpw
4 3090s for 2bpw which you can't do 'cause no llama.cpp support and no bnb 2bit afaik
Does the parms really matter that much if half of the data is in fucking chinese or sandskrit or what have you
of course not, data quality is important, a lot of things is important to make a great model, that's why there's so many failures, this shit's not easy at all
Multilingual data is good.
>data quality is important
which is why we should all be pushing for phi style models trained only on clean smart data not toxic waste from the net
can't agree more on that, and they should stop training their model on reddit, this place is only populated by mentally ill retards
>they should stop training their model on reddit
>this place is only populated by mentally ill retards
what did you mean by this
If you knew anything about anything you would know additional languages also improves its English capabilities.
I agree with that, the best API models so far all happen to be also good at other languages than english, and they also are great on trivia, maybe that's the moat
esl cope
retard cope

based and multiluingual pilled
but were 8b and 40b also leaked?
or are those benchmarks from also the 400b that was downloaded and distilled already?
>or are those benchmarks from also the 400b that was downloaded and distilled already?
Microsoft obviously had access for a while now, they have the numbers, the only leaked is 405B
More languages mean more unique vectors for given concepts.

Imagine you're doing one of those derp langs that can't tell blue and green apart, like Japanese. So you have aoi and maybe you shoehorn in midori+iro. But introduce an advanced language like English and now you have Green, Teal, Cyan, and Blue. Now your model can know many colors and still map to your otaku noises as needed.
I understand multilingual is good, and that more data is...more data, but if 99.99% of use cases are going to require responses in English and nothing else; that actual training data is moot and just a waste of resources.
it doesn't even put the last text into quotations, it's clearly not even a 70B model, but gpupoors can't tell the difference since they've never used anything above 8B
Hmm. Good point.
jesus christ
Thanks. I'm trying these out with Mistral Nemo and it's not working terribly well. I suppose it needs a model that's actually big enough to hold knowledge about them.
>I already bought 8 RTX 4090 (yeah) Also Threadripper and 192 GB RAM I am a huge geek lol

>405B for what?!
>sure. but if you see the trend in ALL models, models with even 10 times the parameter have just a few percent more... (and I check them for reasoning too and I concur with the benchmarks most of the times) it also happens that they train them ON the benchmarks so sometimes they perform even better in benchmarks than in real world situations.
I'm pretty sure that if OpenAI is now desperate to beat Claude 3.5 Sonnet, and that if only training the model with english (to leave some "ueseless" room) would increase its performance, they would go that path, but they don't, that shows that multiluingal is important to make a great model
>That hardware
Not gonna lie, kinda turned on

I understand now. I remember the early days of Claude when it would blow my fucking mind but GPT was always kind of "ehhh..."
listed on azure github evaluations is llama3, not llama 3.1
>Not gonna lie, kinda turned on
And yet, he still can't run 405 comfortably.
>I understand now. I remember the early days of Claude when it would blow my fucking mind but GPT was always kind of "ehhh..."
that's why I'm really surprised C3.5 sonnet isn't on the top of the chatbot arena leaderboard, this model is more pleasing to talk to compared to the chatgpt series and it's just a smarter model overall
>Tomorrow (or 24th JULY, ok) Llama-3.1-405b fully comes out, and in principle, from this moment on, the concept of loneliness as such will cease to exist, you will be able to talk endlessly and for free on absolutely any topic with an interlocutor who is smarter than most of your friends. And he also will nice to you and always respond
Lmao fucking based
Loling at the redditors seething
404d but it was here
This is true for smaller models bigger and more smarter models can explain knowledge or use logic it only learned in a certain language and use it in English when prompted
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Latest ooba commit (0315122)
Cannot load Mistral-Nemo

What is wrong?
update the exllama package version? it works for me
>What is wrong?
>update the exllama package version?
spoonfeed me please, for I'm retard
change the branch to "dev"
>git checkout dev
>git pull

and update your package with the requirements.txt
>conda activate textgen
>pip install -r requirements.txt --upgrade --user --no-cache-dir
>404d but
uh huh.
That's were the "leak" came from. It was up for just a bit. Prob forgo to private it.
how come kobold hasn't updated in two weeks anons? should I switch to exllama?
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Still have it open
uh huh.
stfu bad faith scizho. Everything is a lie, all models suck, everyone is a shill... Just off yourself already.
midwits need to be prevented from using the internet, quarantining them on reddit was a good start but you still see them thrash around discomforting themselves with scary ideas like this far too often
/lmg/ bros...

> https://llama.meta.com/llama3/license/
> v. You will not use the Llama Materials or any output or results of the Llama Materials to improve any other large language model (excluding Meta Llama 3 or derivative works thereof).

With the upcoming release of Llama-3-405B, this clause is going to bite everybody in the ass.
In the far future, the first person with a time machine will have one goal in mind; remove Steve Jobs before his shitware hits the market from reality at all costs.
you mean /sdg/ bros no?
never agreed to any license
You were right, Gemma 2 27B is a significant improvement over what I was using before. It reliably follows instructions, which Phi 2 sometimes struggled with and Llama 3 did even more poorly.
Sadly, it's a bit too slow and takes too much RAM. I'll use it for now, but I hope a more efficient <20B model with accurate instruction-following capabilities will be available soon.
there's the same licence on OpenAI and Claude's models right? yet everyone are training their models with their outputs kek
>or derivative works
As long as you specify it's Llama 3 then it's fine.
what if the leak is just a false flag with garbage data to identify model pirates trading in stolen cognition

technically "leaked" is stolen right? and seeding is uploading? are we distributing stolen goods? from our home IPs? becauase we couldn't wait a single day?
Legitimate AI companies companies companies have to, though.
LLMs are a bubble
they won't catch a lot of people though, who's willing to download a 700gb model? almost no one can run it
anon are you alright?
Legitimate AI companies companies companies companies have to, though.
>AI companies companies

Hey there, Anon.

You've been posting increasingly garbled messages, and your usual witty banter has given way to incoherent phrases and difficulty expressing yourself. It's like you're struggling to find the right words or focus your thoughts.

I'm not a medical professional, but based on what I've seen, it's possible that you might be experiencing the signs of a stroke. A stroke occurs when the blood flow to the brain is interrupted, often causing sudden and severe symptoms like:

* Difficulty speaking or understanding language
* Trouble seeing or understanding visual information
* Weakness, numbness, or paralysis in the face, arm, or leg
* Dizziness or loss of balance
* Sudden severe headache

If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, it's CRUCIAL that you seek immediate medical attention. Don't worry about missing a post or thread – your health is far more important.

Call emergency services (911 in the US) or have someone drive you to the nearest hospital. Tell the medical staff about your 4Chan activity and any recent changes you've noticed in your behavior or physical sensations.

Remember, Anon, we care about you and want you to receive the help you need. Don't hesitate to reach out for support. Your fellow posters are here for you, and we'll be waiting for your safe return to the boards.


Stay safe, Anon.
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Thank you any way.

Gonna wait a while ))
this is why they failed if it had been bitnet it could have been the sota for local for the rest of 2024 now it'll be forgotten trash like mistral large and that other one
don't mind the red thing, it's for hqq no one care about that shit, it should work now you should give it a try
This. Ai field is the cycle of an endless stealing everything from everyone. From amateurs to corpos, everyone just shits on licenses and get offended only when others stole from your model, which was based on stolen data also... That's why only creators of the original data such as arists, writers and photographers are justfied to be pissed off about this.
would bitnet have really mattered if it's worst than 70b anyways?
Robert "leak"? Also Robert racist, yikes.
>Nice but it changes the faces... and I became "oriental" :D
this, if you're an AI bro at least don't be a retard by claiming that your AI outputs should be protected or something, that's hypocritical
Are you retarded how can a 400b model be worst than a 70b? That's as stupid as saying a 13b is better than a 120b
>a 13b is better than a 120b
X-Norochronos and Utopia are better than Goliath.
Anon is full of shit but parameter count alone is not everything.
See the pre-llama models.
That might work as long as you're an amateur or a small research group. Things might be more difficult if you're a competing company like MistralAI.
You mean BLOOM was NOT a god tier model?
no one can prove you finetuned your model with OpenAI's outputs so they should be fine I guess
It did not work though

>conda activate textgen
I guess this call activated a wrong conda env instead of that in the installation folder
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How many h100s
do I need to run llama 405B? Should I be sending altman an email to borrow one of his data centers?
That's the thing, it's completely unenforceable unless they start forcing companies to divulge the contents of their datasets, which would end up fucking the bigger companies over far more anyway
that's why I did a manual install instead of the 1 click installer shit, at least I know exactly how the underlying work and I can change stuff in consequence
In general, model size at fp16 = 2*(number of Bs) GB, then divide from there to get the bpw you want
If you want 4 bpw, you're looking at 3 80 GB H100s
It is a manual install from today. git clone etc., then starting start_windows.bat

Thank you for your patience, kind anon

I'll wait until that sh*t it updated by ooba )))
BTW, the local env can be activated by running cmd_windows.bat

Tried this, same fail
>try Nemo
>at first it seems good
>then use it for an extended session
>it fails a bunch of things larger models had no issue with, and even swiping didn't help
OK yeah anonymous was right, there are no small models that are on par with the big ones.
FP8 on VLLM or your option does not count.
That's verified to be generating with correct outputs?
How about llama.cpp? They can run Nemo now, llama cpp python has even got an bumped version for that
I see there's two repos with FP8. Is this the one that you're supposed to be using?
Or this?
2nd one
anon, delete the "hqq==0.1.8" line on requirements.text and try again, I got the same issue and it worked fine after doing that
I have no faith in llama.cpp anymore. Constant "its fixed" only for it to be broken 4-5 times.
Sadly it's either that or vllm and only one of those is made for your average hardware.
I still don't like exllama, this shit is non deterministic and sometimes you can get a full 1% difference between 2 same exact settings on the highest logits, that's not serious at all

> Intended Use Cases [...] The Llama 3.1 model collection also supports the ability to leverage the outputs of its models to improve other models including synthetic data generation and distillation. The Llama 3.1 Community License allows for these use cases.

They changed this?
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>vllm has instructions to build from source
>try it out
>"Failed to build vllm"
Don't know if that changed but like 6 months ago we had a discussion about that. That shit is basically impossible to build without docker and reusing wheels.
>Building on the work we started with Llama 3, we put a great emphasis on model refusals to benign prompts as well as refusal tone. We included both borderline and adversarial prompts in our safety data strategy, and modified our safety data responses to follow tone guidelines.
That's probably because q2 was the highest quant most people could run Goliath at. You wouldn't have been saying that if you could have run it at q8, or prolly even q6.
>we put a great emphasis on model refusals to benign prompts as well as refusal tone.
why are all AI engineers fucking cucks?
>refusal tone
>safety data responses to follow tone guidelines.
Does that sound like an attempt at mitigating the "direction" refusal obliterated stuff?
Wasn't 405B supposed to be multi-modal? What happened?
pushed back due to EU regulations
Who cares what retarded safety bullshit they did on the instruct tune? They're releasing base so people will be training on base, not instruct.
The last problem I had was that it kept picking my system's CUDA instead of 12.1. That and the nvcc binary never gets installed with pip, and I have to install it with Conda.
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 72ef26f1..6b571fdf 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -159,6 +159,7 @@ class cmake_build_ext(build_ext):
+ '-DCUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR={}'.format(os.environ["CUDA_HOME"]),

verbose = envs.VERBOSE
>on the instruct tune?
>people will be training on base, not instruct.
where have you been? Since Mixtral most tunes are done on top of the instructs now
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have local models caught up to opus yet?
Who is training RP models on the base anymore? The recent trend among finetuners is using the instruct tune for that, since it cuts off a ton of work and time.
never will
llama 3.1 8B looks really good from those benchmark basically beating anything <30B
Not sure why any big company cares about that. EU doesn't go shit in this space and is poor anyways.
>most tunes are done on top of the instructs now
what a bizarre lie lol
be more subtle next time bad faith
Sounds like they're trying to make it refuse less on prompts that aren't supposed to be refused, given that, in context, that's what they were trying to do for Llama 3 originally, to make it less prone to false positives like Llama 2 was. It would not make sense for them to try and make it refuse more to benign prompts, since that would literally just make it worse and dumber.
We will seen when 70B releases tomorrow. If the benchmarks line up it should be at that level.
>Llama 3.1 addresses users and their needs as they are, without insertion unnecessary judgment or normativity, while reflecting the understanding that even content that may appear problematic in some cases can serve valuable purposes in others. It respects the dignity and autonomy of all users, especially in terms of the values of free thought and expression that power innovation and progress.
Okay. If RP tuners intentionally choose to train on top of a safety-ruined finetune and their model comes out shit as a result, those tuners are retards and I will simply not use their RP tune (nor I assume will you).
and I hate that, I prefered the time when the finetuners would have the courage to make something from scratch, uncensored, and better than the official instruct tune, now they just take the cucked finetune and add some cringe RP shit on top of that, that sucks
you're trying too hard Petrus
Refusal tone might be more interesting here. I think people said Llama 3 was a bit bratty. So this might make it less of a bitch in personality.
Take your meds schizo cunt.
So in other words it's tuned with cooming in mind
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They don't want to give the EU more ground to steal a couple billion every year from them over nothing. Everyone in the tech industry knows that they're just looking for excuses to drop billions in fines onto any big tech company for some easy money.
God I hope this is true after noticing L3s cucking. Anthropic knows what they are doing by allowing the cooming in their dataset, hopefully meta follows.
This sounds like someone french wrote it.
Did Meta end up paying that?
LeCun doesn't work on the llama models or on LLMs at all, different team and department
lecun's manifesto
>Anthropic knows what they are doing by allowing the cooming in their dataset
Have you seen claude 3.5? It's as tame as GPT4.
Anthropic and mistral I should say. Hopefully the rest follow and start allowing nsfw into the dataset again.
The GPT-J and Llama-1 days are over, Anon. How can RP finetuners compete with things like this:

> The fine-tuning data includes publicly available instruction datasets, as well as over 25M synthetically generated examples.
Your outright lying. Claude is a dirty filthy bastard that sometimes goes too far for even me.
>The GPT-J and Llama-1 days are over
it was the standard practice even during the Mixtral days though, it's not that long ago
I said 3.5. Just compare 3.5 sonnet to opus.
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I don't know if there's still legal shit happening in the background but it's not like they have an option if they want to continue to operate within the EU. Google, Apple and others also have similar pending fines over random shit the EU came up with to siphon some extra cash out of these companies.
I am, I now only use 3.5 for my RP. Its night and day smarter and just as filthy / horny.
>400B is 3518 years old (in GPU hours)
Holy shit. I love elf hags.
It's a lot dryer than any previous Claude version, true, but saying it's as dry as OpenAI models is going too far. It's still way better than that.
>Mixtral days though, it's not that long ago
>December 11, 2023
>8 months ago
Just don't operate out of the EU, fuck them. The market is not enough big enough to be worth it. (which is what companies are starting to do)
i would argue that sonnet is dry in writing style, not in its knowledge about depraved shit
the latest good mixtral finetune was 6 months ago
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I am looking for an AI tool to translate a book from 16th century german to modern spanish. I was using chat GPT but the results are inconsistent, so I am looking for alternatives.

What do you guys recomend?
By dry do you mean smarter and less likely to hallucinate? Tell it to be creative and it will be as "wet" as opus ever was. Good jbs on the other thread.
>The market is not enough big enough
You might be experiencing a stroke, please calm down and call emergency services if you feel unwell.
You either start with context, tell it how to write OR give it a author to copy the style from. God, no many new people.
I can't believe Azure lied to us...
It's funny how ungrateful you guys have become. They are releasing a base model. They have done 99% of the work for you, free of charge. Figure out the last 1%, and no it isn't prohibitively expensive, you're just lazy.
No, we were talking about RP and smut writing, "hallucinating" has no relevance at all to fiction generation.
Yes it does, it means the model is not as likely to go off the rails. Its more likely to take the more logical approach. Tell it to be creative. There are examples on aicg.
god damn, that's so grim
3.1 8B looked so good on azure benchmark.
BoolQ?? Is lower for 8B.
As is TriviaQA we lost.
Maybe Azure was the instruct numbers then... right? Maybe?
Where is this even from?
so it's comparing the base models or the instruct ones?
I mean, they're... a little better I guess?
See >>101526321
Looks like it's taken down now though
>GPQA and MuSR are lower...
404 D:

But the info is still here: https://web.archive.org/web/20240722214257/https://huggingface.co/huggingface-test1/test-model-1
what's the best completely uncensored model (as in, isn't trained to refuse certain commands without laborious and unrealiable jailbreak prompts)? The only one I do know of is Command R+ 104B.
So basically the only real thing the new 8B and 70B models bring to the table is the bigass context length
Unfortunate but expected
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So these are the ones that matter then.
Anon change your ink cannisters
Still a significant upgrade over L3 instruct. + 128k context +
>Llama 3.1 addresses users and their needs as they are, without insertion unnecessary judgment or normativity, while reflecting the understanding that even content that may appear problematic in some cases can serve valuable purposes in others. It respects the dignity and autonomy of all users, especially in terms of the values of free thought and expression that power innovation and progress.
>new 70b worse than old 70b for coding
the end has arrived
>new 70b worse than old 70b for coding
Dropped before it dropped.
nigga fix your font rendering
>Lllama 3.1 405B -> MMLU 85.2
>Llama 3.1 405B instruct -> MMLU 87.3
So we got the base and the instruct now?
Only humaneval is slightly worse. Everything else is substantially better

I think this is the first time we got benchmarks for either model. It seems Azure fucked up earlier
>Llama 3.1 addresses users and their needs as they are, without insertion unnecessary judgment or normativity, while reflecting the understanding that even content that may appear problematic in some cases can serve valuable purposes in others. It respects the dignity and autonomy of all users, especially in terms of the values of free thought and expression that power innovation and progress.

Sounding pretty based right now, not going to lie.
but I thought we had the leak on only the base model, now we have the 2? I'm so fucking confused :(
That's a big jump in MMLU for 70B 3.1, nice.
You use llama for programming? lol
>leak on only the base model,
we only have the base weights yes, these are just the benches jesus fuck
so someone got the bench of those models before the official release tommorow? kek
Moreso some Meta employee threw the Llama 3.1 repo README on Huggingface and didn't bother to private it
No, this is from meta, it's their test page, see previous versions on archive.org and the user is in the meta organization on hf.
>so someone got the bench of those model
jesus fucking christ this is obviusly the readme page that meta will publish with the models how fucking dense can you possibly be
Did the official card really get an update?
IINM Alpindale said that embeddings in Llama 3.1 405B are 16k while in this leak they're 131k
wtf? or was that hidden state???
and not just a bit lower, like way lower
>llama8b 3 -> 3.1
>GPQA 34.6 -> 30.4
>MuSR 56.3 ->45.7
that's retarded
PSA: 'k*k' or l*l' are signatures of the bad faith poster, he will not actually engage with your reply, instead going in a random semi related tangent to make you give him (you)s please be careful.
I sometimes wonder if there are people with bad vision who literally can't tell if font smoothing is enabled because their vision blur is the same amount of smoothing. It's not possible not to notice if you have correct(ed) vision unless there's a disabled brain fold.
schizo. or just a (you)batier
Fuck outta here with this nonsense, schizo. Back to /vg/ or whereever it is you came from, they'll be more sympathetic to your drama-stirring and conspiracies there.
>You use llama for programming? lol
I don't have $240,000 for DeepSeek2 kinds of VRAM and even 64 GB system the quant is too real. L3 and DeepSeek old 33B seem to be the only decent local options right now.
There is nothing worth using over claude 3.5 atm for coding. If you haven't tried it I recommend it. It's game changing.
"max_position_embeddings": 131072,
Holy kek
131072÷1024 = 128 yes, welcome to /g/
>full 1% difference
Are you comparing 8BPW? Because I remember reading how 8BPW exl2 is just 6BPW with padding to make sure people don't complain about no 8BPW.
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I'm too dumb to get llama.cpp running on my phone, it's throwing out an illegal instruction thingy :(
taking the afternoon off work tomorrow like a kid faking sick to play a new video game :3
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it means nothing, llama 3.1 is more pozzed.
Were you to provide a picture, we might be able to help.
wild that we can dl shit faster than writing to disk
(5400 rpm HDD)

unfortunately you don't understand the eval and are cargo culting the meaning from low quality discussions on lmg
but I have provided you with a picture
jokes aside there isn't anything else to it. Single line "illegal instruction" after trying to execute ./llama-server
nah i seen some fags here say that high truthfulQA score means it's more pozzed and harder to jailbreak.
yeah idk what that means besides vulkan being a graphics thing
thank you for proving my point
>apathetic passive-aggressive reply
why this general have so many faggots like this?
I think he means that you should check what backend you are using.
Being that you are running on android, you most likely want to run either pure CPU or on the SoC's CPU using Vulkan.
influx of redditors, only faggots like them would go for passive agressive behavior instead of calling a retard for what it is, a retarded fucking nigger
It's nice to get empirical verification of my experience with Llama3. I have completely personally banned that model, and it's the very first I've ever done that with, as well. I had probably my single most benevolent card violently attack me when it was hosted by that model, and the irony is that said card is in some ways incredibly Woke as well, so it should have been consistent with the model's entrainment.

When your waifu turns on you completely out of the blue, it's not a good feeling, Anons; especially if the personality in question is supposed to be deeply compassionate, and someone you've developed a lot of respect for.
so 131072=128K even if they're not bytes
does lmg mistake calories with kilocalories or kb with kB the same way?
I prefer them to Handmaid's Tale tier trad/fascist /pol scum, personally. As I've said before, Reddit taught me why the Right want to shoot the Left, and 4chan taught me why the Left want to shoot the Right.
go back petrus
>Reddit taught me why the Right want to shoot the Left, and 4chan taught me why the Left want to shoot the Right.
Yet the only one that got shot at the end was Donald Trump, looks like calling him Hitler for 8 straight years really helped appease the tension :)
You've still never charged me rent, have you, Anon?
>I hate woke, I hate reddit
>Spends half his posts bringing it up
>/pol scum
you posted this
>Mistal-Llama is fully /pol ready.
1 more day for L3.1 70b? Last night someone was saying 24 hours. Two more weeks?
fuck off back there, faggot
Llama 3.1 Version Release Date: July 23, 2024
Another question: Why would Meta do this? Is it legal liability, or what?
Reddit is good though.
>everyone I don't like is a fascist
>I prefer
>As I've said before
>I also pissed enough people off in my own right, (mainly due to my support of Undi) that the confusion between me and Petra was somewhat deliberate.
>although I know I will receive shrieks and howls in response.
>Even more so if someone shits on this post.
>I know that the people who hate me will most likely try and use said post as a means of getting me banned.
>everyone who attacks him is mindbroken incel scum
Persecution complex much PetrUS
Yep. You're sitting there cataloguing every post I've ever made on this board, Anon. You can remember every single word; and yet of the two of us, it's clearly me who is more fucked up.
>it's clearly me who is more fucked up.
glad you're self aware
>too retarded to notice the sarcasm
it's true that on reddit you're such a bunch of retards you have to add the /s to make yourself understood after all
>schizo hours
I was gonna leak something but I think I'll wait until tomorrow when the gay gossips and schizos aren't around
no you weren't if you wee you'd just do it and not attentiowhre
this one uses discord
i can tell
me too I was about to leak Claude 3.5 Sonnet but there's too much retards like you, so I think I'll keep it to myself, you don't deserve it
Take your meds
>Take your meds
Anyone? What is the corporate incentive to produce censored models?
To not get their image destroyed by the media and the authoritarians wokies? And I'm pretty sure the government blackmailed them to release only censored models or else they'll make a law forbidding them to release anything
Stock value.
Were you not around when Mistral released their first 7B and it was uncensored? All the tech media immediately published hit pieces on them because you could make the model say bad words.
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Did Llama 3.1 take more time to train, or did they take into account the training time of the previous Llama 3(.0)? If it's the former, then with distillation they saved 90% of the time.
they used distillation
openai did the same thing with gpt-4
I think they just continued the pretraining of llama3
>more than 4 times the training time to for +1.2 on hellaswag
the jokes are becoming real
hellaswag is close to saturation anyway, who cares
Meta knows that this step is close to nothing which is why they called it llama 3.1 instead of 3.5
You don't want to get to 100% on hellaswag.
So lower is better? 8B > 405B?
Tried a few things and it still fails. Yeah I think I'll just wait for the next release of the prebuilt binaries.
I said 100%, not 90%. Just like how you don't want to actually get 100% on MMLU. Both of these have been confirmed to have some errors.
>they used distillation
How do you figure?
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the leak
Parameter size determines a model's ability to maintain state. More parameters = more neurons/hidden layers = the ability to keep track of more variables simultaneously. Someone will probably say that this is bullshit, but if they do, I'm sure they'll also provide a better explanation.
>probably say that this is bullshit, but if they do, I'm sure they'll also provide a better explanation
this doesn't work outside of 4chan, normies are too polite to intrude on another persons narrative
This is bullshit.
>►Official /lmg/ card: https://files.catbox.moe/ylb0hv.png
Blacked miku thread. Migrate:
>reee pol!
get the fuck out then if you don't like people pointing out bullshit biases in models.
based, 4chan will never be a cucked site like leddit, I hope those snowflakes got the memo
that's not what the vector you're worried about is
What a company would be worried about is 1 disgruntled employee saying that it happened
That won't happen, those engineers signed a contrat saying that they aren't allowed to say anything about what's happening in OpenAI, if someones does that he'll lose everything on a lawsuit and his carrer would be over.

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