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Without resorting to buzzwords, what supposedly made Windows 7 so great that it's preferable to modern Windows?
Nostalgic sentiments are not arguments.

win7 appeared in time for core2duo, things looked great for a while as many were used to p4 and xp
>that it's preferable to modern Windows?

1) Microsoft's disjointed attempts to pivot Windows to mobile devices caused UI design chaos in Windows 8, from which we still have not recovered in 11. The resulting design language is an inferior evolutionary option that we're stuck with for the foreseeable future. The pathetic state of the Settings app compared to the Control Panel in Windows 10 is the prime example of these failures. The Settings app in Windows 11 is much better, but there are still things that can't be done from it where it has to launch the old Control Panel dialogues.

2) Windows 11 requires a CPU that is immune to certain security bugs. At the time of release, this meant an Intel CPU built within the previous two years. This, on top of the TPM requirement, make upgrading impossible for a wide variety of people, including a bunch of enthusiasts. Yes, these restrictions can be bypassed by the clever and desperate, and I've done it myself and am running 11 now, but enthusiasts are not everyday normal people.

3) The type of person that clings to 7 is likely also going to be upset about "telemetry."

4) The endless and inescapable upgrade treadmill is tiresome. There is constant change that you can't reasonably choose to avoid until you're ready for it. The switch of Windows to a constant delivery product has been a net negative for everyone involved.

5) I know you said you don't want nostalgia, but at the time of its launch, Windows 7 was the best Windows we'd ever seen. It had very few drawbacks and was overall a pleasant experience. Things have never been the same since the Windows 8 trainwreck.
it just worked, and had some amount of respect for the end user. Win10 was rightfully shit on heavily in 2015, but everyone seemingly forgets that.
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Presented without comments.
metro and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
>Microsoft's disjointed attempts to pivot Windows to mobile devices caused UI design chaos in Windows 8, from which we still have not recovered in 11
UI doesnt matter as long as you can get the job done and call it a day (thats what most people who work with computers do).
>Windows 11 requires a CPU that is immune to certain security bugs.
You can run Windows 11 just fine on something as ancient as sandy bridge with rufus bypass.
To get official support, you need somewhat decent computer with coffee lake CPU, those computers were already there in 2017 (7 years ago) and cost around 200 USD on average now. You have to be extremely broke to not be able to afford one.
>by the clever and desperate
No dude. It takes exactly 2 additional clicks to bypass those requirements with rufus. You have to have negative IQ if it filters you out.
> The type of person that clings to 7 is likely also going to be upset about "telemetry."
Telemetry has exactly 0 chances of affecting your life. You have to be seriously braindamaged to think otherwise.
> The endless and inescapable upgrade treadmill is tiresome
I use Windows 11 Pro for Workstations. I hardly ever see update prompts and I can always delay it.
>I know you said you don't want nostalgia, but at the time of its launch, Windows 7 was the best Windows we'd ever seen.
Well, deadshitos is not my religion, so I cant speak on that.
is this board really full of shills and faggots who will justify every big corpo decision now?
Are you familiar with the concept of friction? How many clicks are needed to complete a task? How many dialogs and control panels does the user need to root through? So on and so forth...
Every version of Windows functions basically the same as any other so of course the differences between them are slight and don't matter to the average cattle. but if we want to rate one versus the other, Windows 7 is the obvious high-point in ui design. For achieveing the bare minimum... but such is the current standard.
>a stable OS that runs great and is aesthetically pleasing
A really hard question OP.
I challenge you to have a normie use this correctly and successfully.
I swear that I do it for free. MS doesnt really have to pay me because 11 > 7.
> How many clicks are needed to complete a task? How many dialogs and control panels does the user need to root through? So on and so forth...
I dont really debloat my OS in any way. I just fire it up, do some 3D modeling, some 2D technical drawings, maybe a little word processing ocasionally and thats it. Most of my free time is usually not spend in front of any computer.
>Every version of Windows functions basically the same as any other so of course the differences between them are slight and don't matter to the average cattle
Not really. Windows kernel (and the rest of it) evolves constantly, new features are being added as well. WSL, better tilling, dynamic refresh rate, support for newer data transfer standards and things like HDR. This all matters.
>Windows 7 is the obvious high-point in ui design.
UI doesnt really matter for a valid, productive member of the society.
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There's no pride trash installed.
it only had ONE layer over getting to the windows 2000 ass looking menu to actually find the setting you want to change
and it had new driver support
rufus is really a fool-proof tool and it takes like 2 minutes to learn how to use it at worst. Even if you got filtered by that, you can still ask someone to do it for you.
-looks better
-earlier stage of microsoft's spyware (I don't know how much there is but definitely less than windows 10.)
-not designed like a mess with 3 control panels and ads in your OS
-less bloatware
-doesn't force updates on you
-no microsoft app store
-no news/h0m0 propaganda built into the OS
This is the reality.
A bunch of Winjeets going about with fake Win10/11 taskbar stats that seemingly show it to be less a resource hog than Win7 (impossible).
it had
it was the last Windows not heavily touched by jeets
>looks better
Personal opinion, not a fact
>earlier stage of microsoft's spyware
There is no spyware.
>not designed like a mess with 3 control panels and ads in your OS
Not a problem on 11 Pro
>less bloatware
bloatware is a meme
>doesn't force updates on you
Update are good actually and you can delay them
>no microsoft app store
whats wrong with ms app store?
>no news/h0m0 propaganda built into the OS
/pol/ delusion
that's why I liked 7. if you don't like it I don't care.
>ui doesn't matter
Ui = User Interface, I'm not just talking about the shape of icons or whatever it is you think I mean.
>evolves constantly
Not to any extent that matters, as you yourself have stated, the cattle don't care as long as Windows still functions as a bootloader for steam or photoshop, etc. etc. Everything else is power user shite.
Fairly stable and had gold hardware support at the time. Also the UI was accesible without being dumbed down.
>Ui = User Interface, I'm not just talking about the shape of icons or whatever it is you think I mean.
This doesnt change what I said. User Interface doesnt matter if it gets work done.
>Not to any extent that matters, as you yourself have stated
It matters and I did stated that.
>Not really. Windows kernel (and the rest of it) evolves constantly, new features are being added as well
You try to conjure the reality because you do not work on your computer.
it had a classic theme
>quoting yourself
Nicely done
To explain things more slowly... The differences between one Windows and another are marginal to cattle, most people (I call them cattle because they act as such) simply use it to launch whatever program they actually use day to day. The incremental "upgrades" are as such irrellevant to them.
So... If we want to rate one Windows over another we have to dig a little deeper, talk about the friction involved in using it because of the idiosyncrasys of it's ui, since... What else is there left to discuss if not that?
>You're poor
Not an argument.
no bullshit, just worked
good looking gui
It's the things it doesn't do.
>Are you familiar with the concept of friction?
Very. I use it to cum every day.
>News and interests
>Windows search indexing
>Anti malware service executable
That'll be 2/3 GBs of RAM alone.
Every person responsible for picrel on windows 11 should be hanged
>Oh you want to to do what one of the things that you would do 99.9999% of the times you enter the context menu? Nah we hid it behind an extra button because modern UI or something
You ask like a true zoomer who can't just install 3.1, 98, me, xp, vista and 7 on a VM to see first hand how they worked.
Its was a great OS, no shitty opinion you may have will change that.
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Windows 11 runs snappy on this. Fuck MS and the claims such system is obsolete. WTF, 32GB ram and 1TB SSD makes this thing run smooth as a babies ass (plus the 1TB HDD as bulk storage)
>makes this thing run smooth as a babies ass
then it must run HOT as well, might want to put a beefy cooler in that
You're retarded, fuck off
>Telemetry has exactly 0 chances of affecting your life.
I sincerely wish cancer upon you and all your loved ones.
Yes, I actually wish they would all die a slow, painful death.
How would make it worse?, so far it has made windows install most drivers without need for manual install since 8
Try to use some real arguments and real proofs
Yes it is. Nobody is going to bother with infinite legacy support just because you are too poor to upgrade your ancient hardware.
Meds chuddie, meds.
No one is asking for support dumbass, all Microsoft needs to do is stop breaking what obviously works.
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Print Screen saves your screen to the clip board.
You are a nigger
try speaking english, rajeet
>Yes it is. Nobody is going to bother with infinite legacy support just because you are too poor to upgrade your ancient hardware.

pretty much everyone was fine with it until microsoft forced the issue. They dropped msv support for no legitimate reason, and google cohencidently dropped cef support at the same time to force the issue. Microjeet has been trying to kill win7 since 2016 when they made it illegal to sell new win7 disks and it took an international conspiracy in 2022 to finally do it. win7 was just that good
Now that they made it possible for apps to install themselves in the menu again, so I can open things in Notepad++ immediately, I have no longer needed the full context menu. What are you missing?
It still does this in 11. Further, 7 introduced the Snipping Tool.
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It's really simple, it was a relatively minimal system that focused on just doing what the user needed done. You had full access to all services, registry keys, processes, files, etc. Windows 10 and 11 really don't add that much, they could have just ported a lot of modern features to 7, changed the theme and called it a day but instead they created a monolithic botnet OS for advertising purposes that’s a huge resource hog and has a lot of unnecessary bloat like extra context menus and unnecessary services. 11 is even worse.

Windows 7 really isn't even that good, it's just compared to modern versions it seems that way because aside from 8, it was the last windows that was actually user oriented. When I use modern windows I find myself just fighting with the OS and tinker trannying to the same degree when I’m on linux, except all the tinkering is just to get basic access to things 7 and previous would just let you touch out of the box.
You need to be coming here with the proper view of /g/. We are not a tech board we are a consumer board that happens to be consuming tech related shit. As such, we are flooded by advertisers, product managers, and marketing teams perpetually and they are all fighting with the user base to try and gaslight lurkers into not being critical of the shit they use and see on a regular basis.

More ram does not always = bad
If it used more ram and was lightning fast I would be perfectly fine with that
That is what MacOS does, if you have a MacBook with more ram it will use that ram to cache more to make it quicker
Their Philosophy is unused ram is wasted ram
lack of ads
Reminder that /qa/ lost to a bunch of trannies. Lol, with a subtle hint of lmao.
>4c/8t Ivy Bridge i7
That's more than necessary to run W11 smoothly. It is with doing anything other than light computing that that old i7 can show its "elderly-ness".

Almost feels surreal to think about.
>When I use modern windows I find myself just fighting with the OS and tinker trannying to the same degree when I’m on linux
and if you tinker hopefully an update doesn't break something on 11
i just want a normal taskbar (like i currently have on 10 without doing anything) and a normal OS, what was pajeetsoft thinking
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Great UI, great UX, it was the last unified desktop experience that Windows had before it all went to shit with 8 and metro.
Honestly this is coming from someone who didn't even like 7 when it came out. My favorite windows version is XP. XP was lightning in a bottle we are never getting back again. 7 was the teardown from Vista being a piece of shit where they took a step back and re-implemented everything that didn't work as they should have before shipping it.

I could go on a huge rant about Windows 7 being superior in user experience, in graphical layout, how it was designed for desktop power users in mind and allowed tons of flexibility, and wasn't a mobile designed touchscreen OS that became of Metro, but this anon already did it: >>101524526

Microsoft reinvented the wheel until they made a square and then said "There! This is what Wheel will be until the end of time!"
Other alternatives like Linux and Mac-OS are vaguely multi-sided objects getting closer and closer to a wheel, but they'll never be the true wheel that Windows XP was. And the creators of Windows XP and 7 aren't interested in making Wheel anymore. So we're just trapped in this nightmare of being taken for a ride through various hardware gimmicks every generation instead of being given an operating system that just works and is fun to use.
That's not what he said nor is it what anyone, literally anyone with a brain, wants to do. you silly negro you
good luck moving it to the side or hiding it, a feature commonplace since windows 95.
>you're poor
Windows is free. You're a coping turd worlder.

>How would make it worse?
You just had a weekend of most of the world's windows installations being blue-screened because the most popular antivirus had telemetry in its drivers.
Less telemetry is better because it means LESS THINGS CAN GO WRONG OUTSIDE YOUR CONTROL.
Just worked.
More control
No fuckery, power saving bullshit etc. that fucked with system timers, latency etc.
better UI / UX
>windows 7
>33 processes
>The Settings app in Windows 11 is much better
i'd argue it's worse in some ways - the sidebar doesn't change depending on which section you have open (which makes disabling every privacy setting absolutely miserable), and they made the new default programs page even more useless by removing the "set as default" button for everything that isn't a web browser. whichever intern decided that tediously clicking through dozens of file types should be the only way of defaulting a progam needs to be publicly executed
t. still using win7 in 2009 + 15 lol
yes, but more importantly, any retard who uses forced meme terms like "deadshitos" should be automatically ignored
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NTA, but I had Win7 desktop + Win10 laptop for about ~5 years, and despite the desktop being loaded with more software, generally, there were always twice as many processes and threads on the laptop.
For shit I did not need nor want, because my desktop does everything my laptop does.

I'm willing to accept a 5-10% loss for the overhead of including the newer tech and features and shit, but not 50%, no, sorry.

Picrel just barely runs YouTube 720p, Win7 might probably also just about cut it, you can absolutely forget trying to do it on Win10.
What made Windows 7 good is that it was just a no bullshit OS. No bullshit tabloid news on the taskbar, no random updates that put a huge search bar on the desktop or totally change the appearance of the file explorer, no endless nagging about O365 or OneDrive...
It was just an OS with some useful pre installed soft and that's it
Starting with Win8, Windows started to be pre installed with bullshit tabloid news apps, candy crush, Bejeweled, etc.
These days I get a similar experience when I use Debian KDE. It's pretty nice.
Honestly getting beyond fed up with 10 and the fact that another forced downgrade is coming pushes the issue even further.
I still have an old flash drive with a windows 7 installer, is using 7 feasible? Biggest issue for me is gayming, since steam doesn't really support it anymore, on the other hand i've heard people say that steam still works despite the lack of support. Any 7GODS here can enlighten me?
Yes, and?
I recall it being 7-12, not 33.
XP wasn't that good. Windows 7 addresses most of the issues that XP had and adds a shit ton of UI improvements and useful new features.

And that's kind of the issue with 8, 10 and 11. They don't address any of the issues of the previous version, they make the UI constantly worst and the new features are either useless or under the hood so even power users can't see them. Other "important" features are removed such as W10's GNU compatibility and W11's Android compatibility.
Steam still works on 7 with some tinkering, but it's only going to get more broken as time passes. You can still get it running to some degree on XP even, but most games won't launch and downloads have been broken for years. You can still use the community features, but not much else. So it'll go for 7 as Valve update things (both client- and server-side), so if you're a gaymer that relies on Steam then you're just making your life more difficult for no reason. Of course, there are tens, if not hundreds of thousands of other games which will work on Windows 7 just fine. Even something like World of Warcraft still officially supports Windows 7, with no current plans to drop it.

For just about anything else Windows 7 is perfectly viable. Web browsing should be fine for a long time to come, since Mozilla said recently that they're planning to extend the EoL date for Firefox again.
System processes are hidden by default.
You people all say this but 3GB of actual process memory used on spyware and useless tablet shit is wasted RAM
It would be better used as disk cache
If you go hog wild and disable all the retarded services that you don't need, it is. Also, current 7 has more bloat than RTM by an order of magnitude for some reason.
Spyware is actually very light on ram
Only when it's not by Microsoft.
True that
But that is a entire different category of poojoot-ware
No idea.
I still prefer XP and the way it did control panel.
Unfortunately, Windows deliberately makes old systems unsupported, so I'm forced to use Win 10 LTCS IoT.
frutiger is a good style
10x better than flatshit
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it was nostalgic
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Mines about 28 but it's updated (simplix pack) / not debloated.
Is that just modern Firefox and not the alternatives to it?
ESR v115.13
I like Aero as well but in order to disable DWM, you need to be using classic theme.
shitness of 8/10/11.
I'm more disgusted by gigantic spaces in that list. I hate that table fuckery so so much.
He's a faggot comparing a cut down install v stock stock install.
>use total commander for years (and even before the rename)
>never had to deal with this shortened version of the context menu
LMAO actually. You use windows files explorer? HAHAHAHA
While I agree with everything you said, I would just add that if you just Install Windows 10 in 2019 and shut down updates all of these discussions seem alien to you. Like you just have the old Win 7 back but with a 10 skin. And all it took was no updates.
I liked the very detailed icons and the glassy skeuomorphic look. Windows 7 was without a doubt the peak of this aesthetic. Compared to the flat Metro style of later Windows builds I think it's more pleasant and humanist; it reflects a sort of optimism for the future and joy in everyday life that seems to have disappeared in favor of a drab and minimalist, utilitarian look. Gone is the grass, the butterflies. Replaced with - nothing. As we destroy nature in real life so too we destroy it on our desktops.
It does what you tell it to.
Basically vista implemented so many safeguards that it was annoying, and regular users and enterprises alike hated it. And while you could still minimize a lot of that in vista, Microsoft toned it down a lot with windows 7.
You still have your mainstays defender, windows update, UAC, the firewall, etc all there. But windows 7 has no issue with just letting you turn any of that off in its entirety with normal settings menus.
And that was the norm, even windows 8 and 8.1 held onto that sentiment.
But then windows 10 comes around and it does everything in its power to keep you from controlling it. Turning off windows update is no longer possible with normal settings, you need to use the GPE and registry editor to do it. Same applies for defender and a lot of other windows features.

It’s not so much that defender or windows updates are the problem. Those are perfectly valid and very useful services and should be on for the vast majority of users. It’s that they took away your choice. Windows 7 was an operating system that you as a user had full control over. The machine did was you told it to do. Later 10 and 11 took control out of the users hands without excessive effort, so we look back on older versions where the machine was yours, the OS was yours, and you controlled it, fondly.
>dynamic refresh rate, support for newer data transfer standards and things like HDR
All of these work on windows 7
notice the scrollbar to the right and despair
Soon MS will just drop support for 10 and software vendors will follow that route shortly after. Therefore employed people will updoot and tech-illiterate subhumans will try to autistically hold on to it until they can't.
Just for the support of forced updates I will ignore everything you said and not install your OS
That may be wrong. Because of Intel there is no reason to change hardware for the next 5 years. In the end the Jews are the biggest friends of win 10 now
Maybe it's because I'm a boomer, but Windows 7 is modern windows to me. Anything from Vista onwards blurs together. Even XP felt modern-ish.
Firefox ESR still works on 7 officially (and current Firefox if you use VxKex)
>relatively minimal system
Yeah relative to other windows versions, I can see the appeal of Windows 7 but I don't like how you can't mix and match different stuff to get your system to work. I have a very specific way I set up my OS where I can only replicate it on Linux. Especially Fcitx as it's the easiest way for me to input text in multiple languages. To each their own though.
Sonoma made it obsolete
go back to your sandbox kids
>Nostalgic sentiments are not arguments.
They are. Some people are stuck in the past and try to deny reality, thinking "things were better before". They weren't, shut the fuck up.
Windows 10's Antimalware Service Executable and other background tasks would pin my i7-8700 at 100% utilization at random times, this was back in 2018 when that CPU was still relatively new.
Legacy hardware support, low system requirements, consistent UI, all the settings being located in control panel, no ads in the start menu, no telemetry (cia backdoors aren't the same as telemetry).
trembling zoomer hands typed this post
It's just the last not-so-dogshit Windows release. That's about it.
Your anti-sentimental seething is not an argument either, shut the fuck up retard.
It's not so much "the past was better" as "the present is worse in ways that matter"
> a shit ton of UI improvements
Most of the changes where terrible
This is a good post and more anons should read it.
It came after vista which was very unpopular which came after xp which was very popular

>xp: popular
>vista: unpopular
>7: popular
>8: unpopular
>10: popular
>11: unpopular
If only pattern recognition wasn’t racist
It's a vanilla Windows 7 SP1 installation on a VM.
>Personal opinion, not a fact
No, it's fact. Flat modernism is objectively uglier.
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win7faggotry is the result of terminal mental illness of genetic dead ends holding dearly onto a relic of a time where they experienced an ounce of happiness.
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while not related to win7 directly this is still a good read
this was back in 2013, imagine how bad it is now considering microsoft is using electron for win11's desktop environment.
it was the last windows version that didn't treat users like idiots and was designed for keyboard/mouse setups, not touchscreens. remember that windows 10 took YEARS until it got comfortably usable while still having ridiculous issues like having two different applications for system settings, why they didn't just stick with control panel is beyond me.
also this
Win 7 wasnt that great. Many of us hardcores remained on xp as late as 2019 until end of life.

Win 10 was better than 7 imo and felt like a proper upgrade from xp
Windows 7 is the last version of windows I am fully in control of.
That's priority number 1 to me.
I am still using XP, I’ve only used windows 7 on some public computers and a machine at work.
Seems decent, nothing noteworthy it does wrong
7 is simply the best windows
No spyware.
I love zoomer revisionism
>I love zoomer
same i want to be the millenial dog of a cute nonwhite zoomer girl so bad
it just worked well, most things were so much more intuitive than W10

i'm still baffled by how things like the volume mixer and file wizard were made so much worse in 10, you can at least fix the mixer with audiotrumpet but i've never found anything to unfuck the file wizard
the fact that zoomer trannies used it as their first os
otherwise it's a shitty mess barely above xp, remember it took microshart up until wangblows 10 and not even the early releases of it to start supplying even basic shit like network adapter drivers and working usb peripherals out of the box

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