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>cures your distro hopping

Seriously why want anything else? This thing is the only stable and good rolling release.
isn't that the distro that wants you to cut off your dick
No that's arch
Shit distro.
It's an LGBT distro. Best use Fedora Rawhide.
>yet another "cures your distro hopping" thread
Kill yourself
>slow package manager
>slow mirrors
>restrictions on /sbin and /usr/sbin for non-superuser
>slow unlock of /boot when using default encryption scheme
>cute logo/mascot
>rolling release
>german engineering
>polished kde
Tumbleweed is worse than Arch Linux
Zypper is a fucking garbage
Never had problems with it.
>Package conflicts with Packman
I got a need
a need for tweed
Is it true certain RPMs not in the repository work on Fedora but not on openSUSE?
I like the mascot
If they change it I will switch
Yes because RPM packages made for Fedora are inherently incompatible with OpenSUSE due to the fact that OpenSUSE loves to meddle with packages from the upstream way more than Fedora
What problems have you had with it?
Nta but I've also never had any issues with it
Patterns are awful and they have Abysmal mirrors depending of your area though. Only serious complains.
I am using TW and Leap on multiple devices for years now, it indeed stopped my distro hopping. But I think OP you should stop "advertising" it here. We gain nothing from this heavily botted, toxic and low IQ website when mentioned here. Thank you.
It's a rolling release after all so not really stable. A Mesa update fucked up all amd gpu users very recently. Yes you can rollback but nowadays anyone can do that if they choose to. Theoretically I think Nixos is the most reliable rolling distro but I'd never touch it with a ten-foot pole.
I think the problem with openSUSE is that it's not good for beginners because it doesn't work out of the box (codecs, nv drivers), yet for autists it's not cool enough because it mostly just works.
I've been using it for years. It's great. No reason to swltch
These speed it up a bunch
That sucks, I "solved" it by foregoing Packman. Flatpak for stuff that needs codecs. I wish distancing from SUSE they might include codecs in the regular repos.
With the new service thing I think proprietary Nvidia drivers just werk and come as default. No such luck with codecs.
Yes it's pretty much perfect.
For what it's worth, I ended up switching away from openSUSE.

>Enable alternative and !!!experimental!!! commit strategy where all rpm operations are executed in a single rpm transaction, which results in much faster commits.
Sounds risky.
>Turn on the media network backend (the upcoming default).
Does this enable concurrent downloads like dnf and pacman?

Haha it is somehow a big selling point for me, too.
I guess it's risky in that it's still experiment and whatnot, but I haven't heard any issues about using it. As for medianetwork, I'm not sure.
Does anyone have experience with Slowroll? It shouldn't run out of sync with the packmann repo as tumbleweed occasonally does, right?
I use it of course, through WSL. You don't use Linux directly, do you?
Fair enough. Anyway the aforementioned issues pushed me to a different distro, and I am reasonably happy here.
>gets backdoored
If only it would install.
Only way I use it and it's the only thing I use
I was on Aeon for a while but Tumbleweed is more my styl3 because sometimes I actually like to tinkerino. both are, next to Silverblue, the best distributions I've ever used. LE HANDS DOWN
It does make it blazing fast compared to before, but if you're happy with your current distro then yeah no need to switch.
Aeon seems really interesting. The new encryption thing and going with systemd-boot intrigues me. But I doubt I'd be happy with Gnome and Kalpa isn't close to ready afaik
unironically the worst mainline distro, by far
"people" praising it must be newteen distro tourists or retarded or both
Maybe when it does the monthly (?) catch-up to Tumbleweed but hopefully they check that these bigger updates are compatible with Packman. Or just use Flatpak for anything that needs codecs like the browser and media player.
>Aeon seems really interesting. The new encryption thing and going with systemd-boot intrigues me. But I doubt I'd be happy with Gnome and Kalpa isn't close to ready afaik

Same. It's only one Kalpa developer. I wish someone would help out but it's not going to be me because I have no time and no skills.

Also checked
I guess I'm a retard. I like it a lot, unironically stopped my distro hopping.
Not only would a KDE version be better but it would make rbrown seethe which is a wortht goal too. But yeah, I don't have any skills to actually help. Sucks but what can you do
It has plenty of fans. But I am fearful for its future.
Kalpa's dev said that it's like one year behind Aeon. It's pretty much dead.
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That sucks. I will still have hope that ones Aeon matures, Kalpa can more easily build on top of that and if Aeon raises enough intetest then Kalpa gets more devs. I want to believe
no. They said that rightoids in their communities are "rotten flesh that needs to be cut" though
it's a decent distro otherwise
Yeah people that use it are massive lefty cucks who basically want you to die unless you're as "progressive" as they are.

See "rbrownsuse" for an example of this.
Yeah, I just ended up using ublue kinoite for kde, I can't go back to non-atomic distro.
Sounds like a red flag.
>german engineering
lol, I know for certain that earlier this year Suse stopped hiring western Europeans and instead go for cheaper workers like Mexico, Brazil, India and other thirdie countries
Tumbleweed is really the endgame distro. KDE with a rolling release and an out of the box snapshot rollback feature. I think the only way that a rolling release model makes sense is when it comes with snapshots. I haven't really used Leap and I hear they're killing it anyway so for stable stuff I just use Debian instead. There's no practical reason I should be locked into just one distro, I can use multiple ones.
What do you know that from?
they're not killing Leap, they're improving it
>I think the only way that a rolling release model makes sense is when it comes with snapshots.
What a defeatist way to view things. The only way a rolling model makes sense is if it's managed by people competent enough so that you don't need snapshots in the first place. If there's a high risk that your OS will break when updating, then I'm just not gonna use your OS.
It was over some muslamic dude being upset about the subreddit logo (which you don't even see on old.reddit) and then when they were told off by distro devs it grew into a big right-wing outrage and took even harsher turns. The "rotten flesh" wasn't some all-out rightoid hatred but more focusef
>Wanna be a bigot, a homophobe, then this community is not for you. If that means loss of users, so be it. Cutting out the rotten flesh is healthy. And needs to be done rather yesterday than tomorrow. Their membership needs to be revoked, they need to be banned, not moderated. The colors are about including people, with full respect for their being who they are. If you can't bring yourself to that, fuck off, find yourself some excluding "community".
Seems idiotic to cry about a subreddit logo and make it into a huge issue, but also the devs just fanned the flames with their replies. Could've just told the Mohemmadan no. Would've been the better mover than shit flinging and performative feeling outrage.
There's always the possibility with rolling release. If you don't want to face the risk, you should use something stabler. Pick Leap over Tumbleweed.
>There's always the possibility with rolling release. If you don't want to face the risk, you should use something stabler.
shut the fuck up until you've tried alpine edge you bumbling ESL
Leap's future is bleak.
The only rolling release distro that fucks up so much is Arch. Users are supposed to read the news on Arch's website before updating. It's insane to do something like that in 2024 and no other distro does that.
Cry more
Arch is also the most simple mainstream distro. Just compare its PKGBUILDs to Fedora's SRPMs.
And its simplicity makes it eminently accessible to its users, hence it describing itself as user-centric. Much harder to do on Debian and Fedora.
Cry more
How come? They've made new plans now that they're distancing from SUSE. I think it sounds better than before
I'm saying there's a risk, not that the risk is high with Tumbeleweed. But all of these rolling release distros that try to keep close to upstream do face the risk. Snapshots aren't needed on TW imo but sure is nice to have them if something happens. As an aside, they're real nice for trying shit out. Could do a total DE switch, test it out and just roll back to earlier snapshot to go back to normal.
Fuck I did a CrowdStrike and sent the reply before it was finished
i don't care. nobody should care
but let me ask you this: how old is your opensuse tumbleweed install?
Installed it like two days ago, why?
I think seven or so years. Newer one on laptop. Why?
I think like a week ago, why?
>I think seven or so years.
then saying snapshots aren't needed is a lie. i guarantee you've had to use them
When you enter the workforce one day you'll learn that this kind of thinking is retarded. That's why backups are a thing. You can't just pick the perfect disk that will never fail, you need to be prepared for its breaking. You always want to have a spare device for everything to reduce downtime, instead of praying on your knees that nothing bad ever happens.

Tumbleweed doesn't even break really, I've only used the snapshot feature once and that was after I tried to install some unsupported package that wanted to replace system files with broken ones or something, I don't remember.
>A Mesa update fucked up all amd gpu users very recently.
I have an AMD GPU and this didn't happen to me. Must have been something that only affected a specific generation.
No I've never had to. I've used them for testing stuff out though, not sure if you count that. What sort of issues do you think there have been that I would've had to use them? I don't remember another major affecting my system. Laptop had some update that broke bluetooth for PS4 controllers, I rolled that back but also it was upstream so other distros had it too. But it didn't affect my desktop.
You should never be forced to depend on the human factor when you can eliminate potential problems with design, and everyone seems competent until they screw up (you'd think one of the biggest security providers is competent and we know how that turned out).
The bug certainly affects different gpus to different degrees, some can't even get into desktop, mine regressed to software rendering. Or maybe you just skipped that one particular update, it got fixed rather soon.

>Or maybe you just skipped that one particular update, it got fixed rather soon.
This is most likely what happened then, I sometimes don't bother updating because certain components might want a reboot and I can't be bothered to reboot, so I just don't even update yet.
>requires OS-specific roundabout fixes to make certain things work
>package manage is fucking SLOOOOOOOOW
Otherwise it's based.
I only fuck with NixOS or an immutable distro like Silverblue
Is there an alternative to tumbleweed (rolling distro that doesn't break all the time) that isn't infected by the alphabet cult? I'm assuming arch and nix are way worse.
People are going to say fartix, but alpine is apolitical, professional and much better as long as you have an AMD GPU and ready to run proprietary/glibc stuff in flatpak.
Imho Leap is better.
File deleted.
They're beta males. Real alphas use Rawhide (because get it: "rolling rolling rolling Rawhiiiiide").
>I haven't really used Leap and I hear they're killing it anyway

>Leap's future is bleak.
Great job doxxing yourself retard
It was uncertain what would happen with it since SUSE was possibly taking SLE into an immutanle, container direction but that worry has since ended and Leap is pulling more away from SLE and there will be Leap 16 and so on
>gets unbanned
>4 minutes later starts shitposting again
I'm pretty sure I'm the only person on here who has to censor the no-no words while every other post made by everyone else is an N bomb.
Skill issue

Why are you redd*t typing

Why are you so knowledgable about reddit

It must obviously be a coincidence
What's reddit typing
Please explain why this is better than arch?
Working BTRFS + snapper setup out of the box, which somehow no "easy" Arch distro does except a fucking Indian GAYMER one.
That's about it. Everything else is considerably worse.
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this >>101540578 but also stable rolling release and you are not expected to read the news before each update. there are no manual interventions necessary.
Arch trannies on suicide watch
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MOGS the entirety of /g/
I prefer leap, but yeah, OpenSUSE is nice.
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smug froge
wtf i love slackware now
>use arch
>get pacnew shit I have to take care of
>can't make any fucking sense of the config files to decide whether I should delete or merge them
I can't do Arch
>slow package manager
Opinion discarded
>isn't that the distro that wants you to cut off your dick
it's weird that most AUR helpers have the feature to show you the latest arch news but yay and paru, the most popular ones, don't give you the ability to read them before applying updates.
tumbleweed is comfy
But bigots and racists are rotten flesh though. What's the big issue?
I would use opensuse but it runs at like 98c on my laptop.
I'll go Raw on your Hide if you catch my drift
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I don't know when you tried it but they recently included a power manager thingy. I was actually using TLP before and it conflicted with this new thing so I moved on to this. Seems to work fine and it has a slider for power save/balanced/performance mode.
you're saying slackware is for gay men?
TLP is a bit more powerful imo, I get more juice out of its powersaving
What are you using to get the power manager widget to work again?
I notice the other N-bomber got banned lmao. This is some SS gestapo shit in here, I will now censor my N bombs.
What's wrong with racism?
Nta but it's power-profiles-daemon
Weird, mine was masked in favor of tlp. Got rid of tlp and made sure ppd is running now. Thanks!
I'm not using it because I'm rotten flesh, though not the tranny kind
>Fedora for Germans

I like that they dove head into btrfs, wish those rollback tools would spread to other distros
I presume if you've installed TW when they defaulted to TLP then ppd is masked and if later on then TLP is masked because they conflict
what the fuck is your problem, though? you've been posting this for at least a year.
really? gotta apply.
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>still no 555 stable
>still no 555 stable
>still no 555 stable
you're going to have to be more specific
Had to reinstall after a broken data transfer (my fault) and my USB image was a little out of date so I think that weird anomoly slipped in. I keep putting in the wrong Wi-Fi password and the installer doesn't bother to tell me it has no network connection.
buy an ad
stable REPO, why would I risk that.
But I don't distrohop, anon. I use Mac GNU/Linux and it just works.
Risk what? You can install a more stable branch if you want.
Blame Nvidia, it comes directly from them
Cool fond, I might have to steal it
can you use steam without codecs? i rather not use steam on flatpak, but im so done with these packman conflicts and out of date mesa that doesnt have the correct patches applied
Is there a way to get thumbnails on Dolphin for H264 files without recurring to Packman? That's my main stopper for ditching it. Sounds a bit retarded to install your file manager in a Flatpak, but if that's the least awful option...
>I have an AMD GPU and this didn't happen to me. Must have been something that only affected a specific generation.
i wasnt affected by that one, but the bug after that one fucked my 7900 xtx. fix was waiting on a downgrade from packman
>the rottenflesh distro
no thanks.
why are you deadnaming that distro?
had a "fun" day of distrohoppin' yesterday and wasn't satisfied with any of the distros installed. some things didn't work and I went back to Tumbleweed. everything just works and a few minutes ago I switched to SELinux without any problems. yeah, I'll be staying for sure this time
the nice thing about the manual arch installation method is that you can go off the beaten path and install it in any way you want and that includes setting up snapshots
Didn't distrobox solve distrohoping? I never used it much but as far as I've seen you can get any package you want regardless of the distro.
I need to look into distro box. Is it really complicated?
i think you literally install it with any package manager and it works. you want a slim base OS while you do all your actual work in distroboxes.
You need to have either podman or docker installed. Look up their GitHub repository they explain everything. Isn't perfect (some shareware like Packet Tracer requires you to tame it with extra configs) but is damn good for CLI stuff.
you could even pull an arch container that contains all the standard linux gaming stuff and it actually works, it's impressive.
They're one of the distros that shipped the backdoored XZ utils to their users.
As a flatpak it works just fine. I haven't tried it sans Packman from the repo though.
I've just been without them. Sucks, definitely not optimal.
I just checked, Dolphin on flatpak is missing a lot of plugins, including ffmpegthumbs which doed the thumbnailing for videos. So not a solution, unfortunately.
Bloated beyond belief and impossible to configure to not be due to shit installer
Opensuse is slow and buggy, can we stop pretending it's still good

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