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How come best hackers are trannies and furries
dump stat
Just tryin' to get my penguin dick wet, nigga.
better question, how come all hacktivist groups have some secondary identity that masks the actual crime
Computer nerds are more susceptible to porn addictions, and both furries and trannys are escalations of porn addictions
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It's just a bunch of skids, SiegedSec got doxed already. They were pedos and zoophiles.
Tranny propaganda in school is at an all time high.
90% of the kids today identity as non-binary or some shit.

100% of teachers and professors at universities promote tranny ideology. So there's not much room for non tranny ideology in school.

Brainwashed castration propaganda is the norm.
First I've heard of this leak. Was there anything interesting in it?
happens only in the west
>So there's not much room for non tranny ideology in school.
how do they even have time to learn about tranny shit, shouldn't they be memorizing multiplication tables or something
they claim multiplication is evil because it teaches about sexuality between a straight man and straight woman.
It is impossible to tell if this satire.
I mean, that's the problem.
Went too far.
kids can't learn algebra anymore because they can't tell the difference between x and y
Thankfully we have /pol/ to save us, they're immune due to being drop outs.
crazies have crazy immunities when the normal people are infected by crazy ideology
Im a schizophrenic hobo, shit just bounces off me
Because the venn diagram of autism and trannyism has a large intersect. Autists are quite vulnerable to getting groomed if they aren't already anti-troon.
The vaccines caused autism (t. Rfk jr) and the pedophiles started grooming.
They wanted an obedient working class. Autists are so obedient they will cut off their cocks and let you ass fuck em. Cheap labor and a good lay. All in a days work for the democratic party
>90% of zoomers are autists therefore they are castrated
>yep thats totally normal
Use your brain a bit. Its not autism. Its pure mass propaganda changing all the zoombers
They aren't immune they're tranny obsessed
>Autists are quite vulnerable to getting groomed if they aren't already anti-troon
What the fuck made you come up with this? Most groomers are 30 year old neets not men in dresses
why does the left keep pushing the furry hacker narrative?
Seriously though ; UGNazi was 50 times better than these fags will ever be
Can you reading comprehension?
Bro didnt bring up groomers at all
>Autists are quite vulnerable to getting groomed if they aren't already anti-troon.
>implying that the way for autists to avoid getting groomed is to already be suspicious of trannies
Do you not have any critical thinking you fucking cattle of a human?
Autism massively exponentiates the grooming susceptibility coefficient of your garden variety zoomer.
You must be autistic. Not really demonstrating ability to think critically here.
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>8 year old tails abandons sonic to molest kids and join glowniggers
who blackpilled him?
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our schools don't teach people, they indoctrinate. It's arguable they ever taught people anything because they were designed to make the best factory workers, not free thinkers.

most of our schooling is out of date knowledge and trying to brainwash kids into accepting CURRENT THING. It was like this when I was in school and I had social studies teachers trying to teach us why we needed to invade Iraq and Afghanistan to protect the freedumps.

literally nothing has changed except it's coated in a new faggotnigger-worshipping coat of paint.

if it makes you feel better, if it's anything like when we went through: then you should know that none of us believed that shit either. We just put up with it while calling the teachers faggots because we were stuck with them for 8 hours a day.
gotta know your enemy to see them kill themselves
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Have sex incel or you'll be the one killing themselves
Are you incoherently flaming me for something i didnt post or imply? Am i getting that right?
Talk about cattle. Rage at the guy who can think for himself. Classic brainlet autist
>Are you incoherently flaming me for something i didnt post or imply
Your superiority complex is so absurd that it just turns into lolcow potential.
>Bro didnt bring up groomers at all
I was correcting you and then you go into this whole power trip about how you can think for yourself and I'm "the brainlet autist" holy shit dude I'd find it less embarrassing if you just made a meme with you as the gigachad and me as the troonjak.
How old are you?
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to this day it never stops making me happy that the greatest threat to the world order is actually a bunch of greasy crossdressing cooming weeaboos that make internet jaypegs online. Not out of any volition or achieving enlightenment, but out of sheer mental illness of the great enemy. they simply couldn't stop being afraid of literal neckbeards incels and femcels. thus manufacturing the threat wholecloth.
>the greatest threat to the world order is actually a bunch of greasy crossdressing cooming weeaboos that make internet jaypegs online
Do you seriously believe that?
>captcha : 88DD
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>implying that the way for autists to avoid getting groomed is to already be suspicious of trannies
If you're on discord and you're surrounded by dipshits who are AGPs masquerading as people who want to play video games, then yes, you are at a high risk of being groomed by trannies.

It's like going to a gay bar and being shocked the men hit on you. Not that anyone would hit on you.


these posts are just pic related over and over and over again.
>If you're on discord and you're surrounded by dipshits who are AGPs masquerading as people who want to play video games, then yes, you are at a high risk of being groomed by trannies.
Life tip: taking caricatures done by amerimutts as a fact is an autism diagnosis on it's own. Go on kik or the sex offender registry or /b/ or whatever the fuck, it's mostly just fat balding men.
autism and tech skills go hand in hand
I don't need to believe anything
The fact that they spent millions to buy this shit and host it on military hardware and billions in globo homo sallary to study rare pepes and shaking in fear over some home printed flyers is proof enough. There's no need to self check, I can just see what they are doing in reaction to this. you can call it retarded but we're not the ones freaking out over nothing.
>left keep pushing the furry hacker narrativ
because its a furry hacker why else
The worse you mean, the best hackers are the ones that go under the radar and that you are not even aware they exist
the answer to this question and all questions like it is extremely simple: autism
The people with no fear to be themselves also lack the fear of failure.
Not an anime site anymore loser. Started as one and we gave them their own autistic board.
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well? come and download it. I have my seedbox sneeding it on all files
ok my b
>>>/vt/ tranny
>Not that anyone would hit on you.
you think you've ever heard of the "best hackers?" this was probably just another instance of social engineering or using a known exploit
We need to make way to be replaced by the billions of Chinese, Indians, and Africans!
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Frog website.
No it's just their slack. Almost certainly a shitty social engineering "hack".
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>freetards unironically slurp up this goyslop and rage and seethe over it
the g spot in the anus made them super smart
they are probably autists who learn this stuff and keep poking around until they have a result. The stuff isn't that hard you just need discipline and learning from someone in the business makes it much easier. Also glowies like them because they tend to be more loyal to the system.
>How come best hackers are trannies and furries
because they're
1. Men
2. Autistic
Normal people dont get caught
Speak for yourself retard pol tourist
t. Dysphoric autismo
this but unironically
why do you think the majority of furry stuff is gay? personal belief is it's the gateway drug to real porn since it's easier to deny liking guys if you only like furry guys, they're not real so you're not actually gay
The real question is why autists are turning into trannies and furries.
the very best are autists that get paid to do pentest & government jobs
Normies (which in this case includes /g/) are simply too afraid to do anything themselves or to be themselves.
Autistic kids with access to the internet become porn addicts and join the degenerate delusional groups where they think theyre women and/or animals.

I assume you’re under 20 but trannies didn’t exist outside of transexuals and crossdressers which were just gay degens, before then it wasn’t retards thinking they’re women, but they thought they were furries. They will try to gaslight you and memory hole this all they want, but the underlying idea is still there: these people are mentally ill, don’t touch enough grass, and thus delude themselves into thinking they’re not themselves, just the medium they do that pivoted from foxes and dogs to women

This is the other part, trannyism feeds of autism, take a AGP male (from porn, also vice verse for women), who has no social resistance against grooming or cult-like behaviour due to their autism, and you got an easy new member to their cult.

It’s why they make such a thing of “egg breaking”. f1nnster is a good case study of tranny grooming
You aight furfags
RIP Club Penguin
ok, where the fuck is the leak? club penguin source code? list of pedos? what the fuck did he even steal
computers are tranny domain. Always has been. It's already over before it begins
>founding father Alan Turing: was a tranny by consent
>famous influential computer engineer that contributes to smartphone: a tranny (even when faggotry still taboo, a computer nerd became a tranny)
>world famous piracy cracker: another tranny
>many global top hackers: trannies
>award winning indie gamers: more trannies
>best sitting posture: become a tranny
90% trannies in STEM majors always pick CS & CS adjacent program, without fail.
Even before that, autism inducing computer radiation + brain thinking of computers = become a tranny. Then, internet exist and become the first gateway for porn, making them even more prone to trannyism.
If you see a per-pubescent boy talking about coding, he'll definitely coming out as a tranny in adulthood.
What was the actual crime here
>>founding father Alan Turing: was a tranny by consent
By """"consent"""".
Alan Turing was gay not tranny. He was castrated by the government as a punishment.

Tranny propaganda is now the chief dogma of WEF as they want human depopulation and have embraced marxist identity politics.
Disney hacker was a script kiddie who bought hacks on cracked dot io

He put malware in BeamNG mods (he is a subreddit moderator and discord moderator for the game)

File deleted.
Zack3D is Nullbulge

He makes furry fetish porn and used his fetish as his hacking alias
On reddit he goes as u/ryakr

He moderates the BeamNG subreddit

He's currently claiming that he was hacked by nullbulge but its 100% him
You can find Nullbulge dox on doxbin rn
Its a funny story that makes a good headline.
the west is financing similar campaigns in Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa tho. It's only a matter of time.
club penguin was on life support after the disney buy anyways, they turned the whole thing into a big money sink. also that happened so long ago?
>He was castrated by the government
>Over a terabyte of data just from their Slack
The fuck?
People with no friends and a bad relationship with their family happen to have a lot of free time to work on their hobbies.
Being good at tech, being a tranny, and being a furry all have one thing on common, autism.
It's the tism
I think being a coomer is a gateway to being gay, and most furries are coomers, so the pipeline is pretty fast. Plus lots of gays become furries, so there's lots that start out gay.
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it's just autism, it's why i laugh at the idea that autistic people are somehow not susceptible to marketing or whatever, it clearly isn't true.
parts of their brain are at the level of a child or early teen, depending on the severity. you can imagine that this makes them vulnerable to social manipulation (even dough they arrogantly think they aren't)

Literal grill dad boomer newspaper cartoon tier humor. Still made me lol tho
>best hackers
>got doxxed
I'm gay and I like furry porn because most artists are good and is drawing hot wolf dudes, simple as, you like anime girls for the same reason
The best ones have real jobs and aren't part of "hacktivist groups"

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