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good post, thanks for this
works fine on librewolf
Check your extensions. BlockTube's audio normalization option triggers it, so other extensions probably do as well. Assuming that you're already doing the classic Firefox + uBlock or similar of course.
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just buy premium? what's the big deal?
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sir! you can't say this word here! /g/ is trxnsfriendly folk board!!!
I'm not giving Googlejeets money. Not a dime.
based cuckold
This, but unironically.
$14 a month isn't a reason to be stubborn about this.
we know /g/edditor, we know.
install an adblocker, op
damn it feels good not to be retarded
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Amount of times I have had this issue on Brave: 0
>Not using youtube premium for ad free and youtube music.

Quit being poor, fag. Literally the only service I pay for basically and it's essentially for youtube music, ad free youtube is just a bonus. A family account for 5 people is like $5 a person if you're really anal.
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what a good little shabbos goy cuck you are. go back to facebook you fucking paypig FAILURE of a human being

captcha was KYTKFW
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nice link hijacker
If Google had a gun to your head and told me they'd pull the trigger unless I gave them $14, I'd encourage them to aim somewhere that would kill you slower so you could suffer longer. Fuck you.
sorry not taking part in your cuckoldry fetish
GPT fail
amount of times I've had this issue on Mullvad: also 0 + not having a chromium-based browser
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I'm actually using the Chrome with the uBlock Origin on my shitty HP Chromebook RIGHT NOW and I have NEVER seen that message!
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Ah yes, paying for a simple service that works with no issues suddenly makes me a jew. That makes sense. God I hate fucking incel non educated far right zoomers. Don't you have a terrorist attack to plan because the jews ruined your perfect suburban life or something?

Pic rel, I'm sure I've not paid for more important things than you'd be able to manage before an hero'ing in a few months fag.
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kys troon
>paying for a simple service is cuckoldry

I'm not sure you know what that word means zoomie. I sure hope you don't pay for service of anything ever, wouldn't want to be a cuck. I hope you're posting from public wifi or something.
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I don't really care at all.
I work for a company that contracts with Google. And Google pays ME through my company, just for me to end up using an adblocker anyways lmao
insane shill copes
But i bought youtube premium. don't have to worry about this
cared enough to reply
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paying for a free service is cuckoldry yes
It just wouldn’t be the same without the sweet, sweet advertisements.
>paying for a free service is cuckoldry yes
Ni/g/g/as will literally just say anything even if it makes 0 coherent sense.
I'm sure you are.
And I'm not interested in knowing, little /b/ro.
Ok maya.png
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YouTubers are people and I'm tired of pretending they're not
rss yt-dlp invidious
Lurk moar or GTFO
Nice buzzword. You're a shill for everything you use in life then.

>free service
>complains about ads
A or B anon. God, I wish zoomers lived in the old world where you couldn't escape ads and had to deal with the bullshit of that, then you'd understand it's really not a big deal to spend $5/mo to live ad free.
just use pihole bro
could you avatarfag a little harder? can't tell which posts are yours desu
oh my maya who's her fashion designer
she is looking so attractive in that
Yes but now you have much larger fish to fry such as dealing with the shame of paying for slop videos
To all the people saying subscribing to youtube service with "money" is le bad you have to realize that it's more autistic to be an epic contrarian and refuse to enjoy the services that are available right now in this era because you are afraid of spending imaginary points (money) because it could potentially fund the source of your entertainment which would keep it afloat instead of leeching and destroying everything like a nigger
I'll quit watching Youtube first.
but youtube is already free with zero ads
op is a faggot
I just clicked on update in my ublock origin and it was gone lel
No, voluntarily paying jews makes you jew alligned or functionally a jew. Does that clear that up jew cucked boomer anon?
Not only do I not care who is on the receiving end of my money when I buy something because I'm not brain dead. I can't imagine you've literally never handed a jewish person money. You literally are retarded.
I just download vids now and watch them offline. I refuse to fucking watch ads.
Kindly kys
No, I don't think I will do that.
If I could give my subscription to certain channels like how Floatplane does, I may do that, but Youtube is peak jew and wants to punish people at a whim unless they're part of a sekrit club and fuck that behavior, truly. If you pay money to Youtube to fuck you and the person you watch in the ass you're no better than cable-TV watching cattle.
>works with no issues
peak cattle behavior.
>If I could give my subscription to certain channels
a troon wrote this
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does anybody know how to get rig of this retarded glowing effect on main page? maybe some adblock rule?
YouTube is blocking ad blockers? Didn't know that lol I use Brave.
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ublock just works for me on icecat. update your filters, retard OP.
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...I'm cattle because I don't have issues with youtube? Not everything sucks for everyone lmao. For example, I just bought an elegoo neptune 4 max. If you google it it's tons of threads and videos about issues with it etc. I've had no problems with my prints at all and it took 2 seconds to auto level it.

Some people are just retarded at life and apparently struggle at everything.
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THREADLY REMINDER that a lot of the new stuff they try to crush adblockers with is a/b tested and just because you are not currently effected by anti adblock measures doesn't mean you are necessarily immune to them
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Stop using Ongezellig to shill your cryptominer crap.
I bet her pussy tastes good.
Ublock Origin is also a free service :^)
did reol really became normalfag slop
then again everything after Jijitsujou feels bland
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Use Youtube Redux.
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Giving money to a site actively being made worse every day.

>paying for stolen content
hey guys. NIGGERS!!!!!!
Maya canonically uses Brave.
ultra based
>stolen content
Wut? The only things I watch are OC or like, instructions or something else I wanted to look up.
good morning saaar
literally 1984+40
literally haven't seen this shit in months on firefox with ublock, forgot it was a thing.
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I've used YouTube before it was acquired by Google. There was a decent amount of softcore porn on it almost 2 decades ago; I was a horny kid and I signed up to take a peak.

Here's how much money I've given YouTube since then: $0.00
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Not only you get ad free youtube, but also enhanced bitrate AND youtube music is included!
That's really good deal if you ask me.
>Have better than premium features
>run by faschists
Free shit is free shit, who the fuck cares if your feelings are hurt cupcake?
Installed instantly
>b-but it's $10 a month!!
Stop being poor.
I donate to actual content creators I like. Paying youtube is just that, paying YOUTUBE not the people actually making the platform good by creating enjoyable videos. Fucking braindead retard. kys
i haven't had this before
i have had ads sneak through a few times, but i refresh and they disappear (except once where ublock wasn't updated yet, only a few videos got the ads i just avoided them)

eventually they probably will figure it out, and things like invidious will be completely broken

will be weird to completely drop youtube, but i'm not watching fucking ads in 2024.

people involved in marketing are genuine subhumans
Ads were getting through on Firefox on me last night, had the latest version of FF and updated my unlock scripts, still got through. Couldn't even skip the ads because there was no skip ad button, I just ended up not watching
>Watching something super interesting, what a war would look like between China and America
the ads are actually a cruel joke and a reminder to me that YouTube exists to make as revenue, not put out a good product for people to watch
>YouTube exists to make as revenue
youtube exists for social programming, which is why the front page is full of shit rap music videos from literal no-name rappers (usually)
Average troonfox experience
Why the fuck would mods who are /pol/tards be triggered by the OP?

Only time they ban you for that word is when they want to hide what you said that triggered them
kill yourself kike
Just use yt-dlp? What are you crying about
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I already took them, picrel.
I'd shit in her street if you catch my drift.
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It's not that I don't want to pay $14 a month, I just don't want Google to receive that money.
this, I will not give google and android jeets money
Works on my machine.
Not my problem.
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>Muh imaginary numbers with muh imaginary donations muh imaginary sacrifices muh imaginary fundings muh imaginary transactions
Little guy thinks his courage at hitting "Pay" matters when governments make trillion dollar bailouts on fuckups and print money when they feel like how about YOU kiss yourself
I don't want the weird JP idol videos I watch to be tied to my CC
is there a decentralized/distributed version of youtube that actually works
I've never seen this btw
Does pihole trigger this too?
Any good instances for idol stuff?
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who the fuck cares, it works
You're voluntarily paying 1000 times more when you live in the house, have a bank account and not buying food straight from the farmer.
Boycotting YouTube when you live like that is just sad.
>hes too poor for premium
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I haven't seen this shit in months, do you have uBlock Origin not set to auto update?
My ad blocker has nothing to do with YouTube.
It is my modification of my browser.
Fuck off
So you're poor we get it.
/qa/ lost to a bunch of trannies who are probably all dead now, LMAO
you're a retard with zero cookie hygiene
the popup got through to me ONCE in the beginning of the war. i have no spicy userscripts. librewolf and ublock. cookieautodelete and containers.
It's always them.
>not giving money to SJWs makes you poor
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Wtf I love revanced now?
>using an extension
YouTube has a built in stable audio feature for audio normalization. Typical extentard.
>thing that was already remedied
wow it's nothing
nigger faggot?

youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0) youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, []) youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedstreamAd, true)
youtube.com##+js(set, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false)

youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0)

youtube.com##+js(set, ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, [])

youtube.com##+js(set, Object.prototype.hasAllowedstreamAd, true)









youtube.com##ytd-rich-item-renderer #video-title-link[title*="Mix"][href$="start_radio=1"]:upward(ytd-rich-item-renderer)

just works
just use ublock retard
then pay up consoomer
That seems very fragile.
>just buy premium? what's the big deal?
Gives girls the ick


deranged pauperposter really believes girls don't value subtle signals of having money to spare
Actually, BlockTube's option disables all the built in garbage that YouTube is ruining music with. It has little to do with the stable audio toggle YouTube has. The downside is that it triggers that anti-adblock screen if you're logged in.
I already am using it, anon, you don't have to sell it to me
only chrome cucks have this problem
don't remind me
the real question is when is invidious going to be fixed, and in full quality

i dont want youtube to see anything about what i do
>Spelling and grammar errors, but spell check changed properly spelled words to different words instead
Serves me right for phone posting, fuck me
That in itself would be enough for me to enable ads if ads weren't already more offensive than gay pron.
I bet you subscribe to Netflix too because nobody taught you how to Torrent huh zoom zoom?
I'm a retard.
Enable ad blockers
Because they would never, ever, ever start showing ads on a service you are paying for.
Never, ever, in a million years.
I mean, even suggesting such a thing is beyond absurd.
I was promised the death of youtube if I just stole as much content as I could and never supported them and I am still waiting for the delivery of that promise. When google is dead in the ground and gone forever then maybe I'll consider paying google.
>selling it to me harder
wasn't even gonna bother, now will install
I’ve “borrowed” at least a TB of downloaded videos from them through dlp. Probably more like 2 or 3 TB given how many I watch once and delete. Premium format too, and ad free. In return for their generosity I’ve given back exactly three points of data: when I’m awake to run the script, my internet speed, and what channels I watch. No view data or anything. Shit’s cash. Fuck jewtube
>giving a fuck about what women want
beta behaviour
I am ok with spending money, but I am not ok with spending money on a company full of poojeets
Blocktube in Desktop and ReVanced in Android allowed me to see new content on jewtube,
and for videos of a specific year


Funny how they want $100/year for content that they don't even produce. The only Youtube originals are Rewinds and most of the YT's catalog are of 2006-2016, older that Netflix or other streaming service
lmao, anyone members when it was
>adblocking is a non issue

also, I don't use an adblocker, but a content filter, get rekt
freetube is dead right now, when fix/update ?
Maybe if it was $1.40 a month
even at 0.01 c I wouldn't give my money to these (((niggers)))
ahahahaha grayjay already pushed a fix, grayjay chads just keep winning suck it fggts
spoonfeed me pls. why are the fascist?
You're literally stealing from Jewish families by not watching ads
>I'm actually starting to see ads again sometimes
Ublockbros, it's all ogre........
On my machine, it works.
giving money to jeets no
newpipe is all jeets also
> not using freetube, grayjay, invidious, revanced, etc
There are a bunch of alternative frontends that get around this kind of shit and offer an objectively superior experience to even a Premium membership
he's italian
It is insane that people still pay for youtube in this day and age of our lord 2024
I had a few months back on Brave but nothing since then, they must have patched it.
Also every time I made a report to YouTube and called them liars and that I didn't have an adblocker. I hope someone had to lose time and read my complaints.
Youtube started censoring my comments so they can go fuck themselves.
ngl, I would pay for a service that fucks with youtube for shits. Dunno, has a white noise channel and uploads TBs of white noise every month and streams white noise 24/7. Is the term white noise still allowed to use?

if you are in yurop, you can fire data requests as per the GDPR. Looping correction/retrieval/deletion requests can be quite costly even if they are fully automated which they are probably not. My preferred pronouns are the unix timestamp.
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Why is it called white noise when there's clearly black element present in it?
Woke police should work more on that one.
they're gonna pull a Netflix in a couple of years and add a zero to that once enough of the world has adopted your mindset that 14 bucks ain't really much to fuzz about. Enjoy paying $100 to get MrBeast and CNN brainrot in your (((recommended))) list.
who's this character?
I guess you already know the answer, but it is interesting that ever since we have to use allowlists, main branches, primary-secondary terminology white noise is still tolerated despite sounding like an actual far right movement
>Why is it called white noise when there's clearly black element present in it?
>Woke police should work more on that one.

Wow. If it was solid white,it would be cracker noise. It has some gray pixels and a very few black pixels in a standard uniform random distribution. If you knew anything about math, signal processing, or audio engineering you would know this already,like a walk in the park. It's the very very basics. No, cops do not have to get involved in your stupid ignorant shit. Identify with the brain dead, and keep your stinky ass moving. The is not your shit hole. Middle school is.
it's a protection racket, they can save you from their ads for a little $$$. They call it dark patterns, but it is literally tech mafia
the mystery meat noise produced by the mutt sampler
Does this only happen in burgerland or what? Because adblocking works fine here
I've never experienced this and i use an ad blocker and ublock origin
Yesterday I updated a bunch of AMD stuff with Adrenaline.
Then I restarted my computer and the look of Brave icons had changed.
And just now I got my first ever Youtube ad. Well, I didn't see the ad the screen went black until the skip button was available.
Are any of these things connected?
I've never seen this popup on desktop, and youtube revanced works perfectly. How do you /g/entlemen do it?
Ublock, adblock, noscript, never seen this...never paying this company a penny
Imagine paying $160 per year to watch YouTube fucking lmao

I already watch YouTube ad free you stupid pay pigs, it’s not hard
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Giving your hard earned money to ((them)) is pretty bad... but being proud of it? Holy fuck my dude
No problems here with Waterfox and ublock origin lol
block cookies from google play and google
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adblock plus/chrome pajeet detected HAHAHAHAHAHA
Closest thing to 'paying to fuck with youtube' is probably grayjay realistically. (((rossman))) keeps saying that hes going to blow millions of dollars in legal fees if youtube tries to fucking block them.
>unironically saying SJW
have sex incel
Youtube niggers are injecting shit right in the videos now. I just get a 5 second black screen before it starts.
THey are not injecting anything into the HLS manifest. you are being schizo.
You’re cattle because you’re paying for something that is literally free. And you’re probably underage because the attitude tou display makes sense only if the money you pay for YouTube isn’t hard earned. You can block ads pretty easily on YouTube. You don’t need to pay to get the content on YouTube.
It’s freely uploaded to the internet, so if they want you to watch an ad they need to embed it into the video.
And you’re cattle for not understanding that once a certain threshold of people are paying for YouTube it will suddenly not be ad free because of reasons.
chrome is better than your piece of shit browser
still have never seen an ad on youtube. ive been hearing about their anti adblock measures for years but they have never affected me. does anyone have proof these are even real?
I literally saw that at the beggining and never again, I did put a block on the div on ublock, so that might have been it, tho.
install Brave faggot
Brave isnt blocking them if you get slotted into the A/B test group. Brave is literally not working for me.
holy shit i need to install this
Refreshibg page worked for me
>>101558229 (esl)
not an argument

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