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>Intel has announced that it has found the root cause of the crashing issues plaguing its CPUs. The company will issue a microcode update to address the issues by mid-August, ostensibly ending the long-running saga that began when the first sporadic reports of CPU crashing errors surfaced in December 2022 and grew to a crescendo by the end of 2023. Intel's response comes after complaints about the issue, which causes PCs to inexplicably crash/BSOD during gaming and other workloads, reached a fever pitch in recent weeks. However, the microcode update will not repair impacted processors.

>Intel's advisory says an erroneous CPU microcode is the root cause of the incessant instability issues. The microcode caused the CPU to request elevated voltage levels, resulting in the processor operating outside its safe boundaries. Intel is now validating a microcode patch to correct the issues, with its release slated for mid-August. This patch will be distributed through BIOS updates from motherboard OEMs, so the timing for end-user availability could vary.

>The bug causes irreversible degradation of the impacted processors. We're told that the microcode patch will not repair processors already experiencing crashes, but it is expected to prevent issues on processors that aren't currently impacted by the issue. For now, it is unclear if CPUs exposed to excessive voltage have suffered from invisible degradation or damage that hasn't resulted in crashes yet but could lead to errors or crashes in the future.

>Intel advises all customers having issues to seek help from its customer support. Because the microcode update will not repair impacted processors, the company will continue to replace them. Intel has pledged to grant RMAs to all impacted customers.

With this fix, our 13/14th gen cpus will finally reach their full potential!
We're so back!!
They're not going to be able to fix this a software update.
The damage is done. Any chips that have been overvolting up until now are irreparably damaged and time bombs waiting to go off.
This is just to cover their ass and limit the return window.
>undervolt and downclocks chips to salvage life
>performance goes down the shitter
Yep I'm thinking Intel is finished.
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>High voltage due to poorly engineered circuitry
>"patch is on the way"
don't care, still using my 2500k
What is the ideal PC/computer model for the person who hates Steam, hates Valve, hates PC gaming, hates Gabe Newell, hates Steam Deck, and wants an anti-gamer PC in everything?

play on PC is equal to blasphemy
Idk get a mac
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why would you buy a processor with weak cores?
A gun and one bullet given how many years you've been posting this asinine question type on different boards.
Unironically this. They pushed the benchmark too far in order to keep up with AYYmd. Not only are they not able to compete in the current market, they have proven themselves to be completely irrelevant.

AMD-bros, this is our time!
Reasons why an Apple Mac is ideal for the person who hates PC gaming and wants an anti-gamer computer?
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>I-it's uuh, it's uuuh a bug! a glitch! Microcode! Real low level stuff! You wouldn't understand!
>"release undervolt/downclock update so less units break"
>There, we fixed it!

Sure Intel lmao
Macs are just better and you're supporting ARM instead of x86
And what is the most anti-gamer apple Mac model of all?
macbook air
drinking a venti latté at starbucks
writing your manuscript
Voltages AGAIN? Haven't they already issued a fix few months ago? I call bullshit.
usually game devs add mac support as an afterthought because nobody with a brain buys a mac for gaming, they buy it to look cool at starbucks with their gay hipster friends
if they call it a hardware defect they will have to pay out

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>Macs are just better
>Broken USB-C port
>"That'll be 600 burgerbux + tax"
Lol, perchance even lmao
Power Mac G3
Power PC architecture so it can't play any x86 games or Steam, too weak to run native games at the time, little to no software support now that isn't on Linux.
>world record
Worthless dogshit. Nobody is using liquid nitrogen for daily use.
Holy shit. That mangy, old guy with the long hair was right. I thought Intel was going to sue him.
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Thanks Steve.
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mmmmmm amdlet cope
post your CPU hitting 9ghz
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>However, the microcode update will not repair impacted processors
no refunds
But didn't Level1Techs and Steve GN mention that it can't be fixed by microcode updates?

These batch and the next batch of Intel processors are going to be duds.
He can't. His CPU crashes everytime it tries to boost.
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>their solution is unironically a fucking undervolt
Holy shit
>>The bug causes irreversible degradation of the impacted processors. We're told that the microcode patch will not repair processors already experiencing crashes, but it is expected to prevent issues on processors that aren't currently impacted by the issue.
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i dont need to, elmor did it >>101528583
post an amd processor hitting 9ghz
i have an £300 i5 and it never even reaches full load on anything i play
keep coping amdtroon
this is like those engine noise competitions where retards compete to see whose car is the loudest
what a fucking retard you are
That will never cease to not give me a sensible chuckle.
dont care
still tossing my jewtel chip into the trash for a 9800x3d
cannot believe i let a discount sucker me into intel for me last build
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>he boughted Shitnel in 2018+8
>took them almost 2 years to figure out it was a voltage issue
are they for real? jesus christ
If anyone actually believes intel's PR statement you are a top tier sucker.
they literally gonna lower the performance of their overpriced Cpu's.
Just Underclock Needfully and it's Great!
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My last Intel processor was the 2500k. After thats its been nothing but Ryzen. Works great, and not my problem!
>oh wow guys we definitely didn't know this error was happening as we dissembled for a year or more
>here's some microcode to reduce your performance, now go spend weeks dealing with customer support and wading through an RMA
Fuck 'em. Never buying an Intel product again.
Yeah, it was more than a hundred dollars cheaper than the amd equivalent when I built. Never felt so shystered by a purchase before.
They are so full of shit. If this hadn't been on the verge of becoming a mainstream PR issue those fuckers would have kept pretending things were all fine.
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>tfw buyed boughted a 13700k
last time i'm listening to a friend for suggestions
fuck intel aviv and fuck you marco
>person who hates Steam, hates Valve, hates PC gaming, hates Gabe Newell, hates Steam Deck, and wants an anti-gamer PC
So you're gay. Could've just said that.
I've literally based all my boughts on Nexus Jesus recommends for my last couple upgrades and they're all been great so far. I always check with other sources as well but he's never failed me so far
I've had a 13700k for over a year now and no crashing problems at all.
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How long until he gets suicided?
Wendell will protect him with his massive girth
You can't 'patch' hardware issues, sounds like corporate cope
Uh does this affect 14700K CPUs?
Yes, they fail at a lower rate than i9 chips though
it's a voltage issue, so hat they gonna do is downclock all their 13 and 14 gens Cpus and people should be able to sue the fuck out of them.
Zen 5 is a week away, they're fucking toast
This is a good point. Everyone essentially paid for extra performance that was detrimental to the chips themselves, and now it will be taken away entirely. Class action suit should be coming after this.
Oh boy, $20 in 3 years.
>Money goes to Best China and works
>Money goes straight to Tel Aviv and doesnt work
Real fuckin noggin joggin goin on, here
How about now?
a corporation as gigantic as intel isn't going to be "finished" because of one fuckup. You people are fucking delusional
something with chromeOS, just super locked down linux, and everything that ships with it has impotent hardware
if that's too much, some ancient business thinkpad, preferrably with 8gb of ram or less and a 1366x768 screen
Damn, should I download some more RAM too?
More like it wasn't built properly to handle intended voltage so now they're going to be worse performing
It's not $20 for Intel. And they deserve it.
This isn't one fuckup. This is the latest fuckup after letting AMD catch up through the 6th to 10th gen cpus and then trying to rush improvement when they weren't pushing thier manufacturing nodes technology forward for almost a decade.
>he unironically believes the too big to fail meme
tell me you're underage without telling me you're underage
The ones that have already started randomly rebooting definitely can't
Well he is right that one fuckup, even a string of huge fuckups isn't close to enough to topple a company like Intel. but over time it can. but it is a very slow process.
so basically intel overclocked past the breaking point to sell chips at performance they can't handle and now you're going to get a underperforming CPU that can't deliver what it was sold as?
i would demand a refund and switch to a different CPU maker or make damn sure that the piece of shit isn't overclocked by intel's marketing team
Have you never looked at the totals for those payouts? $10 million is pocket change for the company.
Cant wait to play some CPU frequency world record on my PC cooled with nitro! Fuck yeah man
Okay, what is your point? That it shouldn't happen?
>customers realize they were sold bullshit
>the company tries to save face with giving customers underperforming trash CPU's
>customers lose trust in company and switch to competition
anon i'm pretty sure intel needs to sell their products to keep the lights on and those paychecks flowing, unless of course they're going to become what amd started as aka budget hardware provider that provides inferior products at affordable prices
lets see the layoffs
That payouts are usually a slap on the wrist. They will barely notice and have no issue doing the same thing again.
hate to tell you anon, but their market share has been dwindling for years. this will send a resounding massage to normos and corpos that they are now also faulty
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Th-this won't mean throttled all-core frequencies, r-right?
I don't get what you think you are saying. You think that after today intel will not be able to sell CPUs? Do you not realize that most people are probably not even aware of this issue at all?
Int-cels on suicide watch
>stock prices drop
>normos panic and look for reason why
>the closest "tech savvy" magazine for boom booms tells them that they sold shitty CPU's
>normos show how much customer loyalty matters to them if the product is trash
anon people were stockpiling toilet paper during corona because they were afraid that it was going to run out based on rumor, what do you think they do when they see stock prices dip?
normos don't know how shit works, they just see line go down and some neckbeard that looks like they know what they're talking about on some youtube video their nephew linked them telling intel CPU is le bad and they'll pull out
I don't think the people you're talking about check Intel stock prices.
So how do they issue a patch? Wouldn't this have to be at the BIOS level? Most OEMs can't even be bothered to give you BIOS updates for more than a few years due to the sheer volume of boards.
Sorry bro, it's over.
Enjoy your 10-20% performance loss.
You sound retarded so I'd second getting a Mac.
>old people don't religiously look at stock prices
why do you any big company like tesla etc can rain make them so easily? that's the only thing they know
line go up? company must've pulled a miracle out of their ass
line go down? the company must be on fire and it's time to sell
Read the OP
fucking finally now I can sell my shitty ass playstation
>patch kneecaps your performance
>doesn't even matter since any effected CPU is doomed and it's a matter of "when" not "if"
>ensures CPU dies outside the RMA window
sasuga, intel-san
>just run the chip without its advertised features goy
>retards will listen to them
literal cattle, you deserve to be stuck with 4core i7s until death
>>The bug causes irreversible degradation of the impacted processors. We're told that the microcode patch will not repair processors already experiencing crashes, but it is expected to prevent issues on processors that aren't currently impacted by the issue. For now, it is unclear if CPUs exposed to excessive voltage have suffered from invisible degradation or damage that hasn't resulted in crashes yet but could lead to errors or crashes in the future.


lmao even
Don't care still buying Intel
They're called economy cores anon, you get more for your money, like bulldozer
>what do you think they do when they see stock prices dip?
Idk what world you came from but normos don't see that or know what it means, much less care.
based turn the other cheek cuck
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>pm'd you the solution ;)
>irreversible degradation of the impacted processors
get fucked
If they keep lying, a lawsuit will come and lose even more money than intended.
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>might as well still be on 7th gen
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>tfw bought a i7-14700KF last month.
fuck niggers
Imagine if this breaks their CPUs even more HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
a meme class action suit won't do shit but the mass replacements this is going to trigger by anyone sane are going to cost a decent chunk of their consumer business
it's not going to bring intel to its knees or anything because these consumer SKUs are not really much of their overall income which is mostly business to business Xeons and such, but they definitely wish they didn't do it
Intel will just replace them.
the technologically retarded boomers don't know how shit works, they actually think stock prices are directly linked to the performance of the company, that's why the stock price manipulation works so well because they move with the line, if you can use some happy merchant market manipulation to make the line go up they'll buy
if you can somehow make the line dip really good they'll panic sell, that's how it has always been with them and they were and kind of still are a huge demographic, you can literally ruin a company or force a bank to stop giving people their money by scaring the boomers
boomers do and when the younger normos look at their "investments" in their little phone app that spoonfeeds them the line on demand they'll shit bricks
boomers literally made the stock market and they always have some way to look it up, housing market has been kind of stagnant so a lot of them go to "tried and true" old companies that have been around for ages
intel has been around since fucking 1968, you really think boomers don't think that that company was worth "investing" money in when houses stopped selling? they might hold onto the houses with bleeding nails but they've seen old companies fall before
they'll think it's the next blockbuster and run screaming to sell while it still has value
as for the younger normos that check stocks with phone app they'll see a major dip in stock prices and shit their bricks that their hecking 2-5k life savings are going to go down the drain and they'll sell too

it's domino effect, people have literally forced banks to default with their mass hysteria
>he bought intel after 2018
and then they will have chips slower than they could have gotten for a cheaper price on AM5
we told you to buy AMD bro, we fucking told you
>Full potential
You do realize that by reducing the voltage, that also reduce the performance. Right?
That amount of performance is not noticeable.
Intel lost their best hardware engineers a decade ago to a fake Chinese start up. They were poached from Intel, moved to China with big promises and money then found out it was all fraud and stuck out there.
Intel will never recover from the lost talent because no young people have the experience of the techs that developed what everyone is using today.
going from 6 GHz to 5.2 GHz is definitely noticeable
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not my problem
im still rocking an 8600k
>small metal square somehow magically powers a computer somehow and also needs to cost hundreds of dollars
Does these people really trying to make me believe this
Any sign of 12th gen being affected as well? I'm running one of those.
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intcels still buying
It's like Indians proud of being the champion of Special Olympics.
You're buying the sand that was taught how to do math that's under the metal square.
no, 12th gen is not affected, and they are going to solve the issue by scaling back 13th gen to 12th gen clock speeds
12th gen can also clock to 6 GHz if you give it 1.5 V but no one is retarded enough to do that manually
they're only have to pay out to the class, less people are likely to join a class action suit than the value of all 13th and 14th gen cpu's ever sold
wait until the zoomer nephews link the youtube video of some neckbeard ranting about intel CPU's to their boomer grandpa
Intel has been using the same punjabi as their lead tech engineer for the past few decades.
Didn't tech jesus also say that there are reports of contamination of the metal layers that the chips are made of too?
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>walk into thread
>zoomies think the patch is software
>the fix is literally undervolting the CPU and crippling performance
>it wasn't a feature, it was a bug guys, haha
>we totally didn't run the chips past their limit for benchmarks

Yeah, it's one of theories. They're having some chips analyzed for some concrete information but that'll take awhile.
I hope AMD pays you faggots well.
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>algorithm bug
Smells like SAAR got it wrong.
remember when you said ryzen 3000 would degrade because of high volts? how did that work out for you?
>However, the microcode update will not repair impacted processors.

Great, I'll order my FOURTH FUCKING 14900k

>With this fix, our 13/14th gen cpus will finally reach their full potential!

As in a 30% performance decrease?
more like 5-10% loss at worse. Only min-max-types would get their panties in a bunch over it.
The problem would be connected with product with defectives and have little or no correlation with voltage and clock speed.
The reported symptoms have more common with near-suicide run-tier overclocking.
>order my FOURTH
sasuga stockholm syndrome
>and you're supporting ARM
I sure do love me some locked bootloaders and lack of external GPU and RAM!
Undervolting doesnt generally cripple performance, it's more likely to drop by around 10-15%.
ARM is never going to happen, Mactroon. You don't need a powerful CPU to watch hardcore gay porn all day.
accumulated loss from the past microcode patches would be around 20%
surely nobody was stupid enough to buy this garbage and this is a joke post....right?
It would be very sad if another security vulnerability was unearthed in the meantime!
I dunno, man. I have a M2 Max and keep playing PC and switch games on it. Send help
>posts latest gen
>leaves out the dates
Clockspeed hype was over a decade ago much guy. I have 2500k 4690k 4770 and they're all garbage because intel hid flaws for years like they tried with this one. Sandy Ivy Haswell Devils Canyon and Broadwell are all slower than a 2000 series ryzen and some a first gen. That's how bad they have been fkin up just in the last 10-15 years. They pulled the same shit when athlons first came out. Itanic happened and even had AMD bail them out with x64. Intel hasn't done anything great since the Pentium 2 and 3. Anything afterwards has been acquisitions and mid tier releases.
Sorry you bought a lemon anon lmao
Who's gonna tell him:
Will reviews and benchmarks be updated ?
Of course not, that's anti-semitic
Enjoy your $12.36 class action payout in six years.
People were speculating as there were a number of reports of degrading chips, yes.
Remember the segfault issue? AMD just replaces those CPU's. Same will happen here.
What am I looking at?
>buy intel aviv product
>get ripped off
Who could have foreseen this? It'll only get worse the more they divest from the US and move infrastructure to Israel for no reason at all.
risc-v because no software works on it
>People were speculating as there were a number of reports of degrading chips
there were no reports of degrading chips
you were scared of 1.5 V, you thought AMD couldn't handle playing with fire
>Remember the segfault issue
yes, that was ryzen 1000
>With this fix, our 13/14th gen cpus will finally reach their full potential!
By undervolting them? lulz
>What is the ideal PC/computer model for the person who hates Steam, hates Valve, hates PC gaming, hates Gabe Newell, hates Steam Deck, and wants an anti-gamer PC in everything?
An iphone.
>No reason at all
>releases jeetcode patch that actually doubles the voltage
This. Anyone who doesn't realise this is a retard.

All 13 and 14 series chips are undetermined levels of fucked. Buy AMD.
Didnt that video with wendell and tech jesus say that this has happened with server grade motherboards and 100% stock voltage settings too?
The problem stems from incorrect AC LL setting, which is motherboard specific. Basically the motherboard makers are stupid and intel is retarded for not validating their work.
>it can never be intel's fault
>it must be the motherboard makers
AMD autocorrects for LLC btw
I just said it's intel's fault for not checking what the chinks are doing to their $600 chips AND TAKING 2 YEARS TO RECTIFY THE ISSUE. This should have been sorted out before 12th (sic) gen launched.

L M A O at all the intel shills on this board
You see its an issue with the "ALGORITHM" that causes overvolting
Dont ask questions and wait for the fix which wont reduce performance (that is conveniently coming after zen5 reviews)
This ACLL laissez faire deal has been going on for very long. Its only really become an issue now because their 13th and 14th gen chips have NO undervolting headroom and run too close to the edge of stability.
I see it's a thing since 10th gen
intel should do the twitter thing and fire 90% of the 130,000 useless coffee sipping faggots they employ
Every hardcore PC gamer I know exhibits the gayest behavior known to man.
Its a thing on my z390 boards too
I'd wager its been going on since sandy bridge days or even earlier
>Every hardcore PC gamer I know
You don't know anybody you lonely faggot
Nice projection, now go back to grooming children on Discord with your gaymer "friends"
>us goes to war with Israels faulty chips
>1 month in drones start self destructing or falling out of the sky
I think it's just load line calibration without obfuscating behind terms like normal high and extreme
>supporting ARM
Hell no. Device tree is purely barbaric, I'd rather support Loongarch.
No. AC Loadline is an intel defined spec and used by the cpu to raise the VID request. LLC is an overclocking feature implemented by board makers to change the loadline slope at the vrm side.
Practically everything Intel has done outside of their GPUs has been a fuckup since at least 2017.
I fucking despise you. I hate you. You who continues to shit up /g/ with the most low-effort engagement threads.

Rot away and die.
>update to the biggest news of past couple years is actually BAD
>more Intel speed holes
How many people are going to actually update their bios? Is the average person even aware of the degradation problems? I feel like 90% of intel CPUs are going to be dumpstered cause most people dont keep up with CPU happenings
>Liquid helium
Bro, what? Who the fuck has liquid helium?
helium is a very common element
Games have started showing messages for Intel users. Instability also hurts Microsoft's reputation, so maybe they will be brave enough to show a notification (or they can try to push the new BIOS through Windows Update to as many people as possible).
I dont know but its pretty fucked hardcore. Boiling point of nitrogen is -196 celsius while heliums boiling point is -264 celsius. Fucker is playing with something thats within 10 degrees of absolute zero at a bare minimum
>Intel tries to "move manufacturing back home" to the USA
>it all turns to shit
looks like chinks are simply superior to mulattos
>they can try to push the new BIOS through Windows Update
Ive heard of malware that can infect the bios so i guess thats possible. Even if it bricks a few motherboards, its better than garanteed CPU failure
Helium is used for the same reason as it makes your vocal chords sound funny. It lets the CPU clocks oscillate faster due to less air resistance, basically going at hyperactive chipmunk speed.
Yeah intel performs best in israel
microcode can be loaded in bootloader or kernel too, you don't need to touch bios
Do you expect lower voltage and same performance? We call it "undervolting." Good luck.
I literally said this three months ago
just undervolt
I think we're in for part 3 of the saga next month when people find out the undervolt destabilises their system or their operating clocks are decreased by 300mhz
>intel is going to send you a free engineer to stress test your undervolt
That's fine, they already got their benchmarks in. Nobody cares about marginal differences in real world performance
undervolting usually gives better performance. if you're losing performance with an undervolt you are obviously retarded and should stick with Apple computers.
The only reason why intel is delaying a simple voltage fix for an entire month is because they dont want their underclocked CPUs being compared against zen 5
intel said it wont significantly impact perf
>intel said
intel lied, CPUs died
>a shill thread
>an anon thread
>both at 200 replies
kill yourself already, nobody will get refunds
So about a month to have a geek lower some numbers while unwitting customers are frying their expensive hardware? What a shitshow.
you make a better cpu then
Just wait a few decades for me to sculpt some silicon with an ultraviolet laser
>no link provided
get r*ped by a pack of feral n******
anon this is just the RECENT fuck up, just like Crowdstrike this is the straw on the camels back
They absolutely are part of their main income. Those are also server processors and intel doesn't really have a product that can do what epyc does. Their main income rn is Laptop, but AYYMD is coming for them this gen with aggressive production and numbers.
LOL so there was no root cause for literal months and a week after a video comes out stating it's a manufacturing issue and that no Intel CPUs should be purchased by anyone right now SUDDENLY the root cause is found and the patch is coming? lol lmao even
They exist in a quantum state for intel, they don't exist until the media observes it
if you dump liters of liquid nitrogen on a cpu you can pretty much get any result you want
the practicality of it is a whole different story
INTEL fanbois on suicide watch
>frequency ranking
What a cherry picked chart. You had to do that because AMD just BTFO in actual benchmarks....again.
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>using a 4790k for last 10 years
>figured now would be a good time to upgrade
>thought adding a one in front of the model # would be fitting
>come back and see all of this
Bought a 4000d because of him
Good stuff, it was pretty cheap and will last for decades.
i was in the same seat as you and foresaw this coming, among all the other issues we already knew of and just got an intel 10th gen 10700k
oy vey we can't lose 15% performance
Yeah it will. BIOS will throttle down your cpu to record benchmarked LOWS. Enjoy your expensive 13/14th gen shit tier cpu.
>For now, it is unclear if CPUs exposed to excessive voltage have suffered from invisible degradation or damage that hasn't resulted in crashes yet but could lead to errors or crashes in the future.
time bomb
>apply patches for intel 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 series
>performance worse or equal than a first or second gen ryzen
>apply updates for 13 and 14 series
>btw no refunds
>performance worse than 3 5 7 series ryzen
>money stolen again
good times
Based on past behavior, is it likely only going to be the CPUs affected that get the patch, or does it go out to everyone in 13/14?
Was looking at an i5-13400, now not sure.
What causes someone to be an intel fanboy right now in 2024? I’m not asking about 10 years ago I’m asking about right this second with all prior knowledge and discounting the “don’t care still buying” contrarian (you) farmers.
13400 and all alderlake based chips have a different CPU model so you likely won't be affected
And i5s in general lack some of the fancier boosting features that i9s have so I doubt raptorlake i5s will be affected at all
>fleet of experienced engineers: this will fix the issue
>some retarded NEET: no it won't
Who will win?
>but didn't random people who have no access to the internet technicalities and microcode sa-ACK!
People put far too much stock into what ecelebs claim.
>PR dude: this will fix the issue
>Good goys: omg intel found the root cause! Brb buying a 14900ks nao
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>microcode can fix a critical design flaw
You didn’t use your processor until the final firmware was released did you anon?
It doesn't matter if they know or not. Nomie doesn't care so he goes to best buy to buy a premade computer. The store doesn't want to deal with a bunch of returns so they stop selling premade computer with intel processor and just like that intel has lost billions in sales.
According to this amd fx > amd ryzen
I made a thread about intel chip degradation like 2-3 months ago on here.
Return that shit asap
There was a root cause and it was likely known for a month+ at this point. The recent sensation has forced Intel to face the music of their attempts to hardcore overclock their SKUs out of the factory.
I build a new system early last year when there were those reports of some mobos frying AMD cpus so I went with an Intel 13700K just to be safe. Now I have to constantly worry about when the damn cpu will end up dying on me. Fucking great luck
10th-12th gen are the CPUs to upgrade to right now.
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Qualcum brothers, now is our time
Least friendly to gaming, combines the lack of compatibility of linux with the locked down-ness of apple plus weak hardware. If you define your entire personality as being anti-videogames then a macintosh is the perfect system for you.
>intel confirmed oxidation on their cpus
Bunch of dead CPUs soon as they degrade thanks to the oxidation
This is TLDR. I have a 14900k. What do I do?
sell it, downgrade to 12th gen, wait a few more years to upgrade, keep an eye on the news so you stay on top of these things instead of finding out after the fact, so must we all

you can also try undervolting your CPU
Sell it and buy 7800X 3D
Soak it in water, then put it back in and turn it on.
Don't try to put paste on it, the water will protect it.
made me chuckle a tad bit there, /b/roski
so how many times is this intel has fucked up in a way that results in permanently lost performance?
most of these chips still have at least 2 years of warranty
still not buying AMD
The old ways have been lost. At least some remember
Literally why the fuck would anyone do that when ZEN5 is a week away?
so im going to have to spend at least 700 dollars to get out of my intel 12700k? and into a ryzen 9000 series
just overvolt it deliberately for a while and RMA it for a new one
>14nm is a joke for years
>12th gen has bending sockets
>13/14th gen has idiotic power draw and now this

Literally only drones buy Intel at this point.
Not only incel housefires burn your house down with 300+W but they also burn themselves down now so goyim have a good excuse to buy every new generation of cpus! What a true marvel of jewish technology!
ya im already looking into a ryzen 9000 probably 9900x or wait for 99000x3d
Intel isn't talking about the Oxidation problem. They are pretending it's not there. And this is not something you can fix with a bios update.

The problem with oxidation is so huge that they are misdirecting it to voltage issues in hopes that nobody would notice.
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I can undervolt it a little bit. It has hit 99c and 100c a few times in Lightroom.


You're mean.
intel fucking up is becoming a yearly tradition at this point like Christmas or a rectal exam
it will be if cloud companies stop buying xeons
I regret my 14600kf (runs like shit compared to x3d) but does anyone know if mine will be ok?

> water cooled and de-lidded
> fixed voltage OC 1.28v with max loadline
> z690 aorus motherboard which has had no bios updates since late 2023 (?)
> unlocked power limits
cloud companies are still busy cleaning up the last major fuck up by a once trusted company
anon, your CPU not only will have its frequency lowered by a patch, it will start to fail sooner or later anyway. you are fucked.
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just be aware that this was put off for a long time. you are rolling the dice on 13th or 14th gen at this point. intel has historically shown bad behavior and questionable ethics.
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Has Linus made a video on this? Has he held Intel accountable? Any future videos with all the new fancy million dollar equipment he bought to test tech rigorously?
Wrt this intel problem, he said on WAN show he was tired of being negative and only wanted to cover positive topics
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I like how intel is trying to hand wave away the oxidation issue on 13th Gen sometimes back in 2023 with their reddit post. Pretending it isn't related but is sometimes? JFC.
The Mac bootloader is not locked. You can run Linux on them quite easily.
They didn't let AMD catch up, they let TSMC catch up.
What has he been negative about?
that explains why amd gpus rarely equal the high end nvidia cards as of late. imagine if tsmc had to compete with tsmc
Guess he's not gonna be talking about intel for a while.
i can't wait until we win communism for we can finally drag this trash pig out of his house and redistribute his shit to the community.
the speculation right now its the trash bins that are dying if they don't have the oxi problem.

trash bins be like the 14900k that needs 1.5v's just to run 5.7ghz or a 13900k that needs 1.5v's just for 5.5ghz.

if you are averaging 1.4v's or less you're probably ok. 1.3v or less you shouldn't have any worries.
He regularly gets $5000 kickbacks for his intel build videos. No surprise he wouldn't bite the hand that feed him.
if you don't have the oxidation problem (which 14th gen doesn't, intel confirmed this), then its just the voltage problem. current speculation is the trash bins that are dying from strictly voltage problem. trash bins be examples like:
>14900k needs 1.5v's for 5.7ghz
>13900k needs 1.5v's just for 5.4ghz
>we're so back!!
Never left.
6Ghz, 13900KS.
I think I'll stick with my 6700K for a while longer.
>Never obsolete
>$5000 kickbacks just for making intel computers
imagine all the fillings we could give people with the millions he makes.

didn't know they had internet in the crab bucket
does this affect laptop cpus too? i love jewtel
it affects 13900HX cpus too
AMD took over that sponsorship
no. laptop ones have different problems
Thats only going to delay the self destruction of these shit chips.
return it and buy zen5 or a 7800x3d brainlet
>buying intel instead of amd in 2024
based retard
get a rma replacement and sell if for a zen4/zen5 cpu
Oxidation is also a problem and can't be fixed with a BIOS patch so Intel keeps quiet about that part.
>but oh sorry if your cpu was one of the ones we fried there's nothing we can do sorry buy another one goy
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not my problem, still on i7-2600k
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They've only admitted it internally
Like you said, the public statements don't address it at all
what the fuck do you think the highlighted text is supposed to mean you fucking retard?
RETARD, you know the reason they say that is because YOU CAN'T REVERSE DEGRADATION? RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT???????????????????
Then GN was wrong and the oxidation is a nothingburger
GN was indifferent to it, thought it was one of many possibilities. it was the leunuchs faggot wendell who pushed it, but he doesn't even know what a VID table is or how to read vcore
shut the fuck up reddit tranny
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Last I saw GN hasn't made a firm declaration, Steve said they are still going to get effected CPUs tested by people that know how to look for such things because they don't. Not sure if that changed recently.
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>Of course not, that's anti-semitic
This goy understands
Enjoy your 2000 dollar Ryzens. This is unreal and intel's incompetence is going to fuck all of us over, including American jobs since this retardation will just be an excuse to outsource to some other fab.
>believing Intel
Yeah, this will not fix anything.
>he doubted intel
Intel always wins, baby
what form of retardation is this?
An intel system obviously because AMD is only for gaming
>What causes someone to be an intel fanboy right now in 2024?
Poor experiences with AMD in the past that make people refuse to buy them ever again. It's more of a "Intel sucks, but they're the only option" thing.
>American jobs
>most of all types of manufacturing already gone
yea all those jobs in America are in jeopardy lmao
Go play your vidya, child

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