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>How do I activate Windows?
HWID2 mimics a valid Windows installation to generate a permanent legitimate license
>and Office?
Same link, use Ohook option
You can also use Office.com if your needs are very minimal
or try OnlyOffice/LibreOffice and set it to save in MSOffice file formats

>What version should I install?
W10 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2021
-10 years support on IoT LTSC, EoL 2032
-5 years on LTSC
-Binary identical to Enterprise except no MS Store and no bloat apps
-If you need MS Store run this in cmd: wsreset -i
-ISO: 4.5GB

W10/W11 Home/Pro/Edu/Enterprise
-Only 1.5-2 yrs support
-No control over updates
-Preinstalled bloatware apps (games, music, news, weather, onedrive, start menu ads, etc)
*W11 specific
*Massive UI usability downgrades
*Removed features and reduced performance in Taskbar and Explorer
*Recall bloat
-ISOs: Home/Pro ~6.6GB, Edu/Ent ~6.5GB

W11 Enterprise IoT LTSC 2024
-Leak is an official pre-release OEM testing ISO, likely updates to retail on launch
-10 years support, EoL 2035
-Only if you fell for the 12th+ gen Intel meme and need the new CPU scheduler
-AMD C-Cores don't need new scheduler and use same arch as regular Ryzen
-Same UI downgrades as regular W11
-ISO: 4.2GB

Windows IoT LTSC https://pastebin.com/ywkasnhM
Windows https://pastebin.com/nUMgAr0b
Office https://pastebin.com/G8w5qu6z

>Should I debloat / build my own ISO?
If you need to ask, then no, you WILL break something
If you know what you're doing:

>Windows/Office install guide

>Portable programs & reinstall-proofing

>Useful programs (new install, essentials, utilities, adobe, etc)

>I miss Windows##

Change to .co if links don't work

Previous: >>101465548
only latest updates, but not mandatory
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>*Recall bloat
that's only for the few ARM-powered Microsoft laptops/tablets, which will likely be another of Microsoft's commercial flops, and consist of less than 1% of the W11 userbase
We've had a number of anons after the announcement coming here and expressing worry over a feature that will likely never affect them due to not having the right hardware for it.
Windows 8 alienated the user base with metro UI and tablet-esque UX shoehorned in. Is this next stage of Wi does 11 going to alienate the majority again to try and prioritize arm and AI?
Can I have sex with shamiko if I use windows?
Shamiko is for teasing and head pats not seggs
Also because businesses got angry at MS over it they recalled it (lol) and are making it that the data isn't just sitting on your computer in plain text (now encrypted) and it's now an opt-in feature. Always rely on enterprise customers to actually get MS to back up on shit.
>try and prioritize arm and AI?
ARM? Most likely.
AI? Not if their pointless Copilot PCs flop, which I expect.

Why would ARM "alienate the majority?"
>Always rely on enterprise customers to actually get MS to back up on shit.
Which they are not so reliable on. And their priorities and uses of Windows differ from the rest of us. On the other hand, big screw ups like Clownstrike affect them and not us.
He is talking about the Arm.
has anyone had BSoDs on Win10 IoT for a Kmode_Exception_Not_Handled caused by tcpip.sys, seems to happen at random about once a day?
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thanks shami for saving fwt/keeping it alive.
Apprently has something to do with faulty network drivers
dame desu
so after a fresh install what to do
i typically just run shutup10, install dnscrypt-proxy with my custom blocks since everytime i have tried hostfile the pc dies and dont have a custom router, disable core isolation for gaming boost or just virtualization in bios, scoop for mpv ffmpg yt-dlp and gallery dl, every coomer should have these, everything search idk
First thing I do is run ShutUp10 on my non-connected install then restart and connect so Windows Update can get whatever cumulative update it needs plus whatever drivers it can find. Then it's mostly just a case of installing a web browser and getting that all ready then I think about installing shit like a real graphics driver and other shit like the .NET desktop runtime and the VCRedist AIO. Then just usual program installing for whatever I need IE mpv for video etc.
>.NET desktop runtime and the VCRedist AIO
There was a github with all of these auto installer but I cannot find it, it downloaded every single one.
I'm talking of the VCRedist AIO by abbodi. Basically contains literally any VCRedist you'd ever need.
For the .NET desktop runtime I just go to the .NET website and get the latest LTS version, which is 8.x currently.
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Thanks you
That is what I was suspecting too, I am trying to figure it out for a mate, The wifi chipset is a RZ616 which according to google is just a rebranded mediatek mt7922. Its in a MSI motherboard which makes me suspect its the MSI wifi drivers, So I have told him to uninstall them for now. Will see what happens.
Yeah, try uninstalling the wifi driver and seeing if WU is able to download you a new one after plugging an ethernet cord into it.
So, is dnscrypt essential? I have never bothered. Maybe I should but not really sure what it needs.
Anon most likely installs it because he wants to use DNS-over-HTTPS system wide on his 10 system, which can't do that natively. It's not essential IMO, but it's an idea.
Shit like Firefox already has built-in DoH that can use any server you want which is where like 80% of net connections come from.
Not really, I just have that to block sites bya DNS computer wide, for example, when I download the League Tracker and Warframe Tracker for desktop they come with ads, with my custom blocklist these ads no longer show.
This one,adware + malware, also use Cloudflare DNS over HTTPS (DoH) systemwide:
I see. I guess I won't need it then.
win 10 iot
simplewall with all blocklists enabled

this should get me full coverage from microsofts bullshit right
Yes anon, that'll do you fine.
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Do I take the default customization for my install or uncheck everything? Curious if there's any chances of a buggy install with this.
These options are just something that can be achieved through unattended.xml files, stuff like changing registry entries or running scripts to add users etc.
Personally I do the first two options then the privacy questions and Bitlocker one.
That's what I thought, I can just slap ShutUp10++ and customize that in seconds without messing with the install itself. Guess I'll do first two by default and hopefully don't run into any issues.
Yeah, running ShutUp10 is the first thing I do when I get to my desktop. Make sure to install it offline as well until after you run it.
Can I put that exe in a folder on the same USB as my install or do I need to reformat?
In the Rufus'd USB? Yeah you can just make another folder and put it in there. The Windows installer won't get shitty over there being a new folder. People do shit like put the RST driver or a network driver for the mobo you're about to install to if the generic net driver that comes with the ISO doesn't include anything for it, pretty rare though. And a Ethernet to USB device helps with that anyway with its on-board driver.
im tempted to install windows 11 iot ltsc on a laptop from 2015 with an HDD
It'll work, but it might be a bit slow. Though still usable at least.
Just make sure to run ShutUp10 on it and disable the search indexer.
How do I install windows11 from Arch linux? Do I just go to
>download the .iso
>make a bootable usb
>install and wipe everything
or will my pc get fucked or something?
Before installing arch my pc had a copy of win11 if that matters.
If you want to create a bootable Windows USB on Linux it would be easiest to use Ventoy.
All the other methods like dd or other Linux boot USB makers don't make them properly and end up in "driver needed" loops you can't get out of.
You can also make it manually via a bit of a process involving mounting the ISO and copying files over to a FAT32 USB while using wimlib to split the install.wim file in two so it fits in the FAT32 limits, but Ventoy is easier as it's just flash the USB, put the ISO on it, boot into the USB and boot into the ISO.
windows 10 drivers should just work on windows 11 right?
WU will just pick out the drivers your laptop will be fine with using.
Do you think they will ever abandon the win32 api in like windows 12 and try to force everyone to update? It’s been around for decades and I feel like I could see Microsoft doing something retarded and trying to make a new ABI. I hear they are using rust now? So it could be possible
you are posting on a cloudflare fbi site yet care about microsoft
can i do wsreset like on 10?
Either that or install winget through winget-install
Shamiko, yo! Now is the time to install Windows 10 IoT Enterprise LTSC on Momo's old laptop!
Wouldn't happen, I suspect most of the money Microsoft makes from Windows is licenses from commercial customers, and all their customers are running ancient Windows software. Dropping Win32 would piss them all off to the point that the WINE project would very suddenly get many sponsors.
Also why the fuck would they do that? Like, what does your imaginary psycho Microsoft plan on replacing it with? You think they're just going to shaft everyone for lulz?
What percentage of their enterprise clients rely on the apis? How much money do they really make from windows licenses, over office, SQL server, Azure, etc… I’m not saying it’ll happen, but I could see a shift in the next couple of versions.
so its the same as the 10 iot, no desktop web search, no widgets, etc?
Literally all of them use the apis, and a large portion of them use ancient software. I presume you saw that article where an airline was still using WfW 3.11? Yeah, lots of their customers are using 25 or even 30 year old software
How much money does Windows make? I dunno, but corporate customers are very serious about paying for licenses. I don't mean the computer Sneed uses to run his cash register, but rather the many workstations and servers Chuck's Inc uses accross their hundred locations. Plus MS is very anal about server licenses, so if you need a Windows server for anything you're probably running hyper-v for virtualization, plus if you're using office 365 or azure whatever you've also got a Windows server for AD, then you might as well buy Dell's for your wagies because they come with Windows etc etc it goes on. They make more money than you think, you don't notice because personal users are mainly used to squeeze out ad money.
Also azure and stuff are managed by different departments, and as long as the Windows department makes money who care what they do?
Yes it's pretty much just 2021 with an 11 backend
And I mean MS as a company has like trillions of dollars. They really aren't looking for quarters under the cushions currently.
Well I completely remade the EFI partition because there *was* corruption, I just did part of the process wrong, I think.
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who made this """notification"""" should be hanged. It started in 8 but was across whole screen. Like it was made for complete blind retards. Nah, you can't have normal notification like it was in 7, the user is too dumb, let's put that shit bigger and make the screen dim.
what's the best place to learn cmd or powershell?
ss64 and tinker, atleast for cmd. Windows Batch is really easy and you can learn it with some tinkering and playing around in a few minutes because it only has a few commands, but some of them (like if and for) are pretty deep. Chances are you don't need it to it's fullest though, at that point you should be using python or something. You'll feel it's limits if youu try to do something really complex.
Powershell? Fuck me, I dunno. ss64 has a powershell reference too but I fucking hate powershell and OOP and .net so I avoid it like the plauge.
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It's not that bad. I personally appreciate it a lot. My gripe with it is that it sometimes doesn't work at all.
cmd a poop, use python instead or something
>an airline was still using WfW 3.11
as a backup solution when their main systems fail, autisticus maximus
They main modern Windows, which is why Clownstrike's incompetence affected them.
Wrong kind of example to bring up.
We just had an example posted of a company actually using outdated Windows as their main OS software: >>101500170
That 3.11-using airline relies on modern Windows first, 3.11 as an emergency backup. Much smarter than all the businesses that got screwed and did not have backup systems at all.
Wrong thread, and I doubt it without being far more expensive and bulky.
Yeah but their software still ran on it, lmao. That means they need win32, which is what the discussion was about.
And it all goes around to Microsoft deprecating/removing Win32 being an incredibly dim idea.
No, the discussion was questioning how much Microsoft is really making from Windows through enterprise customers. That airline has spent big on modern Windows. Bringing up that they had 3.11 in reserve as a backup is literally not an argument in favor of denouncing how much MS makes on modern Windows enterprise customers.
few months ago there used to be a tutorial that listed stuff in gpedit and task scheduler that should be disabled. now there's only mention of Private Secure Windows
does it take care of all the troublesome services and scheduled tasks?
The private-secure-windows script disables services/tasks outlined in MS's own guides about enterprise privacy on their MS Learn blog.
No esl tard, anon was floating a hypothetical reality where MS drops win32. I was saying that was fucking stupid because enterprise customers, what I suspect to be the bulk of revenue from Windows, regularly use absolutely ancient software.
so basically Microsoft put spyware in Windows and then released an official guide on how to remove it?
The spyware is more so for consumers. The Enterprise/Education versions of Windows allow you to pretty much disable all of it, with MS releasing said guides for enterprise IT.
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Is "reset this PC" on w10 same as putting w10 on an usb and doing a clean reinstall? I cant find my fucking stick
nigga i don't care about python or programming. I just want to be able to use my OS better. cli comes in handy when your OS shits itself
then learn cmd with ss64 or try (fail) to read Microsoft's PS docs. It really would do you good to learn an actual scripting language if you want to use your OS better though, otherwise you're doomed to be a computer midwit. Also I seriously doubt cmd or ps will help when your computer shits itself that hard, windows is designed to be interacted with using a gui. Even if you installed server core it still has some gui bits.
Is there a viable alternative to Windows to Go for portable Live-USB installation?
yeah it should be, if you select the "remove everything" options.
usb keys are dirt cheap on ebay/ali btw, can get a 10-pack for <$20. wouldn't put anything important on them long-term but they're fine as boot media
ye it seems like it did a clean install
fucker is stuck at "getting windows ready" for like 10 minutes after I restarted cys of drivers
how do i get store/winget for iot ltsc 24h2
>>101529242 (OP)
Give me some win10 ltsc ricing tips
so i gave my dad my old gaming pc and he hasn't touched it for years
he finally started using it recently but it's been having these weird "pseudo-freezing" issues and i'm genuinely stumped as to what's causing it
i want to believe it's a windows issue but i've tried reinstalling multiple times to no avail
basically the interface will lock up randomly, this usually lasts for a minute or less but the mouse works and content onscreen still continues to render
let's say he's playing bg3, and a character takes an action in battle - the game logic will lock up and nothing will happen for a minute or so, the interface becomes unresponsive as if the game was frozen, but the graphics continue to render animated effects and such and the mouse can be moved, it's just the game logic itself that freezes
or even during normal usage of windows itself the whole interface stops responding and the image freezes but the mouse can still be moved
any ideas what could be causing this? is it a windows issue? imminent ssd failure? clearly something's broken but i've no idea what and searching doesn't yield any helpful results
he's supposedly already ran a memory test that showed no issues but i'll try confirming that myself at some point
i7-6700k, gtx 1080 if that matters
how much RAM does it have? this kinda sounds like a pagefile churn issue
>install windows to ssd
>hook up ssd to sata-usb adapter
it's just that shrimple
16gb so not much compared to my current 64gb pc
but should still be enough for basic windows use without freezing, my thinkpad also has 16gb and i've never had issues there
i'll have to check the pagefile but it should just be on default settings atm
>disables services/tasks
thought it was just group policies
you'll need to hunt down what service is doing that to the system, Task Manager and Event Viewer are your friends, and if you still cannot figure it out, try Nirsoft utilities, bunch of free tools that can come in handy in a variety of situations.
Is there a way to make the date/clock on the system be permanent even after reboot? Meaning, it won't change the clock based on the bios, completely ignoring whatever changes happen in the battery and it will basically just save whatever was the last boot date/time.
I don't intend to connect this system to the internet.
Just make a .bat file and run it every startup.
Can a couple of you guys post your
bcdedit /v
output to compare to mine? Also, does anyone know if it matters which volume your EFI is? like if it's volume2 will it not work right?
(I'm >>101525578 still troubleshooting a boot issue, can manually boot from F12 boot menu but if I don't do anything it says no bootable disks on a cold boot)
Lastly if the volume *does* matter, how do I go about "moving" my EFI to be the first one on the disk?
the point is to also save the last date and time, unless you mean making the shutdown process trigger a.bat file that saves time and then another .bat file that uses whatever the former saved, which sure, I could probably manage something but I'm checking options before attempting to waste time making something myself
>install 10 iot ltsc
Windows Boot Manager
identifier {9dea862c-5cdd-4e70-acc1-f32b344d4795}
device partition=\Device\HarddiskVolume1
path \EFI\Microsoft\Boot\bootmgfw.efi
description Windows Boot Manager
locale en-US
inherit {7ea2e1ac-2e61-4728-aaa3-896d9d0a9f0e}
default {f750aaf4-257b-11ef-871e-df9f1e16d4ef}
resumeobject {f750aaf3-257b-11ef-871e-df9f1e16d4ef}
displayorder {f750aaf4-257b-11ef-871e-df9f1e16d4ef}
toolsdisplayorder {b2721d73-1db4-4c62-bf78-c548a880142d}
timeout 30

Windows Boot Loader
identifier {f750aaf4-257b-11ef-871e-df9f1e16d4ef}
device partition=C:
path \Windows\system32\winload.efi
description Windows 10
locale en-US
inherit {6efb52bf-1766-41db-a6b3-0ee5eff72bd7}
recoverysequence {f750aaf7-257b-11ef-871e-df9f1e16d4ef}
displaymessageoverride Recovery
recoveryenabled Yes
isolatedcontext Yes
allowedinmemorysettings 0x15000075
osdevice partition=C:
systemroot \Windows
resumeobject {f750aaf3-257b-11ef-871e-df9f1e16d4ef}
nx OptIn
bootmenupolicy Standard
hypervisorlaunchtype Auto
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whoa you have device for Windows Boot Manager set to your C drive? I thought you couldn't boot off NTFS directly. The identifiers are different, though.
Is this an MBR install?
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i just chose auto part on my empty fresh ssd.
now that i think, im not sure i could even do this in 7 beta.
i was so dog-tired trying to fix my cloned boot for this ssd that i tried a lot of shit including mbr conversion i guess. at some point i nuked it whole and just installed my freshly deloused iso and wahla.
Did any ever benchmark IoT LTSC against the home/pro/whatever version? Idle resources usage for example
untweaked vs untweaked or what?
Any benchmarking will do. I remember the first time I installed it on a VM its idle was using waaaaay less than the my windows 10(Pro I think, not sure) host
both my Win10Pro and W10IoTLTSC installs use the same amount of RAM when idle, neither is better than the other when tweaked, Pro/Home just need a bit more tweaking; CPU usage on idle hovers around 1%-3%, (Firefox and Task Manager add a pinch more)
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How can I get a similar window style on Win10?
As far as I know they disabled the old Win98 look option, what do I have to install?
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>windows virus and threat protection keeps turning off and it's not possible to get it turned back on
Why does it do this, and how "at risk" am I since it's never on anymore? Windows 10 btw
try the chkdsk/dism/sfc trio to make sure your OS is fine

Event Viewer may give clues as to what might be the cause
anyone ever run into the notification center thing closing a second or two after you click to open it? did this install a long time ago so wondering if it's a result of some sketchy debloating software I may have run back then. I can't even fully read or dismiss them before the side panel disappears again
Same ways you can on 2021
can i install iot ltsc 2024 on a pc with unsupported cpu?
Yes. The IoT version of 2024 has no restrictions besides incredibly old CPUs like Core 2 Duo era ones.
and iot ltst wont ever get feature updates right?
[Code]wsreset -i[/code] as admin
When it comes to Win11...
>Win11 Enterprise
>Enterprise LTSC
>Enterprise LTSC IoT

In the case of LTSC versions, do they get the same feature updates available at the same time and its just up to the admin to install them (instead of an eventual forced updates) or does it take ages for feature update stuff to be added and is on a different schedule for LTSC vs GAC?
Anon, the point of ltsc is they don't get feature updates so the system is stable for a decade or more, they get only security updates.
I use 11 Pro and I like it just fine.
>remove defender on 11
>suddenly can't install any msixbundle (eg. msstore) because the install process requires defender firewall because ???
>remove defender on 11
Never go full retard, install another AV, even free ones so defender gets disabled
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name one (1) AV better than my current antivirus (pircel) that 1. disables defender, 2. isn't spyware (the ONLY network activity being database updates, if even that) and 3. won't coddle me like a toddler when pirating software/games
does defender actually cause problems? why are you disabling it?
Bitch please I use common sense '95 and I know at least to have something else to disable defender and its atrocious performance without crippling the system
You know pirate software have actual backdoors right? If it doesn't work without disabling your AV and needing admin rights you're part of the botnet now.
You can check it yourself uploading the installer to virustotal and check the behavior tab so you fully know everything that changes in your system.
botnet + it's a nuisance in general + (marginal) performance benefits
depends on the site tbdesu, rutracker+cs.rin is all you need
and i'm still perfectly capable of inspecting the files i download, never had any issues
You know, the best virus are the ones that are invisible, only take like 10% of resources and offer your zombie infected pc to others as a service to send spam, proxy others connections and steal credentials. Yous sound like someone that could use idra to debug other people's software and confirm if they are infected or not, or probably just a retard who doesn't see a popup cmd window and think his system is clean.
But hey a simple upload of any setup file to virustotal would confirm your supposed "legit" files, you should at least do it once in your life, specially adobe software and the setup inside packages folder
Yes, that is a problem when things like the scheduler update that allowed the recent heterogeneous core CPUs to work better was part of a feature update originally. I get them not forcing you to update anything except security, but it should be available in an easy to use selection of optional updates to merge in the case something useful came along.
I know what thread we're in, but you should seriously consider installing GNU/Linux.
So just use the pro version, ltsc is for atm, kiosks, etc
That doesn't stop nearly everyone including MAS from suggesting Enterprise LTSC IoT etc. I see it has some benefits in that its "clean" of a lot of other potential bloat, but it seems odd that even the non IoT version (just Enterprise LTSC) has less bloat too, but the whole "long term service contract" stability shouldn't mean lacking features, but choosing which of them to update as the admins wish. Its annoying as fuck to either have to pick the bloaty Pro or even Enterprise to get feature updates (but have them forced on you) or go Enterprise LTSC or LTSC IoT to have less bloat, but also nothing except security updates apparently.
Those are retards who won't stop asking when will the next ltsc version drop because they are 3 years behind on features when it only takes like 2 minutes to clean a normal version from preinstalled crap, hell if you select "English (World)" at install time you don't get any preinstalled bloat fromnthird parties and you can change back that region after install.
anybody using Chris Tits winutil script? is it good? do you recommend?
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Severe CPU hog for me, and it has no damn cap. Despite the praise I've seen it get here, it has never detected anything in all the time it has existed since earlier versions of Windows. Malwarebytes has been my go-to and saved my butt once during Vista days, and it otherwise just detects false positives all the time.
I'm not even using much in the way of pirated software or games that even triggers Malwarebytes at all these days.

On laptops with W10 or W11, disabling Defender gives an exponential boost in battery life. I cannot see Defender as being worth my time, other than disabling it in regedit/gpedit after turning off Tamper Protection.
and even if you disable smartscreen it still scans every single fucking thing you download from your browser, making the download take longer to complete
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>dont buy cpus with estrogen cores that overvolt and kill themselves
it's just that shrimple
Yes, it'll stay frozen on 24H2
i dont know if its overheating or the ram is dying
but my laptop freezes and then reboots
its very weird because i was using linux for a while and it was fine, i came back to windows 10 and it started happening too often
At install of Win11, is there any way to check what hardware device you'd be installing on by name? I have 3 SSDs that are all 2TB so having shit like
>Device 0 free space 2TB
>Device 1 free space 2TB
>Device 2 free space 2 TB
isn't much fucking help considering one of them I was able to update to the latest firmware (a Samsung 990 Pro) with a supplied ISO that I used the suggested unetbootin (and/or Rufus) to write to a bootableUSB , but the other two (a 980 Pro and 870 EVO )Samsung's supplied image didn't boot even on legacy mode, booted but didn't detect fucking my keyboard so I got no farther than "press any key to continue" etc.

So I want to install on the 990 Pro, but the usual partitioning dialog doesn't seem to specify what hardware its seeing. Is there some option to get it to do so? I'd really like to not take a chance an that it writes anything to the non-updated drives in case they have that AIDS-laden firmware from a couple years ago etc.
Select each disk and then run "detail disk."
Will list out info for the selected disk.
I mean in the shift+f10 cmd while in diskpart
ok i think i know the issue
its the amd driver version im using
That's a non-issue, the main Defender realtime scanner is the CPU hog slows down any computer.
Huh? As I boot the installer, it basically goes through the basic steps (ie put in product key if you've got it, pick language and keyboard layout etc) and gets to the partitioning bit where you have to pick a drive ( just listed as device 0, 1, 2.. 3 is obviously the 16GB USB drive I'm using to install the thing etc). Pick a drive for install , it comes prefabbed with max size and then just creates the 3 main partitions (ie the bootloader, the reserved tiny bit, and then main partition). Alternately there are buttons to delete existing partitions, repopulate what's available, load drivers , create additional partitions on whatever device you're currently highlighting etc.

I didnt' see "detail disk" at the time, but I'll check. If yo're talking shift+F10 I just wanted to make sure it isn't something that only comes up once you've already installed the OS and are fucking around in the bootloader and then yeah (at least with W10) you could spawn diskpart independently, like repair and other stuff. However given I've not installed yet and don't want to do so and risk it going onto an AIDS firmware, I can't get to that. Or is there a detail disk I can get to from that standard install process device selection/partitioning?
Yes that's what I mean. When you're inside a Windows boot USB setup you can invoke a command prompt with Shift+F10 and run whatever you please, like diskpart.
When inside diskpart you can just "select disk 0/1/2/3" then run "detail disk" and it'll say exactly what each disk is so you know which one is actually the one you want to install to. This shit's invaluable when you're installing Windows to a computer with many hard drives.
NTA as far as I am diskpart cannot give you the model number, if you know the name of a given partition though, you can `list volume` instead of list disk to get the labels

>I'd really like to not take a chance an that it writes anything to the non-updated drives in case they have that AIDS-laden firmware from a couple years ago etc.
I feel like it would have taken you less than 20 minutes to just unplug the drives and install on the correct drive
Okay, thanks Anon that helps. Will try it. Kind of odd they don't have it built in to the installer like any of the other partitioning tools . They've still got old WinXP-era clickable "load driver" options at that step (I remember having to put in a RAID card floppy disk driver util back in the day or else it wouldn't be detected. Same for certain early SSDs ) but they don't just have something to click on and say which device is highlighted.
The 24H2 installer actually changed the UI and it now looks like the setup when you run the setup.exe of a mounted Windows ISO. Still doesn't have the kind of things that diskpart can do normally though.
Like it would be best if there was a graphical button for diskpart's "clean" command instead of just deleting all the partitions because it doesn't truly clean the drive and leaves stray crap that diskpart's "clean" doesn't.
so i assume diskpart clean deletes the partition table like wipefs does on linux
Yeah it wipes every kind of partition/formatting on the disk. The Windows installer likes installing to drives that've been cleaned like this.
I thought that much like the BIOS/UEFI it may have been able to spit out the device name or something. My BIOS/UEFI can clearly identify the size, make and model if I go look at PCI-E devices, even though they don't have any partitions on them
>Just take it apart, disconnect all the others.
That would be my backup choice,but considering that the SSDs are mounted in a composite PCB slotted into a custom DIMM thing with heatsinks that need to be unscrewed, thermal pads to unstick etc... I'd like to avoid having to take the thing apart again if not necessary. Pic related. Its actually a neat, pretty well made device (heatsink seems decent on both sides, can hold up to 2 22110 M.2 drives one Gen5 one Gen4, neither fuck with the lanes of anything else on the board etc) but just a bit of effort to disassemble.

Yeah thats what I'm using so far, I've got both the ISO for Enterprise LTSC / IoT LTSC , and the one for standard Enterprise / IoT etc. and it goes right into the setup.exe style as you mention.
>deleting partitions doesn't clean up the crap?
Really? So if I let it basically selected which let it create a default 3 partition set on Device 0, then realized that it wasn't going to tell me which device was which, so I used the options to delete all those partitions before I rebooted to get out of the installer. Is there some sort of cruft left even if it appears to that installer that its back to the starting parameter (ie no volumes, just showing device 0 and its size etc)?
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I recently cut and paste 80gb of videos from my hdd to a portable hdd too free up some space. After doing so I noticed that only 1gb was freed up. Can someone explain this this grug brain what happened? Did it go into some kind of temp file or something?
The cruft that's left is mainly old partitioning info that Windows can get pissy about, which is why diskpart cleaning is recommended.
sorry ignore that, I misread your post, I thought you were saying you noticed they took up 1GB less of space
Try using WizTree to see what's going on.
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>common sense
>pirating software/games
If you have UBO, a shortlink bypasser and knowledge of the sites that're legit then pirating shit is easy.
>and knowledge of the sites that're legit
>"legit" public trackers
Bro you're fucking clueless.
At least join a private tracker you absolute dipshit. You have no common sense.
>Private tracker elitist
No one in pirate circles likes you anon
You arent in a pirate circle you idiot.
>and knowledge of the sites that're legit
That is what a private tracker is.
>Bro I know about 1337x it's totally legit bro I swear.
ty for the info, gonna try a defrag
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going by the design of MSIX packaging and sandboxing and winrt and what little we know about project reunion/the windows App SDK (this was the original thing that caused a bunch of retards to whine about getting rid of win32) before it became a compatibility layer for win32 apps to access UWP APIs and features most likely they've wanted to sandbox it as its own separate thing but never get rid of it

as an aside forbes is the single biggest spreader of tech misinformation, especially in regards to windows
lotta clickbait, lotta completely incorrect articles, lotta hyperbole
i think they may have been the source for the original fearmongering around getting rid of win32
>I suspect most of the money Microsoft makes from Windows is licenses from commercial customers
lol no it's from azure, windows is way way down, and enterprise customers are probably becoming more of a liability than an asset
i can't believe you dinguses got into an argument about this, everyone knows this
"taskbar on top" is a gateway drug to becoming a linux user, don't ever do it!
>can't read
I didn't say most money Microsoft makes, I said most money Window makes.
Bringing up Azure doesn't really help your point either, it seems like they're turning Windows into the Azure intergrated OS, an important part of a healthy Azure environment.
dumb fuck. ive been pirating 95% of my vidya and software since 03. ive had exactly two viruses. havent used an antivirus since 06. never used a private tracker. never had a compromised pw outside of when mangadex fucked up.
you can uninstall edge now on iot ltsc?
I used a photo as my background for my desktop and then deleted it from my picture folder and permenantly deleted it as well but its still an option as a background for my desktop and can still select and use it. I can't find the folder where its located. I found some folders but it only shows certain themes not all the options. I'm using windows 11 pro. How do I find the location to where this image is stored?
no, only when I get home
Apparently it would be stored in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Themes\RoamedThemeFiles\DesktopBackground.
I threw up
but it seems like i can uninstall it
So I download windows 10 enterprise lts ISO, now what? How do I put it onto my usb
Use the program Rufus to flash the ISO to a USB. Its default settings should work fine.
>ive had exactly two viruses.
yeah son, never ever did i keep an eye out for process explorer virus total, run autostarts, check for root kits, or keep an eye on my network traffic. fuck off retard.
any version of Winhoes:

1. Go to [OS drive]\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft

2. Delete Edge and EdgeCore folders

Done. Simple as that.

There's a little bit of files in AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge, but otherwise, it is dead and broken with a couple folder deletions and you can forget about it unless you reinstall Winhoes.
I recommend leaving the other folders that are in that folder containing Edge and EdgeCore together, they are used by other parts of the OS, but you can delete them if you really insist, I don't remember what stuff it breaks except Outlook right now. But deleting Edge and EdgeCore in Program Files x86 kills Edge for good, period. Windows Update will not fix it.
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This sounds crazy but I have never noticed colors when using powershell. I'm on '21 LTSC and haven't updated anything since February.

Am I going insane or what the hell is going on?
>he thinks viruses have signatures
you are retarded
its been that way since forever
dementia is kicking in, gramps
I guess it's dementia then. I use powershell from time to time, especially 'shutdown' command and whatnot... Maybe sun glare has affected my recent visual memory, I don't know.
no i mean you can actually uninstall it from the control panel or the settings app
at leas on the latest update, if you noticed they have been adding some windows components to the uninstall list recently like paint and shit
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nigger do i look like a fucking iranian npp to you? nobody is going to ever waste a zero day on a random nigger without crypto and with 2fa banking.
Oh sweet. That's convenient.
Anons... I'm lazy, how do I automatically update portable programs? Is there a program for that? Or do I have to update them manually? Do I have to get off my lazy ass?
sometimes they have an update function built in, other times you'll have to manually do it
>Win11 Enterprise GAC/standard vs LTSC
My understanding is that LTSC gets NO feature updates at all, but an entirely new version of LTSC arrives (which has to be manually installed? not sure if you can update from LTSC 232H to 242H etc) and some of those have some feature updates, like the enhanced schedulers.

Some anons keep saying LTSC branches (including IOT) are the way to go (including the OP paste) , but given you don't even get the option to install feature updates on the admins's choice (how I think they should have done LTSC - all the same stuff, but everything is optional with different channels of what gets into what similar to Debian Stable, Testing, Sid/Unstable etc and admins can choose what they like, with features in testing/unstable equivalent to those in the GAC/general Enterprise/Pro etc..track) but others are saying its easier to just get GAC release like standard Enterprise and debloat/uninstall what you don't need?
Is it just me or does xnview not have a way to view a whole folder with thumbnails?
im not that guy but i was planning to use winget for normal software and scoop for portable and terminal stuff
Are there still any older versions of office that can be installed and activated offline?
2007, 2010, 2016, if I'm not mistaken
How the fuck do I stop my audio crackling? Apparently it's Realtek bullshit. I wanted to buy a relatively cheap USB-A external soundcard so I can bypass Realtek. It doesn't have to be amazing, just about as good as built-in audio should be.
Also, I dual boot the laptop, and don't have the problem on Linux, so it's not the hardware. It's an AMD Lenovo Thinkpad.
you want a usb dac. been using one for many years due to this very reason. sound cards are dead or worse - come with chinksect software.
not gonna lie
i want to use windows 11 because i like the new look
i know its shittier than 10 but how much worse can it be
I've been using it for two years, it is not shittier than 10, it is almost exactly the same
wouldn't it be easier to use scoop for everything? plus scoop doesn't need admin priivileges or the Windows Store
10 or 11 LTSC ? or is the same shit
11 LTSC isn't even officially out yet, so I default to 10, not a fan of using prefinished software
nice anon
I reinstalled winders and now when I sort by date modified all my folders are at the bottom, how do i fix this?
>11 LTSC isn't even officially out yet
Why are some people talking about using it then? Is there some beta ISO or something?
It is unofficially out, people managed to get a prelaunch ISO and are sharing it
read the whole thread, there are a few suggestions but the first ones sound a bit jank
This was helpful, invoking Shift-F10 for CLI window and then diskpart. Though I had to figure out you had to specifically
>select disk 0
or whatever before you could do anything and then
>detail disk
as opposed to trying to write
>detail disk 0
or something else that failed syntax wise.

I found out that had I gone through with it on Disk 0 I would have been fucked, for some reason it turns out to be
>Disk 0 = Samsung 870 2TB SATA SSD (firmware not yet updated, maybe pozzed)
This is attached to whatever random Sata6G_2 or whatever port is on the mobo
>Disk 1 = Samsung 980 Pro 2TB PCI-E SSD (firmware not updated, maybe pozzed)
This is on the back of the pictured ROG Gen-Z.2 card in the Gen4 M.2 slot
>Disk 2 = Samsung 990 Pro 2TB PCI-E SSD (firmware updated, verified AIDS free)
Which was on the front Gen5 slot of the ROG Gen Z.2 card.
Considering that definitely the SATA ports and I am pretty sure the Gen4 slot on the back of that Z.2 card are both chipset lanes, I thought that at very least the Gen5 M.2 (which I think is using CPU lanes) would be listed first but apparently not, Windows! Fuck. Anyway, thanks anon. It was helpful so far. Now to install Windows (at least some version - anyone have advice for a utility or something FOSS for de-bloating a standard Win11 Enterprise as opposed to LTSC / LTSC IoT? )and then finish overclocking/performance tweaking, as well as trying to use Samsung Magician to update the firmware on the other two SSDs
It's very similar to 10 under the hood, it's mostly a different UI and that's the part that a lot of people here dislike.
Shit guys. Installed 11 for a family member because they wanted to. I explained some of the issues but he wanted to update so let's get past that.
He wanted a local account, not a Microsoft Account.
Apparently now, if you have a local account, when you click on the user in the lower left of the Start Menu to sign out, it greets you with a giant advertisement to create a Microsoft account.
It's bad enough that they removed it from the power button like it belongs, but this is fucking ridiculous and makes me want to bash the next indian I see to death.
Had to create three local User accounts before it showed up so probably testing the waters. Does a single dipshit indian stop to think "Maybe this is going to lead to market share loss"?
in your experience is the file explorer slower than 10?
Activating Office offline with either KMS_VL_ALL or Ohook has been the norm for ages now. Though the last version of Office that was a typical MSI install instead of Click To Run was 2010.
There's an open preview ISO that massgrave offers that'll become the retail release when the October monthly update comes through.
Oh sounds nice, reading the documentation might be enough, but could you give me a translation in retard on how to update a portable app? Let's say I have portableapp1 and I want to check if it has an update and download it, how can I do that through Scoop?
>w11 iot ltsc
>local account
>winaero tweaker
kino, this cured my linux distrohopping
so i added a new user to my personal desktop

how do i get programs like steam which i already installed on my main user account to show up in the new user account, do i just have to reinstall? what happens to the games ive already installed on my main user?
Massgravel works on server core, right? I just want it for hyper-v.
Its KMS activations work, yeah. I recommend KMS38.
am i retarded for thinking about upgrading my win10 vm to 11?
i'm a gorilla nigger retard right?
>upgrading my win10 vm to 11?
the EOL of coming around, 11 is stable and if you're already on win 10, it makes sense to upgrade. It's not like you have care about anything strongly or you wouldn't be on win 10 in the first place
You don't want to update most software unless you have issues with it. Most of the time it's useless.
did you ever make it to Guix System?
did you have a traumatic experience or something to adopt this disturbing view? it's always Windows users saying this shit
>winaero tweaker
Nothing is wrong with that, anon
>disabling Defender gives an exponential boost in battery life

Citation needed
Well about six or so services get disabled if Defender is disabled/removed so that must equal some performance/battery life increase.
i like to install most software the proper way so i can either set it as default for opening certain files or to have right click options
i know scoop packages a lot of times have a .reg file to do something like that but why not just install software like that the correct way
Word says it's fake on my W10 Education edition on my laptop. Do I just rerun the script?
Not that it does anything besides pester me on boot up though.
Did you use KMS to activate your Office or did you use Ohook
With KMS_VL_ALL I take it? You should probably uninstall it using the script itself then use MAS's Ohook method to activate it instead. It's much cleaner and activates it permanently.
I believe so. I'll give that a try instead then. Not like I had any major customizations. Thanks.
Why are AMDGPU drivers such shit on windows? They would work flawlessly on the first install but the next day they would just crash whenever I open an electron-based app or something.
Have you tried using RadeonSoftwareSlimmer to cut the cruft out of the driver package so less shit could go wrong
there's certain settings in the driver that are bad
generally keep things on AMD optimized and let the GPU handle monitor scaling
i know for a fact that 10 bit color depth is really bad
i would also avoid radeon boost/chill or whatever those settings were
anti-lag was stable enough iirc
i think you might want to turn off the driver error detection setting? iirc this just causes eager resetting of the GPU, meaning there's some places where it'll think there was a driver timeout when there really wasn't

>Why are AMDGPU drivers such shit on windows?
you've got basically no choice but to use a software stack amd maintains on windows compared to linux where the only AMD maintained parts you have to use are the two bits that talk to the kernel
no one uses the AMD software stack on linux, everyone uses the mesa software stack
did recently see a mesa fork that ported RADV to windows somehow

removing runtime dlls that the drivers aren't using and removing apps like noise cancellation isn't going to suddenly make the drivers more stable, just save disk space
you want to route API calls through the most stable parts of the drivers, which is why i would also recommend using zink (OpenGL-on-Vulkan), dxvk, and vkd3d-proton wherever possible so shit's running on top of the vulkan user mode driver (not always easily possible without some dll redirection hacks like .local files, modern unreal games in particular have issues with dx12 redirection)
I just remembered that the old NV GTX 1070 I was using for a temporary GPU as I build and test a new PC, can't output at my monitor's 4K native 120hz resolution. Thus I figured maybe its time to test the iGPU in the 7950X3D which should be able to output at 4K 120hz, but I've never used an iGPU on a desktop so what kind of config does it need for the new Win11 Enterprise 242H ?

My mobo (Asus ROG Crosshair X670E Extreme) has at least 2 USB4 ports that are marked as DisplayPort compatible but unfortunately my monitor, LG OLED C2, is HDMI only. So I bought an adapter that's male USB-C to HDMI female (and specially mentioned being HDMI 2.1 compatible, 8K 60hz HDR / VRR or 4K 120hz HDR/VRR etc) , and have an ultra high speed HDMI cable. Are there specific BIOS/UEFI settings I need to use the iGPU? What about Win11 settings?

Since I originally used an Nvidia card, it came with the Win Update version of some Nvidia driver, but it also had AMD chipset and GPU drivers. I also grabbed the latest adrenaline edition or whatever the fuck its called installer from AMD and installed it which seemed to provide both the suite of chipset drivers and the GPU drivers but at the moment of course, the GPU was the NV discrete. So once everything was installed software side, I figured I'd try swapping it - plugged in the USB-C > HDMI adapter and cable, while taking the NV 107 out of the PCI-E x16 slot so there wouldn't be any confusion of both of them at the same time. Booting up, I did get some video output for a second with the icon and (press key for bios) sort of thing, but then when it loaded into Windows booting up should be, no signal on the monitor. So something went to hell I'm guessing. I'll boot it up again and make sure I can get into the BIOS and everything stays visible at UEFI settings etc..but I am guessing that despite having the AMD GPU and chipset drivers, Win11 still shit the bed as it was expecting that NV card from before?
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help me out bros
twitch is blocking my browser, brave
how do i change the user agent or what extension can i use to bypass it
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i have changed user agent but still does not work
anyone knows anything
Strange its blocking Brave, being Chromium based. Its probably one or more of your adblockers or other privacy style addons or features - I know the same thing happened on Firefox to me. Some of it isn't even really a simple fix, much like captcha bullshit or cloudflare turnstile repeating forever, some of it is on them Try turning off some of your blockers both addon and built in stuff, then purge your cookies and other data for Twitch related domains and see what happens.

If none of this works, you can attempt to use a number of frontends like SafeTwitch or Twineo (which are kind of like Invidious/Piped is to YouTube). I suggest the addon called LibRedirect (for Firefox as well as Chrome/ium based browsers like Brave) which is FOSS and has a fuckload of potential instances to try for varying privacy frontends.
They have added in Brave shields something to disable Twitch ads in a optional filter list
Maybe thats why
Just tried in Brave myself and Twitch loaded fine.
or maybe https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/alternate-player-for-twit/bhplkbgoehhhddaoolmakpocnenplmhf?pli=1
the first option is the easiest and has been the safest bet for removing ads over the years.
i could watch it just fine last week but i reinstalled everything and its not working now
i dont even mind watching the ads lmao i just want to enter in my browser
mind as well use edge
Okay, seems its working now...but there's an overscan/underscan issue I think - its kind of like the picture is too "zoomed in" and icons on the edge of the desktop are cutoff etc. Anyone know where to find an overscan/underscan option in Windows 11 itself or the AMD adrenaline driver options?
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randomly it just let me enter i did not touch anything at all, well... gg
I use to use Alternative Player for a long time but the dev disappeared and the player stopped being able to block ads. Now he's seemingly come back and it works now after ages of it sitting in the dust, might look into it again.
i used it for the short duration there were no adblock updates for streamlink and simply never bothered uninstalling since i never visit the site anyway. i only follow 5 streamers and ive been using the site since like 2013 or so.
>Installed 11 for a family member because they wanted to
there's no hope for them
they want goyslop trash, let them have goyslop trash
just give make sure to remind them every problem they have is their own fault
The watermark for unactivated Windows, is that only on the desktop, or is it overlaid, if for example, you were playing a game or on a web browser?
It's overlaid over whatever you're doing. You can easily activate the system anyway with MAS so don't worry about it.
You are just ignorant.
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Finally disabled sing in fuckery after hibernation. Just change this value and you will get picrel:


Works on 21H2
Is your password like really long/complicated or something?
nta, but I wont update anything unless its no longer works. I dont need no more features or """security""", I just need to do my shit. I use some programs from 90's and could not care less. Most updates nowadays is pushing the subscription cuckery, cloud bs or just collect more your data. Justifying it by """"improving security"""" and shit like that.
any actual drawbacks of restoring ms store in 10 IoT LTSC? I need the calculator app and maybe some other dumb built in shit that I'm used to, never had the displeasure of using ltsc, but I won't be installing shit11 on my new build, at least not any time soon
Not really, as nothing is really installed UWP-wise anyway on LTSC. You could also just re-instate winget via the winget-install script from PSGallery if you want to download UWPs without needed to use the store.
do you have the msstore source on winget even without the store?
Yeah you do. Do you want instructions to install it?
i never installed anything from msstore on winget, does it also install dependencies?
is this the script
Yes it does. I'll just give you the instructions to install it, the script also installs winget's dependencies as well
>Set-PSRepository -Name 'PSGallery' -InstallationPolicy Trusted
>Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
>Install-Script -Name winget-install -Force
Just run these in an admin PS instance.
I installed the Adrenaline driver using a driver-only install. I think the underlying problem is the driver itself not the bloat added on top.
I've never really bothered with AMD cards the past couple years anyway because they don't play with Stable Diffusion very well. NVIDIA also has NVCleanstall which is nice.
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windows eleven seems alright, using it on a quad core 16gb laptop with a mobile 1650 and after five or six registry edits, it's not too terrible
shit like it not picking up and switching to headphone output automatically when plugging it in like w10 did is fuckin retarded though, requiring a click to confirm it
and not auto muting your speakers and instead playing the audio through your laptop speakers when unplugging is retarded too
I lost, fuck you
yep, lost
I didn't use it a lot because I use ExplorerPatcher to get the old explorer but yeah it did feel a little slower to me.
What was the last installer/portable version of Ungoogled Chromium that works on Windows 7/XP?
Use Supermium or Thorium.
>Windows 7/XP?
w h e w, all because of that shitty meme someone made, you fagtrons have 0 fucking personality
I'm on 7 using 122. It just works.
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>Features : Enterprise LTSC / IoT Enterprise LTSC
>Uninstallable Edge : Yes / No
>$OEM$ Folder Support: Yes / No
>IoT LTSC edition ISO's are available in English language only. You can install Non-IoT LTSC in another language and later install IoT LTSC key QPM6N-7J2WJ-P88HH-P3YRH-YY74H to change the edition.
Am I understanding wrong, or is the winning combination to install the the Non-IoT Enterprise LTSC ISO, uninstall edge, then install the IoT edition by adding that key?
Retard here, is there any reason not to install office 2021 from the yerong office tool? as in both from that source and that version? For example, is office 2019 better with windows 10? I'm upgrading from windows 7 and office 2013, so I'm super out of the loop.
yea these are driver settings, that's not going to help at all, that stuff's still there it's just not configurable unless you install the GUI (iirc all the corresponding registry entries are binary/obfuscated)

what i'm talking about isn't the bloat that does get installed like AMD ReLive or noise suppression, these are things like texture output format and how the GPU driver interacts with the monitor driver and resizing or the way frame presentation scheduling interacts with input polling
Do any of the Office versions listed in the pastebin contain Power BI?
Does DAZ loader work on Windows Vista?
Heyyo.... do any of the steps in https://rentry.org/windowsinstallguide do not apply to IoT LTSC 2021 like disabling updates and telemetry?
Yep. Also works on the server SKUs, including (interestingly enough) Windows Server 2012. Hence why it changed name from "Windows 7 Loader" to "Windows Loader" somewhere along the line.
another day on win 10, another day towards EOL
>using Windows Vista when Windows 7 exists
For what purpose? Aren't the system requirements the same? Are the drivers even compatible between the two?
I've had an external HDD for media almost since i was a kid. Recently bought a bigger drive to replace it, what's a good program I can use to clone my drive over?
'sup anons, I'm finishing my retro build and I've been unable to install XP on it using Ventoy, should I resign myself and install using a CD? or is there a USB method to install?
Gonna build a pc very soon
Should I get windows 10 or 11? I've been using 10 on my laptop since forever so I don't know if 11 is any better
It is almost exactly the same, at this point it doesn't matter
is there any way other to unfuck my wifi on W10 other than reinstalling the entire OS? wifi card works on Linux just fine but earlier this afternoon I suddenly lost connection and my wifi card isn't starting on Windows, with error code 56. a quick search said I needed to reset network and it should work again but now even my 2 ethernet ports don't work anymore and when I connect my phone in USB tethering it's not detected either, so something on the OS's side is majorly fucked up it seems (since again, everything is working on Linux where I'm posting from rn)
I'm not gonna have to reinstall, am I?
i've seen that happen several times due to problematic windows security updates
if you figure out which one (look up the KB numbers) you should be able to go into the settings and uninstall it temporarily
it'll eventually reinstall so you might need to uninstall it again until they roll out a fix
didn't work unfortunately. the only security update that had been installed somewhat recently (july 16) failed to uninstall after a restart
fuck it, I'll just backup my shit and install LTSC or something tomorrow. not my main OS but I wish I could get rid of it sometimes
anyone here uses bing wallpaper?
i want something that changes my wallpaper daily
if your hardware supports win 11, go with win 11. the end of life date is coming around soon to win 10
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1. I would argue by EOL it is clear he is referring to the date microsoft is going to stop supporting it,
2. His post is amount to "time moves forward" your post doesn't refute this in anyway whatsoever, even if Windows 10 doesn't die until 2030, a day is a day is a day, we are still going in the same direction
I'm guessing the Ventoy was partitioned as MBR with FAT32 partitioning? If it didn't load this way then a CD burnt ISO is most likely your best bet.
What's wrong with MBR?
Did you not read the original post? Anon is installing XP on a retro PC so naturally that would require MBR.
Microsoft isn't going to stop supporting it until 2032 at the absolute earliest, not even getting into ESU that's almost guaranteed to happen.
It's like with 7 really. Programs only started to stop supporting 7 (and 8.1) around the time of 7's ESU updates drying up. So for 10 it should pretty much be the same deal with its own ESU updates making 10 stop being fully supported around 2032.
10 is new territory since they tried the rolling release shit with it, but then also made a standard classic cycle release and called it LTSC
first windows that's going to be supported for 18 years instead of the old 10 years cycle
should have 2 more chances for a new windows that won't be garbage now that they're back on the 10 year edition every 3 years classic cycle now
>(((((((((((((((((((security updates))))))))))))))))))))))
Anon why make the new thread so early lol
Wait for at least a couple posts before bump limit at least instead of like 8 posts until.
>thread's almost dead
what did he mean by this
Making a new thread when the last thread has been at bump limit for a bit is very normal, anon.
He wants to be a janny and do it for free, but doesn't even have the tiny sliver of recognition of being a janny, just the hope of doing it for free.
Some generals make it before limit like fwt OP, some make it once the general hits page9 after hitting limit hours ago like csg, it really doesnt matter either way.
I'm not trying to be a "janny" anon. OP obviously just wants to be the guy that always makes the /fwt/ OP so he makes it early. That simple.
I might have to reinstall my windows soon. I've ben using windows 10 pro, but i hear its support is going to be dropped soon. since i don't want to deal with pirate shit, does that mean I'm forced to move to windows 11 soon?
Well yes anon. If you don't want to deal with "pirate shit" then you'll be needing to move to 11 at some point.
he does that to force the w10 recommendations in the op
Thanks for the response anon, as far as I'm concerned it's MBR since there's no FAT32 partition, just exFAT. It boots but craps itself with a BSOD after the initial loading of DLL's.
Will be installing using CD then.
IMO try again but instead of formatting it as exFAT you should try FAT32. But yes if you don't want to bother just do an ISO to CD burn.
so w11 pro? I kinda wanted to skip w11 and go straight to w12, but i guess we wont be getting xp to 7 , and instead this time i have to go through "vista" before I get to 7 ?
That'll be what you'll use if you don't want to go down other avenues.
Like you could just use the OP activator to change your edition to Enterprise if you want then re-activate it via HWID.
knowing how ms is handling windows I'm afraid there won't be any w7 anymore anon

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