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Finally a new DE that isn't buggy or slow shit.
It was a good idea until they decided to stick with braindead gnome design like CSD.
for now. they can add other UI concepts if they wish. making it familiar is a good idea for adoption.
By gnome users.
Yeah, so they should have made titlebars work how they work on every other OS.
>meme language
>meme "functional" gui library
it will be a failure of colossal scale
I can't believe it's actually happening in just two more weeks...
Delusional Gnomie
abandon your stable proven desktops to daily drive the first alpha of an unproven desktop
you heard it first on /g/
they don't force CSD.
Is this the distro where you can't install steam without the whole shit breaking?
Familiar to their existing users. Their distro uses GNOME right now
It had a bug for a very short while where Steam couldn't be installed. It only deleted the desktop if you tried to brute force it through the terminal and then typed "Yes, do as I say!" after receiving a clear disclaimer that what you're about to do is going to break your system.
So it only actually breaks if your name is Linus Torvalds from the Linux Tech Tips channel and your IQ is room temperature (in Celsius).
ever since that event APT introduced a feature where the package manager will block you from removing specific packages completely
Similar to how its done in RPM based distros.
Right now the system will block you if you try to remove the desktop on pop os.
more like pust cringe
you are not funny
as long as it's not gtk-based i'll have a look
Nobody asked for a new DE. Theres no reason for this. We have enough options.
Sorry, I can't be as funny as your shilling.
I hated APT before but this is just awful.
>abandon your stable proven desktops to daily drive the first alpha of an unproven desktop
I'm going to do it with my old laptop for sure. You think we have only 1 machine? I have 4 to use for distros.
>Nobody asked for a new DE. Theres no reason for this. We have enough options.
I wanted one because our options are shit.
Not using Xfeces. Not using buggy KDE. Not using slow ass Gnome.
This is just gnome again just different code
>This is just gnome again just different code
Good. I want that. I want a faster Gnome. Understood? Wait until your gay Gnome and KDE gets replaced by this new hotness and then you end up using it too.
>Nobody asked for a new DE.
I did. Every single current DE sucks.
>Nobody asked for a new DE. Theres no reason for this. We have enough options.
Wrong wrong wrong. I want a new DE and there is nothing you can do to stop it. All of the options are shit.
I fucking did. Gnome is retarded and tainting all gtk based DE while Qt is beyond bloated and a sepple nightmare.
>APT introduced a feature where the package manager will block you from removing specific packages completely
CSD is OBJECTIVELY SUPERIOR to a useless titlebar space bloat.
If his shilling is funnier than your attempt at humor, that’s your skill issue.
it's worse because now you can't remove the titlebar like you could before
CSD has no titlebar, that’s the whole point
Another delay? This shit was supposed to be released in April, then July, now August.
CSD is shit. It's also a security concern (TM) because an app can just draw a fake close button that doesn't close the window but instead uploads your crypto seeds to China.
I can confirm this still happens.
>Nobody asked for a new DE
GNOME devs are retarded and KDE Plasma is a buggy mess.
Can you type chink in it yet? IME didn't work last time I tried.
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They hadn't given an actual release date until now, so this time it's probably for real.
I hope so.
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>PooP™ OS with Tranny-based® plagiarism DE is coming out in Two Weeks©
>rust only DE
>against trannies
Lol, lmao even.
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I want it to be released, unlike Ebussy. I'm just tired of fake hype.
i dont really care man
thousands of wasted man-hours trying to make something that..... already exists????

also who the fuck uses popos? It is literally a meme distro, with like 3 morons maintaining it.
soon troons start to ack themselves and no one will be able to maintain thier rust spaghetti garbage
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ITT mind broken gnome shills on damage control.
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>This shit was supposed to be released in April, then July, now August.
They never gave a date, anon. Now they have.
You can override any button including titlebar in gtk and Qt. Signal interception is not rocket science.
Rust is far more maintainable than C, it has proper module support and actual encapsulation.
you know programs have literally always has control over even what the real close button actually does, right?
you find this out basically first thing doing babbies first gui program
Pop_OS! 是一个美国开发的操作系统,但我猜想当它发布后,人们会为中文语言支持做出贡献。它只是一个新产品,不像基于 GTK 的桌面环境那样成熟。

[1] Pop!_OS by System76 https://pop.system76.com
[2] Why you use pop os ? : r/pop_os - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/pop_os/comments/1aukfr8/why_you_use_pop_os/
[3] r/pop_os - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/pop_os/
[4] Differences between Pop!_OS and Ubuntu - System76 Support https://support.system76.com/articles/difference-between-pop-ubuntu/
[5] Pop!_OS Guide - GitHub https://github.com/mikeroyal/Pop_OS-Guide
why come nothing's written in it then?
>It is literally a meme distro, with like 3 morons maintaining it.
are you retarded? an entire company is behind it.
You replied to gnome shill. Dont expect those niggers to be honest. But that doesnt matter, soon we will dance calypso in a forrest of their gallows.
Your post was authenticated in Cloudflare in a Server written in Rust. Maybe venture out of your Cole circlejerk bubble.
good morning ebussy sir
What? I've never written a GUI so correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure that CSD means that every window draws its own titlebar.

"No titlebar" is what I get on, say, a tiling WM setup - with most programs that assume server-side decorations, that is. My "close button" is a keyboard shortcut, there's no minimise because it's tiling, and the window title is part of the statusbar/taskbar/panel whatever you wanna call it.
Some shittier software occasionally forces CSD - or sometimes has it optional but enabled by default, until I find the setting to disable it - and displays a completely redundant and superfluous titlebar that looks horribly out of place, is mostly non-functional and completely not needed. It's the opposite of "no titlebar".
Not wrong, but it does handle like 50% of the entire global internet traffic. You can write glow software in any language if you wanted to, that's the fault of the company not the language
It’s not title bar, it’s headerbar. The distinction is that the title bar only contains the title and window actions, headerbars contain lot more options, buttons and features. It doesn’t waste vertical space with a bar just for the title
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I think they like to use CSD because they can put other shit there. I have disabled native title bars but I still (have to) get the CSD title bar if I want to use gnomed applications.

It's kinda shit because it should be an OS feature. After all most Linux desktops will use not only Gnome applications but a mix.
That's just called a menu bar then I guess.
oh boy more fragmentation!!
this sure will help make the year of the Linux desktop a reality!!
fucking autism holy shit
noooooooooooooo!!!! more options!!!!!!!!!! the horror!!
CSD is good when it is used consistently.
Which is never the case with GNOME.
Like it makes sense for browser tabs, because a tab changes the whole context of the window. But your search field or hamburger menu or sorting options do not. They do not belong there. A confirmation button also doesn't belong there.
GNOME has no design guidelines of what goes there, so they spam random shit, that makes no sense.
>its not a titlebar, its a headerbar
Can you use it to drag the window and close the window? Then it is a titlebar.
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Pop! _OS is based and redpilled
>last post over a year ago
Really now?
yasssss more half assed shit instead of focusing our efforts in one project!!! macroshaft wangblows btfo 5ever!!!
Agreed. I think GNOME, KDE and other DEs should be abandoned so devs can contribute to COSMIC instead.
It doesn't count if I don't like it
This shit has been an issue for as long as I remember in ubuntu-derived distros and they have done nothing to fix it
Ironically I've never had this issue on arch
>GNOME sucks
>KDE is fine but can have stability issues, especially on major updates like 5>6
>Cinnamon, XFCE and Mate are old stale desktops without Wayland support managed by tiny teams that can barely move them forward
Yeah a new one wouldn't hurt.
Wake me up when they have feature parity with plasma
They really should have just started contributing to KDE. Same with Canonical after Unity. KDE only needs the bare minimum level of tweaks to achieve the functionality that they want from a desktop.
With this, Microsoft's gnome sabotage project dies.
Canonical should never have abandoned Unity.
My brother has a company,
It is just 4 people, my brother, his girlfriend, mom`s brother and some kid that is a friend of the girlfriend.

>b-but iT isS aN EnTire cOmPanY!!!!

Get fucking real.
Two weeks and it's over for GNOME
I think Gnome can see that Cosmic is going to take their users. I love it. I hope this replaces Gnome someday.
Cosmic looks gay. No thanks. I'll stick with KDE Plasma instead
That's how companies start out, anon. System76 is a big company with dozens of employees.
maybe it is like revolutionary window manager

just got new android phone, seem to have auto go option to everything, did not dare to tap it on
>instead of focusing our efforts in one project
Ebussy wouldn't accept your effort into GNOME even if you gave him merge requests on a silver platter.
I thought it was supposed to come out like 2 years ago?
I'm surprised they managed to convince management for a full rewrite that delayed the project 2 years.
Most sane companies keep their autistic devs on a leash.
Can I try it right now or is there no point?
I don't want a new DE I want gnome killed or at the very least forced to unfuck itself.
Centralizing things is retarded

They have 46 employees, most of whom work on the hardware side.

Cosmic's Github has 30 contributors, of which there are about 5 active contributors. A large part of the project is copying ready-made things and porting them to Rust, so they skipped a lot of the software architecture part.

For example, Cosmic-term, their terminal, is built on top of Alacritty, adding their horrible GUI.
so many seething gnome shills here, kek
>I think GNOME, KDE and other DEs should be abandoned so devs can contribute to COSMIC instead.
Mark my words, GNOME will be replaced by COSMIC in Ubuntu someday when it matures. It will just be KDE and COSMIC.

Xfeces will also die.
>GNOME, XFCE and Mate
I expect these 3 to be replaced by COSMIC since they are all based on shitty, old GNOME code that will never get better.
>Two weeks and it's over for GNOME
Not quite, but when COSMIC goes stable and people start using it on other distros, then GNOME will start to die. It will take 5 years or more for GNOME to die, but it will die since COSMIC does everything that GNOME refuses to do and is totally modern. Fuck GNOME.
>Can I try it right now or is there no point?
Wait for the alpha and then try it on an old machine. It is reportedly very fast.

>Cosmic's Github has 30 contributors, of which there are about 5 active contributors.
The difference is that those people are full-time employees who get a salary, unlike most DEs that /g/ swears by.
CSD vs legacy title bars has nothing to do with consistency, apps using different toolkit and a title bar can be inconsistent as well.
COSMIC alpha is going to be more stable than 35 years old KrashDE.
Not unless the management is autistic as well
straight into the trash
>COSMIC alpha is going to be more stable than 35 years old KrashDE.
Let's not get too hasty. It hasn't reached a giant pool of users yet.
this is literally an alpha, wtf are you on about
They keep delaying it.
even the pre alpha is more stable than kde
another souless android/ios clone
Does downloading steam still bricks the system ?
No, idiot. That was not even their issue and apt fixed it.
>Does downloading steam still bricks the system ?
that's not even what happened. Linus forced something he wasn't supposed to and apt had to make changes to fix it.
apt wasn't supposed to uninstall the DE when trying to install Steam.
The user wasn't supposed to type "Yes, do as I say!" to a disclaimer saying there's a dependency error and brute forcing it will cause the desktop to break.
Only a dumb -5 IQ baboon like Linus is capable of turning a mildly inconvenient bug into a destroyed system.

So your telling us that PopOS and steam were incompatible ?
they work fine together. it was just linus and his stupid use of apt
>install OS
>try to install steam through the software center
>constant errors
>look it up online: "Oh try the command line, it works better than the software center"
> type in 'sudo apt install steam'
>entire system is bricked

Clearly this is user error and not an OS issue, especially for an OS that gears towards beginners.
>> type in 'sudo apt install steam'
>>entire system is bricked
but that's literally not what happened. Linus was warned not to do this when he tried to force it.
fucking idiot.
Can we focus less about linus and talk about PopOS shitting itself of steam was installed.
>talk about PopOS shitting itself of steam was installed.
Not an issue anymore. apt was fixed. it only affected linus and very few users. it's just trolls like you trying to troll instead of getting a job.
>it's just trolls like you trying to troll instead of getting a job.

Aight fair.
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kthanks kbut kI'm ksticking kwith KDE
Gnome chuds, I don't feel so good...
That's OK. KDE won't be affected by this since KDE has a special niche carved out. GNOME however is probably fucked because COSMIC is basically a faster GNOME that is desktop-focused.
or even cinnamon considering since i think they're aiming to convert windows users
arch is the easiest to use linux distro in existence
This. COSMIC just looks like a better, and faster GNOME. KDE will always be for tinker autists (like me) but maybe that will change if COSMIC is really that fast.
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>popOS crashing and uninstalls steam and the entire OS because you wanted to use apt shitter to install one simple program

Use NixOS, the sane and sensible just werks distro.
>the sane and sensible just werks distro.
sounds like Pop!OS to me.
You mean Arch
They should force server-side decorations. No program should stray from the system-wide theme!
kek, Lunduke is causing drama again

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